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Texas & Georgia Tech to B1G rumors


Oklahoma Sooners
Jul 2, 2013
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It always degrades into Texas fans telling everyone how stupid they are.


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As I'm sure most know, it won't matter what Nebraska thinks, or for that matter OSU, MU, PSU, etc. If the B1G wants to expand footprint across nation TX and GT make sense. Gets them into top 10, may 6-7 market and recruiting in greater ATL area and penetrate huge TX area. They can figure out how to keep B1G, LH Networks and networks happy. Believe me, if Delany wants this to happen, he will find a way. This dude is very on the game of making $$


May 1, 2013
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they dont give me money. They actually take my money. Again try to stay on pt. This attempt to change the discussion is childish and illogical.
Don't be obtuse. You know what I was responding to and my point is taken. You didn't like the socialisitic approach of many conferences spreading the wealth. I said it was pretty much the going trend. Now your off on some tangent about you getting money. Your too cute for your own good. Pretty much most of the major conferences (that are eith starting their own networks or now have their own networks are for the most part sharing the revenue pretty evenly. I know Texas doesn't like that adn if you can get away without doing it without the Big 12 imploding more power to you. Just don't expect to be asked to join a conference without equal revenue sharing because that's the going/growing trend.

You've become too big for your own good. So you have the option of staying in the Big 12 OR going independant. I'm happy for you.


May 1, 2013
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The Big Ten has been equally sharing revenue for a long time. Yet Illinois, Minnesota, Purdue and probably a few others aren't competitive in football.
The 'equal revenue sharing' is merely a method of keeping losers happy by getting the same amount of money. It's a buyout.
Charlie you are so damned good at sticking your foot in your mouth. The B1G ofcially started running in '07. To turn a program around with new facilities or a larger stadium or hiring a better coach all takes time and money. It doesn't happen overnight.


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Don't be obtuse. You know what I was responding to and my point is taken. You didn't like the socialisitic approach of many conferences spreading the wealth. I said it was pretty much the going trend. Now your off on some tangent about you getting money. Your too cute for your own good. Pretty much most of the major conferences (that are eith starting their own networks or now have their own networks are for the most part sharing the revenue pretty evenly. I know Texas doesn't like that adn if you can get away without doing it without the Big 12 imploding more power to you. Just don't expect to be asked to join a conference without equal revenue sharing because that's the going/growing trend.

You've become too big for your own good. So you have the option of staying in the Big 12 OR going independant. I'm happy for you.

Daddy Texas is so in your head BigRed it's been 3 years of the same bull shit from you. I only call you out because you don't see Texas fans running to every single Nebraska topic to post garbage opinions of realignment from 3 years ago. We've all said this same shit about 50 times on 50 different threads on multiple websites. None of us are changing our minds. Let it go. We get it, you support Nebraska and will paint them in the positive light. We support Texas and will do the same. Let it go. Everybody...Or else I will do nothing but continue to bitch because it's a free country. However, I won't be happy about it!


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None of that makes your point valid. And almost everything you typed here is wrong to begin with.
-none of my points are valid??? i see nothing but lies & exaggerated stories on your end

HS games are broadcasted on several cable channels.....if it wasn't against NCAA rules, what is your problem? The NCAA made a decision, and Texas abided by it.
-lets get one thing straight, this wasnt some innocent little thing that texas unknowingly realized would cause a problem. this was something MAJOR that texas knew would cause a problem. it was such a big problem that the b12 & ncaa got involved immediately and shut it down. it was so evident of texas's ego that they actually thought that they could get away with it, that this was something that was allowed. its okay for cable networks to do it but not a school or conference affiliated network. theres a massive conflict of interest and a massive recruiting advantage to this and if you cant see that then i dont know what to say. HS football was supposed to be a key component of the LHN network and that never happened, it wasnt some silly rule that texas agreed to abide by, this was a full out mutiny by the b12 and the reason for aggie leaving and the uproar forced texas to back off the HS football games. this wasnt a lil change for texas......this was a major defeat for them.

