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Texas & Georgia Tech to B1G rumors

Texas Jefe

Come and take it
Jun 29, 2013
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Calling Texas fans idiots is offensive, and a slur and downright rude.

That's like me calling Michigan/Syracuse/Colorado fans idiots. Damn, that's a lot of schools' fans. Which one is the real favorite? I mean, if I were to become obsessed to the point of becoming a troll, which one to choose? Shit, I'd have to look up all the info on Michigan, Syracuse and Colorado, all their different supposed general traits that could be mocked, ridiculed and belittled. Where to begin?


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Jul 2, 2013
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john, what the hell is your problem? Why do you constantly rail against Texas, Big12, the South, yada.

LHN does absolutely nothing sleazy.

It's a College network. It's for University of Texas fans, exes, students. It has absolutely nothing to do with Michigan/Syracuse/Colorado people. So why the hell do you care?

Did someone from UT beat you when you were a teenager? Did a nanny or babysitter from Texas drop you on your head when you were little?

I mean, what the hell do you care?

if its not sleezy then why did the ncaa come in and tell texas they couldnt broadcast HS games????

why did texas tech throw a hissy fit when you forced them on there

why is it that in its first few years only a very small percentage of households in austin have it?

how come they took games that normally would of been free and make their own fanbase have to pay (even if it was half a cent) to watch it

how come it is taking forever to get the national carriers on board when the p12 network & btn took off overnight


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Calling Texas fans idiots is offensive, and a slur and downright rude.

That's like me calling Michigan/Syracuse/Colorado fans idiots. Damn, that's a lot of schools' fans. Which one is the real favorite? I mean, if I were to become obsessed to the point of becoming a troll, which one to choose? Shit, I'd have to look up all the info on Michigan, Syracuse and Colorado, all their different supposed general traits that could be mocked, ridiculed and belittled. Where to begin?

people who have to resort to the 3 schools thing only do so cuz they have run out of legit arguments to make


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if its not sleezy then why did the ncaa come in and tell texas they couldnt broadcast HS games????

why did texas tech throw a hissy fit when you forced them on there

why is it that in its first few years only a very small percentage of households in austin have it?

how come they took games that normally would of been free and make their own fanbase have to pay (even if it was half a cent) to watch it

how come it is taking forever to get the national carriers on board when the p12 network & btn took off overnight

None of that makes your point valid. And almost everything you typed here is wrong to begin with.

HS games are broadcasted on several cable channels.....if it wasn't against NCAA rules, what is your problem? The NCAA made a decision, and Texas abided by it.

Texas Tech and the LHN is clearly something you don't understand. The game was not broadcast AT ALL. This is what you fail to grasp about Tier 3.....the game was a home game for TSU, who approached TEXAS about putting it on the LHN so that their students could see it. Its their game and their rights. Tech bitched about it like Texas was the one doing this. NOBODY saw the game, it was not free or broadcast anywhere else.....hence TIER 3.

Once a game falls to tier 3, THERE IS NO CARRIER. It will not be broadcast unless the school holding those rights can get a carrier to pick it up. This almost always means it will be on PPV. Sooner or later you will figure out how this works, but at the rate you are going at grasping basics, it will probably be awhile.

ESPN attempted to overcharge for the channel, which is why no one initially picked it up. That has since changed, and it is now a part of their regular channel lineup. When their contracts with carriers expire, if you have ESPN at all, you will also have LHN. This is the reality, and fact. You can call it a failure all you want, but that doesn't change the reality of what's happening. Currently two major, national carriers have it. Within 5 years all carriers will have it. This is AMAZING as it's simply a small school network, not a CONFERENCE network. The concept of a single school with a nationwide network is success at a level you have yet to fathom, clearly.

Texas Jefe

Come and take it
Jun 29, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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if its not sleezy then why did the ncaa come in and tell texas they couldnt broadcast HS games????

why did texas tech throw a hissy fit when you forced them on there

why is it that in its first few years only a very small percentage of households in austin have it?

how come they took games that normally would of been free and make their own fanbase have to pay (even if it was half a cent) to watch it

how come it is taking forever to get the national carriers on board when the p12 network & btn took off overnight

Tech threw a fit? I don't remember. Why do you care? Are you also a Tech fan? Might want to add them to you avatar listing?

The reason only a small percentage of households in Austin had it was because Time Warner would not carry it. And TW carries a lot of households in Austin. This year, they and Espn finally made a deal. So now everyone has it.

This statement is totally false. If you need third tier rights explained to you for the umpteenth time, well, then you'll never get it.:frusty:

The reason LHN doesn't have the numbers of P12 and BTN is because, well, IT'S A NETWORK FOR ONE SCHOOL! P12 and BTN are for whole conferences, of many schools. Which means a broader audience. Which means more numbers...

