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tofficial Cavs thread


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I agree to a certain extent.

But, teams like the Cavs and Jazz should be graded on the curve.

They have to overpay to keep guys.

Hayward, Kyrie, Parsons....none of those guys are max players.

But, I'm sure Lebron made it clear that he wasn't coming back to play with Waiters and Jack.
But, but his letter to SI said his relationship with Northeast Ohio was more than basketball and that he realized it would take time....LOL for everyone who believed the PR stunt that was executed masterfully. Yes...he wanted to go back home, but only if the home team had a very strong chance to compete for titles.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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I sleep just fine. Not sure what point you are trying to make. I am agreeing with the Cavs fans that they have a darn good roster. Just saying the expectations have gone up significantly since the PR letter in SI was published by James. This is no longer Lebron taking Irving and some young team on a journey. This Lebron with 2 other max players and very experienced veterans who are in a win now mode. With this team, the pressure will rise and so will the expectations.

Spot on.

I like Lebron.

But, if he doesn't win, what happens to his legacy?

He appears to be a guy that needs to take the path of least resistance to a title.

I give him a pass for that first title appearance with the Cavs.

They were clearly out classed.

But, his 2 fails in Miami and a lack of title this Season......

His name should never be mentioned alongside Jordan's again....actually, it shouldn't now.

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Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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But, but his letter to SI said his relationship with Northeast Ohio was more than basketball and that he realized it would take time....LOL for everyone who believed the PR stunt that was executed masterfully. Yes...he wanted to go back home, but only if the home team had a very strong chance to compete for titles.

I didn't believe that crap when I first heard it.

But, most outside Miami don't care why he left.

Lebron is a huge fish in a small pond and he has that franchise by the balls.

Power corrupts.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Bron's power is absolute.


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Apr 17, 2013
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I disagree. Winning title is a huge achievement even if expected. In fact, I think when a title is expected it becomes much harder.

Were talking 2 different scenarios.

My thought process is that if James is forcing Gilbert to spend what most would consider unreasonable amounts of money on every possible Birds Right FA ( like to keep Andy next year, overpay TT because they share the same agent), etc...go way, way, over the cap.....then combine that with vets coming for the minimum, why is having the best team some major accomplishment?


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Jul 17, 2014
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Hoopla Cash
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I didn't believe that crap when I first heard it.

But, most outside Miami don't care why he left.

Lebron is a huge fish in a small pond and he has that franchise by the balls.

Power corrupts.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Bron's power is absolute.

I dunno-

Is there on move that has been made that would not have been made if not for LeBron's "power"?

I really dont think there is- the only move that I would even really look at is the Love trade- and the fact remains that for the Twolves- if Love would have signed long term with them- there is NO CHANCE they trade him for Wiggins.

LeBron, Love, Kyrie

Andy, Waiters, Thompson, Varejao, Miller

Jones, Haywood, Delledova, Powel, Harris...

the Cavs have 5 pretty darn good role players right now to team with that top 3- and---- ray allen MIIIIIGHt be coming- personally i DONT think he is though- and i still think they will try and use one of their future picks and the jazz players they got to make amove for a center-- maybe henson

if the Cavs got Henson for a pick and voidable contracts.....couldbe a big time game changer


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Jul 17, 2014
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Were talking 2 different scenarios.

My thought process is that if James is forcing Gilbert to spend what most would consider unreasonable amounts of money on every possible Birds Right FA ( like to keep Andy next year, overpay TT because they share the same agent), etc...go way, way, over the cap.....then combine that with vets coming for the minimum, why is having the best team some major accomplishment?

James is not forcing Gilbert to do anything money wise. Gilbert will spend WHATEVER it takes to make the team better- he has proved that year after year after year

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I dunno-

Is there on move that has been made that would not have been made if not for LeBron's "power"?

I really dont think there is- the only move that I would even really look at is the Love trade- and the fact remains that for the Twolves- if Love would have signed long term with them- there is NO CHANCE they trade him for Wiggins.

LeBron, Love, Kyrie

Andy, Waiters, Thompson, Varejao, Miller

Jones, Haywood, Delledova, Powel, Harris...

the Cavs have 5 pretty darn good role players right now to team with that top 3- and---- ray allen MIIIIIGHt be coming- personally i DONT think he is though- and i still think they will try and use one of their future picks and the jazz players they got to make amove for a center-- maybe henson

if the Cavs got Henson for a pick and voidable contracts.....couldbe a big time game changer

Luckily, all the trades, extension and signings have been for the betterment of the team.

But, I still believe that Lebron is dictating the roster.

If it leads to a Championship, all the better.