Texas Tech and the LHN is clearly something you don't understand. The game was not broadcast AT ALL. This is what you fail to grasp about Tier 3.....the game was a home game for TSU, who approached TEXAS about putting it on the LHN so that their students could see it. Its their game and their rights. Tech bitched about it like Texas was the one doing this. NOBODY saw the game, it was not free or broadcast anywhere else.....hence TIER 3.
no texas tech is something you dont understand. i find it hilarious that you think TSU went to espn first........HAHA. thats like the ACC trying to convince everyone that they didnt poach the big east, all those schools came to them first. thats a joke. heres what we know, espn offered tech 5 mill in cash plus other perks to be on the LHN and tech rejected it. and somehow right after they reject that deal espn-texas state make a deal to put their matchup with tech on the LHN.....hmm why is that? you think texas state really just opted to out of the blue go on the LHN???? you dont see the coincidence that espn had already had 1 failed attempt to get tech on the network and was now forcing tech on via the texas state game??? jesus christ you are dumb. texas state had no reason to be on the LHN. your "so the students can watch it" aspect of it is a complete joke and totally wrong. why? because at this time the LHN was bombing its launch and had almost no subscribers. no texas state fan could of been able to watch it at that time so your "they wanna put it on the LHN so our fans can actually see it" theory is impossible. what really happened, espn wanted to get another major texas school on the LHN to get more texans to buy the channel so they did everything they could to ensure tech gets on the LHN wether tech likes it or not. you can say "this is fair cuz its tier 3" but the truth is just because its legal to do doesnt mean its ethical to do. theres no way in hell a b10, sec, acc, or p12 member ever does something like that to another school, let alone a fellow conference school, let alone an in-state rival. texas tech was so ticked off that they opted to cancel the game rather than play a game on the LHN.....and you really dont think the LHN is causing problems huh??????

Once a game falls to tier 3, THERE IS NO CARRIER. It will not be broadcast unless the school holding those rights can get a carrier to pick it up. This almost always means it will be on PPV. Sooner or later you will figure out how this works, but at the rate you are going at grasping basics, it will probably be awhile.
-this is also what you dont understand. they do get picked up by local stations for free or dirt cheap prices. this at least gives the fans the ability to see the game. the LHN doesnt do that why? because it has almost no coverage and instead of making these games available on ppv or local markets......they put it on a channel that just 1% of austin has. now which setup do you think is better for the fans? and these are the unimportant games that no one wants to see, not major matchups like ole miss-texas.
ESPN attempted to overcharge for the channel, which is why no one initially picked it up. That has since changed, and it is now a part of their regular channel lineup. When their contracts with carriers expire, if you have ESPN at all, you will also have LHN. This is the reality, and fact. You can call it a failure all you want, but that doesn't change the reality of what's happening. Currently two major, national carriers have it. Within 5 years all carriers will have it. This is AMAZING as it's simply a small school network, not a CONFERENCE network. The concept of a single school with a nationwide network is success at a level you have yet to fathom, clearly.
-not a fucken chance dude. texas is just one school, sure they may be the biggest and the best but they are still just one school thats not capable of pulling of a regional network like the LHN. the only reason twc picked up the LHN was because they were in a contract dispute over cbs sports and lost the channel and had to add sports programming fast. that was a move of desperation not luxury. theres no desire from the major carriers to pick up the LHN....none at all.

most of the texas fans who care about texas already live in the p12 blueprint. thats why the LHN makes no sense. you could of had a viable p12 network that would of been very succesful but instead you have the bullcrap "taking us a while to launch" we need to force teams on it routine. texas said they would only broadcast 1 ooc game on the LHN each year. and thats what they did year 1. then they switched to broadcasting b12 matchups & a 2nd game each year. now they are up to 3 games a year.....hmm whats going on?

do you not see the massive problem that this will cause with the b12 as more & more games go on the LHN? can you not see that espn forcing more LHN games & other texas schools on the LHN is a sign of their desperation to make it a viable network and not a sign of its success

get real homer


You can't rewrite history, clown.

