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Let's talk about The Window


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It will happen when one of them becomes the main back and doesn't just get 3rd and long carries, or last drive before half so Marshawn can rest carries. If you haven't seen Turbo break away, then what have you been watching? Half of his runs have been called back on penalty.

I do remember a long run from him that got called back now that you mention it. He just has done nothing to impress me over the three or so years he's been here. Has good hands though. I just don't believe we can contend with him and Michaels running the rock.

Why would they install an edge play into an offense with Marshawn as the main back?

Why not. Turbin and Michaels are on the team and Turbin at least plays a few downs for us.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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and his run is far from over ...

This is what scares me the most. I pray you are right. This is why crapping an opportunity away like that is so frustrating. Who knows if we will ever get back with this team. Next years team will be even weaker when we lose people as this years team wasn't as good as last years. I hope we can get back to the dance, but you never take it for granted.


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If there's an opening, even a tiny one, for tzorn to slam Pete Carroll, he'll find it and bust through it like Juggernaut. If there isn't an opening for it, he'll create one. He's hated Carroll for as long as I can remember, so it doesn't surprise me that he's taking this opportunity to do his "I told you so" happy dance.

Yes he has, thought he left that behind at ESPN forums, but I guess not.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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I don't think this is true. Defense's have to respect Lynch and they realize he's the first option (of course unless the super bowls at stake). Nobody respects Turbin and they shouldn't. This Seahawk teams demise will be when Lynch is gone. No way do they contend.

Not really a true/false thing. It's an opinion. And I can turn your take around and say that defenses fearing Wilson's effectiveness on the keeper make life a little easier for Lynch. If you're fair about it, I think you would agree it's a symbiotic relationship between the two players.

But I guess the bottom line for you is you don't think RW is a franchise QB. Because if you do, then I'm not quite sure why you don't think we can contend without Lynch when all the other teams in the league with franchise QBs are or have used either replacement type parts at RB or a RBBC approach. It's a QB league. EDIT: when it's all said and done, Wilson will play a lot more seasons without Lynch than with. You really think Wilson's star burns out when Lynch is gone? It seems goofy to me, but ok.


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Dec 7, 2013
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He's our version of Midnight Angel.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The idea of a window is a fabrication to begin with. Seattle got to play a bit with house money because they found so many great pieces to work around near the same time and all were on rookie contracts long enough to allow them to have real depth with FA veterans.

Now these young guys are becoming the vets and getting paid like it leaving your best chance to have a dominating team of having to fill the gaps again with new young talent that is on rookie contracts.

The defense has enough pieces to keep being strong. They do have questions and don't have the depth they had in 2013, but who really does? How are you going to replace Maxwell if he leaves and can you get the D line shored up enough?

The sleeping giant in the room is Lynch. If he says you have a great shot at the SB. If he doesn't you better upgrade at WR and TE and still hope you find another gem in the rough in the draft or get lucky in FA like you did with Lynch.

You have enough stars to keep building around to find chances at taking shots at the SB for years to come. It's just not you aren't on house money anymore and there will be frustrating years mixed in with legit runs at it like the other great teams around the league.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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When will this happen because they sure aren't anything special right now? Turbin is as average as a RB in the NFL can be and he coughs up the rock more then he should. Michael cant even beat out Turbin, so there's your answer for him.

Now I know you're completely full of shit - since you can't even get your facts straight. Turbin has fumbled the ball twice in 3 years. TWICE!!!! How the hell is that more than he should! That's 2 fumbles in 324 touches, or 162 touches per fumble. Lynch - who you insist on comparing him to - fumbled 5 times this year (385 touches), 4 times last year (403) and 7 times in 2012 (378). So, in the last three years, Turbin has put the ball on the ground 0.6% of his touches - Lynch 1.4% (or nearly twice as often).


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I don't think this is true. Defense's have to respect Lynch and they realize he's the first option (of course unless the super bowls at stake). Nobody respects Turbin and they shouldn't. This Seahawk teams demise will be when Lynch is gone. No way do they contend.

Let's not get overly dramatic here. He's great but saying that the team won't even contend when he's gone is ridiculous. Wilson was throwing at blanketed guys the entire Super Bowl and put up a 110 rating (even with the ridiculous int that was basically the dumbest play call in Super Bowl history). The offense has to go away from being so run heavy. Give Wilson a couple of big targets that are legit threats and things will be fine.


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Dec 4, 2013
3rd stone from the sun
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The defense is what keeps Seattle in games. This league is all about offense and cornerbacks are a hot commodity. The defensive backfield is the most important group on this team.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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But I guess the bottom line for you is you don't think RW is a franchise QB. Because if you do, then I'm not quite sure why you don't think we can contend without Lynch when all the other teams in the league with franchise QBs are or have used either replacement type parts at RB or a RBBC approach. It's a QB league. EDIT: when it's all said and done, Wilson will play a lot more seasons without Lynch than with. You really think Wilson's star burns out when Lynch is gone? It seems goofy to me, but ok.

