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rangers trade thoughts........


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Like I said. All I see is pointless bitching from you. Just a bunch of over emotional rants with little or no intelligent thought behind them.

lol. intelligent thought pertaining to MANNY RAMIREZ?
I don't need to explain that guy to any baseball fan. The end of his career speaks for itself, and we don't need him. We just don't.
you bet it's a rant.

quit being so emotional overly emotional about JD, as you are 100% of the time.
Why don't you get a grip and realize not everyone has to like a move because you do, followed by your little 99th nervous breakdown


Self-proclaimed Asshole
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lol. intelligent thought pertaining to MANNY RAMIREZ?
I don't need to explain that guy to any baseball fan. The end of his career speaks for itself, and we don't need him. We just don't.
you bet it's a rant.

quit being so emotional overly emotional about JD, as you are 100% of the time.
Why don't you get a grip and realize not everyone has to like a move because you do, followed by your little 99th nervous breakdown

Please tell me how defending a move that has zero downside is emotional. All you're trying to do is throw that word back in my face, but it does pertain to me. You just come off as pathetic. As usual. You think your little hissy fits aren't already common knowledge around here? Think again.


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Please tell me how defending a move that has zero downside is emotional. All you're trying to do is throw that word back in my face, but it does pertain to me. You just come off as pathetic. As usual. You think your little hissy fits aren't already common knowledge around here? Think again.

Around here? I've been here two nights...lolololol
So what's being thrust here, everyone hates me and loves you? Are you 10 years old?

You think everyone is in love with your little games ROMEO?
Try again. You've seemed to make a lot of enemies on a lot of boards. I have not, ever.
I've tried my best to get along with you, I ignore little jabs all the time, but you are incapable of moving on.

There is an ignore feature, I suggest you put me on it.
If you don't like my response to another poster, than ignore it...but trying being a grown man and stop focusing on ME.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
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Around here? I've been here two nights...lolololol
So what's being thrust here, everyone hates me and loves you? Are you 10 years old?

You think everyone is in love with your little games ROMEO?
Try again. You've seemed to make a lot of enemies on a lot of boards. I have not, ever.
I've tried my best to get along with you, I ignore little jabs all the time, but you are incapable of moving on.

There is an ignore feature, I suggest you put me on it.
If you don't like my response to another poster, than ignore it...but trying being a grown man and stop focusing on ME.

No games here chick. People who have been here a while are originally from espn and have lurked on the blogs. They're plenty familiar with your childish temper tantrums and believe me, they don't need my help to form their opinions at all.

Trust me, I've got a lot more respect from the originals here than you do.

You don't like my responses to your ridiculous nonsense? Then I suggest you be the one to use the ignore feature, or quit posting nonsense. This is a free board and ill respond to any damn post I want.


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I'm not a fan of the Manny acquisition just because I don't think it will bear any positive results. But Romeo is correct that the move is a zero-risk one. This whole rant about self-respect is nonsense. If you want facts:

1) Brian Sabean employed Barry Bonds, one of the biggest egomaniacal scumbags to ever play the game and treated him like an absolute hero and legend when the proof of his cheating was totally obvious. The Mitchell Report in fact said that Sabean was specifically told that his players were being given steroids and he chose to look the other way. Is that respectable? Also, as far as making great moves for his team, Sabean was the one who traded Joe Nathan and Francisco Liriano for AJ Pierzynski. He also gave Barry Zito one or the worst contracts in baseball history. And lastly, he has been criticized throughout his tenure as Giants GM for signing far too many aging washed-up vets- Marquis Grissom, Steve Finley, Randy Winn, JT Snow, and Matt Morris just to name a few. So let's see: knowingly employs roiders and looks the other way? Check. Takes chances on washed-up vets? Check. Makes bad baseball decisions? Check. Not sure why you chose to use Brian Sabean as a respectable GM who wouldn't sign Manny because just about everything the guy's ever done specifically says he would.

2) Billy Beane and Andrew Friedman, two of the smartest GM's in baseball who absolutely do care about their fans and building teams with little payroll, both gave Manny a chance within recent years.

