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Heres your fix Sty...


Evolution... it plays the long game and always wins eventually. :thumb:



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Jul 18, 2013
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You're crazy!!:D Why should you be ashamed of a country where you specifically benefitted because of privilege?
Now before you go all bat shit....."Fuck you Sty" you're probably not going to agree or understand this and I'm not 100% sure it applies to you, (99.9%) but you wear the shield. It's pink or blanched whichever you prefer and covers your entire body. Unlike me, that shield affords you things that my not having a similar one compelled me to fight for just to pull even. Granted that there are probably very few here who can match my economic accomplishments to date, but that doesn't negate the barriers that I had to get through because I didn't have that shield. NAW.....you won't understand this at all.

You wrote:
"As for the present, I find it disgraceful how we loot and riot in cities where police have killed criminals and the public decides to get mad about it."

Due process is supposed to be a guaranteed right in this country.

You don't get due process when you're killed because:

you were selling loose cigarettes

Driving with a busted tail light

Running away (unarmed)

Informing the officer that you have a carry license in a state where it's legal to do so.

Being stranded on the road because of mechanical failure.

Not wanting to be arrested or calling a cop an asshole

If you really want to know why they riot and loot consider this.....Riots: The voice of the powerless.

I am definitely white. There are no special programs for me to give me a competitive advantage. I do not get anything for my skin color. My advantage came from being being raised in a two parent home which does happen at a far greater rate in white families. Another advantage I had was being middle class growing up. Sure, I didn't know what that meant really but it did provide certain advantages. Another benefit I had was being a military brat because I saw discipline growing up. Another advantage of mine was having parents that pushed school for me, as I was the first college grad in my family.

Now, back to my skin tone. Perhaps, skin tone does have random people on the street not cower in fear of me. Perhaps, skin tone does not have people always peering at me. Perhaps, skin tone does have some cops look at you differently. None of these things are a disadvantages in making people competitive.

The cops had no intention of killing Eric Garner and that same thing would have happened to a big, fat white guy with a heart condition.

The SC cop was arrested, charged, and convicted.

Philando Castille was interesting. I watched it several times and found it interesting. My one question, the one question I never found an answer to, where was the gun? Just because you make the cop aware you have one, doesn't mean you won't use it. Here is what I believe happened because you can't see what happened in the video. The cop saw Castille reaching toward the middle console for his lisence, which was the vicinity of the gun, and it freaked the cop out. He started to scream don't do it several times before he shot and Castille continued doing what he was doing before the cop lost it and unloaded.

Riots...violence caused by the powerless? What about looting? People trying to rescue merchandise from the rioters?


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Come on man. You know Im a republican. But even I can admit, the country was no where NEAR as divided during Obama's two terms as it is right now. The only thing being brought together right now is the hate monger groups that fearless leader refused to denounce. I wonder if he would have called Brady a Son of a Bitch had he chosen to kneel in protest of some imagined slight based on his racial standing. My guess is, not. He might have actually invited old Tom to the white house to talk about what was bothering him instead of calling for him to be black listed and fired though.

The country was every bit as divided under Obama and Obama actually pushed it to become so. Obama started it all with the "Beer Summit" and claiming Trayvon the criminal could have been his son. It was divided but certain masses are much louder than the other...liberals. We know of the division because look at the rioting and whose side Obama never really condemned.

As for Trump using SOB, Trump is an idiot but I am willing to bet he has used SOB to describe plenty of white guys. SOB is a generic term and has nothing to do with mothers, you know that. As for Tom going to the WH, probably. They are friends.


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McCain is a POS and there are questions about his time in Hanoi.

I am not necessarily denying that nor stating that McCain is a good elected official & sure perhaps his acct of his time in captivity is not 100% accurate. However there is no denying that he served in Vietnam & was a POW. For Trump to mock that in any way is in poor taste & very unprofessional (as are many of his actions). If he wants to act that way - so be it - but to then turnaround & denounce whole groups of people as not liking vets just appears to be hypocritical IMO.

Why can't this guy just act like a freaking human being & not always act like a cartoon character? I love how the latest is that he has deleted some recent posts about the guy he backed in the AL senate primary who lost. For God's sake lose the damn Twitter acct. Act like a professional - is that too much to ask of the President of the United States?

For the record I am neither Democrat nor Republican & for the most part can't stand any of these politicians nor the media outlets on both sides who have taken bias to an insane level.


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OK.....point by point.

you wrote:

"The government is not taking away anybody's right to protest are they? Constitution upheld. The Constitution does not provide you the right to protest while working. These athletes are protesting while at work and representing their teams."

