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tofficial Cavs thread


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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Your franchise faces the same questions in a couple years once Lebron's no longer the best player in the league. Gilbert is not that much better of an owner than Jim Buss, track record proves it.

Dan Gilbert is a self-made man that has enjoyed success' unimaginable.

Jimmy Buss owes his wealth to nepotism and has not done one thing to prove that he is worthy of anyones trust running a Dairy Queen let alone the Lakers


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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The facts are the facts- the Lakers have offered a lot of money to a lot of players- whether you deny that Bosh and Dirk got large offers is irrelevant as well as offering MORE money to Gasol then he took in Chicago

Lakers fans need to face that Jerry Buss is no longer there and these are uncertain waters that they swim in. Sterling is no longer your co-tenant and right now that team has a GREAT coach and 2 top 12 players in the league and is LIGHT YEARS ahead of the Lakers

As i have said before-

Who is taking all this Laker money that has been turned down the last couple offseasons?

Who is going to rebuild the franchise once Kobe is gone?

Who is going to go there and say- The west is stacked- but i am coming to LA under a cloud of nepotistic failure, a tenant in the building that has seemingly insurmountable talent (for at least the next 3-5 years) and build the thing from the ground up?

If I am a player and looked at Jimmy Buss' track record i dont gamble my career on it- THAT IS DAMN SURE!- especially with so many other teams that are just light years ahead

I'm not re-hashing this bullshit with you again. If you want to see the answers, go back to the threads where you embarrassed yourself and had everyone telling how wrong you are and re-read them.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Your franchise faces the same questions in a couple years once Lebron's no longer the best player in the league. Gilbert is not that much better of an owner than Jim Buss, track record proves it.

I have a feeling that we are going to be minus a couple of Cavs fans by the time the season starts if they don't step their game up.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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I have a feeling that we are going to be minus a couple of Cavs fans by the time the season starts if they don't step their game up.

I'm content with that. I remember when it was Heat fans vs. Lakers fans. At least both sides could grasp simple concepts the other was bringing to the table. In this situation - not so much. I'd gladly go back to the ol' days, it was far more entertaining going back and forth with Lakers fans and less frustrating then what we're dealing with now.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I have a feeling that we are going to be minus a couple of Cavs fans by the time the season starts if they don't step their game up.

To be fair, I don't ever recall him saying Gilbert was a great owner.

He believes that Gilbert will spend endlessly.

Since James has him by the balls, I believe Gilbert will have to spend endlessly because he knows what will happen if he doesn't.

It all boils down to both James and Gilbert sold their souls to the devil ( each other).

They both stand to make a boatload of cash off each other, so as far as business, it's a good decision.

Once James leaves/ retires, everyone knows that the spending will stop as well as any winning.

Thing is, Cavs fans really aren't thinking that far ahead or really caring.

If I was one of them, I'd feel the same way.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 420.04
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To be fair, I don't ever recall him saying Gilbert was a great owner.

He believes that Gilbert will spend endlessly.

Since James has him by the balls, I believe Gilbert will have to spend endlessly because he knows what will happen if he doesn't.

It all boils down to both James and Gilbert sold their souls to the devil ( each other).

They both stand to make a boatload of cash off each other, so as far as business, it's a good decision.

Once James leaves/ retires, everyone knows that the spending will stop as well as any winning.

Thing is, Cavs fans really aren't thinking that far ahead or really caring.

If I was one of them, I'd feel the same way.

Haters gonna hate! Since he had the NERVE to leave the Heat not a day has seemingly gone by where you have not trashed him or the Cavs. And you say it doesn't bother you that he went back home. Well I call total:bullshit: on that. Because had he not left the Heat NO WAY IN HELL would you be badmouthing him. Enjoy!


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I'm content with that. I remember when it was Heat fans vs. Lakers fans. At least both sides could grasp simple concepts the other was bringing to the table. In this situation - not so much. I'd gladly go back to the ol' days, it was far more entertaining going back and forth with Lakers fans and less frustrating then what we're dealing with now.

I agree and at least there was acknowledgement from each side when the other had a valid point. Plus, the constant repetition of spouting the same bullshit over and over again, no matter what is pointed out to them, gets old.

Some of these Cavs fans are dangerously close to heatmyshorts level nonsense.


New Member
Jul 18, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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However, whether they get Love or end up standing pat, there are several question marks with this team that make them appear to not be as good as what the Heat put together with Lebron, D-Wade and Bosh.

Really? I've got to hear this. Love, LeBron, and Irving are BETTER than Bosh, LeBron, and a declining Wade. LeBron, Love, and Irving are all in their PRIME. Wade was breaking down when LBJ and Bosh joined him.

