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Texas & Georgia Tech to B1G rumors


Dad, World Traveler, Investor, college football
Jul 2, 2013
western side of the B1G
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UConn offers nothing at all. Football is horrible, academics are not that good, men's basketball seems to have regressed. Don't give a shit about women's bball.

You need to understand, there is also a U CONN rumor. U Conn has been told to up their facilities by some outside influences.

There is a reason that the Big Ten is opening an EAST COAST office.


On Wisconsin
Aug 31, 2011
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the B1G is already boring football as it is, it doesn't need GT to add to their stereotype.
Why do people insist on saying this still? Michigan and Indiana scored 110 points last week, Wisconsin and Oregon played the highest scoring Rose Bowl ever (and it wasn't all Oregon), etc.


On Wisconsin
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You need to understand, there is also a U CONN rumor. U Conn has been told to up their facilities by some outside influences.

There is a reason that the Big Ten is opening an EAST COAST office.
Because they added Rutgers and Maryland?

UConn adds nothing.


May 1, 2013
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Does anybody have any info on the rumor of Texas & the B1G being in negotiations for the past few months?...of course, the talks are supposedly under an NDA (non-disclosure agreement).

Here is a linky to a post from the moderator of a Texas board:

Texas to the Big 10????

I would guess it's BS (like most rumors), but ya never know!
I just wouldn't see the B1G allowing Texas to keep it's Longhorn network....With the current even revenue split in the B1G this would allow for Texas to get more money. Now if Texas were to agree to the same overall payout in revenue in keeping the LHN and taking less from the B1G so every team still got the same amount, that would be something to consider. Just don't know if Texas is willing to do that. Despite the down years Texas has had (in most major sports), they'd add prestige to the conference. GT? Not so much.


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I don't think it's all based on bullshit. Major athletic directors and conference officials from varying backgrounds have flat out said that super conferences are a big part of every discussion. Everyone wants to walk away a winner. Especially Texas. I don't think they feel particularly loyal.

B1G could only be shooting for 20 teams.... But you know the networks are ready to get rid of all the warmup games their money makers play against scrub teams with 2 fans. So what is really stopping conferences from going 22 or 24? 11 games plus a CCG for the top 2? Not bad.

But even if they stop at 20 and keep some crossover games... Why wouldn't they want to join with OU, Notre Dame, VT, NC, GT? That is an immense market, with enough marquee matchups to keep it all in conference. Tradition is already dying. This would be the homerun of all homeruns.

Bump because I want to know what people think. If super conferences are THEE reality. You can either make a big move or you can be a big dud. Nobody wants to be left out in the cold. Look at this lineup and tell me there's a better option for anyone involved if Super Conferences are inevitable

(B1G West)
Notre Dame

(B1G East)
Michigan State
Ohio State
Penn State
Virginia Tech
North Carolina
Georgia Tech

9 divisional games. Three crossover games. A CCG if you win out. Programs in the west division that are popular in the NYC and DC metro areas will probably be out there at least once every other year, and will be on their TV sets a couple of times with games against east coast teams at home, or nationally broadcasted.

The market... 60+ million people in the upper midwest including Chicago. Philly. Pitt. NYC. Tejas. DC. ATL. NC and VT don't have to share the wealth with their respective in state ankle weights. Basketball gets a huge boost.

I don't know. Why not just go for it. I hate super conferences, but it seems inevitable. I want the best possible option. And to me, this is it. We go back to playing most of our rivals regularly, and we get home games against Notre Dame and Texas instead of waiting around 2 or 3 years for big games against Ohio State or Michigan. And we'll get them every few years as well. I like it. Let's do it.

But Jerry World doesn't get to own the championship game. Fuck that. It rotates, or Texas can lick my balls.


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May 19, 2013
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If the Big Ten actually shares gate revenue with visiting teams, it's another reason that Texas will not leave the Big 12.


