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bob stoops calls out SEC defenses


Sooner Born, Sooner Bred
Sep 6, 2011
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Yawn.... he did this in 2008 as well... and his highest scoring team in the nation blowing out high school teams in and B12 competition with scores up to 72 pts per game got embarrassed by the SEC on national TV.

Great thing is there are plenty of videos on Youtube to show what happened the last time Stoops tried to rally his base...

You realize that play alone is what changed the head hunting rule don't you.

Check it out...(00:29) he lead with his head (penalty) even turning it into the player. Wright wasn't even going for the ball, in addition to hitting the receiver before he even touched the ball (penalty). Sorry, hype it up but that's just a dirty hit.

Don't even get me started on the 08' game. Just replay it and count how many times the Gator players take a dive and fake injuries. OU relied on an up tempo offense and how did Florida change the tempo...taking dives. You wanna know what footage the Bears saw when Urlacher talked about players faking injuries, it was the game against the diving Gators.

Let alone the ref's had no real experience with a fast tempo offense, being from the Blob 10. They would take their time, walk around, the offense would be waiting for the refs to set the ball in place. Now this kind of offense is a bit more common so officials have experienced and adjusted to how they call game.
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High Plains Drifter...
Apr 17, 2013
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And your point is? You still can't manage to keep one team in the top 5 or 2 teams in the top 10...or at least almost Half your conf in the top 25. The Sec can..

let us know when the SEC finishes the season at the #1-2 and 3 slots, then we can talk, K?

ya, it was a long time ago, but it will never happen again.



High Plains Drifter...
Apr 17, 2013
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And dont whine about where a game is played because you lost, like most OU fans do. Beat them if you can, but lose graciously and move on. Take us on now, if you dare.

please find one post where I have said anything remotely close to that or just STFU, K?


Sooner Born, Sooner Bred
Sep 6, 2011
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Stoops and poster's aren't saying OU's defense is the best ever and most unstoppable. There is no talk about how OU deserves to play for the NC, that is just ludicrous.

It's just a comment pointing out the hypocrisy of what ESPN proclaims about the SEC. One year it's the league of unstoppable defenses, the next year well check out these amazing offenses. So which is it. You can't really have both representing the league.


Sooner Born, Sooner Bred
Sep 6, 2011
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Damn it, I am just pissed thinking of that game.


High Plains Drifter...
Apr 17, 2013
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Are you seriously going to sit there and tell me that Knight is not as good as the QB at William & Mary? The guy won the damn competition over Bell in the offseason for a reason. Unless he has pics of Stoops cheating on his wife, he must have at least some degree of talent. There are also 10 other players on offense. Don't sit there and act like OU's offense is some amazing juggernaut regardless of the QB.

so in essence you are saying it doesn't matter who the qb is, on how an offense might play?



Aces & eights
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Stoops and poster's aren't saying OU's defense is the best ever and most unstoppable. There is no talk about how OU deserves to play for the NC, that is just ludicrous.

It's just a comment pointing out the hypocrisy of what ESPN proclaims about the SEC. One year it's the league of unstoppable defenses, the next year well check out these amazing offenses. So which is it. You can't really have both representing the league.

Hell, Stoops has never had a defense that has approached Switzer's best defenses...


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I hate the SEC. In general, their offenses are boring to watch, but effective. Does Stoops have a point ? If he excludes 'bama, Georgia, LSU, and So Carolina, then yes, I think so. But, the fore mentioned teams have big, quick, physical, and talented people on defense. Most other teams simply don't match up well with them - great QB or not. Sure, the aggies ran 'bama ragged, and if they'd had 'bama's defense, they would have won that game. But, the aggies with J football are somewhat unique on offense.


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Using that logic, you have Bama (suspect O so far, but likely turning it up, beat a&m who hasn't beaten anyone), LSU (beat TCU, who also lost to above mentioned TT, so LSU needs to beat someone first), Georgia (beat 2 top 10 teams who haven't proven themselves by beating anyone yet), A&M (beat someone first), Florida (hasn't beat anyone), South Carolina (hasn't beat anyone).

Jury still out on Ole Miss (hasn't beat anyone), Auburn (best win is Washington St), Ark (hasn't hardly played anyone, let along beat anyone), Vandypants (beat someone first), Missouri (4-0 but hasn't played anyone)

I like this game:D

Might want to look at all this closer. Mine has quite a bit more substance than yours! But then again that is kind of how the SEC against all conferences usually stack up! :D

SEC Official

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You realize that play alone is what changed the head hunting rule don't you.

