The excuse is that it's disrespectful to the flag, the military and towards those like myself who actually fought for the country. Why is that the excuse? Because there are far too many people in this country who are willing to do anything, including creating this obvious diversion about the flag because they are uncomfortable dealing with, and talking about America's shameful past and it's current related shameful way that they continue to deal with their fellow citizens.
Did I argue? I was asking questions to understand. Isn't that what the player's want? Or do they want me to simply side with them without knowledge?
I asked for clarification on a couple points from Shark such as being pulled over 48 times in 48 years. It was really only a couple of times where he felt it was unjust. Then when I asked more questions, it appears the cops were doing their jobs based on the facts.
I was born in MD, grew up in SC, college in NC and Hawaii, live in FL, and work in LA.
I asked for clarification on a couple points from Shark such as being pulled over 48 times in 48 years. It was really only a couple of times where he felt it was unjust. Then when I asked more questions, it appears the cops were doing their jobs based on the facts.
Remind me of when I said or even implied that?? I can count on one hand the number of times I have been stopped by the police (while walking in most cases mind you) where it WAS actually justified. I figure half the traffic stops I have had in my life we legit ( IE I was speeding, or had dead tags, a light out that sort of thing) But more often than not I have been stopped while driving for no apparent reason other than to be asked, what are you doing out this late at night or some other jack assed backwards reasoning. And I would wager the last time you got stopped driving home from work late at night, the cop did not ask you if you had any drugs or weapons in the car. Again I can count on one hand the number of times I have NOT been asked that question, and usually those stops involved a bike and excessive speed.
But by your logic, any time the cops stop some one they are simply doing their job if they ask can I search the vehicle. And you are used to them asking you this question any time they stop you right??
I've done better than that......Arizona adopted his policy and made it the Law of the State. BTW: Next time before you ask for a policy, keep in mind that policies are often not written but in fact an edit from the person in charge.
Arizona's Senate Bill (SB) 1070 - Arizona Revised Statutes
- i - Senate Engrossed State of Arizona Senate Forty-ninth Legislature Second Regular Session 2010 SENATE BILL 1070 AN ACT AMENDING TITLE 11, CHAPTER 7, ARIZONA ...
Post 2096. Maybe I misinterpreted you saying you didn't claim to be innocent after I doubted you had been wrongfully pulled over 48 times.
Actually, the last time I got pulled over late at night was on a military base after a late night flight, and the police officer did ask if I had been drinking. The last time I was driving alone and got pulled over, the cop did ask if I had a weapon. I don't think they have asked if they can search my vehicle.
The excuse is that it's disrespectful to the flag, the military and towards those like myself who actually fought for the country. Why is that the excuse? Because there are far too many people in this country who are willing to do anything, including creating this obvious diversion about the flag because they are uncomfortable dealing with, and talking about America's shameful past and it's current related shameful way that they continue to deal with their fellow citizens.
OK arguing may have been a less effective choice, call it what you want! This BTW is not about picking sides but rather doing the right thing. That is what's at question here and all everyone is asking even playing field, which as I understand the way our caste system is structured, is not possible.
Just a note on that then. If you have a carry concealed permit, or a carry permit, most states link that to your license and your tags. I have No issue if they ask if I have a weapon, because i already know they have that info on file when they run my tags. But again, its a bit of the bullshit when they default to.. do you have any drugs in the car and can we search the car. But again you just confirmed, thats not a part of your traffic stop routine.
Now what could be different I wonder?? Maybe I just look like a gun toting crackhead.![]()
Maybe I live in a small town where drugs are not a rampant issue.
I guess me and the boys should move to mayberry then huh? Any nice single Family's with a three car garage on the market??![]()
well i said i was going to comment on the flag issue and here are my thoughts
The president has every right to say what he said . it is his opinion and he can say it and offend people just like the players who disrespect our country by sitting or kneeling . (yes its disrespect in my opinion). the players have a right to protest and i defended that right but i also have a right to be goddamned pissed at them for doing it
i dont give a shit about their damn cause when you smear the vets who gave their lives so spoiled ass millionaires can disrespect it . i wont listen to you and i will turn off the TV every goddamn time you do it . this isnt about race , its about respect i dont give a shit when you smear the vast majority of police officers who run toward danger while you flee .
now , if you want to bring awareness to the issue how about a compromise ? stand for the anthem and flag and raise your fist . to me that shows respect for our country and you get the "word " out
you all say" whats the big deal its just a symbol "? well if its just a symbol why get worked up over the confederate flag ? the nazi flag ? confederate statues ? . all of those things are symbols of oppression and our country's flag is far from that . you all would be offended (and rightfully so ) if i flew those flags and you would want them taken down. i wouldnt fly them because my friends would be hurt by it . why cant you give me the same consideration ? and others like me ?
