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bob stoops calls out SEC defenses

SEC Official

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They actually just had Spurrier on ESPN talking about the Bob Stoops statement...

Spurrier had some good talking points....
(a) number of plays per game are up
(b) offenses are spreading out the field
(c) teams like TAMU who traditionally would rely on the RB and WR... now have an extra RB who can throw putting the defenses at a disadvantage

So he made some good points as to why defense numbers are falling across the board.

What is funny is people making the statements..."When TAMU was in the B12 they weren't good but now that they are in the SEC they are one of the better teams..."

They forget that (a) TAMU didn't have Johnny Football back then and (b) TAMU's D still sucks.


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And like you all don't? I said I went by current conference affliations for BOTH sides.. regardless go back and look.. cherry pickn or not.... top to bottom its still the same.. still have consistently more teams ranked in the top 25 by seasons end then the big 12
wouldnt you expect that when SEC is 40% larger?

SEC Official

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Although I am a B1G fan... it has to make SEC fans proud that they get attacks constantly from other conferences ...

That only validates why the SEC is the top dog... people will always hate you and want you to fail.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
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And like you all don't? I said I went by current conference affliations for BOTH sides.. regardless go back and look.. cherry pickn or not.... top to bottom its still the same.. still have consistently more teams ranked in the top 25 by seasons end then the big 12

Sorry kt but that is something none of us are buying. You went by current conferences because it best supported your agenda.


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And you and I have already discussed it at length. Did you suffer a blow to the head recently that caused you memory loss or are you just being stupid?

Are you seriously going to sit there and tell me that Knight is not as good as the QB at William & Mary? The guy won the damn competition over Bell in the offseason for a reason. Unless he has pics of Stoops cheating on his wife, he must have at least some degree of talent. There are also 10 other players on offense. Don't sit there and act like OU's offense is some amazing juggernaut regardless of the QB.

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Are you seriously going to sit there and tell me that Knight is not as good as the QB at William & Mary? The guy won the damn competition over Bell in the offseason for a reason. Unless he has pics of Stoops cheating on his wife, he must have at least some degree of talent. There are also 10 other players on offense. Don't sit there and act like OU's offense is some amazing juggernaut regardless of the QB.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
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Are you seriously going to sit there and tell me that Knight is not as good as the QB at William & Mary? The guy won the damn competition over Bell in the offseason for a reason. Unless he has pics of Stoops cheating on his wife, he must have at least some degree of talent. There are also 10 other players on offense. Don't sit there and act like OU's offense is some amazing juggernaut regardless of the QB.

Gee, it's not at all possible that they just put him in the show before he was developed enough is it? The talent of knight is 100% there. The development and mental game aren't yet. Nobody is acting like our offense is some jauggernaut but it's very different with bell running it, and our rushing game has been pretty damn good. Go back and look. Knight was killing us with poor decision making and bad throws. I'm sorry you're too dense to understand that.

If you actually watched the games you'd see how good the players around knight were but they can't do much when he overthrows them constantly and throws interceptions inside the 20.
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Although I am a B1G fan... it has to make SEC fans proud that they get attacks constantly from other conferences ...

That only validates why the SEC is the top dog... people will always hate you and want you to fail.

Da fuck is this shit? Since when are you a Big 10 fan? I guess you can be whoever you want to be on a new website. I'm seeing all kinds of new personalities from old friends/foes from the CBS days...


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Yawn.... he did this in 2008 as well... and his highest scoring team in the nation blowing out high school teams in and B12 competition with scores up to 72 pts per game got embarrassed by the SEC on national TV.

Great thing is there are plenty of videos on Youtube to show what happened the last time Stoops tried to rally his base...

Talking shit from the OU vs UF game is a pretty lame attempt considering anyone who watched the game saw that it could have gone either way. If my memory serves me well it was 17-14 with 6 min left.

Also, I've watched that game a few times and I still can't see how that wasn't a pass interference call. Can someone please explain to me what I'm missing. It looks like Wright hits him early.
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Sooner Born, Sooner Bred
Sep 6, 2011
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Well said Bob. Those mighty beat each other up defenses aren't holding up so well. Now is seems the pendulum has swung to offense because we aren't seeing those power defense anymore.

“Funny how people can’t play defense when they have pro-style quarterbacks over there, which we’ve had. They’re all playing in the NFL right now.”

When it was pointed out that Georgia’s Aaron Murray has a high pass efficiency rating, Stoops said, “How’s that happening? They’re playing all those SEC defenses.


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So OU holding UF to 20 below their average is somehow equal to UF holding OU to 37 points below theirs?


IMO I think it was a great Offense vs a great defense. It's not a shocker to me that OU didn't put 60 on UF. UF had two GREAT goaline stops which if they had failed to do so it probably would have changed the outcome. Not sure why people talk less about that team. I think the 08' UF would beat these recent Bama teams. Hell I think the 08' UF,OU and UT could beat the recent NC winners.


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Gee, it's not at all possible that they just put him in the show before he was developed enough is it? The talent of knight is 100% there. The development and mental game aren't yet. Nobody is acting like our offense is some jauggernaut but it's very different with bell running it, and our rushing game has been pretty damn good. Go back and look. Knight was killing us with poor decision making and bad throws. I'm sorry you're too dense to understand that.

If you actually watched the games you'd see how good the players around knight were but they can't do much when he overthrows them constantly and throws interceptions inside the 20.

If all that you're saying is true, then what does that say about your coaching staff handing him the reigns to start the season?

SEC Official

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Da fuck is this shit? Since when are you a Big 10 fan? I guess you can be whoever you want to be on a new website. I'm seeing all kinds of new personalities from old friends/foes from the CBS days...

What? I graduated from Northwestern. I have never said different.

We are mediocre to bad at most sports.. but I had a great time at Florida and got into Florida sports.

I think it is pretty common for people to get their undergraduate degree from one school and my masters from another.


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If all that you're saying is true, then what does that say about your coaching staff handing him the reigns to start the season?

That's a great question... It's obvious that Bell is performing MUCH better than Knight so who knows.

SEC Official

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Talking shit from the OU vs UF game is a pretty lame attempt considering anyone who watched the game saw that it could have gone either way. If my memory serves me well it was 17-14 with 6 min left.

Also, I've watched that game a few times and I still can't see how that wasn't a pass interference call. Can someone please explain to me what I'm missing. It looks like Wright hits him early.

Couple of things...

that game was never in jeopardy... Florida had a solid lead going into the final quarter and sat on the ball. Take away that last score form OU... it wasn't close.

Also, the real point of my post is we hear non-stop how great the OU offense is and how the SEC defenses can't keep up...

we heard it then... and we are hearing it now.

So OU was literally scoring like 70pts against most teams back then... and Florida held them under 20.

That is a BIG deal to most people... and is a major statement of what a solid defense can do to a B12 offense. Miss did the SAME thing to Texas Tech that year in the bowl. Too bad Texas didn't get an SEC team that year, else we would have had a 3 peat on SEC defenses vs. B12 offenses.

That game in 2008 was never in jeopardy... after those goal line stands.. the momentum was in Florida's court and was never given back.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
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If all that you're saying is true, then what does that say about your coaching staff handing him the reigns to start the season?

That's an issue we Oklahoma fans are struggling with right now. :L


Self-proclaimed Asshole
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Couple of things...

that game was never in jeopardy... Florida had a solid lead going into the final quarter and sat on the ball. Take away that last score form OU... it wasn't close.

Also, the real point of my post is we hear non-stop how great the OU offense is and how the SEC defenses can't keep up...

we heard it then... and we are hearing it now.

So OU was literally scoring like 70pts against most teams back then... and Florida held them under 20.

That is a BIG deal to most people... and is a major statement of what a solid defense can do to a B12 offense. Miss did the SAME thing to Texas Tech that year in the bowl. Too bad Texas didn't get an SEC team that year, else we would have had a 3 peat on SEC defenses vs. B12 offenses.

That game in 2008 was never in jeopardy... after those goal line stands.. the momentum was in Florida's court and was never given back.

Nobody has said OU has an elite offense now, but nice try. :L


Dad, World Traveler, Investor, college football
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I wish Bob Stoops would call out the Nebraska Defense.

The Nebraska defensive coaches would hike up their skirts and tell Stoops that their husbands will not be happy to hear that Bob called them out.


Just some guy
Aug 6, 2011
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What? I graduated from Northwestern. I have never said different.

We are mediocre to bad at most sports.. but I had a great time at Florida and got into Florida sports.

I think it is pretty common for people to get their undergraduate degree from one school and my masters from another.

that's the norm :suds:

i went to LSU, then UNT

(but i don't give a rat's ass about UNT sports)