Check it out...(00:29) he lead with his head (penalty) even turning it into the player. Wright wasn't even going for the ball, in addition to hitting the receiver before he even touched the ball (penalty). Sorry, hype it up but that's just a dirty hit.

Don't even get me started on the 08' game. Just replay it and count how many times the Gator players take a dive and fake injuries. OU relied on an up tempo offense and how did Florida change the tempo...taking dives. You wanna know what footage the Bears saw when Urlacher talked about players faking injuries, it was the game against the diving Gators.

Let alone the ref's had no real experience with a fast tempo offense, being from the Blob 10. They would take their time, walk around, the offense would be waiting for the refs to set the ball in place. Now this kind of offense is a bit more common so officials have experienced and adjusted to how they call game.

I am old school... I am not too worried about the head hunting rule.

I watched one head hunting call this past weekend that made me sick... the defender leaped to tackle the receiver before the receiver even turned around... the receiver then proceeded to turn and duck... leading to a helmet to helmet collision. But the defender was already in the air? HE didn't do it on purpose... the receiver actually caused it..

I agree we need to protect players... but it is football. Some of the rules are getting carried away.

Moving the kickoffs.. now you can't even slap a QB's helmet with your hand else you get a flag. Some of it is getting ridiculous.

And even if that was a penalty on Florida... (the refs would need a high speed camera to catch it)... it sends a message. That hasn't changed in football... trust me, Manny was not the same guy after that hit. That was more important than the hit itself....


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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please find one post where I have said anything remotely close to that or just STFU, K?

And dont whine about where a game is played because you lost, like most OU fans do.

If you read and understood the statement I made, you could not possibly have come up with your comment back to unless you yourself have made that statement in the past. Feeling guilty are we? or is it you know your brotherhood of fans whine and bitch about where the games have been played and lost even though your team was a favorite in several of those games? I think i struck a nerve and rustled some jimmies.


Oklahoma Sooners
Jul 2, 2013
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And dont whine about where a game is played because you lost, like most OU fans do.

If you read and understood the statement I made, you could not possibly have come up with your comment back to unless you yourself have made that statement in the past. Feeling guilty are we? or is it you know your brotherhood of fans whine and bitch about where the games have been played and lost even though your team was a favorite in several of those games? I think i struck a nerve and rustled some jimmies.

If you are the better team, you will overcome where the game is played. Last I checked Oklahoma played for an NC somewhere other than Oklahoma, every single time. It's doesn't all of a sudden pop up out of nowhere, you always know ahead of time where you are going to play the game and who it's against.

It is where it is.
Don't make excuses, just go out and do your best. Sometimes you just aren't the better team.


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
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He makes a good point, but the SEC is still the best conference.....again :mad:


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Jun 27, 2013
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Both of you guys - I'm not saying OU's offense now isn't good. It's clearly running better under Bell. What I'm saying right now is that Stoops needs to be quiet about other defenses when he trotted out a truly pathetic offense at the beginning of the season. If you guys are saying Knight was so clearly not ready to play, what does that say about not only Stoops' coaching ability, but OU's defense, who Knight won the competition against? Would Knight still be the QB if he hadn't gotten hurt?

Your point about Baylor and Buffalo is stupid, I never said W&M would beat Oklahoma. I was using it to illustrate my point that clearly WVU's defense isn't good.

My point was to illustrate how ridiculous it is to use the transitive properties when comparing teams, which you did. Pardon me if I find it funny that you think it is "stupid" in OSU's case, considering that is what you were doing with WV vs OU and Maryland.

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He makes a good point, but the SEC is still the best conference.....again :mad:

Being objective I would say there is more parity this year across college football...

There is no team (even in the SEC) where I watch them and go "Damn... they are tough.."

Bama was incredible last year... but they aren't the same team this year (not an insult... but I can see them being beaten this year in the NCG if they faced a solid team).

The only team that looks incredible early is Oregon, but then I remind myself that they haven't played anyone... and they typically run the score up quickly on bad teams. So until they play someone, I will reserve judgement.

But IF (and this is a big IF) Oregon beat a SEC team this year for the NCG I wouldn't be surprised.

tOSU is benefiting from a weak schedule and conference... there is still a chance they could pull it off, but I am not holding my breathe. If tOSU gets into the NCG I would bet it is because a SEC team stumbles (e.g. Bama) and they get in against Oregon...


Oklahoma Sooners
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up until lately, an SEC offense was like throwing passes out of the wishbone.
one guy runs a route as fast as he can, the QB throws it as far as he could, and hopes for the best.
no sophistication at all.

run, run, run, pass.