Are you suggesting that people become non-citizens because they work for someone? Dude if that's true, I honestly can't help you. Your constitutional rights follow you wherever you are and it is a misreading of those rights if that's what you're advocating. Athletes are INDEPENDENT contractors therefore they work for themselves. Yes they represent their teams generally speaking, but they represent themselves first and are not beholden to "ownership"!!

Do we have the right to counter protest, protesters we disagree with?


Is there anything more un-American than blatant unequal protection under the law?

NO, although you seem quite ready to point this out now and feign an misunderstanding when it's pointed out to you when applied in other circumstances.

If the athletes have a right to protest, don't the fans have the same right? Let me know when somebody's actual right to protest is infringed.

Yes, yes and.... OK, when the President of the United States says that a right to protest is a fireable offense in front of a cheering audience...it carries more weight and you know it!!

Who is really suffering in this country?

Where do I begin? Hmmmm how's this for a start? (There are plenty of more )

Domestic Violence and Homelessness: Statistics (2016 ...
www.acf.hhs.gov › … › Resource Library

What do you mean by this statement? "Is it really Ok to see our politically allegiances as greater than what's best for our fellow countrymen/women?" Define what is best.

Basically we are divided by our political positioning as you've demonstrated


"Democrats=The great dividers"

Instead of being focused on the greater good regardless of politics (re-read the preamble)

Actually, sporting events are paid services. As a purchaser, I should have say in what I am purchasing. People go to football games to watch football. They do not go to watch political stunts.

Really??? Really??? Sooooo those flyovers, giant flags, and the Anthem are NOT political stunts? Get real dude, that shit is there for a purpose other than the stated one. BTW: "giving honor" in that manner IS a political Stunt as well!! In addition, It glorifies death and destruction as a military show. If they honestly wanted to give honor how about a moment of silence for those who have sacrificed?

Prove to me a crisis exists. Tell me what the crisis is and provide irrefutable empirical evidence. Then tell me what you suggest be done.

Already have time and again!! It's not my fault that you have blinders on. BTW: I have no compulsion to prove anything to you on demand. If you see this country as perfect as is, then you stand against its' unreachable goal of striving to "form a more perfect union." Remember your statement about looting and rioting? Tell me that's not an American community in crisis!!

Be very careful challenging another person's humanity simply because they do not see things the way you see them. If they do not see things the way you see them, maybe you need to look at your argument. I think one of the most i humane things you can do is not hold people accountable for their actions.

Did you just do what you attempted to admonish me against? Really,??

BTW: I never challenged anyone's humanity, I spoke about humanity (Re: "under the umbrella of") and challenged the reader to reexamine him/herself. How did you miss that?

I am stating the other person also has rights. You don't get to use somebody else's platform for your agenda. The players do not own the field they work. The owners set the rules by which you work. You do not have job protection while exercising your right to protest. If you think you do, I suggest you get an understanding of the Constitution.

You can absolutely be fired for exercising your right to protest at work.

I don't have time to read every random article you put up. So I am guessing women who go through domestic violence are suffering with homelessness. Freedom does not mean there are not consequences. Women choose who they marry in this country. It is not the job of the government nor is it the responsibility of other people to shield them from the result of their choices.

OK, I have reread the preamble. What are you suggesting? Discuss it with me.

It is absolutely a political stunt. It is endorsed by the league. If it had a negative impact on the fans, the league would stop it. Apparently, you still don't get the NFL is about money. The owners can determine political statement because they own the stage.

So we should bend to the will of terrorists to prevent rioting? We should be extorted by the few to prevent crisis? Rioting exists because a few malcontents get violent. You don't form a more perfect union by giving into people like this.

You defined humanity based on your opinions of what humanity should be. You said if anybody disagrees with your statements, they should examine themselves. This means you are judging the humanity of others because you dictate what humanity is. I didn't admonish you at all. I warned you to be careful playing God.


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Jul 18, 2013
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So in what way are things being done incorrectly?

We have a race issue, start there

In what way is there not an even playing field?

We have a race issue, start there

What would you do differently?

Personally, I would mandate that the current majority in this country fix the mess that it created. (see: Race issues)

So you have no real ideas? Thanks.


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I am not necessarily denying that nor stating that McCain is a good elected official & sure perhaps his acct of his time in captivity is not 100% accurate. However there is no denying that he served in Vietnam & was a POW. For Trump to mock that in any way is in poor taste & very unprofessional (as are many of his actions). If he wants to act that way - so be it - but to then turnaround & denounce whole groups of people as not liking vets just appears to be hypocritical IMO.

Why can't this guy just act like a freaking human being & not always act like a cartoon character? I love how the latest is that he has deleted some recent posts about the guy he backed in the AL senate primary who lost. For God's sake lose the damn Twitter acct. Act like a professional - is that too much to ask of the President of the United States?

For the record I am neither Democrat nor Republican & for the most part can't stand any of these politicians nor the media outlets on both sides who have taken bias to an insane level.

Poor taste...absolutely. Unprofessional absolutely from our perspective while he is POTUS. I don't think he sees the POTUS as a profession though. He sees himself as an anti-politician.

Because that is who he is. His public persona is that of an asshole. I have heard he really isn't like that though. He is brash and I think he PC world is a problem. His answer to that is to be over the top politically incorrect in everything though. You can tell the truth without being an asshole.

I don't trust the media at all. They have shown an incredible amount of bias and have an obvious political agenda. As for politicians, I don't perfectly align with any of them. I am for freedom and allowing people to succeed and fail. I am for individuals being allowed to discriminate because I feel that is the only way to actually cure racism, from both sides. You will never cure bias.


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I am for individuals being allowed to discriminate because I feel that is the only way to actually cure racism, from both sides. You will never cure bias.

Thats kind of like saying the only way to cure obesity is to eat more twinkies. Cause you are never going to get a chunky kid to not crave sugary foods that we all know are bad for you.


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thanks for the read sty , i respect your opinion , i just see it differently when it comes to the anthem and the flag . now i wont comment anymore on this topic because its gone off the rails

truth be told this topic needs to go to the political forum and should be talked about there .


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Thats kind of like saying the only way to cure obesity is to eat more twinkies. Cause you are never going to get a chunky kid to not crave sugary foods that we all know are bad for you.

You can't get a person to stop being a bigot by calling them a dumb fuck either. You have to prove them wrong. When a person discriminates, it should hurt their business or practice. When you prove they cannot survive in that manner, their behavior and thoughts will change.


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You can't get a person to stop being a bigot by calling them a dumb fuck either. You have to prove them wrong. When a person discriminates, it should hurt their business or practice. When you prove they cannot survive in that manner, their behavior and thoughts will change.

Actually, in all likeliness, you just get people to dig in and double down on their stupidity. You cant force some one to accept that which is different, you can only hope that they realize that just because some one is different, it does not make them any less of a person or more of a threat. And thats the real issue here.


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Actually, in all likeliness, you just get people to dig in and double down on their stupidity. You cant force some one to accept that which is different, you can only hope that they realize that just because some one is different, it does not make them any less of a person or more of a threat. And thats the real issue here.

That is a possibility, until they die.

But you can't force people to change. You can only show them the truth and hope it sinks in.


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Trump is right Nfl is wrong that is all


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When Eric Holder can't find a reason to prosecute you with Obama begging him to, you were justified.

I also don't see a black man when it comes to Michael Brown or Eric Garner. I see criminals, because they were. Eric Garner's death was an accident caused by a heart problem. The heart problem was triggered because he didn't want to be arrested.


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When Eric Holder can't find a reason to prosecute you with Obama begging him to, you were justified.

I also don't see a black man when it comes to Michael Brown or Eric Garner. I see criminals, because they were. Eric Garner's death was an accident caused by a heart problem. The heart problem was triggered because he didn't want to be arrested.

Remember Rodney King ?

how about Oscar Grant ?

how about Aaron Campbell, Niles Meservey, Amadou Ahmed Diallo, Orlando Barlow, Sean Bell, Victor Steen, Steven Washington or Tyron Brown


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Remember Rodney King ?

how about Oscar Grant ?

how about Aaron Campbell, Niles Meservey, Amadou Ahmed Diallo, Orlando Barlow, Sean Bell, Victor Steen, Steven Washington or Tyron Brown

Give it a rest Krush... all these guys had some sort of prior legal troubles, so they all deserved what ever happened to them. Or so goes the narrative apparently. After all, had they simply submitted to arrest and admitted their guilt, they would be alive and in jail and yet another reason for some folks to bitch about them being a drain on society. After all, its been proven that walking and eating Skittles at night is justification to be stalked, and killed these days apparently.


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Give it a rest Krush... all these guys had some sort of prior legal troubles, so they all deserved what ever happened to them. Or so goes the narrative apparently. After all, had they simply submitted to arrest and admitted their guilt, they would be alive and in jail and yet another reason for some folks to bitch about them being a drain on society. After all, its been proven that walking and eating Skittles at night is justification to be stalked, and killed these days apparently.

Submit to arrest...yes.

Admit guilt? Who said that?

No but slamming a guy's head into the concrete is.
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