How much longer do you think Wilson will be able to run around like a chicken with his head cut off back there and also run the read option effectively? Sooner then later, the body breaks down. Injuries happen. 5 more years maybe? Longer then that? Maybe, maybe not. When Wilson cant run like he does, we will be in big trouble. Love the guy and he's a winner, but if he has to stay back there and pass from the pocket on a normal basis, we're screwed. Thats why a good running back is needed. Might be able to find one in the draft or FA, but who knows. If we're left with Turbin and Michael exclusively, we are fucked. If people are comfortable with those two guys in the backfield, they deserve what they will get.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Now I know you're completely full of shit - since you can't even get your facts straight. Turbin has fumbled the ball twice in 3 years. TWICE!!!! How the hell is that more than he should! That's 2 fumbles in 324 touches, or 162 touches per fumble. Lynch - who you insist on comparing him to - fumbled 5 times this year (385 touches), 4 times last year (403) and 7 times in 2012 (378). So, in the last three years, Turbin has put the ball on the ground 0.6% of his touches - Lynch 1.4% (or nearly twice as often).

I didnt look up the numbers. The 2 fumbles he had must have been the games I was able to watch due to work. Lynch fumbling 5 times on 385 touches and the people he carries is just fine with me. How many carries has Turbin had in 3 years? Just curious.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I didnt look up the numbers. The 2 fumbles he had must have been the games I was able to watch due to work. Lynch fumbling 5 times on 385 touches and the people he carries is just fine with me. How many carries has Turbin had in 3 years? Just curious.

Are you serious? He just told you


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Aug 28, 2014
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The defense is what keeps Seattle in games. This league is all about offense and cornerbacks are a hot commodity. The defensive backfield is the most important group on this team.

I'm not so sure. I think a good DL/pass rush is just as important. Accurate throws are a lot harder to make with someone breathing down your neck. That said, a good secondary can buy time for that pass rush as well.

It's interesting that we are in an era where your outside linebackers might be the most replaceable parts of your defense.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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How much longer do you think Wilson will be able to run around like a chicken with his head cut off back there and also run the read option effectively? Sooner then later, the body breaks down. Injuries happen. 5 more years maybe? Longer then that? Maybe, maybe not. When Wilson cant run like he does, we will be in big trouble. Love the guy and he's a winner, but if he has to stay back there and pass from the pocket on a normal basis, we're screwed. Thats why a good running back is needed. Might be able to find one in the draft or FA, but who knows. If we're left with Turbin and Michael exclusively, we are fucked. If people are comfortable with those two guys in the backfield, they deserve what they will get.

Running around like a chicken with his head cut off?? Really? That's what you think he's doing? No wonder why you're on an island here. Next slide.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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With or without Lynch, the window is open for a good 10 yrs. Our core defense is already locked up, our QB will get his long term contract to keep him in Seattle for a long while and with the way PC/JS have drafted our team will be stock piled with young talent. Besides Brady, NE never always had super stars on the roster yet they are always SB contenders. Why you say, because upper management knows how to draft and manage the cap space plus good solid coaching as well. That is what we have and that's why I believe we will have a long solid run of being contenders for the SB.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Running around like a chicken with his head cut off?? Really? That's what you think he's doing? No wonder why you're on an island here. Next slide.

Do you even watch the games? WTF do you think he's doing back there? With the poor O-Line we have and crap receivers, the guy is constantly trying to make something out of nothing. There's busted plays all the freaking time.

I'm shocked you cant see that. (well, no I'm not)


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Sep 1, 2011
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Do you even watch the games? WTF do you think he's doing back there? With the poor O-Line we have and crap receivers, the guy is constantly trying to make something out of nothing. There's busted plays all the freaking time.

I'm shocked you cant see that. (well, no I'm not)

Yes he's trying to make things happen, but he's also careful not to take hits. I don't think he takes anymore of a beating then the next QB, less actually, because he's smart about avoiding big hits.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yes he's trying to make things happen, but he's also careful not to take hits. I don't think he takes anymore of a beating then the next QB, less actually, because he's smart about avoiding big hits.

Yeah, I agree with this. I don't think anybody said differently. This has nothing to do with the fact that the guy is constantly running for his life due to busted plays and sad route running.


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Yeah, I agree with this. I don't think anybody said differently. This has nothing to do with the fact that the guy is constantly running for his life due to busted plays and sad route running.

We are all for a better OL and WRs, but it's a work in progress. There was a time we wondered if the Seahawks would ever have a good QB.