I'm not a fan of the Manny signing either. But calling JD disrespectful to the Rangers because of it and saying other noteworthy GM's wouldn't do such a thing is way out of left field and flat-out incorrect.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
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I'm not a fan of the Manny acquisition just because I don't think it will bear any positive results. But Romeo is correct that the move is a zero-risk one. This whole rant about self-respect is nonsense. If you want facts:

1) Brian Sabean employed Barry Bonds, one of the biggest egomaniacal scumbags to ever play the game and treated him like an absolute hero and legend when the proof of his cheating was totally obvious. The Mitchell Report in fact said that Sabean was specifically told that his players were being given steroids and he chose to look the other way. Is that respectable? Also, as far as making great moves for his team, Sabean was the one who traded Joe Nathan and Francisco Liriano for AJ Pierzynski. He also gave Barry Zito one or the worst contracts in baseball history. And lastly, he has been criticized throughout his tenure as Giants GM for signing far too many aging washed-up vets- Marquis Grissom, Steve Finley, Randy Winn, JT Snow, and Matt Morris just to name a few. So let's see: knowingly employs roiders and looks the other way? Check. Takes chances on washed-up vets? Check. Makes bad baseball decisions? Check. Not sure why you chose to use Brian Sabean as a respectable GM who wouldn't sign Manny because just about everything the guy's ever done specifically says he would.

2) Billy Beane and Andrew Friedman, two of the smartest GM's in baseball who absolutely do care about their fans and building teams with little payroll, both gave Manny a chance within recent years.

I'm not a fan of the Manny signing either. But calling JD disrespectful to the Rangers because of it and saying other noteworthy GM's wouldn't do such a thing is way out of left field and flat-out incorrect.

Excellent post will. This is exactly the kind of logic missing from far too many of her posts, thus resulting in childish hissy fits. She seems to have this vendetta against JD, which is completely asinine considering what he's done for this franchise and calls anyone who points that out a "homer".

For the record, I highly doubt this move bears any fruit either, but it is a zero risk move so who cares. I guarantee you this is not JD's solution to our needs. For someone to act like it is his supposed solution just shows how little they actually know about how a gm like JD operates.

Banned 10x

aka Raindrop
Apr 26, 2013
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are you guys sure you're not interested in Smoak?


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I'll go on to say that while I don't think the Manny signing will work, other similar signings in the past by JD have in fact brought positive results. Example- signing a supposedly washed-up Eric Gagne got us Engel Beltre and David Murphy. You never know, and minor league contracts don't hurt one bit.


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No games here chick. People who have been here a while are originally from espn and have lurked on the blogs. They're plenty familiar with your childish temper tantrums and believe me, they don't need my help to form their opinions at all.

Trust me, I've got a lot more respect from the originals here than you do.

You don't like my responses to your ridiculous nonsense? Then I suggest you be the one to use the ignore feature, or quit posting nonsense. This is a free board and ill respond to any damn post I want.

There he goes again, calling me "chick", he's incapable of using my name.
alright, they LOVE you here Romeo, great. I got it.

It is a free board, and I'll respond to any post I want as well, if posters find it irrational...fine.
I hate this move by JD, I'm shocked, I don't get it, we don't need him. There are plenty of players that are low risk, potential high-reward, and I know JD can find them. THAT'S what's so stunning about this.


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Since this thread is about trade thoughts...

Rangers #1 priority now should be to add a top-3 caliber starter to group with Yu and Holland. Perez and what's left of Ogando, Lewis, and Harrison can battle it out for the 4/5 spots.

#2 should be finding a high average/high OBP/contact hitter to bat in the 2-spot behind Kinsler. Elvis just kills any chances to build a rally between Kinsler, Cruz, and Beltre. Don't need a power hitter, just someone who is a tough out (in the mold of a Marco Scutaro) and can drive in Kinsler or at least move him into scoring position for Nelly/Beltre. Currently the Elvis spot and the Murphy spot (tonight excluded) are just black hole rally killers and the reason why they can't string together enough hits for a big inning.


