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How long does Philly stick with Wentz before going back to Foles?


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Feb 5, 2016
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Sorry bud, you came up with the "he failed to score a TD when given the ball on the opponents side of the field".

Which if you want to know what has happened this year when Foles has gotten that, the answer is 0 points. So your argument to start Foles is that Wentz has done MORE than foles in that situation?

Then how he turned it over once. And if we want to look at tunovers, fine, Foles is turning it over 25% more often this season and twice as often as Wentz when playing from behind in the 2nd half.

So you are saying stick with Foles because he scores less, turns it over more, and puts the team in position to win or tie less often and to lose more often vs. easier competition this year.

I disagree that is the reason to stick with a guy.

Eagles 24 drives with Foles, 21% were turnovers, 1.6 points per drive. vs. 2 defenses that are 30/32 in points allowed (both defenses had their best game of the season... vs. Foles)

Eagles 23 drives with Wentz, 13% were turnovers, 1.9 points per drive. vs. 2 defenses that are 18th and 7th in points allowed (neither defense had their best game of the season vs. Wentz)

But when confronted with those facts, out came the slurs instead of you backing up your position that more turnovers and fewer points make for a better offensive player. Which is why I called you a troll. Because rather than defend your stance of sticking with the guy with the higher turnover rate and lower scoring rate, you wanted to make homophobic slurs.

So calm down. I didn't mean to trigger you. No reason for the slurs. Take a moment and find your safe space, and when you can return like an adult, if you'd like to talk about your reasoning for liking more turnovers and less points from your QB, we can talk over that. But if you just want to shout homophobic slurs, please MOVE ON. This is a football board, not a place to bash the LGBT community. Is that ok with you?


Hooplas biggest Cardinals homer.
Jul 2, 2013
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Sorry bud, you came up with the "he failed to score a TD when given the ball on the opponents side of the field".

Which if you want to know what has happened this year when Foles has gotten that, the answer is 0 points. So your argument to start Foles is that Wentz has done MORE than foles in that situation?

Then how he turned it over once. And if we want to look at tunovers, fine, Foles is turning it over 25% more often this season and twice as often as Wentz when playing from behind in the 2nd half.

So you are saying stick with Foles because he scores less, turns it over more, and puts the team in position to win or tie less often and to lose more often vs. easier competition this year.

I disagree that is the reason to stick with a guy.

Eagles 24 drives with Foles, 21% were turnovers, 1.6 points per drive. vs. 2 defenses that are 30/32 in points allowed (both defenses had their best game of the season... vs. Foles)

Eagles 23 drives with Wentz, 13% were turnovers, 1.9 points per drive. vs. 2 defenses that are 18th and 7th in points allowed (neither defense had their best game of the season vs. Wentz)

But when confronted with those facts, out came the slurs instead of you backing up your position that more turnovers and fewer points make for a better offensive player. Which is why I called you a troll. Because rather than defend your stance of sticking with the guy with the higher turnover rate and lower scoring rate, you wanted to make homophobic slurs.

So calm down. I didn't mean to trigger you. No reason for the slurs. Take a moment and find your safe space, and when you can return like an adult, if you'd like to talk about your reasoning for liking more turnovers and less points from your QB, we can talk over that. But if you just want to shout homophobic slurs, please MOVE ON. This is a football board, not a place to bash the LGBT community. Is that ok with you?
holy crap someone is triggered af right now


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2016
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holy crap someone is triggered af right now
yeah he is. Basic facts and he returns on his homophobic rant. Wow he went off the deep end. Glad you agree with me!

Roy Munson

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Jun 18, 2013
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yeah he is. Basic facts and he returns on his homophobic rant. Wow he went off the deep end. Glad you agree with me!


Someone’s in denial. Don’t blame him. He’s never been the same since “the incident”...



Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2013
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yeah he is. Basic facts and he returns on his homophobic rant. Wow he went off the deep end. Glad you agree with me!

Danth’s Law .... again.



Resident Fake Asian!
May 12, 2013
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Sound the alarm!!

Better notify @broncosmitty and @Peter Gozintite. They will have the meltdown alert team ready to respond.

Wait before that happens I think we need to be clear on "who's been triggered"

Is it you?
Is it him?
As for him which one?

I mean this thing is jumping off "finally" pretty fast, we ( meaning the onlookers) need to know just who is triggered here?


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Feb 20, 2015
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Holy shit this thread is still going? I thought for sure it would have died by now. Was fun early but to be honest the debate is just stupid.

1. The Eagles are 2-2 and I am ok with that considering the injuries they have had. It could be worse we could be 0-4 because all the games were close. The key for most teams is to come out of September with a .500 or better record. If you are unable to do that you are in trouble.

2. Carson Wentz just played his second game in 9 months. He did not take a single snap in the pre-season so giving the situation I think he has played really well. I would be concerned if he would have been bad. Could he play better? I think so and I think as each week goes by he will continually get better.

3. Nick Foles should start over Carson Wentz? That is so stupid it should not even warrant a response but it managed to get a thread to 11 pages..... ROFL.

4. Here is what is really stupid. The suggestion that Wentz is playing bad is just stupid. The part of the team that is playing bad is he defense. The secondary is pitiful. They were given a 14 point lead after half the clock was eaten up in the 3rd Qtr and their response was to make Mariota look like Aaron Rodgers.

5. It is a long season and I still think the Eagles win the division. They are still the best team in the NFC East.

6. Jim Schwartz better pull his head out of his ass. The only way you can get away with rushing just 4 is if you have elite corners. Well he Eagles do not have elite corners. His refusal to blitz is just fucking stupid. If you have Jalen Mills as one of your corners you need to get to the QB quickly.
18 pages.....

Peter Gozintite

NO!...but yes.
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 18, 2013
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Sorry bud, you came up with the "he failed to score a TD when given the ball on the opponents side of the field".

Which if you want to know what has happened this year when Foles has gotten that, the answer is 0 points. So your argument to start Foles is that Wentz has done MORE than foles in that situation?

Then how he turned it over once. And if we want to look at tunovers, fine, Foles is turning it over 25% more often this season and twice as often as Wentz when playing from behind in the 2nd half.

So you are saying stick with Foles because he scores less, turns it over more, and puts the team in position to win or tie less often and to lose more often vs. easier competition this year.

I disagree that is the reason to stick with a guy.

Eagles 24 drives with Foles, 21% were turnovers, 1.6 points per drive. vs. 2 defenses that are 30/32 in points allowed (both defenses had their best game of the season... vs. Foles)

Eagles 23 drives with Wentz, 13% were turnovers, 1.9 points per drive. vs. 2 defenses that are 18th and 7th in points allowed (neither defense had their best game of the season vs. Wentz)

But when confronted with those facts, out came the slurs instead of you backing up your position that more turnovers and fewer points make for a better offensive player. Which is why I called you a troll. Because rather than defend your stance of sticking with the guy with the higher turnover rate and lower scoring rate, you wanted to make homophobic slurs.

So calm down. I didn't mean to trigger you. No reason for the slurs. Take a moment and find your safe space, and when you can return like an adult, if you'd like to talk about your reasoning for liking more turnovers and less points from your QB, we can talk over that. But if you just want to shout homophobic slurs, please MOVE ON. This is a football board, not a place to bash the LGBT community. Is that ok with you?
That poor keyboard


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Wait before that happens I think we need to be clear on "who's been triggered"

Is it you?
Is it him?
As for him which one?

I mean this thing is jumping off "finally" pretty fast, we ( meaning the onlookers) need to know just who is triggered here?

This man needs answers

Sergeant “don’t ask... don’t tell.”