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Shoud LeBron retire?

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
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I already quoted it.
There is not a single time I ever said "people rip Lebron for the good things he does off the court". I said they rip him for petty things despite the fact that, overall, he's a great person.


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A little out there, but really, what else does he have to accomplish? He came through on his promise, he went out with one of the best Final series performances in decades, he brought his city (regardless of his past actions of stabbing them in the back) a title that they had not seen in 50+ years.

What else can he do? Go back and win another title for Cleveland? Get them to another Finals winning 3 straight Eastern Conference Finals? What if he comes back next year and Cleveland doesn't get a ring, or doesn't win the conference, or doesn't even get to the ECF?

LeBron has always desired to be the loveable good guy and loved by all the NBA fans. Well, he goes out now and everyone will remember him for what he did in this series. Absolutely beast. He comes back and any sort of non title or a player on this roster leaving and it leaves room for the haters to say the reason Cleveland won the title in 2016 was because of so and so.

I don't like LeBron at all, but what an amazing performance after being down 3-1 to the defending champions.

Interesting thought.

IMO...he wants to be among the all-time greats and from a talent perspective he already is among the all-time greats, but most of the all-time greats have more hardware than Lebron does...he's not a spring chicken anymore, but clearly young enough to continue to chase titles...if MJ/Kareem (modern era) have set the bar at 6 and Kobe/Magic are next with 5...Shaq 4...why would he want to stop trying with 3 when he's still in his prime?

I think you're right. At one point I think maybe he did want to be this beloved figure. But, I'm quite sure Lebron realizes now that he can't replace MJ, he can't be all things to all people and there will always be haters...you even said yourself you don't like him "at all", so I don't think he cares one iota about being universally loved at this point.

Yeah to ride off on the white horse is a nice story, it was appropriate for Elway, but Lebron should still be chasing titles...whether he surpasses Shaq, Kobe or the other legends ahead of him or not in the title race is the intrigue imo.


Oregon Is Faster
Sep 7, 2010
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Well just when you think LeBron has matured he goes to Instagram to post his frustrations at all the haters.

He should just ignore and let his titles speak for themselves.

But hey Bron Bron, it wasn't even you that made the game winning shot like Jordan did in game 6 vs Utah.

But sick block bro.


Oregon Is Faster
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You know LeBron not making that game winning shot and having it be Kyrie is going to eat him up.

But rightfully so it should be Kyrie who made it. Kyrie was established in Cleveland when LeBron came back. Being an NBA PG, it was sorta Kyrie's team LeBron joined.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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This would have been so much sweeter had he never left Cleveland. I also think the Cavaliers would have won a title sooner. "The Decision" will always be a thorn in LeBron's career, it was what got a lot of people to jump off his bandwagon.

You cant be serious??! LOL

The no help from teammates continues. He wouldn't have Kyrie and who wants to come to Cleveland?? Not Kevin Love bc they have no one else. If he doesn't leave, no of this happens and he is most likely still ringless. I actually was the smartest move he has made in his career other than coming back. I have said it many times I don't blame him for leaving bc management didn't do their job and he had no help around him. And most likely with the lack of help his career could be shortened bc of playing ridiculous minutes in the regular season and postseason, regular season mainly.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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I am sure Cleveland would have figured out their roster issue and gotten LeBron the all-stars that he needed to win titles, like how he needed those all stars in Miami and in this run with the Cavaliers.

Regardless, if they didn't win a title sooner, they win a title now after LeBron had been there his whole career and this would be one of the most storybook title wins ever in the history of all sports.

Unfortunately, although great for the city of Cleveland to finally geta title, and the Cavs getting their first title...There are still plenty out there who dislike LeBron or didn't want him to win because of his egotistical past and current self.

But man, imagine had he suffered with the Cavalier fans for 13 years just like they did instead of ditching them to win a few titles, have them burn his jerseys, have the Cavs owner bash him publically for 4 years, then come back and everyone welcome him with open arms, along with a roster waiting for his presence.

Just would have been 100x better had LeBron suffered with the Cavs fans and prevail and win a title.

How are you sure?? Bc of the history of not getting big name players :laugh3: You have no idea what you are talking about lol. They would still do good in the regular season but they weren't winning anything and the lack of help would continue. Don't kid yourself.


Oregon Is Faster
Sep 7, 2010
Eugene, OR
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You cant be serious??! LOL

The no help from teammates continues. He wouldn't have Kyrie and who wants to come to Cleveland?? Not Kevin Love bc they have no one else. If he doesn't leave, no of this happens and he is most likely still ringless. I actually was the smartest move he has made in his career other than coming back. I have said it many times I don't blame him for leaving bc management didn't do their job and he had no help around him. And most likely with the lack of help his career could be shortened bc of playing ridiculous minutes in the regular season and postseason, regular season mainly.
I just think it is hilarious he comes back and thinks of himself as some hero because he came back and won Cleveland a title.

