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Shoud LeBron retire?


Oregon Is Faster
Sep 7, 2010
Eugene, OR
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Lebron wants to be a billionaire so he can own a team down the line. He's also not an idiot. He knew that he couldn't go his whole career without winning a ring. At the time, the Heat offered him the best chance to win a title, which he did that helped keep his legacy intact to the point he wasn't compared to Barkley and Malone as great players who never won. Now he's being compared to all-time greats like Bird, Kobe, Magic, Jordan, Kareem, etc... The pay cut was merely an investment for Lebron as the championships help his brand out far more. Now he's making max money. He wants to make sure his family is taking care of for generations.

At this juncture it's all about rings as well as moving up the rankings in terms of points, rebounds, assists, etc...
This would have been so much sweeter had he never left Cleveland. I also think the Cavaliers would have won a title sooner. "The Decision" will always be a thorn in LeBron's career, it was what got a lot of people to jump off his bandwagon.


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Apr 17, 2013
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This would have been so much sweeter had he never left Cleveland. I also think the Cavaliers would have won a title sooner. "The Decision" will always be a thorn in LeBron's career, it was what got a lot of people to jump off his bandwagon.

You're fooling yourself if you think they would've won the title sooner. First off, if Lebron stays in Cleveland, they're not getting Kyrie Irving. They're also not amassing a large contingent of young assets that they could trade to get Kevin Love. Cleveland didn't have a plan on a head coach (given that they hired Byron Scott right after Mike Brown) as well as front office management who didn't make many good decisions as it pertained to roster moves.

Cleveland managed to luck into 3 no.1 picks in a 4-year time frame, as well as high 1st rounders that included Waiters and Tristan Thompson.

Also, Lebron's game flourished after that 2011 Finals loss to the Mavs. He knew at that point he needed to improve his jump shot and add a post game to his arsenal. He would never have gotten past the Celtics, and likely the early version of the Bulls (that went against the Heat during the Big 3 era) in the Eastern Conference, and maybe even the Pacers.

Please explain to me how he would've won a title in Cleveland sooner had he never left. I'm all ears.


Oregon Is Faster
Sep 7, 2010
Eugene, OR
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You're fooling yourself if you think they would've won the title sooner. First off, if Lebron stays in Cleveland, they're not getting Kyrie Irving. They're also not amassing a large contingent of young assets that they could trade to get Kevin Love. Cleveland didn't have a plan on a head coach (given that they hired Byron Scott right after Mike Brown) as well as front office management who didn't make many good decisions as it pertained to roster moves.

Cleveland managed to luck into 3 no.1 picks in a 4-year time frame, as well as high 1st rounders that included Waiters and Tristan Thompson.

Also, Lebron's game flourished after that 2011 Finals loss to the Mavs. He knew at that point he needed to improve his jump shot and add a post game to his arsenal. He would never have gotten past the Celtics, and likely the early version of the Bulls (that went against the Heat during the Big 3 era) in the Eastern Conference, and maybe even the Pacers.

Please explain to me how he would've won a title in Cleveland sooner had he never left. I'm all ears.
I am sure Cleveland would have figured out their roster issue and gotten LeBron the all-stars that he needed to win titles, like how he needed those all stars in Miami and in this run with the Cavaliers.

Regardless, if they didn't win a title sooner, they win a title now after LeBron had been there his whole career and this would be one of the most storybook title wins ever in the history of all sports.

Unfortunately, although great for the city of Cleveland to finally geta title, and the Cavs getting their first title...There are still plenty out there who dislike LeBron or didn't want him to win because of his egotistical past and current self.

But man, imagine had he suffered with the Cavalier fans for 13 years just like they did instead of ditching them to win a few titles, have them burn his jerseys, have the Cavs owner bash him publically for 4 years, then come back and everyone welcome him with open arms, along with a roster waiting for his presence.

Just would have been 100x better had LeBron suffered with the Cavs fans and prevail and win a title.


Oregon Is Faster
Sep 7, 2010
Eugene, OR
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He came back and won a title for Cleveland. The same guy who held a Decision to leave the city in front of the local boys and girls club of Cleveland, Ohio.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
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I am sure Cleveland would have figured out their roster issue and gotten LeBron the all-stars that he needed to win titles, like how he needed those all stars in Miami and in this run with the Cavaliers.

Regardless, if they didn't win a title sooner, they win a title now after LeBron had been there his whole career and this would be one of the most storybook title wins ever in the history of all sports.

Unfortunately, although great for the city of Cleveland to finally geta title, and the Cavs getting their first title...There are still plenty out there who dislike LeBron or didn't want him to win because of his egotistical past and current self.

But man, imagine had he suffered with the Cavalier fans for 13 years just like they did instead of ditching them to win a few titles, have them burn his jerseys, have the Cavs owner bash him publically for 4 years, then come back and everyone welcome him with open arms, along with a roster waiting for his presence.

Just would have been 100x better had LeBron suffered with the Cavs fans and prevail and win a title.

What you said makes zero sense. Cleveland never brought an all-star to play with Lebron his first 7-8 years playing in Cleveland. Lebron tried to recruit Bosh to play in Cleveland and he didn't want to go. Saying - " Cleveland would've figured out their roster issue and gotten Lebron the all-stars that he needed to win titles." is reaching to the highest level. That's the same as Kings, 76ers, and any bottom-level team saying I'm sure management will put together a championship roster.

So you basically backed this post up with zero proof that Lebron would've won had he stayed their the whole time. The roster he just won with was built on rookie contracts to where the Cavs could sign them over the cap due to their Bird Rights. Once again, Cleveland did not show they could build a championship roster around Lebron at the time.

Lebron has clearly made the right choices in his career being a 3-time champion at this juncture. One thing I'll give him credit for outside of being an all-time talent, is he knows how to capitalize off a given situation.


Oregon Is Faster
Sep 7, 2010
Eugene, OR
Hoopla Cash
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What you said makes zero sense. Cleveland never brought an all-star to play with Lebron his first 7-8 years playing in Cleveland. Lebron tried to recruit Bosh to play in Cleveland and he didn't want to go. Saying - " Cleveland would've figured out their roster issue and gotten Lebron the all-stars that he needed to win titles." is reaching to the highest level. That's the same as Kings, 76ers, and any bottom-level team saying I'm sure management will put together a championship roster.

So you basically backed this post up with zero proof that Lebron would've won had he stayed their the whole time. The roster he just won with was built on rookie contracts to where the Cavs could sign them over the cap due to their Bird Rights. Once again, Cleveland did not show they could build a championship roster around Lebron at the time.

Lebron has clearly made the right choices in his career being a 3-time champion at this juncture. One thing I'll give him credit for outside of being an all-time talent, is he knows how to capitalize off a given situation.
He is good, but the dude left his "hometown" to join all-stars in South Beach, announcing it on national television and went on to win a couple titles on Wades team. Surprisingly enough, they were only able to muster up 2 titles in 4 years, and LeBron was not even in Miami for how many titles he claimed they were going to win in that Carnival celebration upon his arrival in Miami.

Comes back home, and says he did it for Cleveland.

There are movies out there like this...Where one of the kids from the rundown broken down household of poverty, goes on and becomes successful elsewhere and is gone for years. Comes back home with wealth, finding out one of his siblings died of pneumonia, and the father is on his death bed. So the returning son gives his family and the surrounding village some of the millions he has earned elsewhere. The village and the sons family celebrates with happiness, finally able to breakthrough and have their money with hopes of getting healthy or living a great fulfilling life. The son sits in the rocking chair and cries and thinks of himself a hero as he came back to his family as promised to give them wealth. However, the son did not grow with his family, he did not suffer with his family or village, he was not there to know or grieve the loss of loved ones. He was not there to see his village fall apart from decay. No, the son returns only to provide his wealth and think of himself as being home.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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The people who rip him so much are the people who are genuinely the most ignorant. Off the court, he's a phenomenal person, and I think that pisses people off even more. They want to hate him so bad but he's just a good guy. Oh well, I'm sure he sleeps just fine at night.

No one rips him for the good stuff he does outside of basketball. It's bad enough that Lebroniacs and Cavs fans can't admit that he has any flaws...but to just go making shit up is pretty sad.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Well now folks in the media are talking LeBron possibly opting out of Cleveland. Probably just trying to stir up chatter, but like what is said in the OP, what can LeBron possibly do in Cleveland to top what he just did? He delivered his promise. Came back and won his city a title, now maybe he can leave in peace and go play for whoever he wants?

Of course he's going to opt out. Then he's going to re-sign a huge contract with the Cavs. It's why he took a 2 year deal with an opt out after 1.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah, Kyrie is still young and now IMO is at the superstar level just bc of these Finals.

It takes more than 1 good finals to be at a superstar level. He needs to perform like a superstar throughout the regular season. He's more "superstar adjacent" than an actual superstar. Now, if he continues to play like we've seen in the finals...he'll hit superstar status pretty quickly.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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I am sure Cleveland would have figured out their roster issue and gotten LeBron the all-stars that he needed to win titles, like how he needed those all stars in Miami and in this run with the Cavaliers.

Regardless, if they didn't win a title sooner, they win a title now after LeBron had been there his whole career and this would be one of the most storybook title wins ever in the history of all sports.

Unfortunately, although great for the city of Cleveland to finally geta title, and the Cavs getting their first title...There are still plenty out there who dislike LeBron or didn't want him to win because of his egotistical past and current self.

But man, imagine had he suffered with the Cavalier fans for 13 years just like they did instead of ditching them to win a few titles, have them burn his jerseys, have the Cavs owner bash him publically for 4 years, then come back and everyone welcome him with open arms, along with a roster waiting for his presence.

Just would have been 100x better had LeBron suffered with the Cavs fans and prevail and win a title.
You're delusional - put the crack pipe down and walk away slowly - Lebron developed and matured because he had the best general manager in the NBA with Pat Riley and Wade and Bosh that helped him along the way. Cleveland would never have been able to put together a winning formula and they barely won this year - that last game was not far away


Mar 12, 2015
In your head...forever
Hoopla Cash
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You're delusional - put the crack pipe down and walk away slowly - Lebron developed and matured because he had the best general manager in the NBA with Pat Riley and Wade and Bosh that helped him along the way. Cleveland would never have been able to put together a winning formula and they barely won this year - that last game was not far away

step away from the window....it's not for licking.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
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No one rips him for the good stuff he does outside of basketball. It's bad enough that Lebroniacs and Cavs fans can't admit that he has any flaws...but to just go making shit up is pretty sad.
Making shit up? Are you blind and deaf? This dude does anything at all that's even remotely arrogant and people rip into him for being "classless", an ass, a dick, a piece of shit, etc. (all descriptions of him made just yesterday after he wore that t-shirt). As I said, it's hilarious how badly he gets under people's skin because there are so few actual reasons to hate the guy. Overall, he's a fantastic person but people have to find some reason to hate. It's sad, really.


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2013
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He is good, but the dude left his "hometown" to join all-stars in South Beach, announcing it on national television and went on to win a couple titles on Wades team. Surprisingly enough, they were only able to muster up 2 titles in 4 years, and LeBron was not even in Miami for how many titles he claimed they were going to win in that Carnival celebration upon his arrival in Miami.

Comes back home, and says he did it for Cleveland.

There are movies out there like this...Where one of the kids from the rundown broken down household of poverty, goes on and becomes successful elsewhere and is gone for years. Comes back home with wealth, finding out one of his siblings died of pneumonia, and the father is on his death bed. So the returning son gives his family and the surrounding village some of the millions he has earned elsewhere. The village and the sons family celebrates with happiness, finally able to breakthrough and have their money with hopes of getting healthy or living a great fulfilling life. The son sits in the rocking chair and cries and thinks of himself a hero as he came back to his family as promised to give them wealth. However, the son did not grow with his family, he did not suffer with his family or village, he was not there to know or grieve the loss of loved ones. He was not there to see his village fall apart from decay. No, the son returns only to provide his wealth and think of himself as being home.

Only 2 titles in 4 years? Are you serious? You just witnessed Cleveland winning its first title (in any sport) in over 50 years & you are actually making this statement? Like them or not the fact that the Heat went to 4 straight Finals & won two of them is pretty amazing. Heck - the Warriors had only won 1 title recently when some people were ready to crown them as the greatest team all time.

I also believe that you are way off base if you don't believe that 99%+ of the Cleveland population loves the guy rt now (who cares how they thought a few years ago). Titles have a way of making people forget. Beyond that any superstar or famous person is always going to have haters. Look at Curry - he was everyone's darling up until the last several weeks & now has quite a few people who are not crazy about the guy.

I am sure that LaBron is quite comfortable with his current image & how things turned out.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
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Nah he only has 3 championships and he has 4 L's. He would at least want to get to .500.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Making shit up? Are you blind and deaf? This dude does anything at all that's even remotely arrogant and people rip into him for being "classless", an ass, a dick, a piece of shit, etc. (all descriptions of him made just yesterday after he wore that t-shirt). As I said, it's hilarious how badly he gets under people's skin because there are so few actual reasons to hate the guy. Overall, he's a fantastic person but people have to find some reason to hate. It's sad, really.

And yet, not once in this entire rant, did you show where anyone has ripped him for the good stuff he does off the court. So yes, you're making shit up.

Lebron is arrogant, he's passive aggressive and he's often classless. That "Check my stats" t-shirt is a perfect example of all 3.

He also happens to be the best basketball player on the planet and he does some great stuff for people off the court.

Being an arrogant ass and doing great things for people off the court are not mutually exclusive. Kobe is another prime example of an arrogant prick who also does good things for people off the court.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Only 2 titles in 4 years? Are you serious? You just witnessed Cleveland winning its first title (in any sport) in over 50 years & you are actually making this statement?

What does winning a title in Cleveland have to do with it. A title is a title. Outside of the '85 Bears...what had Chicago, especially the Bulls, ever accomplished before MJ?

Yet no one wants to give him "extra credit."

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
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And yet, not once in this entire rant, did you show where anyone has ripped him for the good stuff he does off the court. So yes, you're making shit up.

Lebron is arrogant, he's passive aggressive and he's often classless. That "Check my stats" t-shirt is a perfect example of all 3.

He also happens to be the best basketball player on the planet and he does some great stuff for people off the court.

Being an arrogant ass and doing great things for people off the court are not mutually exclusive. Kobe is another prime example of an arrogant prick who also does good things for people off the court.
I never said people ripped him for the good stuff he does off the court. That doesn't even make sense...

The difference between Lebron and Kobe, though, is that Lebron is put on blast far more often. That dude would get ripped apart for wearing wrinkled slacks. It's just pretty sad for people to relentlessly bash him as a person overall because of a t-shirt he wears when, in reality, his good deeds FAR outweigh his arrogant ones.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I never said people ripped him for the good stuff he does off the court. That doesn't even make sense...

Actually, you did.

The difference between Lebron and Kobe, though, is that Lebron is put on blast far more often. That dude would get ripped apart for wearing wrinkled slacks. It's just pretty sad for people to relentlessly bash him as a person overall because of a t-shirt he wears when, in reality, his good deeds FAR outweigh his arrogant ones.

The reason Lebron gets put on blast more often is because he does a lot more shit to get put on blast for. You never saw Kobe wearing a "Check my Stats" t-shirt because he didn't win MVP. You didn't see him taking passive aggressive shots at people via instagram and twitter. Every time the Lebron bashing starts to die down a little, he does something else to get it started up again.