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rangers trade thoughts........


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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MLB is becoming like the NFL, NBA. If you can produce we will over look Any and All discressions you may have comitted. Just goes agaist My grain signning Manny. The Rangers have become the Rehab center, Landing spot , Way station for PED users over the Years, too many to list. The New Normal ??
Anybody useing PED's is Lying, Stealing and cheating to get , Fame, Money, Records, Championships and Immorallity(HOF). NEVER should any PED user ever sniff the HOF.

Just wonder what Nolan thinks about this ? this cannot set well with him. Busted his ass to achieve Greatness

There are many cheaters in the hall of fame. You're kidding yoursel if you think otherwise. Whitey Ford to name One. That doesn't mean I condone PED users at all. And I'm not a huge fan of signing ramirez, but only because I don't think it bears any positive fruit. That said, it is a no risk move so I can't get too upset about it. If the guy does somehow become a significant contributor to the team then so be it. I think the phrase is, "What have you done for me lately?" It's not like they signed a rapist.


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There it is, thats exactly what the debate was, thanks for clearing it up

well, not exactly. I know the arbitration process, I tried to explain to romeo that it was clear to me Murphy was not getting a contract, and that's why I was upset. Others said, "he'll get a contract" and I responded that JD would have already done it. And of course, there was no contract.

You're right, in retrospect, looks like the right move.

yes, that it the "hissy fit" he constantly refers to and has expanded on it to say I was constantly throwing "hissy fits"which is not true at all.

If anything he is far more guilty of the "hissy fit" (over there at least) because if almost anything goes wrong he loses his shit and barks "Wash should be fired" and if anyone tries to tell him he's overreacting and wrong about the particular play or decision in question, it's just more overbearing know-it-all blowing when he really doesn't know it all, constantly calling well-intentioned posters names for absolutely no reason.
So, it's typically easier for posters just to ignore his constant overreactions.
He went on and on in a situation where the team SHOULD HAVE been playing for the double, and was screaming for Wash's head.
Several posters tried to explain that every team would play the double during his hissy fit, and one went further and explained that Pettis sets the OF anyway, he said it that wasn't true, and I gave him the link to show it was in fact, true.

That's only ONE example. But it's enough. When you don't understand playing for a double, you should probably cool your heals when barking at the posters that are correct.


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I see what you're saying. I guess I just see the Manny move as more of a backup to a backup to a backup plan. If JD does absolutely nothing else in the way of acquiring a bat and just relies on Manny to provide the help they need, then I will be much more inclined to criticize this move. I just see it more as a "it never hurts to have as many options as possible" type move.

And while I've never been a fan of his, especially due to his "Manny being Manny" antics, I guess I don't look as harshly on him as I do other athletes. He's supposedly a nice guy, just incredibly immature and eccentric. If he should make the roster, I wouldn't worry about him tainting the organization. Like all teams, the Rangers have employed their share of shady characters, roiders, and/or jerks- Canseco, Palmeiro, Juan Gon, Carl Everett, John Rocker, Milton Bradley, Padilla, CJ Wilson, Hamilton, just to name a few. Manny being Manny doesn't hold a candle to some of those guys.

I don't imagine Manny will help AT ALL, likely he won't make the cut anyway. Hard to believe he's going to be better than he was in Oakland, a year older. I don't understand why you even mess with the SportsHoopla that surrounds him. Doesn't seem like JD to me.


Jul 3, 2013
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I think a fantastic trade for the Rangers would be Profar for Tajuan Walker from Seattle straight up. Walker will be a front of the rotation starter and Profar would be the face of Seattle's franchise.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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well, not exactly. I know the arbitration process, I tried to explain to romeo that it was clear to me Murphy was not getting a contract, and that's why I was upset. Others said, "he'll get a contract" and I responded that JD would have already done it. And of course, there was no contract.

You're right, in retrospect, looks like the right move.

yes, that it the "hissy fit" he constantly refers to and has expanded on it to say I was constantly throwing "hissy fits"which is not true at all.

If anything he is far more guilty of the "hissy fit" (over there at least) because if almost anything goes wrong he loses his shit and barks "Wash should be fired" and if anyone tries to tell him he's overreacting and wrong about the particular play or decision in question, it's just more overbearing know-it-all blowing when he really doesn't know it all, constantly calling well-intentioned posters names for absolutely no reason.
So, it's typically easier for posters just to ignore his constant overreactions.
He went on and on in a situation where the team SHOULD HAVE been playing for the double, and was screaming for Wash's head.
Several posters tried to explain that every team would play the double during his hissy fit, and one went further and explained that Pettis sets the OF anyway, he said it that wasn't true, and I gave him the link to show it was in fact, true.

That's only ONE example. But it's enough. When you don't understand playing for a double, you should probably cool your heals when barking at the posters that are correct.