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If the Big Ten actually shares gate revenue with visiting teams, it's another reason that Texas will not leave the Big 12.

they share gate revenue with each other genius.....

hmm 3 b10 schools are 1, 2 & 3 in attendance......and they......GASP......share it with other conference schools


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Jun 27, 2013
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I just wouldn't see the B1G allowing Texas to keep it's Longhorn network....With the current even revenue split in the B1G this would allow for Texas to get more money. Now if Texas were to agree to the same overall payout in revenue in keeping the LHN and taking less from the B1G so every team still got the same amount, that would be something to consider. Just don't know if Texas is willing to do that. Despite the down years Texas has had (in most major sports), they'd add prestige to the conference. GT? Not so much.
Does Nebraska get a vote? Are you still 3/5s of a human being according to Big 10 or did you finally graduate?


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Jun 27, 2013
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If the Big Ten actually shares gate revenue with visiting teams, it's another reason that Texas will not leave the Big 12.
not sure where the Big 12 is one this, but why would Texas want to share get revenue. That is a major pt of contention in the ACC. Clemson has been bitching about that for some time and I completely agree with them.


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I just wouldn't see the B1G allowing Texas to keep it's Longhorn network....With the current even revenue split in the B1G this would allow for Texas to get more money. Now if Texas were to agree to the same overall payout in revenue in keeping the LHN and taking less from the B1G so every team still got the same amount, that would be something to consider. Just don't know if Texas is willing to do that. Despite the down years Texas has had (in most major sports), they'd add prestige to the conference. GT? Not so much.

there wont be a LHN in the b10......period. regardless of the payout

sure texas likes the prestige of having a school network, but at some point that prestige is not gonna be worth not playing aggie each year and being part of a dying conference


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not sure where the Big 12 is one this, but why would Texas want to share get revenue. That is a major pt of contention in the ACC. Clemson has been bitching about that for some time and I completely agree with them.

the acc doesnt share gate revenue, the whole reason why the b10 does it is because they want to make their bottom as strong as possible. they dont have this mentality where the stronger members get fed with a golden spoon just for being in the conference


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the acc doesnt share gate revenue, the whole reason why the b10 does it is because they want to make their bottom as strong as possible. they dont have this mentality where the stronger members get fed with a golden spoon just for being in the conference
Ahh. I get it. You think everyone is entitled to the same things, despite putting in less work. Different rewards for different people, that sounds totally fair.


Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
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I live in the heart of ACC territory. No one I have ever talked to, from casual fan to influential alumnus, is in any way pining to join the B1G. There is this delusion that B1G fans have, presumably based on the similarities in academics, that the ACC wants to be in the B1G. It is absurd.

First, for most ACC fans, geography and culture means something. The idea of traveling to Ames, Minneapolis, or anywhere in the mid-west for a football or basketball game (or any minor sport) is a non-starter. Second, with the addition of Syracuse, ND and Pitt, the ACC is once again the pre-eminent hoops conference ... why water that down? And third, as for football, with the Miami sanctions behind them, and the other schools playing better football, it could be argued the ACC is up and coming in football while the B1G continues to be in a malaise (at best).

I am confident that most responses will contact the acronyms CIC, AAU and BTN, but will not include GOR. It isn't happening folks, and I can't for the life of me see why you would want them to happen. Things are settling in just fine with the 5 major conferences, that I believe will split off into their own division with their own rules. Add the 4 team play off next year, that will expand to 8 in the next 10 - 15 years, and you have an awesome and profitable sport, second only to the NFL. But super conferences aren't going to happen because they simply do not make sense.


Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
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they share gate revenue with each other genius.....

hmm 3 b10 schools are 1, 2 & 3 in attendance......and they......GASP......share it with other conference schools
Actually, 1, 2, 5, 12, 17 ....

I don't want UGa to share their revenue with Vandy, and I am a Vandy grad. Vandy can take care of their own needs.


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I live in the heart of ACC territory. No one I have ever talked to, from casual fan to influential alumnus, is in any way pining to join the B1G. There is this delusion that B1G fans have, presumably based on the similarities in academics, that the ACC wants to be in the B1G. It is absurd.

First, for most ACC fans, geography and culture means something. The idea of traveling to Ames, Minneapolis, or anywhere in the mid-west for a football or basketball game (or any minor sport) is a non-starter. Second, with the addition of Syracuse, ND and Pitt, the ACC is once again the pre-eminent hoops conference ... why water that down? And third, as for football, with the Miami sanctions behind them, and the other schools playing better football, it could be argued the ACC is up and coming in football while the B1G continues to be in a malaise (at best).