Ah, fuck it. You successfully trolled me, the second person to do it tonight. Happy?



Resident Inhabitant and nerve striker
Apr 8, 2011
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NO, it would not have. STILL can't figure out how Tier 3 works, can you?

I can.

I have to pay for one PPV a year. That's a tier III game. You know, the ones that are 99% of the time yawners against nobodies.

Every other OU game is on TV for "free". FOX, ABC, FSW, and espn.

Can't complain.

Not to mention all of the additional OU programming on FSW. Baseball, basketball, volleyball, wrasslin'...3 coaches shows, replays, historical programming...heck, you'd think that FSW was the OUSPN.:yahoo:


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Aug 7, 2013
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People bash Texas for threatening to leave the B12 if they don't get what they want ect.. but didn't FSU do the same thing to the ACC with the new ACC deal when they were flashing leg to the Big12? I thought I read somewhere that they got a bit of a sweetheart deal. Did they?

Wild Turkey

Sarcasm: Just one of my many services.
May 21, 2013
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Doesnt mean the Big 12 would not get permission to sue, but it adds a little twist. The GOR could be unenforceable if Texas claims their sovereign rights in defense of UT. I was simply trying to show how complicated these things are.
That would be epic all the non LH legislators fighting the LH legislators...someone might get shot before it was over!

Wild Turkey

Sarcasm: Just one of my many services.
May 21, 2013
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People bash Texas for threatening to leave the B12 if they don't get what they want ect.. but didn't FSU do the same thing to the ACC with the new ACC deal when they were flashing leg to the Big12? I thought I read somewhere that they got a bit of a sweetheart deal. Did they?
It was rumored but nothing was made public to my knowledge but if true it sort of opens Pandora's box doesn't it?


Dad, World Traveler, Investor, college football
Jul 2, 2013
western side of the B1G
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If Texas were to be invited to the B1G they might need to up the academics for their athletes.

The latest Graduation Success Rate shows Texas at 56%. That means that the athlete-students that go to Texas have just a better than 50% chance of earning their degree after six years.

Georgia Tech had a 63% rate.

Purdue scored the lowest of the B1G with a 64%. Northwestern had a 97% rate.


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Jul 2, 2013
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None of that makes your point valid. And almost everything you typed here is wrong to begin with.
-none of my points are valid??? i see nothing but lies & exaggerated stories on your end

HS games are broadcasted on several cable channels.....if it wasn't against NCAA rules, what is your problem? The NCAA made a decision, and Texas abided by it.
-lets get one thing straight, this wasnt some innocent little thing that texas unknowingly realized would cause a problem. this was something MAJOR that texas knew would cause a problem. it was such a big problem that the b12 & ncaa got involved immediately and shut it down. it was so evident of texas's ego that they actually thought that they could get away with it, that this was something that was allowed. its okay for cable networks to do it but not a school or conference affiliated network. theres a massive conflict of interest and a massive recruiting advantage to this and if you cant see that then i dont know what to say. HS football was supposed to be a key component of the LHN network and that never happened, it wasnt some silly rule that texas agreed to abide by, this was a full out mutiny by the b12 and the reason for aggie leaving and the uproar forced texas to back off the HS football games. this wasnt a lil change for texas......this was a major defeat for them.

Texas Tech and the LHN is clearly something you don't understand. The game was not broadcast AT ALL. This is what you fail to grasp about Tier 3.....the game was a home game for TSU, who approached TEXAS about putting it on the LHN so that their students could see it. Its their game and their rights. Tech bitched about it like Texas was the one doing this. NOBODY saw the game, it was not free or broadcast anywhere else.....hence TIER 3.
no texas tech is something you dont understand. i find it hilarious that you think TSU went to espn first........HAHA. thats like the ACC trying to convince everyone that they didnt poach the big east, all those schools came to them first. thats a joke. heres what we know, espn offered tech 5 mill in cash plus other perks to be on the LHN and tech rejected it. and somehow right after they reject that deal espn-texas state make a deal to put their matchup with tech on the LHN.....hmm why is that? you think texas state really just opted to out of the blue go on the LHN???? you dont see the coincidence that espn had already had 1 failed attempt to get tech on the network and was now forcing tech on via the texas state game??? jesus christ you are dumb. texas state had no reason to be on the LHN. your "so the students can watch it" aspect of it is a complete joke and totally wrong. why? because at this time the LHN was bombing its launch and had almost no subscribers. no texas state fan could of been able to watch it at that time so your "they wanna put it on the LHN so our fans can actually see it" theory is impossible. what really happened, espn wanted to get another major texas school on the LHN to get more texans to buy the channel so they did everything they could to ensure tech gets on the LHN wether tech likes it or not. you can say "this is fair cuz its tier 3" but the truth is just because its legal to do doesnt mean its ethical to do. theres no way in hell a b10, sec, acc, or p12 member ever does something like that to another school, let alone a fellow conference school, let alone an in-state rival. texas tech was so ticked off that they opted to cancel the game rather than play a game on the LHN.....and you really dont think the LHN is causing problems huh??????