Oh it's funny to watch you try to spin things. :laugh3:


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Aug 18, 2011
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Manny was in spring training and AAA with my A's last year we didn't fall off the map into the pacific ocean because of it or something either. He was an elite talent maybe he's more dialed in that he was last season, no risk here for the Rangers if he acts stupid then you let him go I see no reason for anyone to be upset you signed him. It's not like you cut Beltre to give ManRam a look or something.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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Manny was in spring training and AAA with my A's last year we didn't fall off the map into the pacific ocean because of it or something either. He was an elite talent maybe he's more dialed in that he was last season, no risk here for the Rangers if he acts stupid then you let him go I see no reason for anyone to be upset you signed him. It's not like you cut Beltre to give ManRam a look or something.

Yep. I'm certain he will have a very very short leash. The first sign of bullshit gets him his walking papers.


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I'll take lainey's side of the argument. I think it is somewhat embarrassing that they are resorting to wash up players like Manny because Murphy is really struggling. Manny doesn't have anything left. Even if he made it to the club, it is very unlikely he would give them 100 successful at bats. Plus he cannot play the field. This is not analogous to the Ruben Sierra deal, who had come back much humbled and still had a lot of baseball left in him. Manny is desperate to keep his playing career going when it is clear he is done. The Rangers are biting the hook.

I know JD wants to protect his young players and not trade them, and I generally agree with this, especially with Profar. The Rangers have a ton of talent, which is evident when you consider all of the injuries they have had and they are still vying for 1st place in the division. You want to keep that homegrown talent. But this season, because they have already lost the two world series, is different. I think this time you do what you have to do in fielding a world championship team, including trading some of that young talent.

For the Rangers to be serious WS contenders, they need one more OF bat and a legit #2 or #3 starter. That takes the pressure off of Lewis or Feliz saving the season as starters coming off injury, and if anything, seriously bolsters an already fabulous bullpen.

My biggest fear is the Rangers don't shore up their staring pitching, and end up burning out what is a shut down group of late inning relievers because none of the starters cannot make it into the 7th. Grimm and Tepesch have been great, and Perez is a nice mid-season boost. But the back of this rotation is too young (especially Tepesch) and won't get it done in the playoffs. It may not even get them into the playoffs, considering the streaks that Grimm and Tepesch are currently on and that Perez will likely experience his own growing pains.

Manny is a waste of time for the Rangers. It is high time the club get serious about getting back to the WS. The fans have been patient enough, and have the right to bitch a little bit. The Rangers have plenty of young talent to trade, while still keeping a very reasonably stocked farm system, and also challenging for a title. Why wouldn't you get serious and take that chance?


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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I'll take lainey's side of the argument. I think it is somewhat embarrassing that they are resorting to wash up players like Manny because Murphy is really struggling. Manny doesn't have anything left. Even if he made it to the club, it is very unlikely he would give them 100 successful at bats. Plus he cannot play the field. This is not analogous to the Ruben Sierra deal, who had come back much humbled and still had a lot of baseball left in him. Manny is desperate to keep his playing career going when it is clear he is done. The Rangers are biting the hook.

I know JD wants to protect his young players and not trade them, and I generally agree with this, especially with Profar. The Rangers have a ton of talent, which is evident when you consider all of the injuries they have had and they are still vying for 1st place in the division. You want to keep that homegrown talent. But this season, because they have already lost the two world series, is different. I think this time you do what you have to do in fielding a world championship team, including trading some of that young talent.

For the Rangers to be serious WS contenders, they need one more OF bat and a legit #2 or #3 starter. That takes the pressure off of Lewis or Feliz saving the season as starters coming off injury, and if anything, seriously bolsters an already fabulous bullpen.

My biggest fear is the Rangers don't shore up their staring pitching, and end up burning out what is a shut down group of late inning relievers because none of the starters cannot make it into the 7th. Grimm and Tepesch have been great, and Perez is a nice mid-season boost. But the back of this rotation is too young (especially Tepesch) and won't get it done in the playoffs. It may not even get them into the playoffs, considering the streaks that Grimm and Tepesch are currently on and that Perez will likely experience his own growing pains.

Manny is a waste of time for the Rangers. It is high time the club get serious about getting back to the WS. The fans have been patient enough, and have the right to bitch a little bit. The Rangers have plenty of young talent to trade, while still keeping a very reasonably stocked farm system, and also challenging for a title. Why wouldn't you get serious and take that chance?

But it seems to me that you're arguing under the belief that this is JD's attempt to correct our issues and that they won't be doing any more dealing. That's simply not true. This is a zero risk deal that could possibly provide some positive return. I it doesn't what did the rangers lose? It probably won't end up mattering at the big league level, but so what? It costs the organization nothing.


