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MLB trade deadline 2012


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
San Diego
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,400.09
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I meant Pence and Choo w/Perez. Although the Pence comment was done with tongue in cheek. But, thinking about it, that does take care of 2013 as well as this year.

BTW, I'm still not that high on Brown. I love that he made some adjustments and is now destroying AA, but I think he'll still struggle with the inside fastball when he reaches the majors.

I have not seen any clip on Brown since last year. I am basing my opinion on him based his serious struggles in the first part of the year, then the reports about him totally re-tooling his swing mechanics, and then his huge comeback in the second half. I LOVE to see guys struggle in the minors and react well to said struggles. And when a guy has the speed tool he has, you have to be excited with just about ANY bat or OBP tool, and he APPEARS to have both (as well as the ability to adjust his game between the two depending on his "streak").


Superstitious Fan
Aug 11, 2010
Eugene, OR and Lake Tahoe
Hoopla Cash
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Lets just keep this in mind for a second. Choo/Perez itself will cost us a lot of money next year. Both are arbitration eligible (Choo 3rd and final, Perez 2nd of 3), Choo will probably make around $10MM and Perez will make around $6.5MM, so that's $16.5MM added on to next years roster. Add in Pence's $14MM makes it $30.5MM. We have $24MM coming off the books for next year, but don't forget to add in Melky's extension, raises for Cain, Lincecum, Sandoval, Zito and Volgelsong and all the arbitration players.

I know this is all hypothetical, but it seems very unrealistic.


Brain dead Hacker
Aug 16, 2010
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Skimming the net for rumors

Dodgers looking at Dempster and Soriano and things are picking up


Brain dead Hacker
Aug 16, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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How about a Pence/Blanton and League combo?

I'm not fully sold on Zito/Timmy and Blanton is a decent arm which shouldn't be too expensive (I liked Dempster because he can go go bullpen or rotation)


The Hammer
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
I have not seen any clip on Brown since last year. I am basing my opinion on him based his serious struggles in the first part of the year, then the reports about him totally re-tooling his swing mechanics, and then his huge comeback in the second half. I LOVE to see guys struggle in the minors and react well to said struggles. And when a guy has the speed tool he has, you have to be excited with just about ANY bat or OBP tool, and he APPEARS to have both (as well as the ability to adjust his game between the two depending on his "streak").

He didn't "totally retool his swing". All he did was get his front foot down towards the pitcher instead of to right field. He's still got the same basic mechanics, but the change does open him up a bit more. My issue with his swing was his hand position, which seemed a bit stuck behind him, the new foot stride should have helped with that, but I'm still skeptical.


The Hammer
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Your point about Choo being a lefty has been eating at me as well...

I am not sure that emptying our farm for a year+ of a STUD that does not PERFECTLY fill a major hole for us is completely wise...

On top of this, I have not heard about the Giants being in talks with Cleveland at all for over a week or so now...

If the Dodgers are opening up their wallets, our window of winning the west, now and in the future, is closing fast. Besides we can somewhat restock the minors when we trade timmy next year.


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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If the Dodgers are opening up their wallets, our window of winning the west, now and in the future, is closing fast. Besides we can somewhat restock the minors when we trade timmy next year.


Although I hope the wallet opening down south prompts some up here too.


Superstitious Fan
Aug 11, 2010
Eugene, OR and Lake Tahoe
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Giants have been opening up their wallets. Payroll has gone from $76MM to $82MM to $96MM to $118MM to $131MM. They probably wont go past $140MM, but they don't want to keep increasing at that rate and reach the luxury tax, which the Dodgers seem like they are determined to do.


The Hammer
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Lets just keep this in mind for a second. Choo/Perez itself will cost us a lot of money next year. Both are arbitration eligible (Choo 3rd and final, Perez 2nd of 3), Choo will probably make around $10MM and Perez will make around $6.5MM, so that's $16.5MM added on to next years roster. Add in Pence's $14MM makes it $30.5MM. We have $24MM coming off the books for next year, but don't forget to add in Melky's extension, raises for Cain, Lincecum, Sandoval, Zito and Volgelsong and all the arbitration players.

I know this is all hypothetical, but it seems very unrealistic.

I think getting Choo makes it less urgent to sign Melky, and the same applies with Perez and Bwheezy. That's the way I see the deal. Consider that if we get Choo and Pence then Melky is as good as gone next year. Further, there is more than 50M coming off the books next year, of which, 38M is dead money this year tied up in Huff, Franchez, Rowand, and Wilson.
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Superstitious Fan
Aug 11, 2010
Eugene, OR and Lake Tahoe
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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I think getting Choo makes it less urgent to sign Melky. That's the way I see the deal. Consider that if we get Choo and Pence then Melky is as good as gone next year. Further, there is more than 50M coming off the books next year, of which, 38M is dead money tied up in Huff, Franchez, Rowand, and Wilson.

