$500 Million
Elitist Douche
I also like Ellsbury. He's a solid player. But that's all he is... a solid player who can't stay on the field. Players like that aren't worth close to what he got.
Hunter Pence is just as good a player as Ellsbury and only a few months older. Granderson isn't far behind them. They got 5/$90M and 4/$60M respectively. That's just a measure of how absurd Ellsbury's contract is. If they gave him 5/$90M or 5/$95M, I'd be stoked.
I don't understand why people care what value the Yankees are getting dollar for dollar? They obviously don't give a shit because if they did they would stop it completely, not just at the 10/200 mark.
They don't give out smart shopper trophies, just championship ones.