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The remaining schedule and playoff chances.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It's pretty hard to overlook what they are doing in Arizona and not be impressed. I'm not going to crown anyone either but they are the hottest team in the NFC west. Not just this year either, they are 12-3 over their past 15 games so there is no way this year is some fluke. Plus they were doing it with a third string QB lately which makes their wins this year even more impressive. I'm certain that Seattle has a team that compete with them but I'd lay even odds right now for those two games coming up against Zona.

I would have laid even odds anyway, even if Seattle was playing well.

Now, as to the last 15, yes 12-3 is pretty good, but other than Seattle, everything they have done has been at home. They're 7-0 at home in this stretch (their last home loss was to Seattle), but on the road they're just 5-3. Their opponents have a .425 winning percentage combined with such notables as Atlanta (4-12), Houston (2-14), Jacksonville (4-12), Washington (2-5) & Oakland (0-6), as well as 2 7-9 teams last year (St. Louis & Tennessee).

Don't get me wrong, they're playing well right now, and San Fran and Seattle really aren't. THey have Philly and Dallas the next two weeks (offensive minded 1 loss teams) and they will need to come out of that with solid showings, since the last offensively minded 1 loss team they played (Denver), Arizona gave up over 550 yards of offense and 41 points.


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Sep 1, 2011
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Seahawks need to get by the Panthers on the road. I expect a dog fight here, I know the Panthers got their problems, but traveling cross country against a up and down team worries me some. At the end I think the Seahawks pull it out. Most likely not real pretty however. Just need a W here.


Feb 28, 2014
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Still... We scored on our last 3 possessions I believe it was .... Russ got into a nice groove and the line was doing a pretty good job... That was the best offense I've seen in a while... I"m thinking this carries over...

If it carries over, Carolina is going to get crushed. I can see the offense being an angry lot this sunday.


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Apr 23, 2013
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If it carries over, Carolina is going to get crushed. I can see the offense being an angry lot this sunday.

I think your going to see an angry team across the board. They've been embarrassed 2 weeks in a row and I think that stops this Sunday.


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Sep 1, 2011
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I think your going to see an angry team across the board. They've been embarrassed 2 weeks in a row and I think that stops this Sunday.

Hope your right. I do think you well see some new wrinkles put in, that will pay off, but I still see a close game. Seahawk victory of course.


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Dec 4, 2013
3rd stone from the sun
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If all the back stories have some truth to them, we got a potential train wreck brewing. We will see just how good Pete and the front office really are over the next several weeks. They did a great job building it. How will they do at keeping it together amidst all the adversity. Both on and off the field.


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If all the back stories have some truth to them, we got a potential train wreck brewing. We will see just how good Pete and the front office really are over the next several weeks. They did a great job building it. How will they do at keeping it together amidst all the adversity. Both on and off the field.

I guess we'll see. It really is challenge to keep it together. As for the back stories, those will fade away with the cancer that just got sent to New Jersey.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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gowazz02 point should have been Kansas City last year. This team barely made the playoffs last year after starting out 8-0. Detriot started out fast last year and missed the playoffs. Their is still a lot of football to be played and who knows who is going to be in the playoffs. I think as a fan you should start looking at the playoff picture after week 10. Your team should be at least 5-4 at that point. I would be shocked if you lost to the awful raiders and gaints. Good luck Seahwaks with the rest of your schedule.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
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The one issue i see NOT fixing itself is the lack of QB pressure. Disagree or not with me on this but Clemons should have been retained. If anyone watched what he was doing opposite Bennett and Avril last season would have noticed it was his presence that was allowing those two to get pressure. It was Clemons that was demanding the double teams allowing those two 1 on 1 opportunities and Clemons wasn't even 100%. Even though he was getting most of the doubles he was also right in the QB's face every time Bennett and Avril got there. It wasn't like he was invisible. Also he has always been a stud vs the run.

Clemons did not have a # producing year like he normally has had ( lets not forget he was not 100% )but he was responsible for allowing the other guys better match-ups and 1 on 1 chances. With out him those guys can't beat the doubles. He made Bennett and Avril better. He has 4 sacks right now. Wouldn't that be nice to have here? oh yes it would. Our highest guy has 3.
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Sep 1, 2011
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The one issue i see NOT fixing itself is the lack of QB pressure. Disagree or not with me on this but Clemons should have been retained. If anyone watched what he was doing opposite Bennett and Avril last season would have noticed it was his presence that was allowing those two to get pressure. It was Clemons that was demanding the double teams allowing those two 1 on 1 opportunities and Clemons wasn't even 100%. Even though he was getting most of the doubles he was also right in the QB's face every time Bennett and Avril got there. It wasn't like he was invisible. Also he has always been a stud vs the run.

Clemons did not have a # producing year like he normally has had ( lets not forget he was not 100% )but he was responsible for allowing the other guys better match-ups and 1 on 1 chances. With out him those guys can't beat the doubles. He made Bennett and Avril better. He has 4 sacks right now. Wouldn't that be nice to have here? oh yes it would. Our highest guy has 3.