and for god's sake why dont you NFL players research the topic you are protesting ? a police shooting is a vastly rare event . the latest stats from the FBI state that there over 4 mil arrests by the police nationwide . of those there were 450 shootings . thats right 450 shootings . divide 4 mil into 450 and see the infintely small number that is . shootings this year in chicago dwarf this but where is black lives matter on this or the NFL players . far more coverage is given to them over BS then what is happening in the inner cities
did you watch the coverage of this crap ? they showed players bashing away at the president and sports commentators commenting on it without even bringing up what the other side of the issue thought , but that is the media for you all to eager to shove their political views on you even when you want to watch a good game
and lets go further , when that black lives murderous POS show and killed 5 dallas cops who were protecting their asses , so they could protest chanting "fry them like bacon "
when jerry jones wanted to put a sticker on the cowboys helmet honoring the cops the NFL said "NO" its political . seems like that hypocrite roger goodell only allows speech and expression he wants . the truth is you should follow your own bi, laws and allow NO DAMN POLITICS in the game . many fans such as myself dont want politics to enter my game . i give a shit what chris collingsworth has to say about anything except the play on the field
this country has had lots of issues . we have gotten things wrong throughout our history . we have worked hard to correct those things but the fact is no country has accumulated so much power and given back to the world as the USA has . we pay the most money to the UN , we enforce most of their rules around the world . we are there for most any natural disaster . we help with decease throughout the world , we feed and cloth people federally and privately
no country is freaking perfect and neither is ours but i dont see assholes fleeing this country because they are oppressed . most of you have no damn clue about oppression much less a spoiled , entitled athlete who has been pamperd most of his or her life because they were good at athletics
so sorry if i am a little pissed at their disrespect . i am not going to change my stance at all . i have given a reasonable compromise and most of you will disagree with my out right militancy and inflexibility on this but that is how i feel . i have lost too many loved ones and friends who have died for this country and the police officers who have risked their lives daily to be shit on by jerks
I, like some others here, served in the military, saw actual combat, and not once while there, do I ever remember taking a pledge to the flag of this country.....NOT ONCE!! In fact what we take is an oath to "protect, preserve and defend the CONSTITUTION of the United States." Therein lies the problem if you're honest about this whole thing. That same Constitution guarantees peaceful protest even in the face of those things that have you vomiting at your core or exulting in victory/ accomplishment.
If people really want to talk about disrespect to those of us who fought and died for that Constitution, NOTHING is more disrespectful to us/ them than being so weak minded, politically inured, lazy, misinformed, or un-Americana as is obvious in those who can't won't or don't defend those things that we fought and sacrificed for in the first place. You want to be upset about that!!
Is it really OK to see suffering in this country and do nothing because that's them or I've got mine?..... Really?
Is it really Ok to see our politically allegiances as greater than what's best for our fellow countrymen/women?......... Really?
Is it really better to divide along race, religion, political, or economic status because it's easier to do that than the work that ensures that none of this matters?.... Really?
Maybe our privileged lives are better off not wanting the "distraction" that comes when American Idol, a current sporting event or some other form of entertainment is interrupted by an urgency for change. Yeah, that's it, right? Their/our discomforts must give way to others comfort because, ironically, it makes them uncomfortable.
You have to scratch your head and wonder.....What kind of country/countrymen do we really have when the mantra, as has been true in times of extrinsic crisis, compelled us to stand as one against a common enemy, yet, we are unwilling to do the same when that crisis is of our own making?
Yep, so now I honestly expect some blowback for posting this, but I'll stand on my truth as written because there's NOTHING that I've written that you cannot find below. Fair warning though, if after reading it, you find yourself at odds with anything written there or above....question your humanity, that too needs work!
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Call me crazy, but I am not ashamed of America's past. America is not some special place that spontaneously created a utopia. America evolved into the greatest country in the world over its first two hundred years. Every country in a Earth has had slavery at some point.
As for the present, I find it disgraceful how we loot and riot in cities where police have killed criminals and the public decides to get mad about it.
The government is not taking away anybody's right to protest are they? Constitution upheld. The Constitution does not provide you the right to protest while working. These athletes are protesting while at work and representing their teams.
Do we have the right to counter protest, protesters we disagree with? Is there anything more un-American than blatant unequal protection under the law? If the athletes have a right to protest, don't the fans have the same right? Let me know when somebody's actual right to protest is infringed.
Who is really suffering in this country?
What do you mean by this statement? "Is it really Ok to see our politically allegiances as greater than what's best for our fellow countrymen/women?" Define what is best.
Democrats=The great dividers
Actually, sporting events are paid services. As a purchaser, I should have say in what I am purchasing. People go to football games to watch football. They do not go to watch political stunts.
Prove to me a crisis exists. Tell me what the crisis is and provide irrefutable empirical evidence. Then tell me what you suggest be done.
Be very careful challenging another person's humanity simply because they do not see things the way you see them. If they do not see things the way you see them, maybe you need to look at your argument. I think one of the most i humane things you can do is not hold people accountable for their actions.
Democrats=The great dividers
The government is not taking away anybody's right to protest are they? Constitution upheld. The Constitution does not provide you the right to protest while working. These athletes are protesting while at work and representing their teams.
Do we have the right to counter protest, protesters we disagree with? Is there anything more un-American than blatant unequal protection under the law? If the athletes have a right to protest, don't the fans have the same right? Let me know when somebody's actual right to protest is infringed.
Who is really suffering in this country?
What do you mean by this statement? "Is it really Ok to see our politically allegiances as greater than what's best for our fellow countrymen/women?" Define what is best.
Democrats=The great dividers
Actually, sporting events are paid services. As a purchaser, I should have say in what I am purchasing. People go to football games to watch football. They do not go to watch political stunts.
Prove to me a crisis exists. Tell me what the crisis is and provide irrefutable empirical evidence. Then tell me what you suggest be done.
Be very careful challenging another person's humanity simply because they do not see things the way you see them. If they do not see things the way you see them, maybe you need to look at your argument. I think one of the most i humane things you can do is not hold people accountable for their actions.
So in what way are things being done incorrectly?
In what way is there not an even playing field?
What would you do differently?
So in what way are things being done incorrectly?
We have a race issue, start there
In what way is there not an even playing field?
We have a race issue, start there
What would you do differently?
Personally, I would mandate that the current majority in this country fix the mess that it created. (see: Race issues)