But, lets compare the rest. Waiters is better than all of the Heat bench players. Verajao is a pretty good defensive center. Thompson is reaching his prime and should be a double double machine. (he was pretty good at double doubles last year) Add in Mike Miller who still shoots pretty well. Add in Marion, a very good defensive player and veteran leader. Haywood gives them a decent backup center. Dellavedova shoots the three well and is an OK backup for Kyrie. (The Heat PG's aren't exactly premier players) James Jones can still shoot the 3 also. Ray Allen, if he decides to play another year joins the Cavs and gives them a pretty good three point shooting group.

I know there is a "hate Cleveland" bias here and it probably got even more hateful when LBJ decided to come back. (likely because of all the free agents don't want to go to Cleveland morons were proven wrong)


New Member
Jul 18, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I agree and at least there was acknowledgement from each side when the other had a valid point. Plus, the constant repetition of spouting the same bullshit over and over again, no matter what is pointed out to them, gets old.

Some of these Cavs fans are dangerously close to heatmyshorts level nonsense.

What nonsense? List it.

The vast majority of the nonsense is from you and your Cleveland haters.

Like no free agents would ever go to Cleveland. LBJ won't go back there. Kyrie is not that good of a player.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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Haters gonna hate! Since he had the NERVE to leave the Heat not a day has seemingly gone by where you have not trashed him or the Cavs. And you say it doesn't bother you that he went back home. Well I call total:bullshit: on that. Because had he not left the Heat NO WAY IN HELL would you be badmouthing him. Enjoy!

That's not true at all. Amazing that you are here a month and think you know what fans who have been posting together for over 4 years would be doing.

The majority of Heat fans on here were happy to have Lebron on the Heat because he's the best player in the game. However, for the majority of them, Lebron not only was he not their all-time favorite Heat player, he wasn't even their favorite current Heat player.

They've pretty much always acknowledged his shortcomings. Hell, turnup has stated many times over the years that Lebron is a prick off the court, but was still glad he was on the Heat.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
What nonsense? List it.

The vast majority of the nonsense is from you and your Cleveland haters.

Like no free agents would ever go to Cleveland. LBJ won't go back there. Kyrie is not that good of a player.

Like I said, step your game up or you won't last. You and Wiggy are proving yourselves incapable of anything close to objective basketball discussion and that won't work here. You need to bring more to the table than blind homerism and trolling.


New Member
Jul 18, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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To be fair, I don't ever recall him saying Gilbert was a great owner.

He believes that Gilbert will spend endlessly.

Since James has him by the balls, I believe Gilbert will have to spend endlessly because he knows what will happen if he doesn't.

It all boils down to both James and Gilbert sold their souls to the devil ( each other).

They both stand to make a boatload of cash off each other, so as far as business, it's a good decision.

Once James leaves/ retires, everyone knows that the spending will stop as well as any winning.

Thing is, Cavs fans really aren't thinking that far ahead or really caring.

If I was one of them, I'd feel the same way.

LOL, Gilbert has billions of dollars and has shown a propensity to spend freely. His fortune makes the Lakers owners look like homeless people.

Gilbert just built a new state of the art practice facility. He puts tons of money into the team. The Cavs payroll was tops in the NBA before LeBron left. And will be at or near the top in the next few years.

It really is amazing how little facts the people here actually know but pretend to be experts in.


New Member
Jul 18, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Like I said, step your game up or you won't last. You and Wiggy are proving yourselves incapable of anything close to objective basketball discussion and that won't work here. You need to bring more to the table than blind homerism and trolling.

GFY, you think you know NBA BB and you simply don't. Russ and me make you look moronic. Well, actually, you do a fine job yourself.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 42,000.00
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Haters gonna hate! Since he had the NERVE to leave the Heat not a day has seemingly gone by where you have not trashed him or the Cavs. And you say it doesn't bother you that he went back home. Well I call total:bullshit: on that. Because had he not left the Heat NO WAY IN HELL would you be badmouthing him. Enjoy!

I trash the person LeBron James.
Pretty much always have regardless of where he plays.

I've NEVER questioned his talent.
I've always defended his rights of FA.

Of course nobody wants to lose the best player in the world, but no reputable franchise is going to offer any player total control nor have to deal with his drama every single summer.

In a couple years his departure will pretty much be unnoticed around here,
and since we couldn't beat the Spurs as constructed, I'll take my chances with Riley rebuilding moving forward.

Cavs 'fans' were the only idiots questioning James'
heart, talent, basically everything when he left there.

You guys are the phoniest fan base I've ever seen.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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GFY, you think you know NBA BB and you simply don't. Russ and me make you look moronic. Well, actually, you do a fine job yourself.

Nice knowing you.
Bye bye :L


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 420.04
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That's not true at all. Amazing that you are here a month and think you know what fans who have been posting together for over 4 years would be doing.