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But it seems to me that you're arguing under the belief that this is JD's attempt to correct our issues and that they won't be doing any more dealing. That's simply not true. This is a zero risk deal that could possibly provide some positive return. I it doesn't what did the rangers lose? It probably won't end up mattering at the big league level, but so what? It costs the organization nothing.

It may be a zero risk deal (I almost agree - Manny could be an unwanted distraction to the major league club because of who he is), but it is also a zero return deal. The guy cannot play anymore. So why bother?

The FO needs to focus on quality players that will help the club to win a championship, and in no case can I see Manny being that guy. Nothing against him personally, but he just has nothing the Rangers need.

It's not a big deal either way because I doubt Manny does anything substantial for the team and therefore the signing will largely be ignored by the end of the season. However, I can sense that Rangers fans are a bit frustrated by the lack of moves when we have a really good team, beset by injuries, that has a legitimate chance at winning and the GM is sitting tight on a goldmine of talent that likely won't help him for another couple of years. Who knows where the Rangers will be then? We know where they could be now. And they don't have to cripple the farm to get good players back, they have many options to use for good solid trades.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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It may be a zero risk deal (I almost agree - Manny could be an unwanted distraction to the major league club because of who he is), but it is also a zero return deal. The guy cannot play anymore. So why bother?

The FO needs to focus on quality players that will help the club to win a championship, and in no case can I see Manny being that guy. Nothing against him personally, but he just has nothing the Rangers need.

It's not a big deal either way because I doubt Manny does anything substantial for the team and therefore the signing will largely be ignored by the end of the season. However, I can sense that Rangers fans are a bit frustrated by the lack of moves when we have a really good team, beset by injuries, that has a legitimate chance at winning and the GM is sitting tight on a goldmine of talent that likely won't help him for another couple of years. Who knows where the Rangers will be then? We know where they could be now. And they don't have to cripple the farm to get good players back, they have many options to use for good solid trades.

He'd only be a distraction to the rangers clubhouse if he was in the rangers clubhouse. Scouts suggest he still has some baseball left in him. We'll know soon enough. In either case, I can't see a downside to this deal.

Also, if you think this is the FO's best attempt at improving our club and they won't be looking elsewhere. I don't know what to tell you. This FO has shown it will search high and low for ways to improve the team and has come through far more often than not.
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Jul 4, 2013
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He'd only be a distraction to the rangers clubhouse if he was in the rangers clubhouse. Scouts suggest he still has some baseball left in him. We'll know soon enough. In either case, I can't see a downside to this deal.

Also, if you think this is the FO's best attempt at improving our club and they won't be looking elsewhere. I don't know what to tell you. This FO has shown it will search high and low for ways to improve the team and has come through far more often than not.

Believe what you wish about Manny, but he has already been given chances by other teams and hasn't capitalized. He is done.

Also, please stop putting works in my mouth about what the front office may or may not do.I never said I didn't expect them to explore other deals. I was expressing an opinion that I would like them to be more aggressive in getting players who can actually play, instead of trying to get something for nothing on washed up player. At the end of the day, the Rangers may make a good trade or two to go for it this season. As it stands now, they have not given any indication they intend to do that. And if that is true, fans have a reason to criticize. Since there is time left, we'll wait and see what happens.


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Jul 4, 2013
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Believe what you wish about Manny, but he has already been given chances by other teams and hasn't capitalized. He is done.

Also, please stop putting works in my mouth about what the front office may or may not do.I never said I didn't expect them to explore other deals. I was expressing an opinion that I would like them to be more aggressive in getting players who can actually play, instead of trying to get something for nothing on washed up player. At the end of the day, the Rangers may make a good trade or two to go for it this season. As it stands now, they have not given any indication they intend to do that. And if that is true, fans have a reason to criticize. Since there is time left, we'll wait and see what happens.

Oh, I also made the point that waiting could be detrimental to their team's chances this year. The bullpen is showing signs of wear and the rotation is slowly collapsing on the back-end, while the injury replacements struggle with their rehabs. By the time the deadline arrives, the Rangers could be in fairly serious trouble without some help.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Believe what you wish about Manny, but he has already been given chances by other teams and hasn't capitalized. He is done.

Also, please stop putting works in my mouth about what the front office may or may not do.I never said I didn't expect them to explore other deals. I was expressing an opinion that I would like them to be more aggressive in getting players who can actually play, instead of trying to get something for nothing on washed up player. At the end of the day, the Rangers may make a good trade or two to go for it this season. As it stands now, they have not given any indication they intend to do that. And if that is true, fans have a reason to criticize. Since there is time left, we'll wait and see what happens.

I'm not putting words in your mouth, I'm just telling you to be patient. They are exploring other options. They always do, and they always keep it close to the chest until its a done deal. You probably won't hear about anything until its basically done. They are masters of that.

