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Texas & Georgia Tech to B1G rumors


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Apr 17, 2013
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I just can't see Nebraska being OK with Texas expansion.

Nebraska left the Big 12 with a lot of bad feelings so I just don't see them embracing the Longhorns.

Ga Tech is another matter. If their is a way to void that contract or negotiate it down I could see the B1G making a strong push for them.


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May 19, 2013
grand lake, ok
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now that i actually know the details of the deal....a quick google search

IMG’s guarantee is even more robust considering that there are practically no TV rights included in the deal, except for coaches’ shows. Ohio State’s local TV rights for live events are tied up by the Big Ten Network, for which the Buckeyes will receive an additional $6.4 million this year.

how does that 10 mill a year sound anything like the LHN?

and aggie totally left because of the LHN, you really think its just a coincidence that they were 100% committed to the b12 up until the LHN details came out & they suddenly left??????



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Jun 27, 2013
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And Texas putting in more work has gotten them what (in recent years)?
Ahh.. #1 in revenue. This is a discussion on conference revenue. Nice attempt to deflect..


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Jul 2, 2013
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Ahh.. #1 in revenue. This is a discussion on conference revenue. Nice attempt to deflect..

texas is in that class of programs who will always finish very high in revenue despite their record


May 1, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Ahh. I get it. You think everyone is entitled to the same things, despite putting in less work. Different rewards for different people, that sounds totally fair.
That's a pretty broad based assumption. Most programs put in the same "work". Splitting revenue equally allows all scholls to be competitive when it comes to facilities. And I'll be the first to admit that this was not the case some 15-20 years ago. And yes coda enen Nebraska had the every man for himself mentality. Times change and with it attitiudes should change as well. Anymore it's your only as good as your weakiest link."

If Texas can keep the Big 12 together with its way of revenue sharing good for you guys but the going trend even for schools that make loads of money (like Nebraska) is to associate with a conference that has a huge independant TV network and split revenues equally. And Nebraska still gets the majority of stadium revenue. Plus all kinds of money from merchandise.


May 1, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So you're telling me Nebraska splits the $9M they get every year from their 3rd tier deal with IMG with B1G conference members? They sure as hell didn't share a dime with Big 12 members when they closed that deal in 2008. Please name me one school in the country who shares their 3rd tier revenue with any conference members. Just give me one, that's all I'm asking for. Why the fuck would Texas share their 3rd tier revenue with conference members? NOBODY DOES THAT! You = :L

For fuck's sake some of you people need to research and learn what Tier 3 is before running your mouths.....
Where did I mention 3rd tier? So, for fucks sake shut the fuck up. All the crap you bring up and love to do repeatedly is history. Clean out your own hose. After all you're doing so well in all major sports right now aren't you? What's all your weqalth bringing you?


May 1, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The B1G bottom dwellers will always suck and will never be contenders. Unequal revenue sharing actually makes your bottom dwellers better b/c it forces them to make the effort to make their program better. If you're Minnesota, why bother making your program better when you're just going to get the same amount of revenue as Ohio State does? Don't believe me, just look to KU going 12-1 and playing and winning a BCS bowl back in '07. Hell, Okie jr finally stepped up and started spending money to make their program better and they were an ass hair away from playing for the BCS title a couple of years ago. Even MIZZOU was close to playing for a BCS title in '07. YOU WILL NEVER, EVER SEE THE BOTTOM DWELLERS IN THE B1G EVER WIN A CONFERENCE TITLE OR PLAY IN A BCS BOWL. The Big 10 has been a one team conference 98% of the time during the BCS era and is back to being a one team conference with tOSU ruling it again. Your example is a massive failure.
Look in your own back yard. Kansas? ISU? TCU? They'll be constatn bottom dwellers.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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That's a pretty broad based assumption. Most programs put in the same "work". Splitting revenue equally allows all scholls to be competitive when it comes to facilities. And I'll be the first to admit that this was not the case some 15-20 years ago. And yes coda enen Nebraska had the every man for himself mentality. Times change and with it attitiudes should change as well. Anymore it's your only as good as your weakiest link."

If Texas can keep the Big 12 together with its way of revenue sharing good for you guys but the going trend even for schools that make loads of money (like Nebraska) is to associate with a conference that has a huge independant TV network and split revenues equally. And Nebraska still gets the majority of stadium revenue. Plus all kinds of money from merchandise.
There is already is organized socialism in conferences. That is the TV and Conference payout. We can all agree this is a form welfare for the lesser schools. There is nothing fair about it, but we take the Robin Hood solution to help raise the unfortunate. Should it apply to gate revenue? Concession stands? Where is the line?
There is also the Astros problem. School like Kentucky actually makes more on its football program than its basketball program. Is it fair to share the revenue and see Miss spend 10mm on its program or Kentucky spends 13mm. If these schools are being given money to create a balance, should they be required to spend it?