FACT: The TSU-Tech game was not televised. Tech wasn't offered a DIME for that game, because they don't HAVE ANY RIGHTS TO THE GAME DUMBASS.

TSU owned ALL RIGHTS to the game.

JESUS you're dumb.

And once again.....ESPN is making the LHN part of the ESPN package. ALL carriers that have ESPN will have LHN, along with ESPN2, ESPNU, etc.

This is not opinion, it's fact. Deal with it. I'm not even sure I know why I respond to you, its clear you don't have clue 1. It's also clear reality is not something you have figured out yet.


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Jun 27, 2013
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Charlie you are so damned good at sticking your foot in your mouth. The B1G ofcially started running in '07. To turn a program around with new facilities or a larger stadium or hiring a better coach all takes time and money. It doesn't happen overnight.

When does Nebraska get their full share? That start yet? Everything is so even, but a top 10 program was treated luke a MAC school. How the hell did that happen?


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Jun 27, 2013
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Don't be obtuse. You know what I was responding to and my point is taken. You didn't like the socialisitic approach of many conferences spreading the wealth. I said it was pretty much the going trend. Now your off on some tangent about you getting money. Your too cute for your own good. Pretty much most of the major conferences (that are eith starting their own networks or now have their own networks are for the most part sharing the revenue pretty evenly. I know Texas doesn't like that adn if you can get away without doing it without the Big 12 imploding more power to you. Just don't expect to be asked to join a conference without equal revenue sharing because that's the going/growing trend.

You've become too big for your own good. So you have the option of staying in the Big 12 OR going independant. I'm happy for you.

Nothing obtuse about it. We were taljinf sharing gate revenue and you started yapping about records. Completely childish and off topic.


Old-School ESPN Refugee
Sep 28, 2013
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So ... like ... is this going to be a yearly rumor? Texas going to the B1G that is ...

They've been having "super secret talks" with the B1G for the last 3 years. I'll believe it when I see it.


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So ... like ... is this going to be a yearly rumor? Texas going to the B1G that is ...

They've been having "super secret talks" with the B1G for the last 3 years. I'll believe it when I see it.

According to every fanbase that hates Texas, we've been having "super secret talks" with all the conferences.....ALL of them. It's all a diabolical plot to get all our games on the LHN, when Texas doesn't even own the LHN, or control programming. Didn't you know?


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May 19, 2013
grand lake, ok
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The Big Ten has been equally sharing revenue for a long time. Yet Illinois, Minnesota, Purdue and probably a few others aren't competitive in football.
The 'equal revenue sharing' is merely a method of keeping losers happy by getting the same amount of money. It's a buyout.

I'll repeat this post for a while. Losers and trolls,respond at your pleasure.


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Jul 2, 2013
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You can't rewrite history, clown.

FACT: The TSU-Tech game was not televised. Tech wasn't offered a DIME for that game, because they don't HAVE ANY RIGHTS TO THE GAME DUMBASS.

they were offered a shitload of money + massive perks to play a game on the LHN and tech TURNED IT DOWN. (this wasnt the TSU game) thats when espn went after the TSU game and FORCED them on the LHN. WHAT PART OF THAT DONT YOU UNDERSTAND!!!!!!! just because texas tech doesnt have any rights to that game doesnt mean that TSU, espn,or UT were right in doing what they did. trying to defend what they did is like trying to defend what wall street did to cause the economic crisis because they didnt break any laws. its one of those cases where they knew exactly what they were doing, they knew it was wrong & they knew therewould be serious consequences to it

TSU owned ALL RIGHTS to the game.

JESUS you're dumb.

And once again.....ESPN is making the LHN part of the ESPN package. ALL carriers that have ESPN will have LHN, along with ESPN2, ESPNU, etc.

they tried to do this, that was their plan to get the network to launch and guess what????? every major carrier balked at that notion. its been 3 years since the network has gotten launched and they have yet to bundle it......do you ever ask yourself why that is???? the LHN is no espn3 or espnU where it has a national appeal. its a 1 fanbase network with limited programing and no network is gonna be bullied into taking a network thats that bad. at the end of the day the LHN is not viable enough to even be bundled on a major carrier. if it were it woulda been bundled by now.