As for manny, I don't expect anything from him but again its a zero risk deal so who cares? Pretty ridiculous to criticize the FO when there's so much time left to make moves. Anyone truly familiar with this front office knows this isn't their grand solution.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Oh, I also made the point that waiting could be detrimental to their team's chances this year. The bullpen is showing signs of wear and the rotation is slowly collapsing on the back-end, while the injury replacements struggle with their rehabs. By the time the deadline arrives, the Rangers could be in fairly serious trouble without some help.

The bullpen has definitely been overworked. I voiced my concern over this a month ago. But the break is coming up and soria should provide a much needed boost to the pen.

While Tepesch and Grimm are not doing much to help the team lately, Perez has been a breath of fresh air and I believe will stay around. We should get ogando back soon, but I agree we need another piece. I think JD will do something about that.


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Apr 16, 2013
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I'll take lainey's side of the argument. I think it is somewhat embarrassing that they are resorting to wash up players like Manny because Murphy is really struggling. Manny doesn't have anything left. Even if he made it to the club, it is very unlikely he would give them 100 successful at bats. Plus he cannot play the field. This is not analogous to the Ruben Sierra deal, who had come back much humbled and still had a lot of baseball left in him. Manny is desperate to keep his playing career going when it is clear he is done. The Rangers are biting the hook.

I know JD wants to protect his young players and not trade them, and I generally agree with this, especially with Profar. The Rangers have a ton of talent, which is evident when you consider all of the injuries they have had and they are still vying for 1st place in the division. You want to keep that homegrown talent. But this season, because they have already lost the two world series, is different. I think this time you do what you have to do in fielding a world championship team, including trading some of that young talent.

For the Rangers to be serious WS contenders, they need one more OF bat and a legit #2 or #3 starter. That takes the pressure off of Lewis or Feliz saving the season as starters coming off injury, and if anything, seriously bolsters an already fabulous bullpen.

My biggest fear is the Rangers don't shore up their staring pitching, and end up burning out what is a shut down group of late inning relievers because none of the starters cannot make it into the 7th. Grimm and Tepesch have been great, and Perez is a nice mid-season boost. But the back of this rotation is too young (especially Tepesch) and won't get it done in the playoffs. It may not even get them into the playoffs, considering the streaks that Grimm and Tepesch are currently on and that Perez will likely experience his own growing pains.

Manny is a waste of time for the Rangers. It is high time the club get serious about getting back to the WS. The fans have been patient enough, and have the right to bitch a little bit. The Rangers have plenty of young talent to trade, while still keeping a very reasonably stocked farm system, and also challenging for a title. Why wouldn't you get serious and take that chance?
It's not only about Murphy. Your DH you're paying 11M to is already about 60 PA's short of what you would like in the first half. He isn't getting any younger and his knees aren't getting any better, those missing PA's could only increase in the 2nd half.


Grumpy Cat
Aug 9, 2011
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It's not only about Murphy. Your DH you're paying 11M to is already about 60 PA's short of what you would like in the first half. He isn't getting any younger and his knees aren't getting any better, those missing PA's could only increase in the 2nd half.

Well most of the times in the first half he has sat due to no DH in NL parks UNTIL the recent spill he took down the stairs

Since he wasn't exactly playing great anyway, which to me is the bigger issue, not PAs, its not really a big deal that Wash is being "forced" to mix up his lineups a little bit


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Well most of the times in the first half he has sat due to no DH in NL parks UNTIL the recent spill he took down the stairs

Since he wasn't exactly playing great anyway, which to me is the bigger issue, not PAs, its not really a big deal that Wash is being "forced" to mix up his lineups a little bit
Whether it is due to NL, stairs, or turf, doesn't take away from the fact I would expect more PA's from your DH. 11M is a lot to spend on a guy that only DH's, and can't even DH in an entire series because of whatever the reason is. I don't want this to turn into something it wasn't intended to, but taking flyer on Manny wasn't just about Murphy, Berkman comes to mind in the decision as well.


Grumpy Cat
Aug 9, 2011
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Whether it is due to NL, stairs, or turf, doesn't take away from the fact I would expect more PA's from your DH. 11M is a lot to spend on a guy that only DH's, and can't even DH in an entire series because of whatever the reason is. I don't want this to turn into something it wasn't intended to, but taking flyer on Manny wasn't just about Murphy, Berkman comes to mind in the decision as well.

Well of course it is, but Murphy is the bigger problem, not that Berkman is lighting things up right now or even recently, but Murphy has been pretty much terrible all year


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Well of course it is, but Murphy is the bigger problem, not that Berkman is lighting things up right now or even recently, but Murphy has been pretty much terrible all year
No disagreement, was replying to there are more reasons than just Murphy as to why it's not a bad idea just to take a flyer on a guy like Manny.