May 1, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Ahh.. #1 in revenue. This is a discussion on conference revenue. Nice attempt to deflect..
No delfection...all the money you're making and all the great recruits you're getting you have little to show for it.


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Jul 2, 2013
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I wrote what I did when I read your post. AFA a rebuttal, it's unnecessary, because you choose not to be influenced by rebuttals.

i did.....and your rebuttal was BS

all i hear is "texas isnt doing anything bad....look osu sold tier 3 for 9 million a year"

you guys love to throw that stat out there, in fact i have seen it mentioned by a UT fan at least 5 different times. but when i mention the biggest catch 22 that totally makes that stat irrelevant you guys seem to ignore it

so please tell me who refuses to be influenced by rebuttals?


May 1, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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There is already is organized socialism in conferences. That is the TV and Conference payout. We can all agree this is a form welfare for the lesser schools. There is nothing fair about it, but we take the Robin Hood solution to help raise the unfortunate. Should it apply to gate revenue? Concession stands? Where is the line?
There is also the Astros problem. School like Kentucky actually makes more on its football program than its basketball program. Is it fair to share the revenue and see Miss spend 10mm on its program or Kentucky spends 13mm. If these schools are being given money to create a balance, should they be required to spend it?
And you accused me of deflection.?


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Jun 27, 2013
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No delfection...all the money you're making and all the great recruits you're getting you have little to show for it.
they dont give me money. They actually take my money. Again try to stay on pt. This attempt to change the discussion is childish and illogical.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2013
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And you accused me of deflection.?

hmmm. you wrote:

That's a pretty broad based assumption. Most programs put in the same "work". Splitting revenue equally allows all scholls to be competitive when it comes to facilities. And I'll be the first to admit that this was not the case some 15-20 years ago. And yes coda enen Nebraska had the every man for himself mentality. Times change and with it attitiudes should change as well. Anymore it's your only as good as your weakiest link."

clearly my rebuttal was directly related to this comment. Perhaps it just went over your head.


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May 19, 2013
grand lake, ok
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i did.....and your rebuttal was BS

all i hear is "texas isnt doing anything bad....look osu sold tier 3 for 9 million a year"

you guys love to throw that stat out there, in fact i have seen it mentioned by a UT fan at least 5 different times. but when i mention the biggest catch 22 that totally makes that stat irrelevant you guys seem to ignore it

so please tell me who refuses to be influenced by rebuttals?

That's easy, it's you. AFA Tier 3 Kansas was making $8 million/year, Okie State was making $6 million/year, even Nebby was making $4 million/year while in the Big12. None of them shared that revenue with the other members of the Big 12 and nobody complained. Texas was getting about $400k at the time and had lots of unused media. ESPN saw the opportunity to make lots of money off of Texas and ran with it.

Texas gets the LHN and becomes a target. It's just too funny.


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May 19, 2013
grand lake, ok
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The Big Ten has been equally sharing revenue for a long time. Yet Illinois, Minnesota, Purdue and probably a few others aren't competitive in football.
The 'equal revenue sharing' is merely a method of keeping losers happy by getting the same amount of money. It's a buyout.

Al Falfa

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I just can't see Nebraska being OK with Texas expansion.

Nebraska left the Big 12 with a lot of bad feelings so I just don't see them embracing the Longhorns.

Ga Tech is another matter. If their is a way to void that contract or negotiate it down I could see the B1G making a strong push for them.

Those bad feelings Nebraska left with had as much to do with getting their asses kicked as anything UT did outside the football field.


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May 18, 2013
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It wasn't the fact Texas monopolized their tier 3 that pissed everyone off. It was the fact they got a shit ton of money and ESPN in their corner that sent red flags up. Bunch of damn hypocrites for former conference members. They were fine getting theirs. When Texas got such a sweetheart deal they cried like babies. Fuck 'em all to hell. I'm so sick of discussing this shit over and over again. Why can't Nebraska and Texas A&M fans let this shit go? If things are so great in your new conference then go and enjoy it. Personally I think you miss the Big 12. No other excuse for you guys jumping in every Texas related thread to argue about why you left. This thread isn't even about why we left. It is some stupid rumor of us going to the Big 10. Just talk about the stupid rumor or shut the fuck up!


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May 19, 2013
grand lake, ok
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It wasn't the fact Texas monopolized their tier 3 that pissed everyone off. It was the fact they got a shit ton of money and ESPN in their corner that sent red flags up. Bunch of damn hypocrites for former conference members. They were fine getting theirs. When Texas got such a sweetheart deal they cried like babies. Fuck 'em all to hell. I'm so sick of discussing this shit over and over again. Why can't Nebraska and Texas A&M fans let this shit go? If things are so great in your new conference then go and enjoy it. Personally I think you miss the Big 12. No other excuse for you guys jumping in every Texas related thread to argue about why you left. This thread isn't even about why we left. It is some stupid rumor of us going to the Big 10. Just talk about the stupid rumor or shut the fuck up!

... but what would losers do?