The CBA as we know it is doomed. There WILL be a lockout when it's up this next time.....players are getting paid less or having to take less to field quality teams while the owners still profit. That's not going to fly in the next round of negotiations.
They're going to HAVE to either increase the cap significantly or do away with it altogether.
I agree. I doubt that the cap will be removed entirely, but it seems very likely that there will be significant changes.
Interestingly, I think that the contract Kobe got and what has gone on with Miami's big 3 is creating a "crossroads" of sorts when it comes to players salaries.
Even at $23.5 million, Kobe is being grossly underpaid vs. his true value to the team. Lebron, in particular (and the big 3 in general) aren't stupid. Lebron knows Kobe how much Kobe is being underpaid. Even if he had simply opted in, he would still be making a little less than Kobe, even though he is worth more. Now, he's supposed to take even less? From a business perspective, that doesn't make a lot of sense.