But, I don't see that happening year 1.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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James is not forcing Gilbert to do anything money wise. Gilbert will spend WHATEVER it takes to make the team better- he has proved that year after year after year

Thanks for a contribution to the Make Shit Up thread :clap:

Please provide a list of all the years he paid salary tax when James wasn't on the team.

You seriously are living in a world of la la land if you don't think James is calling every shot.

Look no further then trading Wiggins.
Owners LOVE the thought of having talent with that upside locked into rookie salary contracts.

Instead, he's traded for a player wanting 5 yr/120M who won't even sign an extension?

Wake up.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Hoopla Cash
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Thanks for a contribution to the Make Shit Up thread :clap:

Please provide a list of all the years he paid salary tax when James wasn't on the team.

You seriously are living in a world of la la land if you don't think James is calling every shot.

Look no further then trading Wiggins.
Owners LOVE the thought of having talent with that upside locked into rookie salary contracts.

Instead, he's traded for a player wanting 5 yr/120M who won't even sign an extension?

Wake up.

He is trading for that player that wants a 5 year 120M extension because... HE IS ONE OF THE BEST PLYERS IN THE EFFEN LEAGUE AND PERFECTLY COMPLIMENTS THE BEST PLAYER IN THE NBA THAT IS ON HIS TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

all the trades the Cavs have made taking money back are ridiculous

the MoWilliams Baron Davis trade Gilbert took on extra TENS OF MILLIONS

the Sessions/Walton deal MILLIONS

this Love Wiggins deal TAKING ON EXTRA MILLIONS

Bynum's VOIDABLE contract for Dengs- MILLIONS added

Hawes deal MILLIONS added

Jazz deal they just made MILLIONS added

the HAywood trade to get his contract that will be used next offseason will ADD MILLIONS if not TENS OF MILLIONS tot he payroll

Dan Gilbert is not going to make some stupid, shortsighted CHEAP move like cutting one of LeBron's favorite players to save 10-15 million on the lux tax right AFTER winning a title like Mickey- I LOST THE BEST PLAYER IN THE LEAGUE DESPITE GOING TO 4 STRAIGHT TITLES BECAUSE I TRIED TO CUT CORNERS Arison


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Apr 16, 2013
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people talk about Mike Miller like he's freaking kevin durant. Sports is a business. Players who you're friends with leave via free agency, trade, or is waived all the damn time


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Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
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I'm convinced that Wiggy is the biggest wind bag on this board. How you could compare Gilbert to Arison as an owner is beyond me.


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Apr 17, 2013
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He is trading for that player that wants a 5 year 120M extension because... HE IS ONE OF THE BEST PLYERS IN THE EFFEN LEAGUE AND PERFECTLY COMPLIMENTS THE BEST PLAYER IN THE NBA THAT IS ON HIS TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

all the trades the Cavs have made taking money back are ridiculous

the MoWilliams Baron Davis trade Gilbert took on extra TENS OF MILLIONS

the Sessions/Walton deal MILLIONS

this Love Wiggins deal TAKING ON EXTRA MILLIONS

Bynum's VOIDABLE contract for Dengs- MILLIONS added

Hawes deal MILLIONS added

Jazz deal they just made MILLIONS added

the HAywood trade to get his contract that will be used next offseason will ADD MILLIONS if not TENS OF MILLIONS tot he payroll

Dan Gilbert is not going to make some stupid, shortsighted CHEAP move like cutting one of LeBron's favorite players to save 10-15 million on the lux tax right AFTER winning a title like Mickey- I LOST THE BEST PLAYER IN THE LEAGUE DESPITE GOING TO 4 STRAIGHT TITLES BECAUSE I TRIED TO CUT CORNERS Arison

If you really believe taking a shot on Oden/ Beasley vs keeping an injury prone, unneeded player like Mike was the reason James left, then there's no reasoning with you.

Mike sold his house over a year before the amnesty because it was common knowledge it was coming.
That's a long time that Janes could have been in Riley's / Arisons ear if it was something that was any issue.

As far as your other list of names, just look at it.
How can a FO be any more inept?

Still, it's called trying to field a team, it wasn't paying luxury tax,

And you REALLY think James isn't calling every shot?
James and all these other players are just eager to play for a European coach and a new GM?
Get serious.

What happened to youth and patience?
If that was the understanding before he came, as expressed on the letter, then why was Wiggins never mentioned? Probably the same reason they never made Wiggins Cavs jerseys?

If it wasn't the understanding, then why go out of your way to state it in the letter?
It's all BULLSHIT.

As far as Love being 'one of the best' players in the NBA, I guess it depends how long your list is, but GS doesn't think he's any better then Klay, correct?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I'm convinced that Wiggy is the biggest wind bag on this board. How you could compare Gilbert to Arison as an owner is beyond me.