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Excellent post will. This is exactly the kind of logic missing from far too many of her posts, thus resulting in childish hissy fits. She seems to have this vendetta against JD, which is completely asinine considering what he's done for this franchise and calls anyone who points that out a "homer".

For the record, I highly doubt this move bears any fruit either, but it is a zero risk move so who cares. I guarantee you this is not JD's solution to our needs. For someone to act like it is his supposed solution just shows how little they actually know about how a gm like JD operates.

It's absolutely not true that I have a vendetta against JD, and you know that Romeo. More nonsense from you about me.
It was quite clear that if this organization had to pick between losing JD or Nolan, I was always on the side that you absolutely keep JD...or someone snaps him up.
That doesn't translate to I have support/like every decision he makes. That is a point that has always escaped you.


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I'm not a fan of the Manny acquisition just because I don't think it will bear any positive results. But Romeo is correct that the move is a zero-risk one. This whole rant about self-respect is nonsense. If you want facts:

1) Brian Sabean employed Barry Bonds, one of the biggest egomaniacal scumbags to ever play the game and treated him like an absolute hero and legend when the proof of his cheating was totally obvious. The Mitchell Report in fact said that Sabean was specifically told that his players were being given steroids and he chose to look the other way. Is that respectable? Also, as far as making great moves for his team, Sabean was the one who traded Joe Nathan and Francisco Liriano for AJ Pierzynski. He also gave Barry Zito one or the worst contracts in baseball history. And lastly, he has been criticized throughout his tenure as Giants GM for signing far too many aging washed-up vets- Marquis Grissom, Steve Finley, Randy Winn, JT Snow, and Matt Morris just to name a few. So let's see: knowingly employs roiders and looks the other way? Check. Takes chances on washed-up vets? Check. Makes bad baseball decisions? Check. Not sure why you chose to use Brian Sabean as a respectable GM who wouldn't sign Manny because just about everything the guy's ever done specifically says he would.

2) Billy Beane and Andrew Friedman, two of the smartest GM's in baseball who absolutely do care about their fans and building teams with little payroll, both gave Manny a chance within recent years.

I'm not a fan of the Manny signing either. But calling JD disrespectful to the Rangers because of it and saying other noteworthy GM's wouldn't do such a thing is way out of left field and flat-out incorrect.

Absolutely valid points, but we aren't talking about the Barry Bonds era. Do you want me to go through a list of deals that did not work for JD? No, nor do I, it's part of the game, of course not everything is going to go a GM's way.
Melky was cut last year and was not allowed to return after the suspension. (as you know). Things have obviously changed, and I think that was a sign from the Giants org, that they didn't want to have anything to do with that kind of PR.
Yes, I think it's a big slap in the face to fans to sign one of the most notorious PED users to this organization....and a 41 y/o just for some icing on the crap-cake.

Maybe I should have prefaced the entire post with
"In this day and age, not a wise move by a GM"

or "In this day and age, not a wise move from a well-respected GM"

Nothing I can do as a fan but vent my disappointment in a guy that I TRUST to find better "value" than Manny Ramirez.

What's done is done eh? Hopefully I never see him.


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Absolutely valid points, but we aren't talking about the Barry Bonds era. Do you want me to go through a list of deals that did not work for JD? No, nor do I, it's part of the game, of course not everything is going to go a GM's way.
Melky was cut last year and was not allowed to return after the suspension. (as you know). Things have obviously changed, and I think that was a sign from the Giants org, that they didn't want to have anything to do with that kind of PR.
Yes, I think it's a big slap in the face to fans to sign one of the most notorious PED users to this organization....and a 41 y/o just for some icing on the crap-cake.

Maybe I should have prefaced the entire post with
"In this day and age, not a wise move by a GM"

or "In this day and age, not a wise move from a well-respected GM"

Nothing I can do as a fan but vent my disappointment in a guy that I TRUST to find better "value" than Manny Ramirez.

What's done is done eh? Hopefully I never see him.

I see what you're saying. I guess I just see the Manny move as more of a backup to a backup to a backup plan. If JD does absolutely nothing else in the way of acquiring a bat and just relies on Manny to provide the help they need, then I will be much more inclined to criticize this move. I just see it more as a "it never hurts to have as many options as possible" type move.

