New Member
I guess that is why issue with this whole stupid argument. People want to credit CK for things based on what they have seen in 6 games but dont want to discredit him for things in the same span. The reality is the guy is 4-2-1 in the last 7 games that he has finished. Thats the end game and while its OK its not any better than what Smith did the last year and half ( in fact its worse). I have no issue with thinking Kaep is better but to get all up in arms when a neutral party says that maybe he isnt better is stupid. I get it, alot of Niner fans hate Smith, doesnt mean Kaep is better just because you didnt like the other guy. I personally hope you guys make the NFC title game and get the smile slapped off your face in Atlanta while Kaep plays like shit. Then I can celebrate and be an asshole all at the same timeLOL.
"People want to credit CK for things based on what they have seen in 6 games but dont want to discredit him for things in the same span."
What things are we not discrediting him for and be specific - you know just the FACTS?
The reality is the guy is 4-2-1 in the last 7 games that he has finished.
In games that Kap "finished" - LOL!!! Nice try at spinning the facts, unfortunately, this works against you like nearly every word you type!
In games that Kap has FINISHED he is 5-2! He came into the Rams game down 14-7 and "finished" that game by outscoring them 17-10 the rest of the way - all 17 points coming in the 4th quarter.
In games that he started he is 4-2
In games that he has played in & thrown more than 7 passes he is 4-2-1
In games that he finished he is 5-2
In games that he has scored in he is 6-2-1
We can spin the FACTS anyway you like Captain Dipshit
"Thats the end game and while its OK its not any better than what Smith did the last year and half (in fact its worse)."
Here is the box-score for Smiths six starts beginning at the 9th game of his second season:
Hmmm? Let me know if those FACTS are not good enough for you - I've more where those came from - Hey, how about we compare each QB's first 195 pass attempts?? That would be fun! Like I said, anyway you want spin it.
"I have no issue with thinking Kaep is better but to get all up in arms when a neutral party says that maybe he isnt better is stupid."
Neutral? Neutral means no opinion; which, since you know absolutely nothing about our team is what you should have; instead, you open your mouth and shit falls out of it!
"I get it, alot of Niner fans hate Smith, doesnt mean Kaep is better just because you didnt like the other guy."
Nobody on this board hates Alex Smith. What makes Kap better are his skills and abilities - You know those "weak-ass intangibles" you can't measure with statistics so of course you are oblivious to them
"I personally hope you guys make the NFC title game and get the smile slapped off your face in Atlanta while Kaep plays like shit. Then I can celebrate and be an asshole all at the same time"
If we are going to lose in the playoffs it will happen before the NFCC Game and if we make it to the NFCC and play the Falcons - I like our chances
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