Just curious.....after 10 pages of posts about the Miggy/Trout MVP decision....has anyone changed their mind about who should have gotten the award? I am sure with all the stats (both old-style and Saber) presented and all the passionate diatribes about the issue - some of you must have changed your mind! If not, seems like a lot of time and effort was wasted. And....I am sure some of the posters, on both sides of the topic, felt they presented irrefutable evidence and would be hurt (and testosterone deprived) if they didn't change ONE persons mind.
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And Tigers fans talk about Miggy as if he's the greatest hitter to ever live.
your kidding right? I will just take it that you are, I know your smarter than this...just stirring the pot...funny though..
Bonds...error totals and fielding percentage throughout his career were consistant, one of his best ever fielding years was 2003, even had one of his better years with 11 Assists in 04 and his SB's did go down at 34 yrs old in 1998 (guessing knee surguries and groin problems if I remember correctly, what did miggy have surgury on?)...no shock there...almost EVERY player to play the game's speed diminished in his mid 30's...Bonds was 36-39 yrs old from 01-04, lol...and he still stole more bases in those 4 years than Miggy as stolen in his 10 year career, at 20 yrs old to 30 yrs old...wow, didn't realize that til now.
Miggy's SB's will drop also around 33 or 34 and his baserunning should drop off also, oh wait...
You were right about one thing, he had 8 gold gloves instead of 7, my bad......but its always entertaining to hear from you on topics, Queeves (if you still don't know what that is, I just can't help you anymore, maybe google it)
Errors and fielding percentage aren't the greatest ways to evaluate fielding though. Official scorers decide errors. Some players have high fielding percentages, but don't get to very many balls.
FWIW, Bonds actually had a positive UZR/150 in 2002, 2003 and 2004 (UZR only goes back to 2002). DRS has him at +5 IN 2003 and -8 in 2004.
And while Barry wasn't much of a baserunner in his later years, he didn't hit into very many double plays. He grounded into only 21 double plays from 01-04. Miggy grounded into 28 last year. 19 this year.
Ellsbury, Pedroia or Ortiz should get it...they are the only ones who actually helped their "team" "win" something...let make it a requirement that the player has to play on the team that actually makes it to the WS...both NL and AL..
I hate to say it, but Dougie actually made a really good point. Last year, when the Angels needed Trout the most -- he had his worst month of the season, while the Angels had their best month of the season (W/L wise).
This year -- The Angels were never really in the race to win anything. They finished 18 games out of 1st in their own division.
Also -- for anyone talking about WAR -- i'm still waiting to hear a response. Cabrera's "replacement" at 3rd base is Don Kelly. A career .227 hitter with a .634 OPS. When I read people saying Trout's WAR is this and Trout's WAR is that -- You tell me, replacing 44 homeruns, 138 rbis, .344 BA and 1.078 OPS with Don Kelly is only going to result in a 5 game swing in the standings -- I can't help but laugh.
That is why I am not a fan of some of the sabermetric stats. I think some of them are very useful. Others are nothing more than hypothetical guesses at what would happen. If they wanted to give a truly accurate WAR -- they should look at who will replace the player on his own team, instead using a predetermined set of averages.
Hope thats sarcasm since ortiz doesnt play defense or run the bases too well....thats one guy miggy can actually hang with in those categories.
So since bonds was old, his baserunning didnt count against him for MVP?
He played LF.....jhonny peralta moved there and did a decent job....a little harder than playing the hot corner...
So you bring up bonds outfield assists?? So how many assists did trout have this year?
Queeves? Yup im older than 12......i dont have to name call on the internet to make a point..
Miggy was on track to have his best year. He then got injured. Reports say his operation went well.
2014 could be his finest year. Tiger fans expect a WS ring. Pressure is on him on the rest of the Tigers. BUt we all know it will be mostly on him.
whats pressure Trout have?? not making the play offs..thats for sure. just keep adding up those 2 out singles and make the WAR boys happy. He doesn't have the pressure of winning it all. figure that into the mix ...by the way. 1989 called they want there texas instrument calculators back!
lol, dude....Miggie's worst month of the season was in the PLAYOFFS...hilarious...forget it, you can't fix homerizm...good luck..
There's many factors into teams making the playoffs that a single player can't control.soooooo getting to the post season has nothing to do with MVP????
then whats the Most valuable mean????????????????????????
valuable to be standing on first base with a 2 out single????
so its not about winning????? just look good and get on base.
who cares if you drive in runs or drive in runs. as long as your WAR looks good??????
you guys need to put down the pipe!
There's many factors into teams making the playoffs that a single player can't control.
You need to put down the rose-colored glasses.
A-Rod in 2003, on the 71-91 Rangers.