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I'm getting excited


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Have to agree with you guys. I'm sure the Rams will be improved from last year....but it might not be noticeable in the toughest division in football. In any case, the smash mouth style of offense we seem to be leaning to and the great defense will carry them far....but unfortunately without a quality QB not far enough I'm afraid. The QB position will continue to be the Achilles heel of this team, with the WR position next. The good thing is that after this season there will be no more excuses or doubt about Bradford, and then we can finally move on and attempt to improve the most important position on any NFL team.

A couple of thoughts from a long time Rams fan that I hope are incorrect (except that they are significantly improved):

1) The Rams are a significantly improved team and nowhere near the 2nd worst roster in the NFL. Unfortunately, this improvement will not be reflected in the record given the Rams brutal schedule, especially weeks 6-11. I honestly believe that the Rams could be a playoff caliber team this year, but not with their schedule and being in the NFCW. No playoffs this year without great coaching and a banner year from Bradford, which will require a markedly different offensive game plan than that of the last few years (except last year when Bradford was out).

2) Which brings us to point 2, which deals with the bolded part of the above quote. Harken back to some of the almost (emphasis on almost) days of glory with John Robinson and Eric Dickerson. I submit that the bolded quote was not only Robinson's strategy which did emphasize our strengths and led to a very good record, but it was also the Rams downfall in close games and especially the playoffs. Quite simply, I respectfully submit that John Robinson did less with more talent than any coach in Rams, and maybe the NFL, history. The reason, this strategy leaves no room for error or freak plays. Every game is close, which means every play is significant and you can dominate a game, but still lose because of 1-2 breakout plays. Long-time Rams fans will remember how often we've lost critical games on 1-2 game-changing plays when the Rams were too conservative (especially against the Vikes in the early '70's).

But I ramble. Suffice it to say that I believe that the Rams will be in every game this year, but the schedule is just too tough for anything above a .500 record. God, please let me be wrong.


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
The Ozarks
Hoopla Cash
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A couple of thoughts from a long time Rams fan that I hope are incorrect (except that they are significantly improved):

1) The Rams are a significantly improved team and nowhere near the 2nd worst roster in the NFL. Unfortunately, this improvement will not be reflected in the record given the Rams brutal schedule, especially weeks 6-11. I honestly believe that the Rams could be a playoff caliber team this year, but not with their schedule and being in the NFCW. No playoffs this year without great coaching and a banner year from Bradford, which will require a markedly different offensive game plan than that of the last few years (except last year when Bradford was out).

2) Which brings us to point 2, which deals with the bolded part of the above quote. Harken back to some of the almost (emphasis on almost) days of glory with John Robinson and Eric Dickerson. I submit that the bolded quote was not only Robinson's strategy which did emphasize our strengths and led to a very good record, but it was also the Rams downfall in close games and especially the playoffs. Quite simply, I respectfully submit that John Robinson did less with more talent than any coach in Rams, and maybe the NFL, history. The reason, this strategy leaves no room for error or freak plays. Every game is close, which means every play is significant and you can dominate a game, but still lose because of 1-2 breakout plays. Long-time Rams fans will remember how often we've lost critical games on 1-2 game-changing plays when the Rams were too conservative (especially against the Vikes in the early '70's).

But I ramble. Suffice it to say that I believe that the Rams will be in every game this year, but the schedule is just too tough for anything above a .500 record. God, please let me be wrong.

SD that's one of the best posts I have read in a long time. kudos. :suds:


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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He had a very good start last year statistically before the injury.

Statistics dont always bring home a victory Shops. Weeks 2,3,4 are proof of that last year. One thing I do llike about Bradford is he doesnt turn the ball over very often. But when he does, its ugly and at the wrong time. He is smart, but IMO he's very timid. He holds onto the ball too long and he doesnt scan the field. He focus on 1 guy and everybody and their brother knows where he's going to throw. Oh and he gets sacked a lot! Then just runs to the sideline and sits by himself. I'm just wondering if its already too late for him. Bulger-itas?? Boy I sure hope not. One thing is for certain this year he wont be throwing on 1st down, he will be handing off.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Who is we? This wasn't my stance last year.:noidea:

I would dare say about 50% of the board was singing your Sammy tune. After signing Jared Cook, Jake Long and drafting Tavon. This was suppose to be Sam security blanket. HJe will make the Pro Bowl for sure!! Sitting back in the pocket almost got the poor boy killed. :L But thats OK I still got my fingers XXed!


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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I would dare say about 50% of the board was singing your Sammy tune. After signing Jared Cook, Jake Long and drafting Tavon. This was suppose to be Sam security blanket. HJe will make the Pro Bowl for sure!! Sitting back in the pocket almost got the poor boy killed. :L But thats OK I still got my fingers XXed!
Would you say this included me? :noidea:

Because going in, I was optimistically cautious knowing we had no run game to speak of, an unproven WR corp and a shaky OL at best with no real depth. Also felt our chances would be minimized due to our secondary problems, and our depth and inexperience issues at LB.

You see the tune I was singing before the season were the obvious challenges I saw going in. Those challenges of course were viewed by the anti Bradford camp as more 'excuses' for Sam.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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Statistics dont always bring home a victory Shops. Weeks 2,3,4 are proof of that last year. One thing I do llike about Bradford is he doesnt turn the ball over very often. But when he does, its ugly and at the wrong time. He is smart, but IMO he's very timid. He holds onto the ball too long and he doesnt scan the field. He focus on 1 guy and everybody and their brother knows where he's going to throw. Oh and he gets sacked a lot! Then just runs to the sideline and sits by himself. I'm just wondering if its already too late for him. Bulger-itas?? Boy I sure hope not. One thing is for certain this year he wont be throwing on 1st down, he will be handing off.

That's why I wrote "statistically". If the Rams had turned to Stacy earlier, maybe Bradford would've had a running game to help him out in the early part of the season. Before his season-ending injury, Bradford had 3 games with Stacy getting the majority of the carries; wins over Jax (34-20) and Houston (38-13) and the loss to Carolina (30-15, during which Sam was injured late).


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Would you say this included me? :noidea:

Because going in, I was optimistically cautious knowing we had no run game to speak of, an unproven WR corp and a shaky OL at best with no real depth. Also felt our chances would be minimized due to our secondary problems, and our depth and inexperience issues at LB.

You see the tune I was singing before the season were the obvious challenges I saw going in. Those challenges of course were viewed by the anti Bradford camp as more 'excuses' for Sam.

I didnt join this board until mid july of last year. I came from the espn board. It was no different there, I am not pointing the finger at anyone directly here. But the Sammy discussions are exactly the same here as they were there. So I woundnt say this would include you, but I think we all are optimistically cautious when it comes to Sam to a degree. Because it usually ends up being a discouragement.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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Well we sort of agree here however I've been optimistically cautious about the Rams offense and not so much about Sam. Sam to me has shown he can be successful with guys around him making plays however he's just not that guy who is going to win you games all on his own.

Snisher has done a pretty darn good job of getting talent around him in two short years, it's just we've had to wait and let these youngins develop like Zac, Tavon, Givens, Quick, Pettis & Bailey and fortunately we've been able to bolster our OL in the process in year 3 of Snisher.

I look back at the Spag years for Sam in disgust! Yes Sam got rookie of the year in 2010 however that was all Pat. Spags, Linehardt and Delvaney didn't have a clue about building a roster and recognizing talent. That's how we got in this mess in the first place and it's hard for me to blame a guy who has had to deal with such challenges due to a lack of competence of leadership around him.

With all that said, at this time in Sam's career, there is enough talent and experience around him that it's easy for me to say it's a make or break year for Sam. There will be challenges of course however I think the playing field is finally level now so it's time to put up or shut up.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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That's why I wrote "statistically". If the Rams had turned to Stacy earlier, maybe Bradford would've had a running game to help him out in the early part of the season. Before his season-ending injury, Bradford had 3 games with Stacy getting the majority of the carries; wins over Jax (34-20) and Houston (38-13) and the loss to Carolina (30-15, during which Sam was injured late).

This is why I wanted Greg Robinson @ #2, I figured we already had a decent run game, why not make it a great one. IMO, GR has the tools to be even better than RS. So what if he plays guard, if our rb is averaging 6-7 ypc this is helping our team more than any wr wouldnt have helped. Plus it keeps our defense off the field. Kellen Clemons had success, then Sam should flourish behind this.

So sounds like you are giving all credit to Stacy? No credit for Saffolds move to guard?? Dont get me wrong I like Stacy, but you gotta give some of the credit to Saffold. He is a average at best tackle, but he is a great pulling guard. add in a 5'7" fire hydrant rb and instant success!! Too bad we have a knucklehead for a coordinator that didnt discover this sooner. I believe Boodman wanted this, not Shotty.

Now we have Robinson, and he too is a road grader. Put Mason in the mix and boom we instantly control the time of possesion battle. With a successful run game Sam will be able to catch the defense off guard by passing when they are expecting run. I figured that this style of offense will help us compete in this division. Plus it will hopefully help Sam regain confidense. Like someone stated earlier, it will win games for us but we will lose close games because of a stupid play or 2. We will see.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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We are fast becoming a facsimile of the 1985 Bears in theory, not necessarily in actual results.


Politically Incorrect
Oct 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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if Sam is as much of a weenie as you say they should be better than Sam's too since in fact you were using Arch as the standard..

NO doubt about it... SamBradford is a complete weenie. Cross-eyed too. Can't read defenses fast enough, can't pull the trigger fast enough, can't run away from an old lady, can't make plays out of nothing (broken plays), likes to underthrow WRs, still not sure if he knows how to step up in the pocket, usually is not on the same page as WRs.

It will be comical this year if he continues not to communicate on the field with his WRs. Britt will flip on him. Sam's had young WRs for years and have you seen any direction from #8 when they are on the field?

These are the reasons why many people do not like Bradford. Sure the money hurts us, but he if he would sack up and be a man, we would all be ok with the money he's making. Clemens was awful, but he sacked up and stepped up in the pocket, could feel pressure and run when needed.