I hope he doesn't decide to become a public defender.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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He is trading for that player that wants a 5 year 120M extension because... HE IS ONE OF THE BEST PLYERS IN THE EFFEN LEAGUE AND PERFECTLY COMPLIMENTS THE BEST PLAYER IN THE NBA THAT IS ON HIS TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

all the trades the Cavs have made taking money back are ridiculous

the MoWilliams Baron Davis trade Gilbert took on extra TENS OF MILLIONS

the Sessions/Walton deal MILLIONS

this Love Wiggins deal TAKING ON EXTRA MILLIONS

Bynum's VOIDABLE contract for Dengs- MILLIONS added

Hawes deal MILLIONS added

Jazz deal they just made MILLIONS added

the HAywood trade to get his contract that will be used next offseason will ADD MILLIONS if not TENS OF MILLIONS tot he payroll

Dan Gilbert is not going to make some stupid, shortsighted CHEAP move like cutting one of LeBron's favorite players to save 10-15 million on the lux tax right AFTER winning a title like Mickey- I LOST THE BEST PLAYER IN THE LEAGUE DESPITE GOING TO 4 STRAIGHT TITLES BECAUSE I TRIED TO CUT CORNERS Arison
Mickey says :yes: to Dan Gilbert and asks...Got three? And then says we do. For Gilbert to match the success that Mickey had with Lebron, the Cavs need to win the next 7 championships to bat 500% with the King on his roster......Using the amnesty provision on a Mike Miller that barely played the first 3 years with the Heat was a roster decision with a long term view of keeping the Big 3 beyond a 4 year period after constantly being in the luxury tax. I know its hard to think beyond a year. Gilbert lucked out because he and his management stunk so bad. 3 number 1 picks and 4 if you count Lebron in 11 years is the only reason the Cavs are where they are right now. They may end up winning for the next few years, but don't compare Arison to Gilbert.


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Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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Mickey says :yes: to Dan Gilbert and asks...Got three? And then says we do. For Gilbert to match the success that Mickey had with Lebron, the Cavs need to win the next 7 championships to bat 500% with the King on his roster......Using the amnesty provision on a Mike Miller that barely played the first 3 years with the Heat was a roster decision with a long term view of keeping the Big 3 beyond a 4 year period after constantly being in the luxury tax. I know its hard to think beyond a year. Gilbert lucked out because he and his management stunk so bad. 3 number 1 picks and 4 if you count Lebron in 11 years is the only reason the Cavs are where they are right now. They may end up winning for the next few years, but don't compare Arison to Gilbert.

Furthermore, in each respective year, Mike Miller played for the Heat; He played 41,39, and 59 games respectively each year for the Miami Heat.


When amnestied, he even threatened to retire if the Cavs picked him up due to his back being injured. But yeah, Micky Arison had no reason to amnesty Mike Miller at all.


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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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people talk about Mike Miller like he's freaking kevin durant. Sports is a business. Players who you're friends with leave via free agency, trade, or is waived all the damn time

you know who talked about Mike Miller like Durant and I have no freaking reason why? LEBRON DID!

yah- LEBRON- the guy your whole mini dynsasty was built upon- and Mickey Arison pissed him off by cutting corners and VOILA!!!!

your back to being a 5 seed with no chance of getting out of the 2nd round


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Apr 16, 2013
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He talked about all his teammates the same way. He was high on joel Anthony also. This is a business and he knows that. You can't keep everyone on your team and never make business decisions because LeBron james is friends with them. Dam Gilbert will probably never make changes after this because he will be too worried about LeBron feelings. Mike Miller contract was awful for the heat when you consider how he was never able to stay healthy


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Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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you know who talked about Mike Miller like Durant and I have no freaking reason why? LEBRON DID!

yah- LEBRON- the guy your whole mini dynsasty was built upon- and Mickey Arison pissed him off by cutting corners and VOILA!!!!

your back to being a 5 seed with no chance of getting out of the 2nd round

So our worse product will still be light years better than what Cleveland has put out the last 4 years. Just checking, carry on.


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Apr 16, 2013
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At least we are not the laughing stock of the league like the cavs were for 4 years when LeBron left. Pat still managed to put together a decent product that should win 45-48 games and possibly be playing basketball in middle of May. He didn't make LeBron James end his world like that buffoon Gilbert


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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you know who talked about Mike Miller like Durant and I have no freaking reason why? LEBRON DID!

yah- LEBRON- the guy your whole mini dynsasty was built upon- and Mickey Arison pissed him off by cutting corners and VOILA!!!!

your back to being a 5 seed with no chance of getting out of the 2nd round

Cavs fan telling Heat fans about playoff seeding.
Too fucking funny :lol: