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Ricky Williams: I’d be a Hall of Famer if weed was legal


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2013
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Why is it that 99%+ of the NFL players can adhere to these rules yet somehow the rules should be modified for a few guys who are just incapable of following the rules? Again - I am all for making pot legal & relaxing these rules, but until that time just show some common sense & do what you have to do to stay in the league. If you don't like it nobody is forcing you to play. I am kind of getting sick of people wanting to change rules for the lowest common denominator.


Roid Raging
Apr 25, 2013
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I thoroughly disagree with Ricky's assessment that weed being illegal kept him out of the Hall of Fame.

And very little of my argument has to do with weed.

We are talking about an NFL running back. These guys take a pounding physically. Look at that guy Shaun Alexander. On top of the NFL at age 25, 26, 27. Washed up. Finished at age 29, 30. Body beaten down.

To be a Hall of Fame level running back, it takes a serious obsession with being an NFL running back. You have to want it bad enough. You have to have a mindset that nothing at all will stop you. There has to be a drive in you like an Emmitt Smith or Barry Sanders or Earl Campbell had.

Look at Earl Campbell. The man is on crutches today. That's how much he sacrificed himself to be an NFL running back.

Ricky never had that drive. That desire. That single-minded focus on being the very best running back in the NFL.

If he did, he never would have let something like a little bit of weed get in his way.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Why is it that 99%+ of the NFL players can adhere to these rules yet somehow the rules should be modified for a few guys who are just incapable of following the rules?

Fucking Tom Brady.:L Ooppss...wrong thread!:doh:


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Jul 15, 2014
Cripple Creek
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You say that as if you haven't worn a hole clear through your right palm. I see you.


That's actually a picture of @Scooby-Doo looking through the hole he's worn in his palm.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Why is it that 99%+ of the NFL players can adhere to these rules yet somehow the rules should be modified for a few guys who are just incapable of following the rules? Again - I am all for making pot legal & relaxing these rules, but until that time just show some common sense & do what you have to do to stay in the league. If you don't like it nobody is forcing you to play. I am kind of getting sick of people wanting to change rules for the lowest common denominator.

You think 99% of NFLers don't smoke weed?!

And I'm not in favor of changing rules for the smokers. I just think the players should have an alternative to prescription opioids for their pain. They entertain me. And it makes me sad to see them destroy their lives and bodies with that stuff. If they happen to enjoy the safer alternative, I really don't see the problem with that.

Hank Kingsley

Jun 27, 2014
Port Alberni, B.C.
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Why is it that 99%+ of the NFL players can adhere to these rules yet somehow the rules should be modified for a few guys who are just incapable of following the rules? Again - I am all for making pot legal & relaxing these rules, but until that time just show some common sense & do what you have to do to stay in the league. If you don't like it nobody is forcing you to play. I am kind of getting sick of people wanting to change rules for the lowest common denominator.

I'm getting sick of folks saying herb users are the lowest common denominator.....


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2014
Cripple Creek
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That literally makes no sense. However, I'll give you points for effort.

Here's the explanation in easily digestible bullet points:

  • you've jerked off a lot
  • you've jerked off so much that you actually wore a hole through your hand
  • that's a pic of you holding your hand up to your eye, but you can see through the hole to your eye
If it still makes no sense, I suggest you lay off the Ether for a few hours.


Roid Raging
Apr 25, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 666.08
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I wonder what Earl is hooked on to get through the day.....

I don't know. It's a really sad situation. I was in junior high when he went to the Oilers and to see him like this now....

So sad.

I wouldn't care personally if the NFL would let guys smoke pot but I also know the problem is higher than the NFL.

There are certain business laws that pro sports like to be exempt from and in order to do so, they have to kiss a lot of federal government ass.

These drug tests have more to do with keeping these exemptions than they do protecting the shield or any of that other bullshit.

That's where the change in weed policies have to begin. Federal government levels. State levels is a start but seeing how the NFL is played in more than one state....

you need change at the federal level.


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You think 99% of NFLers don't smoke weed?!

And I'm not in favor of changing rules for the smokers. I just think the players should have an alternative to prescription opioids for their pain. They entertain me. And it makes me sad to see them destroy their lives and bodies with that stuff. If they happen to enjoy the safer alternative, I really don't see the problem with that.

Didn't say that. It is well known that the tests are given during certain times & assuming that you don't smoke pot 24x7 there are ways of getting around a lot of that. I don't take issue with that. However - if they get caught most players accept the penalty - not use it as an excuse as to how it prevented them from reaching their potential.

As for your side conversation - who is disagreeing? Use this as a starting pt for perhaps changing the rules. However - until that happens just the follow the rules or accept the consequences. Again - not hard to figure out. Again - you just appear to want to argue with just about everyone.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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I see nothing false about his statement.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Didn't say that. It is well known that the tests are given during certain times & assuming that you don't smoke pot 24x7 there are ways of getting around a lot of that. I don't take issue with that. However - if they get caught most players accept the penalty - not use it as an excuse as to how it prevented them from reaching their potential.

As for your side conversation - who is disagreeing? Use this as a starting pt for perhaps changing the rules. However - until that happens just the follow the rules or accept the consequences. Again - not hard to figure out. Again - you just appear to want to argue with just about everyone.

You did say that "99% of NFL can adhere to the rules". That's different than saying that most of them just play the system.

And since we are ok with them playing the system, I think we should slow down with the critical judgement of players who get popped.


Aug 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Here's the explanation in easily digestible bullet points:

  • you've jerked off a lot
  • you've jerked off so much that you actually wore a hole through your hand
  • that's a pic of you holding your hand up to your eye, but you can see through the hole to your eye
If it still makes no sense, I suggest you lay off the Ether for a few hours.
Thanks for breaking it down.

BTW - Weak effort.


Aug 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I see nothing false about his statement.
I don't think anybody is saying his statements are false. Personally, I just think he is someone that placed weed as a priority over the NFL. In addition, I think he is stupid for making that decision. Just my opinion.

This statement says it all.

"Williams said he would have been more focused on football if he hadn’t been worried about NFL drug tests. He also felt, after his failed drug tests became publicized, that he struggled to deal with the attention he got."

Some people might associate that behavior with being an addict... Oh snap, I really said that.

Que the ganja activists and their "Marijuana is not addicting" initiative.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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I don't think anybody is saying his statements are false. Personally, I just think he is someone that placed weed as a priority over the NFL. In addition, I think he is stupid for making that decision. Just my opinion.

This statement says it all.

"Williams said he would have been more focused on football if he hadn’t been worried about NFL drug tests. He also felt, after his failed drug tests became publicized, that he struggled to deal with the attention he got."

Some people might associate that behavior with being an addict... Oh snap, I really said that.

Que the ganja activists and their "Marijuana is not addicting" initiative.

It is a stupid decision, but it's a stupid rule/law as well. Yes for that much money you should stop, but at the same time it's not a performance enhancing drug, so they should fuck off about it.

It's a much better pain medication than the actually addictive narcotics they give out legally.

As for if marijuana is addictive - it's mentally addictive, not physically addictive. Video games are another example of something that is mentally addictive, but not physically addictive. People enjoy it, people want to do it more, and if it runs your life then it's a problem.

But I find nothing in his statement false. He would have been in the HOF if the NFL wasn't anal about marijuana. The only thing you can legitimately say is - if he wasn't smoking weed, he could have also made it.

Bottom line is the NFL needs to get with it and stop being stupid.


Aug 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 100.00
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It is a stupid decision, but it's a stupid rule/law as well. Yes for that much money you should stop, but at the same time it's not a performance enhancing drug, so they should fuck off about it.

It's a much better pain medication than the actually addictive narcotics they give out legally.

As for if marijuana is addictive - it's mentally addictive, not physically addictive. Video games are another example of something that is mentally addictive, but not physically addictive. People enjoy it, people want to do it more, and if it runs your life then it's a problem.

But I find nothing in his statement false. He would have been in the HOF if the NFL wasn't anal about marijuana. The only thing you can legitimately say is - if he wasn't smoking weed, he could have also made it.

Bottom line is the NFL needs to get with it and stop being stupid.
The HOF is questionable, but for the most part, I don't disagree with any of this.