This is the NFC West people. Pressure is coming. Please tell that to our new rookie project OT Robinson as well.

#8 is a little beeyatch and now he's even slower.

See below. lol

Finally, somebody else who sees the truth from the rhetoric. Thank you SJ.


Politically Incorrect
Oct 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Statistics dont always bring home a victory Shops. Weeks 2,3,4 are proof of that last year. One thing I do llike about Bradford is he doesnt turn the ball over very often. But when he does, its ugly and at the wrong time. He is smart, but IMO he's very timid. He holds onto the ball too long and he doesnt scan the field. He focus on 1 guy and everybody and their brother knows where he's going to throw. Oh and he gets sacked a lot! Then just runs to the sideline and sits by himself. I'm just wondering if its already too late for him. Bulger-itas?? Boy I sure hope not. One thing is for certain this year he wont be throwing on 1st down, he will be handing off.

In a nutshell, good analysis Zeke


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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No Team or Defense ever can be compared to the 85 Bears. I think Fisher would even tell you that. And the Rams don't have one of the best RBs of all time. That Bears front 7: D-line and LBs were tenacious. Secondary was pretty good too.

But they were the blueprint for a smashmouth/pound the rock and play tough D IMO. I remember living in Illinois at the time - I was 7/8 years old. I actually have a photo in my office from my uncle - of an end zone shot where the Bears were backed up on their own 3-4 yardline in the superdome during the superbowl.

That may have been the worst beatdown in super bowl history.

I was a Bears fan when I was young. I remember watching Sweetness carry the ball with speed, agility, and a lot of heart. He'd always come off the ground on his back and extend his arm to try to get more yards. lol Then I moved to STL and I lost touch with football until my dad took me to 1997 or 1998 Rams with Tony Banks. Even though they sucked I liked the Rams uniforms and the dome was pretty cool at the time. And then 1999 it was on and who wasn't a Rams fan.

Honestly, after the past 10 years of stupid drafting and watching the Michael Sam thing on ESPN... I've been pondering lately about a slow switch back to the Bears, but I think I would rather scream about Bradford and have a good D, than deal with Jay Cutler and what they are paying him now.

However, I might just get me an Alshon Jeffrey jersey. :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The bears aren't much better tho...


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Something else to ponder for yall.. (I'm in living in Dallas,Texas now I can say yall)

Why do the Seahawks have 3 mobile QB's on their roster?

Tavaris Jackson
Tyrelle Pryor

Answer: Because in the NFC West you need someone with some speed, because the Defenses are so good and have so much speed. You have to have a QB that can make plays out of broken plays. They have to adjust. This is one of Sam's biggest faults... If the play breaks down, he's got nowhere to go with the ball.

I'm very interested to see how Logan Thomas does in AZ during the 2nd half of the season. Palmer is a pretty good QB with some good weapons, but he didn't have a great O-line last year either.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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The bears aren't much better tho...

Well if they get better on D, they would be pretty good. But I can't root for Cutler. And I can't switch. So it's either be very surprised this year or keeping screaming I guess.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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Well SJ, thus the term facsimile which means a similar likeness. And the 85 team is the blueprint Snisher are using to draft and build this team. The comparisons as far as the framework are obvious. In reality, we are nowhere near that Bears team in on the field results. So, Snisher are using that team as a template but the results have yet to arrive.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Well we sort of agree here however I've been optimistically cautious about the Rams offense and not so much about Sam. Sam to me has shown he can be successful with guys around him making plays however he's just not that guy who is going to win you games all on his own.

Snisher has done a pretty darn good job of getting talent around him in two short years, it's just we've had to wait and let these youngins develop like Zac, Tavon, Givens, Quick, Pettis & Bailey and fortunately we've been able to bolster our OL in the process in year 3 of Snisher.

I look back at the Spag years for Sam in disgust! Yes Sam got rookie of the year in 2010 however that was all Pat. Spags, Linehardt and Delvaney didn't have a clue about building a roster and recognizing talent. That's how we got in this mess in the first place and it's hard for me to blame a guy who has had to deal with such challenges due to a lack of competence of leadership around him.

With all that said, at this time in Sam's career, there is enough talent and experience around him that it's easy for me to say it's a make or break year for Sam. There will be challenges of course however I think the playing field is finally level now so it's time to put up or shut up.

I'm surprised you didnt mention Shotty. IMO a sucessful qb has a O coord. thats utilizes his skillsets. Calls the right play in the right situation. To me this isnt helping Sam at all. In fact there have been times where Shotty was part of the problem. Throwing the ball on 3rd and 1 when your rb is tearing it up on the ground late in the 4th qtr is just atrocious. Ask any Jet fan about Shotty.


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
The Ozarks
Hoopla Cash
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I would dare say about 50% of the board was singing your Sammy tune. After signing Jared Cook, Jake Long and drafting Tavon. This was suppose to be Sam security blanket. HJe will make the Pro Bowl for sure!! Sitting back in the pocket almost got the poor boy killed. :L But thats OK I still got my fingers XXed!

I really couldn't say what 50% of the board thought last year. I have trouble remembering what I did yesterday. :rollseyes: