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Bruce Allen adamant that KC will be back next year


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
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Gonna affect the QB market if it happens

Sportster 72

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Apparently it hasn't since even in this thread there is a lot of miscommunication & nobody appears to be agreeing on people's views on the subject. But hey feel free to dig at me all that you like - enjoy.

Touchy, touchy ... I wasn't digging. I was having a laugh. Not at you, just at the thread in general. Lighten up man, I was just stirring the pot. :D


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Gonna affect the QB market if it happens

Yea Im think the Niners dont pull the trigger on that until after they hire a coach if they know whats good for them.


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The label of 'Kirk hater' has been born upon this divider. As has, who should replace him, when that's not the point.

Actually that's the entire point. If you can't replace him then you are the Cleveland fucking Browns with nothing but dreadful seasons in your future. Let the team grow around him and you get good QB play almost every week like the good teams do.


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Actually that's the entire point. If you can't replace him then you are the Cleveland fucking Browns with nothing but dreadful seasons in your future. Let the team grow around him and you get good QB play almost every week like the good teams do.


Personal Foul, Unnecessary use of Logic when discussing Kirk Cousins. 15 yard penalty and loss of down.

2nd down



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Touchy, touchy ... I wasn't digging. I was having a laugh. Not at you, just at the thread in general. Lighten up man, I was just stirring the pot. :D

NP - my bad. I don't really care too much about this now. More concerned that the Caps keep playing well & don't pull their annual choke job in April/May.


Celebrity Troublemaker
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With Elite coaches, anyone can be replaced. I do believe as much as the F.O. wants to sign Kirk long term, they
are afraid the money they give him can be spent elsewhere. Prolific offenses have been shut down against Elite defenses in the biggest games. But these last two years should have been proof enough that the Redskins are finally a few pieces away from consistently making the playoffs. And in turn, a few years away from making a super bowl "appearance" That changes dramatically without Kirk.


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With Elite coaches, anyone can be replaced. I do believe as much as the F.O. wants to sign Kirk long term, they
are afraid the money they give him can be spent elsewhere. Prolific offenses have been shut down against Elite defenses in the biggest games. But these last two years should have been proof enough that the Redskins are finally a few pieces away from consistently making the playoffs. And in turn, a few years away from making a super bowl "appearance" That changes dramatically without Kirk.

Again I think that if the FO uses the logic that they can replace Kirk & use the money elsewhere then they are putting their jobs on the line as soon as next offseason. If say they keep Kirk long term & he doesn't pan out as expected I think that they get somewhat of a pass on that one since everyone understands the decision. Moving on w/o Kirk likely means suffering for a season or two and that may not sit well with several folks including the owner.


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OK - let's really clarify this. I would like to get replies from any posters here who want the Redskins to get rid of Cousins prior to next season. For arguments sake let's say that they get a #1 in the top 5-10 of this years draft & a third round pick next season. Anyone here ready to pull the trigger on that? I am not.

Here's what you and clearly others are not understanding. In a business like the NFL there are contracts that have to be hammered out, sometimes they don't for various reasons. Chief among those reasons are an unwillingness to pay from the prospective employer... and/or... a player and his reps unwillingness to accept anything less that what they are asking for. This last point is what myself and I believe others are referring to when we post what is wrongly characterized as "wanting to get rid of Kirk" posters.

It amazes me to read posts where the majority are saying that it's a done deal, or it's going to be worked out. Well those of us who take the position that we must CONSIDER what happens if they don't, is much more realistic and valid position to take than those, again in the majority, who have ONLY hope as a basis. So you ask, I would imagine, on what basis do we take the position that is more realistic and valid than those who only hold out hope? Well, we have a QB who has already been franchised because they simply could not come to terms before. Who says that this time will be different? You? or that same majority who functioned on HOPE rather than reason a year ago?

Even with SM in place there was a reluctance to pay what Kirk and his folks asked for, some here say that they "Low-balled" Kirk, OK that's fair but does it change the fact that they saw fit to do it in the first place? I think not!! So to be clear, we all hope that this contract can be worked out and Kirk stays, most of us have said so in various other threads, but until they do two things will remain a certainty. The standard from a year ago has not changed and that there will be long drawn out threads based on a majority of unreasonable posters proclaiming to one and all that the few reasonable ones are not true fans. Laughable:pound:
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Celebrity Troublemaker
Jul 8, 2013
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Again I think that if the FO uses the logic that they can replace Kirk & use the money elsewhere then they are putting their jobs on the line as soon as next offseason. If say they keep Kirk long term & he doesn't pan out as expected I think that they get somewhat of a pass on that one since everyone understands the decision. Moving on w/o Kirk likely means suffering for a season or two and that may not sit well with several folks including the owner.

I would have to completely agree with you because this statement really helps separate fan from owner.
But the one thing that prevents me from doing so is I don't think the "axis of evil" Synder really wants Cousins in the first place. Not securing him last year, in a way supports that thought. So I'd almost feel like a long-term deal without a super bowl appearance(not win) would cost people their jobs.
Synder is cool with the "FACE" of the franchise constantly changing. It's profitable.
While Kirk as the FACE, will have so many unreasonable expectations within a 5 year period, that he may never start again, once his "show me the money" contract expires.

With that being said, I'd like to hope Kirk is re-signed, we have success in the draft, and land what we need in FA...specifically an above average LG and DT.


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BTW:....and just for Kicks, who says that replacing Kirk is going to be a set back? How do you experts know this? Just remember that anything is possible, including the very real possibility that someone NOT named Kirk Cousins could function as well if not better than Kirk in Gruden's offense. The ridiculous counter, questioning the name of that person from posters on a board like this one is almost as asinine as basing your hopes on a new contract in the face of all evidence to date. Truth is if they choose to go in another direction THEY must have a plan that must include the name of the person that they believe to be as good or better. No matter what happens we all have to either forgo a lifetime of fandom, which is the last thing I believe anyone wants to do, or learn to live with it.

The funny thing is......Someone on another thread suggested that the few of us unwilling to set ourselves up as too many DC Football fans do annually, suffer from some sort of team related PTSD which to be fair I cannot argue against. However, what do you call it when you have (in this instance) a wide swath of folks doing the same thing year, after year, after year, and Expecting a different result? I believe we all know what that is called.:nod:


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Make sure to not break your arm patting yourself on the back. I may not understand much, but I do understand that just about all successful QBs are homegrown. I also understand that if SM were to let Cousins walk & the Redskins have a relatively bad upcoming season he may be looking for work next offseason. You are way overthinking this one. Cousins will be extended - bank on it.


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BTW:....and just for Kicks, who says that replacing Kirk is going to be a set back? How do you experts know this? Just remember that anything is possible, including the very real possibility that someone NOT named Kirk Cousins could function as well if not better than Kirk in Gruden's offense. The ridiculous counter, questioning the name of that person from posters on a board like this one is almost as asinine as basing your hopes on a new contract in the face of all evidence to date. Truth is if they choose to go in another direction THEY must have a plan that must include the name of the person that they believe to be as good or better. No matter what happens we all have to either forgo a lifetime of fandom, which is the last thing I believe anyone wants to do, or learn to live with it.

The funny thing is......Someone on another thread suggested that the few of us unwilling to set ourselves up as too many DC Football fans do annually, suffer from some sort of team related PTSD which to be fair I cannot argue against. However, what do you call it when you have (in this instance) a wide swath of folks doing the same thing year, after year, after year, and Expecting a different result? I believe we all know what that is called.:nod:

Still hurt over RG3.....


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Still hurt over RG3.....

If that's the best that you have in response to what I wrote, then you have issues that cannot be helped on a board like this one. Good luck on Fantasy Island.:D


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
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Tom Cable staying with the Hawks...

Per ESPN. Can you imagine if Kyle turns down the position?...

The San Francisco 49ers plan to offer their head coach job to Atlanta Falcons offensive coordinator Kyle Shanahan whenever Atlanta's season ends, sources told ESPN's Adam Schefter.

Shanahan is interested in the job but is focused now on Sunday's NFC Championship Game, where the Falcons will host the Green Bay Packers.

Josh McDaniels is removing his name from consideration for the 49ers' head-coaching job and will remain with the Patriots.

The 49ers plan to request a second interview with Shanahan next week after the championship game, a source said. NFL rules allow a second interview following the conference championship.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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again looking at available qbs on the FA market and also looking at the rookie qbs coming out it is my assessment that the franchise will be set back a year or 2

now could rivers run this team ? yes is he available ? still up in the air

so we want cutler ? or hoyer or colt ? i dont see them as being anything more then a stopgap

i look at the rookies and i see warts . and most rookies take some seasoning

and yes i think they will sign KC long term , but my plan B isnt any better then anyone else's


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Sty has been adamant that he would prefer we Tag Kirk and keep looking to get a better QB..

See this is what some do here....they make a statement like this^^^^^ as if it was a stand alone statement. Be honest @Shark, what was the provision under which I said this?

For those who want to roll with this assertion, the truth is....it was based upon the organization, NOT ME, seeing Kirk as not their guy as was done a year ago. To further make this clear, I have most recently, suggested that they use the Non exclusive tag this year because it is their safest guarantee on getting compensation this year. Next year is a far different thing (tag at 34million). So if the plan is going to be tagging him again, which we all HOPE is not the case, then the smart thing to do is to assure compensation AND look for his replacement.

BTW: even if we had the greatest QB to ever play the game, we should NEVER stop trying to get better at the position as we do at every position.


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Now I havent seen any one say pay him anything. But I have seen quite a few say, the market is what it is. And to keep saying well he isnt worth the market is in a way saying, he isnt really worth retaining unless its on a team friendly deal.

Based on what? C'mon man you're better than this!.................It's based on the offer they issued to him a year ago ($16million) and his reported insistence on getting what the tag amount was/is. BTW: the market is directly in conflict with the usual % of cap that QB's get. This year the Tag number is 24 million, if Kirk and his reps come in wanting no less than that this year, when the % of cap amount is (this year in round numbers) is $22 million we may very well find ourselves debating this all over again, only this time we can more reasonably surmise that the plan is to move on without him in 2018.

BTW: to say that he is not worth the market is also incorrect, the argument is about Kirk and his people wanting no less than the tag amount per. Scott has insisted that he not going to overpay based on what he knows that percentage to be. Right now, the only evidence that either was willing to move from the stated numbers is the tag that he played for this past season. It is NOT a way of saying anything other than what I've just stated.


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again looking at available qbs on the FA market and also looking at the rookie qbs coming out it is my assessment that the franchise will be set back a year or 2

now could rivers run this team ? yes is he available ? still up in the air

so we want cutler ? or hoyer or colt ? i dont see them as being anything more then a stopgap

i look at the rookies and i see warts . and most rookies take some seasoning

and yes i think they will sign KC long term , but my plan B isnt any better then anyone else's

Can't argue with your opinion, however, isn't it possible, based on last year's failure to sign Kirk long term, that Scott believes that there is someone that he believes can replace Kirk? Not even possible? These guys get big money to evaluate players and risk their careers doing it. Yes it's a risk, but it is also possible that the team gets better without him....OK, less likely, but impossible?, I'm not ready to forgo that piece of logic. My plan B is not better than anyone else's either, but that silly question continues to be asked of me.....name him?