Well there $50MM coming off the books including players eligible for arbitration, which will probably eat about $15-16MM (not counting Weez), then you re-sign Theriot or Scutaro (or both) and Affeldt (still think he is coming back no matter what) which could be another $8MM, leaving about $27MM before Melky, Pence and/or Choo and Perez. I could see keeping Melky, Choo and Perez but I don't see Pence fitting unless its just him, and the team is much stronger with the first 3.

Again, all hypothetical.


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,700.00
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Well there $50MM coming off the books including players eligible for arbitration, which will probably eat about $15-16MM (not counting Weez), then you re-sign Theriot or Scutaro (or both) and Affeldt (still think he is coming back no matter what) which could be another $8MM, leaving about $27MM before Melky, Pence and/or Choo and Perez. I could see keeping Melky, Choo and Perez but I don't see Pence fitting unless its just him, and the team is much stronger with the first 3.

Again, all hypothetical.

If we assume Brown can be the CF next year, you don't need to resign all 3 OFs. Melky and Choo are enough.

This is all some hypothetical chatter though, we may not get any-damn-body



The Hammer
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Well there $50MM coming off the books including players eligible for arbitration, which will probably eat about $15-16MM (not counting Weez), then you re-sign Theriot or Scutaro (or both) and Affeldt (still think he is coming back no matter what) which could be another $8MM, leaving about $27MM before Melky, Pence and/or Choo and Perez. I could see keeping Melky, Choo and Perez but I don't see Pence fitting unless its just him, and the team is much stronger with the first 3.

Again, all hypothetical.

The arb guys of consequence are Romo and Posey. I wouldn't put a price tag for next year on the combination of Theriot. Scutaro, and Affeldt - too many different paths they could take to fill those slots.

Next year I'd rather have melky over pence too, but it sure would be a nice luxury to have choo, melky, and pence for the stretch run this year. The amount of money coming off the books next year makes that kind of thing possible. But it's also the kind of thing that gets you fired as a GM if it doesn't work out.


Superstitious Fan
Aug 11, 2010
Eugene, OR and Lake Tahoe
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Can we turn into Boston west?

That would be my hope. Maybe not until the stadium is paid off though. Still a ways away.

I think this offseason will answer a lot of those questions. We know Zito is coming off the books after 2013 (except for the buyout), we sort-of know the stadium debt is all paid sometime in 2015-2018, we have Cain and Bum locked-up as our only future commits, but they are core pieces, and I think this offseason we will have Posey locked-up and possibly Melky too as our core 4. Once the Giants know what Posey and Melky will be making, they won't have to worry about saving money for them, which was always the concern the last few years about saving for Tim, Cain, Bum etc...

But I think the Giants will be in a very friendly financial position going forward and could turn into BoSox of teh west if they want to (key word there though, IF they want to).


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
San Diego
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,400.09
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Another prob with my proposed Choo/Perez deal...

What do we do with 1B? Move panda over and start Marco? Is that any kind if upgrade?

Promote Pill? I think most of us agree that last year was a lightning-in-a-bottle thing for him and he is really only a AAA/AAAA player...


Superstitious Fan
Aug 11, 2010
Eugene, OR and Lake Tahoe
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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The arb guys of consequence are Romo and Posey. I wouldn't put a price tag for next year on the combination of Theriot. Scutaro, and Affeldt - too many different paths they could take to fill those slots.

Next year I'd rather have melky over pence too, but it sure would be a nice luxury to have choo, melky, and pence for the stretch run this year. The amount of money coming off the books next year makes that kind of thing possible. But it's also the kind of thing that gets you fired as a GM if it doesn't work out.

It would be epic to have a star studded OF like that going down the stretch and would really put a huge F-YOU to the Dodgers. But, I think a Choo/Melky Perez and Brown in the future would be more beneficial in the longer term.... but I love says F-You to Dodger fans.

And regarding Scutaro/Affeldt/Theriot, I don't see another capable starter in the org. and Theriot has done enough to warrent another deal, and I stand by my opinion that Affeldt will retire a Giant. But fair enough, a lot can happen in that time.
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The Hammer
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Another prob with my proposed Choo/Perez deal...

What do we do with 1B? Move panda over and start Marco? Is that any kind if upgrade?

Promote Pill? I think most of us agree that last year was a lightning-in-a-bottle thing for him and he is really only a AAA/AAAA player...

I assumed Posey would move to 1B full time, with Chez3 behind the plate.


The Hammer
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
It would be epic to have a star studded OF like that going down the stretch and would really put a huge F-YOU to the Dodgers. But, I think a Choo/Melky Perez and Brown in the future would be more beneficial in the longer term.... but I love says F-You to Dodger fans.

And regarding Scutaro/Affeldt/Theriot, I don't see another capable starter in the org. and Theriot has done enough to warrent another deal, and I stand by my opinion that Affeldt will retire a Giant. But fair enough, a lot can happen in that time.

Sure. We can unload Pence in the offseason, after he helps us win the WS.


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
San Diego
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,400.09
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
I assumed Posey would move to 1B full time, with Chez3 behind the plate.

That is possible, but then we have to deal w/ Whitey through the stretch...

I think I would rather see if Jackson is anything more than a AAA success story.