In hind sight, at the moment it looks like your right. Lets see what Clemons # are at the end of the year. I'm sure you have hear of "better a year to early, then a year to late".


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
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In hind sight, at the moment it looks like your right. Lets see what Clemons # are at the end of the year. I'm sure you have hear of "better a year to early, then a year to late".

Yes i agree but only if you have the right pieces in place. I didn't think they had the right pieces yet but feel they had hope for some of the other guys to step up. Problem with that is they were hoping for that at to many positions on the defense. Letting Red walk i was fine with, not retaining Clemons after what he provided in only a partial season and not at 100% was a little shocking to me. I thought it was one of his best seasons even though he was not 100% and did not get the high profile numbers. I saw what he did that helped the others get those numbers though. I was lucky though as i had the coaches film package last season allowing me to see things much clearer after the games. He was such a force and his first step was still the fastest on our Dline. For someone coming off a ACL injury i was very impressed every week when i watched those coaches films.

From what i saw i felt he had at least 2 or 3 more seasons left in him once he was 100% again.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Playoffs? We just lost to the Rams who are one of the 5 worst teams in the NFL. Personally, I cant see us making the playoffs this season as I feel Arizona and SF are both better then us (hell I guess the Rams are too for that matter) and they sure aren't going to be taking 3 from our division.

I feel 9-7 this season


KFFL Refugee
Sep 2, 2014
Outside Buddy-ville
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The one issue i see NOT fixing itself is the lack of QB pressure. Disagree or not with me on this but Clemons should have been retained. If anyone watched what he was doing opposite Bennett and Avril last season would have noticed it was his presence that was allowing those two to get pressure. It was Clemons that was demanding the double teams allowing those two 1 on 1 opportunities and Clemons wasn't even 100%. Even though he was getting most of the doubles he was also right in the QB's face every time Bennett and Avril got there. It wasn't like he was invisible. Also he has always been a stud vs the run.

Clemons did not have a # producing year like he normally has had ( lets not forget he was not 100% )but he was responsible for allowing the other guys better match-ups and 1 on 1 chances. With out him those guys can't beat the doubles. He made Bennett and Avril better. He has 4 sacks right now. Wouldn't that be nice to have here? oh yes it would. Our highest guy has 3.

Losing Clinton McDonald was a bigger deal than losing Clemons. Interior DL pressure is our biggest problme right now.


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Sep 1, 2011
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Losing Clinton McDonald was a bigger deal than losing Clemons. Interior DL pressure is our biggest problme right now.

Losing McDonald hurt, but having Clements playing end, allowed Bennett to play inside some and that helped the interior pressure also. Losing both Clements and McDonald was a big blow.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Playoffs? We just lost to the Rams who are one of the 5 worst teams in the NFL. Personally, I cant see us making the playoffs this season as I feel Arizona and SF are both better then us (hell I guess the Rams are too for that matter) and they sure aren't going to be taking 3 from our division.

I feel 9-7 this season

We can get guy's back and play better as the season roll's along... We can clean allot of stuff up ... Remember it's better to struggle early than struggle late... It's how you finish... Just because we lost to the Rams doesn't mean the Rams are better than us... Any NFL team can bite you especially if you play as sloppy as we did in the first half of that game... Our special teams was atrocious and we continue to chalk up stupid penalties... These mistakes are fixable and a matter of discipline...


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Playoffs? We just lost to the Rams who are one of the 5 worst teams in the NFL. Personally, I cant see us making the playoffs this season as I feel Arizona and SF are both better then us (hell I guess the Rams are too for that matter) and they sure aren't going to be taking 3 from our division.

I feel 9-7 this season

3-3 record is still a good record after 6 games. Let's see what happens when Seattle gets their injuried players on defense back and the distraction of Harvin is now gone. I think this team rights itself and gets back on track.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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3-3 record is still a good record after 6 games. Let's see what happens when Seattle gets their injuried players on defense back and the distraction of Harvin is now gone. I think this team rights itself and gets back on track.

I don't think there's any answer for the lack of a pass rush and the Oline. Hope your right though.


KFFL Refugee
Aug 18, 2014
Puyallup, Washington
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Losing Clinton McDonald was a bigger deal than losing Clemons. Interior DL pressure is our biggest problme right now.

I agree with MK. We've actually gotten some edge pressure, but the QBs simply step up in the pocket because there is absolutely zero collapsing going on.


Trolling 45, it's EASY.
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Well. Division TITLE is still the Goal.

4-3 with two probable wins at home. 6-3 is probably a MUST, it's not of course, but they HAVE to win these next two games and go 6-3.

@KC and @ Philly. Tough task, hope to win 1+ of those, losing both spells trouble, if so no WC tiebreaker with either Dal or Philly.

Other than that, it is the 5 divisional games. 3 home-2 away.

If the Hawks are playoff worthy, then it shouldn't matter how hard the schedule is, just take care of business.

Go Hawks.


Aug 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Ridiculous to be counting any of the top three teams in the West out at this point. The Cards aren't going to be getting any starters back, they are out for the season. 9ers and Hawks can still count on guys coming back......long season and lots of tough games ahead.