The majority of Heat fans on here were happy to have Lebron on the Heat because he's the best player in the game. However, for the majority of them, Lebron not only was he not their all-time favorite Heat player, he wasn't even their favorite current Heat player.

They've pretty much always acknowledged his shortcomings. Hell, turnup has stated many times over the years that Lebron is a prick off the court, but was still glad he was on the Heat.

I have not been on Hoop for four years but since I got here it just seems to me that he always has something negative to say about LeBron since he went back home. From the "fuck LeBron" right under his name to calling him a douche. And like I have said before I just find it hard to believe that he had that much hatred for the main piece of the Heat puzzle that went to 4 consecutive Finals appearances. Because w/o James the Heat simply do not make those 4 trips to the Finals.


New Member
Jul 18, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I trash the person LeBron James.
Pretty much always have regardless of where he plays.

I've NEVER questioned his talent.
I've always defended his rights of FA.

Of course nobody wants to lose the best player in the world, but no reputable franchise is going to offer any player total control nor have to deal with his drama every single summer.

In a couple years his departure will pretty much be unnoticed around here,
and since we couldn't beat the Spurs as constructed, I'll take my chances with Riley rebuilding moving forward.

Cavs 'fans' were the only idiots questioning James'
heart, talent, basically everything when he left there.

You guys are the phoniest fan base I've ever seen.

Nobody in Cleveland EVER questioned LBJ's talent, just his heart. Cleveland Fans are some of the best in the world actually. There are Browns fans and fan clubs all over America. There are no fans of the Heat anywhere outside of Miami. Chief Wahoo is as widely known as any mascot.


New Member
Jul 18, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I have not been on Hoop for four years but since I got here it just seems to me that he always has something negative to say about LeBron since he went back home. From the "fuck LeBron" right under his name to calling him a douche. And like I have said before I just find it hard to believe that he had that much hatred for the main piece of the Heat puzzle that went to 4 consecutive Finals appearances. Because w/o James the Heat simply do not make those 4 trips to the Finals.

Well said and so true.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 420.04
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I trash the person LeBron James.
Pretty much always have regardless of where he plays.

I've NEVER questioned his talent.
I've always defended his rights of FA.

Of course nobody wants to lose the best player in the world, but no reputable franchise is going to offer any player total control nor have to deal with his drama every single summer.

In a couple years his departure will pretty much be unnoticed around here,
and since we couldn't beat the Spurs as constructed, I'll take my chances with Riley rebuilding moving forward.

Cavs 'fans' were the only idiots questioning James'
heart, talent, basically everything when he left there.

You guys are the phoniest fan base I've ever seen.

So now you are calling me a Cavs fan:pound:? Well try again. Anyway say what ya want, to me your "fuck LeBron" statement right under your name says it all.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
Fav. Team #1
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Really? I've got to hear this. Love, LeBron, and Irving are BETTER than Bosh, LeBron, and a declining Wade. LeBron, Love, and Irving are all in their PRIME. Wade was breaking down when LBJ and Bosh joined him.

But, lets compare the rest. Waiters is better than all of the Heat bench players. Verajao is a pretty good defensive center. Thompson is reaching his prime and should be a double double machine. (he was pretty good at double doubles last year) Add in Mike Miller who still shoots pretty well. Add in Marion, a very good defensive player and veteran leader. Haywood gives them a decent backup center. Dellavedova shoots the three well and is an OK backup for Kyrie. (The Heat PG's aren't exactly premier players) James Jones can still shoot the 3 also. Ray Allen, if he decides to play another year joins the Cavs and gives them a pretty good three point shooting group.

I know there is a "hate Cleveland" bias here and it probably got even more hateful when LBJ decided to come back. (likely because of all the free agents don't want to go to Cleveland morons were proven wrong)

Offensively, the Cavs are likely as good offensively as the big 3 that the Heat put together. Defensively, they aren't close. Love and Kyrie are not even close to D-Wade and Bosh on the defensive side of the ball.

Championships are won with defense. That is what the Cavs lack. When was the last time a team that wasn't in the top 10 defensively won a title?

How do you expect the Cavs to be in the top 10 defensively when 2 of your starting 5 are horrible defenders?

Experience is also a factor. When Lebron, D-Wade and Bosh teamed up, all 3 of them had been to the playoffs, Lebron had been to the finals and D-Wade had not only won a championship, but was a finals MVP. Of the Cavs big 3, only Lebron has even been to the playoffs. No one has any idea how Love and Irving will respond under playoff pressure.

The Cavs also have a head coach who hasn't coached an NBA game. Sure, he's been a great coach and won overseas, but overseas is not the NBA.

Like I said, the Cavs have question marks. It doesn't mean that they can't put it all together and win a title. But it's a bit early to be hanging banners and planning parades.