Once a game falls to tier 3, THERE IS NO CARRIER. It will not be broadcast unless the school holding those rights can get a carrier to pick it up. This almost always means it will be on PPV. Sooner or later you will figure out how this works, but at the rate you are going at grasping basics, it will probably be awhile.
-this is also what you dont understand. they do get picked up by local stations for free or dirt cheap prices. this at least gives the fans the ability to see the game. the LHN doesnt do that why? because it has almost no coverage and instead of making these games available on ppv or local markets......they put it on a channel that just 1% of austin has. now which setup do you think is better for the fans? and these are the unimportant games that no one wants to see, not major matchups like ole miss-texas.
ESPN attempted to overcharge for the channel, which is why no one initially picked it up. That has since changed, and it is now a part of their regular channel lineup. When their contracts with carriers expire, if you have ESPN at all, you will also have LHN. This is the reality, and fact. You can call it a failure all you want, but that doesn't change the reality of what's happening. Currently two major, national carriers have it. Within 5 years all carriers will have it. This is AMAZING as it's simply a small school network, not a CONFERENCE network. The concept of a single school with a nationwide network is success at a level you have yet to fathom, clearly.
-not a fucken chance dude. texas is just one school, sure they may be the biggest and the best but they are still just one school thats not capable of pulling of a regional network like the LHN. the only reason twc picked up the LHN was because they were in a contract dispute over cbs sports and lost the channel and had to add sports programming fast. that was a move of desperation not luxury. theres no desire from the major carriers to pick up the LHN....none at all.

most of the texas fans who care about texas already live in the p12 blueprint. thats why the LHN makes no sense. you could of had a viable p12 network that would of been very succesful but instead you have the bullcrap "taking us a while to launch" we need to force teams on it routine. texas said they would only broadcast 1 ooc game on the LHN each year. and thats what they did year 1. then they switched to broadcasting b12 matchups & a 2nd game each year. now they are up to 3 games a year.....hmm whats going on?

do you not see the massive problem that this will cause with the b12 as more & more games go on the LHN? can you not see that espn forcing more LHN games & other texas schools on the LHN is a sign of their desperation to make it a viable network and not a sign of its success

get real homer


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People bash Texas for threatening to leave the B12 if they don't get what they want ect.. but didn't FSU do the same thing to the ACC with the new ACC deal when they were flashing leg to the Big12? I thought I read somewhere that they got a bit of a sweetheart deal. Did they?

they didnt get any special treatment. and fyi they were never threatening to leave the ACC, that was all shit spurned by the dude & a couple of other wvu/b12/fsu homers. by no means were the guys who were actually running the school having serious discussions about a move


Oregon Is Faster
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the B1G is already boring football as it is, it doesn't need GT to add to their stereotype.


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I don't think it's all based on bullshit. Major athletic directors and conference officials from varying backgrounds have flat out said that super conferences are a big part of every discussion. Everyone wants to walk away a winner. Especially Texas. I don't think they feel particularly loyal.

B1G could only be shooting for 20 teams.... But you know the networks are ready to get rid of all the warmup games their money makers play against scrub teams with 2 fans. So what is really stopping conferences from going 22 or 24? 11 games plus a CCG for the top 2? Not bad.

But even if they stop at 20 and keep some crossover games... Why wouldn't they want to join with OU, Notre Dame, VT, NC, GT? That is an immense market, with enough marquee matchups to keep it all in conference. Tradition is already dying. This would be the homerun of all homeruns.


Apr 17, 2013
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If you are the B1G and you wanted to go to 16, what schools would you poach, in order? Just curious?

If it was up to me, I would prefer to add Notre Dame to the B1G West Division, and as for the new member of the B1G East Division, I would choose either Virginia or Virginia Tech...although another hockey school, UConn, would also be good if the B1G couldn't get one of the two Virginia schools.

This would be the Divisional setup (new teams bolded):

Notre Dame

Michigan State
Ohio State
Penn State
Virginia or Virginia Tech or UConn


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UConn offers nothing at all. Football is horrible, academics are not that good, men's basketball seems to have regressed. Don't give a shit about women's bball.


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UConn offers nothing at all. Football is horrible, academics are not that good, men's basketball seems to have regressed. Don't give a shit about women's bball.

and to top it all off they lack any on campus athletic facilities