And while I've never been a fan of his, especially due to his "Manny being Manny" antics, I guess I don't look as harshly on him as I do other athletes. He's supposedly a nice guy, just incredibly immature and eccentric. If he should make the roster, I wouldn't worry about him tainting the organization. Like all teams, the Rangers have employed their share of shady characters, roiders, and/or jerks- Canseco, Palmeiro, Juan Gon, Carl Everett, John Rocker, Milton Bradley, Padilla, CJ Wilson, Hamilton, just to name a few. Manny being Manny doesn't hold a candle to some of those guys.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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they LOVE you here Romeo, great. I got it.

There you go with more childish bs. This isn't about me. It's about you and your already well known temper tantrums.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
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It's absolutely not true that I have a vendetta against JD, and you know that Romeo. More nonsense from you about me.
It was quite clear that if this organization had to pick between losing JD or Nolan, I was always on the side that you absolutely keep JD...or someone snaps him up.
That doesn't translate to I have support/like every decision he makes. That is a point that has always escaped you.

Really? Because you sure do bitch about him an awful lot. You're screaming your head off right now about a move that frankly doesn't affect this team. Manny doesn't take up a 40 man roster spot. He's not guaranteed big league money, and for all of your bitching and moaning about it you've still been unable to answer the question: Where is the risk, and what does it hurt?


Grumpy Cat
Aug 9, 2011
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There you go with more childish bs. This isn't about me. It's about you and your already well known temper tantrums.

I remember venturing over to the ESPN boards one day and there was a big shit fit about not signing David Murphy to an extension when he signed his one year arbitration deal and how JD was disrespecting David Murphy, that's probably honestly the only temper tantrum I ever saw, but then again I don't venture over to ESPN very often

In retrospect, not signing Murphy to an extension was the smart way to go


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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I remember venturing over to the ESPN boards one day and there was a big shit fit about not signing David Murphy to an extension when he signed his one year arbitration deal and how JD was disrespecting David Murphy, that's probably honestly the only temper tantrum I ever saw, but then again I don't venture over to ESPN very often

In retrospect, not signing Murphy to an extension was the smart way to go

Actually the shit fit was about the differences in Murphy's and the rangers' arbitration numbers when they exchanged numbers. She was throwing a temper tantrum the JD and the rangers FO "leaked" the numbers in an attempt to explain why they wouldn't sign him to an extension.

She went on this hissy fit tirade about how there was no reason for them to "leak" that information and it must be so JD has a reason to throw Murphy under the bus later. She continued on this little hissy fit even after I showed her that information was public knowledge for nearly every arbitration eligible player in MLB. It's exactly the perfect example of over emotional hissy fits she throws while lacking knowledge or refusing to consider the logic of the subject, even when presented with irrefutable evidence in the matter.


Grumpy Cat
Aug 9, 2011
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Actually the shit fit was about the differences in Murphy's and the rangers' arbitration numbers when they exchanged numbers. She was throwing a temper tantrum the JD and the rangers FO "leaked" the numbers in an attempt to explain why they wouldn't sign him to an extension.

She went on this hissy fit tirade about how there was no reason for them to "leak" that information and it must be so JD has a reason to throw Murphy under the bus later. She continued on this little hissy fit even after I showed her that information was public knowledge for nearly every arbitration eligible player in MLB. It's exactly the perfect example of over emotional hissy fits she throws while lacking knowledge or refusing to consider the logic of the subject, even when presented with irrefutable evidence in the matter.

There it is, thats exactly what the debate was, thanks for clearing it up


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MLB is becoming like the NFL, NBA. If you can produce we will over look Any and All discressions you may have comitted. Just goes agaist My grain signning Manny. The Rangers have become the Rehab center, Landing spot , Way station for PED users over the Years, too many to list. The New Normal ??
Anybody useing PED's is Lying, Stealing and cheating to get , Fame, Money, Records, Championships and Immorallity(HOF). NEVER should any PED user ever sniff the HOF.

Just wonder what Nolan thinks about this ? this cannot set well with him. Busted his ass to achieve Greatness