I am confident that most responses will contact the acronyms CIC, AAU and BTN, but will not include GOR. It isn't happening folks, and I can't for the life of me see why you would want them to happen. Things are settling in just fine with the 5 major conferences, that I believe will split off into their own division with their own rules. Add the 4 team play off next year, that will expand to 8 in the next 10 - 15 years, and you have an awesome and profitable sport, second only to the NFL. But super conferences aren't going to happen because they simply do not make sense.

I was unaware I felt this way. Thank you for enlightening me!


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I just wouldn't see the B1G allowing Texas to keep it's Longhorn network....With the current even revenue split in the B1G this would allow for Texas to get more money. Now if Texas were to agree to the same overall payout in revenue in keeping the LHN and taking less from the B1G so every team still got the same amount, that would be something to consider. Just don't know if Texas is willing to do that. Despite the down years Texas has had (in most major sports), they'd add prestige to the conference. GT? Not so much.

So you're telling me Nebraska splits the $9M they get every year from their 3rd tier deal with IMG with B1G conference members? They sure as hell didn't share a dime with Big 12 members when they closed that deal in 2008. Please name me one school in the country who shares their 3rd tier revenue with any conference members. Just give me one, that's all I'm asking for. Why the fuck would Texas share their 3rd tier revenue with conference members? NOBODY DOES THAT! You = :L

For fuck's sake some of you people need to research and learn what Tier 3 is before running your mouths.....
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I live in the heart of ACC territory. No one I have ever talked to, from casual fan to influential alumnus, is in any way pining to join the B1G. There is this delusion that B1G fans have, presumably based on the similarities in academics, that the ACC wants to be in the B1G. It is absurd.

First, for most ACC fans, geography and culture means something. The idea of traveling to Ames, Minneapolis, or anywhere in the mid-west for a football or basketball game (or any minor sport) is a non-starter. Second, with the addition of Syracuse, ND and Pitt, the ACC is once again the pre-eminent hoops conference ... why water that down? And third, as for football, with the Miami sanctions behind them, and the other schools playing better football, it could be argued the ACC is up and coming in football while the B1G continues to be in a malaise (at best).

I am confident that most responses will contact the acronyms CIC, AAU and BTN, but will not include GOR. It isn't happening folks, and I can't for the life of me see why you would want them to happen. Things are settling in just fine with the 5 major conferences, that I believe will split off into their own division with their own rules. Add the 4 team play off next year, that will expand to 8 in the next 10 - 15 years, and you have an awesome and profitable sport, second only to the NFL. But super conferences aren't going to happen because they simply do not make sense.

i 100% agree that no acc school wants to be in the b10. i think thats pushed by bloggers and b10/acc homers pushing that

they have two very different focus's on academics, two different focus's on how to build their schools. (large state schools vs private/small state schools)


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So you're telling me Nebraska splits the $9M they get every year from their 3rd tier deal with IMG with B1G conference members? They sure as hell didn't share a dime with Big 12 members when they closed that deal in 2008. Please name me one school in the country who shares their 3rd tier revenue with any conference members. Just give me one, that's all I'm asking for. Why the fuck would Texas share their 3rd tier revenue with conference members? NOBODY DOES THAT! You = :L

are their buckeye & spartan networks????

is their a pooled group of b10 games that gets broadcasted on the BTN.......

get a grip you dumbass homer


Dad, World Traveler, Investor, college football
Jul 2, 2013
western side of the B1G
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Come on. Texas is a HUGE get for any conference. Texas knows it, and Texas negotiates from a position of strength. If any other school could do it, they would. Notre Dame does it. Ohio State would to it. Florida State is doing it. UCLA and USC would do it if they wanted. Stanford might not because they march to a different drummer.

Notre Dame has continuously bargained from their strength to the Big East(GONE) and now to the ACC.

35% of Gate Revenue

B1G shares 35% of gate revenue up to a maximum of $1,000,000 per B1G HOME game and a minimum of $300,000 per B1G HOME game.

What that means is

Michigan, Penn State, Ohio State and Nebraska pay the B1G $1,000,000 per home game of football. or $4,000,000 each to the B1G. This changes in 2016 when the league goes to a NINE game B1G schedule. One year a team plays FIVE home games, the next year that team plays four home games.