The same city he bailed on. He wasn't there for the failed miserably. He got drafted to his hometown team, couldn't stay to suffer with the fans. Then he chooses to come back when the pieces are there for him to do something with it.

Everyone has forgotten The Decision, the burning jerseys, the owners comments, etc.


Oregon Is Faster
Sep 7, 2010
Eugene, OR
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Anyone notice during the post game presentation only one person held the trophy? LeBron?

Not even Kyrie who hit the gam winning shot.


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People put way too much stock in the overall ring count as a definer of individual greatness.

Sure, LeBron probably should have got 1 more when he was in Miami, but he has been the underdog every year in Cleveland and won this year with a vastly inferior team. This title is more impressive than any 1 of Jordan's 6. That does not mean LeBron has the superior legacy, but he just locked himself in the all time top 5 (I think top 3) with room to grow.

T...in the NBA especially, rings do define individual greatness...Barkley, Stockton, and Malone were 3 of the best players in the history of the game...but, no rings and as the years go by they fade more and more from youngsters view...Bill Russell hasn't stepped on a basketball court in over 30 yrs now, but people still remember as a great player because of those rings...I agree we put too much stock into them, but it's not going to change...for Lebron to really be taken seriously as a threat to MJ's throne atop the NBA...he needs more than 3 rings.

Vastly inferior? Maybe I'm just in the dark because I picked the Cavs to win the series.
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Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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It takes more than 1 good finals to be at a superstar level. He needs to perform like a superstar throughout the regular season. He's more "superstar adjacent" than an actual superstar. Now, if he continues to play like we've seen in the finals...he'll hit superstar status pretty quickly.

I think there are a handful of superstars in the league and by some peoples' opinions Westbrook is a superstar. Kyrie had a memorable Finals experience, this is the beginning of him becoming a superstar so that's what I basically mean. He needs to keep it up and like you said have a great regular season but he still has Lebron, he doesn't have to put up 30 ppg and 10 apg, just an efficient very good season.


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I just think it is hilarious he comes back and thinks of himself as some hero because he came back and won Cleveland a title.

The same city he bailed on. He wasn't there for the failed miserably. He got drafted to his hometown team, couldn't stay to suffer with the fans. Then he chooses to come back when the pieces are there for him to do something with it.

Everyone has forgotten The Decision, the burning jerseys, the owners comments, etc.

Barkley chased a ring, Shaq chased rings, Malone chased a ring...I'm sure deep down he wishes he left earlier.

But, you've taken the veil off already...you don't like LJ...nothing wrong with that, but at least I understand your posts are your feelings more than anything logical...I've been there.


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Jul 8, 2013
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What does winning a title in Cleveland have to do with it. A title is a title. Outside of the '85 Bears...what had Chicago, especially the Bulls, ever accomplished before MJ?

Yet no one wants to give him "extra credit."

I was addressing this from the standpoint of "only" winning 2 titles in 4 seasons in Miami. Just pointing out that even winning one NBA title is huge. I was not trying to give LaBron extra credit for winning this in CLE - just clarifying that people really undervalue championships. Many cities would kill to have "only" two titles or even one in the recent past.

Go ask people like Jim Kelly, Alex Ovechkin, Karl Malone, Charles Barkley, Barry Sanders, etc how much they would like to "only" win two titles. Ridiculous.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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I just think it is hilarious he comes back and thinks of himself as some hero because he came back and won Cleveland a title.

The same city he bailed on. He wasn't there for the failed miserably. He got drafted to his hometown team, couldn't stay to suffer with the fans. Then he chooses to come back when the pieces are there for him to do something with it.

Everyone has forgotten The Decision, the burning jerseys, the owners comments, etc.

Exactly and nobody cares lol. Enjoy the parade, it's gonna be a fun one


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I just think it is hilarious he comes back and thinks of himself as some hero because he came back and won Cleveland a title.

The same city he bailed on. He wasn't there for the failed miserably. He got drafted to his hometown team, couldn't stay to suffer with the fans. Then he chooses to come back when the pieces are there for him to do something with it.

Everyone has forgotten The Decision, the burning jerseys, the owners comments, etc.

I'm not a Lebron fan by any means. But I always said he was well within his rights to leave Cleveland given that management at the time couldn't put a winning product around him. That's not his fault.

Yeah, everyone knows the real reason Lebron came back to Cleveland - to capitalize on winning one for Cleveland as this was the missing piece to his career. If Irving wasn't there and Cleveland didn't stock pile talent for him, he would still be in Miami or another city that could help him win titles.