This is not opinion, it's fact. Deal with it. I'm not even sure I know why I respond to you, its clear you don't have clue 1. It's also clear reality is not something you have figured out yet.

you wouldnt know fact if it slapped you silly across the face


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I'll repeat this post for a while. Losers and trolls,respond at your pleasure.

its a dumb post. the b10 is the strongest top to bottom conference. what those schools dont have in football they make up in fanbase, market, geography, & especially academics. thats what b12 homers dont understand. and its that kind of logic which caused the b12 to lose 4 quality schools


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May 19, 2013
grand lake, ok
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What a fricking dumb post. The Tech-Texas State post was broadcast. It was on one of the ESPNs. You are a really dumb Troll. No surprise.
You are a lying piece of shit. Once again, no surprise,


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The Big Ten has been equally sharing revenue for a long time. Yet Illinois, Minnesota, Purdue and probably a few others aren't competitive in football.
The 'equal revenue sharing' is merely a method of keeping losers happy by getting the same amount of money. It's a buyout.
Trolls and losers, please respond.


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What a fricking dumb post. The Tech-Texas State post was broadcast. It was on one of the ESPNs. You are a really dumb Troll. No surprise.
You are a lying piece of shit. Once again, no surprise,

read it & weep
It was reported that ESPN asked Texas Tech for permission to broadcast their November 5 game against the Longhorns on the network. ESPN told the university that the game would most likely not be carried on any of the ESPN family of networks, leaving a broadcast on the LHN as its only option. In return, ESPN promised to televise two non-conference football games over the next four seasons, broadcast some other non-football programming, $5 million cash, and help from the network to try to arrange a home-and-home series against a top BCS conference school. Texas Tech passed on the offer with Texas Tech Chancellor Kent Hance explaining that "I don't want a Tech fan to have to give one dime to the Longhorn Network".

ESPN revealed plans to broadcast Texas Tech playing at Texas State on the Longhorn Network in 2012 but Texas Tech threatened to drop the game in favor of an 11 game schedule so the game was taken off LHN.

the TSU-tech game got pulled off the LHN because tech threatened to cancel it and play only 11 games you idiot

thats how dysfunctional the LHN is


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you really are proving to be a dumbass charlie....

calling me a lying peice of shit because im telling you about actual events that actually occured


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read it & weep
It was reported that ESPN asked Texas Tech for permission to broadcast their November 5 game against the Longhorns on the network. ESPN told the university that the game would most likely not be carried on any of the ESPN family of networks, leaving a broadcast on the LHN as its only option. In return, ESPN promised to televise two non-conference football games over the next four seasons, broadcast some other non-football programming, $5 million cash, and help from the network to try to arrange a home-and-home series against a top BCS conference school. Texas Tech passed on the offer with Texas Tech Chancellor Kent Hance explaining that "I don't want a Tech fan to have to give one dime to the Longhorn Network".

ESPN revealed plans to broadcast Texas Tech playing at Texas State on the Longhorn Network in 2012 but Texas Tech threatened to drop the game in favor of an 11 game schedule so the game was taken off LHN.

the TSU-tech game got pulled off the LHN because tech threatened to cancel it and play only 11 games you idiot

thats how dysfunctional the LHN is

You still keep missing it. TSU sold the game to ESPN as a third tier game. Tech, nor Texas, had no say in it......and it was not broadcast.

YES, Tech bitched about it......but in reality they had no say in where or how TSU wanted to broadcast their game. ESPN figured they don't lose either way, so instead of Tech forfeiting a game, they simply dropped it. So, instead of students from TSU having access to see the game, as well as Tech students, NOBODY saw the game.

Did you have a point? Do you even know what you're arguing? Because once again, you've been schooled, with your own posts to boot!