The narrative still fits though - he's the catalyst for Cleveland's first title in 52 years. And no one has forgotten anything regarding the Decision, the burning jerseys, as well as Gilbert's comments. Personally, I would've told Cleveland to fuck off. But Lebron was willing to leave his pride out of it.

Safe to say that things worked out for him.


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Jul 8, 2013
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Actually, you did.

The reason Lebron gets put on blast more often is because he does a lot more shit to get put on blast for. You never saw Kobe wearing a "Check my Stats" t-shirt because he didn't win MVP. You didn't see him taking passive aggressive shots at people via instagram and twitter. Every time the Lebron bashing starts to die down a little, he does something else to get it started up again.

Just about any superstar has some type of flaws. They are human - who really cares - their performance on the court, field, etc is all that matters assuming that they don't do anything criminal or truly awful. Look at Jordan - he is hardly a saint & by all accounts is not exactly the nicest guy in the world.

In the end we don't know these guys so why make such a big deal out of this? Bottom line - LaBron worked his ass off in preparation for this season & gutted it out till the end. I am not a huge fan of his, but I truly respect what he has accomplished.


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I'm not a Lebron fan by any means. But I always said he was well within his rights to leave Cleveland given that management at the time couldn't put a winning product around him. That's not his fault.

Yeah, everyone knows the real reason Lebron came back to Cleveland - to capitalize on winning one for Cleveland as this was the missing piece to his career. If Irving wasn't there and Cleveland didn't stock pile talent for him, he would still be in Miami or another city that could help him win titles.

The narrative still fits though - he's the catalyst for Cleveland's first title in 52 years. And no one has forgotten anything regarding the Decision, the burning jerseys, as well as Gilbert's comments. Personally, I would've told Cleveland to fuck off. But Lebron was willing to leave his pride out of it.

Safe to say that things worked out for him.

Well stated...I thought it was really big of Lebron to come back to CLE after the jersey burning, Gilbert's comments etc...he could've gone to 3 or 4 other teams and won a title, but he decided to finish the job in CLE once he saw there was enough around him to do it.

MJ is the true king of the NBA, but I don't recall him winning any titles w/o Scotty. Kareem quickly realized that he needed to step aside and let Magic run the show, 5 more rings for Cap...your boy D Wade...1 with Shaq, 2 with Lebron, DJ (r.i.p.) helped Bird win 2 or his 3 in BOS...and several already said...no Irving, no ring in CLE.

So I really don't care how the talent gets around you, you need talent to win rings in this league.


Oregon Is Faster
Sep 7, 2010
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I'm not a Lebron fan by any means. But I always said he was well within his rights to leave Cleveland given that management at the time couldn't put a winning product around him. That's not his fault.

Yeah, everyone knows the real reason Lebron came back to Cleveland - to capitalize on winning one for Cleveland as this was the missing piece to his career. If Irving wasn't there and Cleveland didn't stock pile talent for him, he would still be in Miami or another city that could help him win titles.

The narrative still fits though - he's the catalyst for Cleveland's first title in 52 years. And no one has forgotten anything regarding the Decision, the burning jerseys, as well as Gilbert's comments. Personally, I would've told Cleveland to fuck off. But Lebron was willing to leave his pride out of it.

Safe to say that things worked out for him.
Good post.

But don't make it think LeBron put his pride aside to rejoin Cleveland. LeBron knew he could come back and given all those things OWN the franchise and run it how he wanted it ran. Gilbert will do whatever for LeBron. Look at how LeBrons boys got paid, how he got rid of the coach, etc. LeBron knew going back to Cleveland he could do whatever and get whatever he wanted, BECAUSE of those past actions by Cleveland.


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No, he should play in the West. What a waste of a career. He's pretty good at basketball, too bad he doesn't have the balls to try to prove he's the best.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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Kyrie had a memorable Finals experience, this is the beginning of him becoming a superstar so that's what I basically mean. He needs to keep it up and like you said have a great regular season but he still has Lebron, he doesn't have to put up 30 ppg and 10 apg, just an efficient very good season.

Agree 100%. He's fun to watch and I'm glad he looks like he's figured things out and looks to be ready to go to the next level.

I'm looking forward to D'Angelo kicking his ass in a future Lakers/Cavs finals. :heh:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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I was addressing this from the standpoint of "only" winning 2 titles in 4 seasons in Miami. Just pointing out that even winning one NBA title is huge. I was not trying to give LaBron extra credit for winning this in CLE - just clarifying that people really undervalue championships. Many cities would kill to have "only" two titles or even one in the recent past.

Go ask people like Jim Kelly, Alex Ovechkin, Karl Malone, Charles Barkley, Barry Sanders, etc how much they would like to "only" win two titles. Ridiculous.

Okay, whew!! Looked like you were buying into that "it counts more because it's Cleveland" crap that some Cavs fans have tried to spew. Thought you had lost yo damn mind. lol