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Blow up the Heat


Well Liked Member
May 6, 2013
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fans in miami don't even give a shit and they are winning more titles. lol


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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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you are a bitch for not taking the bet. total fucking queer.

$500 says no cleveland teams win a title in 2016. You want it or you just going to post more stupid shit?
a 500 dollar bet with someone i have never met and someone that I would be absolutely TERRIFIED to give my name to- from the internet. lol

i mean- do you have the self awareness to realize that you are THAT GUY- the internet bully big mouth, super aggressive, insulting etc. It means that you are A. have small balls and are B. sexually frustrated and C. probably have a really shitty job. I honestly pity you.


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May 6, 2013
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a 500 dollar bet with someone i have never met and someone that I would be absolutely TERRIFIED to give my name to- from the internet. lol

i mean- do you have the self awareness to realize that you are THAT GUY- the internet bully big mouth, super aggressive, insulting etc. It means that you are A. have small balls and are B. sexually frustrated and C. probably have a really shitty job. I honestly pity you.


city of cleveland has 0 championships since 1964. I pity you as a sports fan. Your parents don't even remember when the city had a parade for a title.


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May 6, 2013
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the city of miami thanks you for lebron's prime years.. enjoy watching him run out of gas in the playoffs.. and watching his hair line fall off his head.


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the city of miami thanks you for lebron's prime years.. enjoy watching him run out of gas in the playoffs.. and watching his hair line fall off his head.

Whoa .... MiamiVice (thought it was something related to Detroit -- seems odd) ... you think you can out-post Wiggy ???? He is a lawyer ... he is just getting warmed up.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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Riley is gonna be 71 in a couple months! lol...how long do oyu think hes sticking around? I already think the guy has been losing his fastball of late.[/QUOTE

I would image that Riley and Wade will leave within a year or 2 of each other.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
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lol...this city that hasnt won anything has teams that are a lot better than Detroits at this point- well besides football where they both suck.

This November when the Buckeyes are destroying Michigan are you going to be thinking- at least the Pistons won the title a decade ago? When the Indians are shitting on the old, descending Tigers this summer, will you be thinking- hey- in 1984 WE WON IT! lol.....After the Pistons made all these trades and tried to improve their roster, when the Cavs beat the hell out of them- if the Pistons are lucky enough to get the 8 seed- are you going to say at least I used to root for Isiah Thomas 2 decades ago?

its pathetic man.....ill tell ya what....ill send you a gift card to the Espn gift shop where you can order some DVD's of your teams past glory days so maybe you will lighten up a little and the chip on your shoulder developed from having the vast majority of your teams suck horribly might lessen a little.

PS - i would be HUMILIATED if Urb acted like Jim Harbaugh. Harbaugh is a fraud and hes going down just like all the rest have since Lloyd Carr.

You may want to recant that statement. Harbaugh won at Stanford and he's been to a super bowl. I wouldn't start talking shit too soon. Give Harbaugh two to three years at Michigan to get his players in.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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You may want to recant that statement. Harbaugh won at Stanford and he's been to a super bowl. I wouldn't start talking shit too soon. Give Harbaugh two to three years at Michigan to get his players in.
Harbaugh might have a little temporary success here and there but he always wears out his welcome and leaves- one BCS game win in the orange bowl against virginia tech while at stanford?

that big production he had with rick flair and every kiss ass was just ridiculous. Its not going to help them unseat Urban Meyer and the bucks. There is a reason why the Ohio State Buckeyes- more so then any team in the entire nation (besides Bama- and Bama hadnt had success till Saban got there)- are relevant just about every single year going back to the early 2000's.

So far is Harbaugh is 0-1 against Urb right?

I bet he goes 1-4 over a 5 year span against the Bucks and either gets canned or leaves. Even 5 years would be a long stop for him...


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
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Harbaugh might have a little temporary success here and there but he always wears out his welcome and leaves- one BCS game win in the orange bowl against virginia tech while at stanford?

that big production he had with rick flair and every kiss ass was just ridiculous. Its not going to help them unseat Urban Meyer and the bucks. There is a reason why the Ohio State Buckeyes- more so then any team in the entire nation (besides Bama- and Bama hadnt had success till Saban got there)- are relevant just about every single year going back to the early 2000's.

So far is Harbaugh is 0-1 against Urb right?

I bet he goes 1-4 over a 5 year span against the Bucks and either gets canned or leaves. Even 5 years would be a long stop for him...

Stanford didn't have a great football history prior to Harbaugh. Harbaugh has a very brash personality as it relates to management and players. Guess what? In college, you're only there for 3-4 years. Players want to win and get developed for the next level.

Yeah, Harbaugh's 0-1 against Urban Meyer. You do realize that he had to take over for a corch in Brady Hoke right? You think he had that team stacked and developed for Harbaugh?

Look at where the 49ers are now. Management pushed Harbaugh out and for what? They're now a disaster.

Very laughable.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
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has a a pro team from cleveland won a title in your parents lifetime? Just curious.. Not sure how old you are. 1964 was a long time ago.

The Cavs are a good franchise at least though... they have won a few titles way back when... oh.. wait.. no they haven't... they haven't won shit... the Indians though.. they are pretty good.. ooops... they haven't won since ghandi was alive in 1948.... well at least you have the Browns. LOL...

Cleveland.. where pro athletes careers go to die.
He's in the toddler age group... :dhd:


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
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Indians are better than the Tigers? Are you sure? Do you really want to celebrate before you win something with a Cleveland team again? It seems you get excited often only for them to poop the bed.

The Pistons have won more titles in the last 27 years than the entire city of cleveland has won in all pro sports combined since fuck.. I don't even know how long.. maybe if we go back to the 1950's you could combine what all the Cleveland sports teams have done and equal the Pistons.

Sit the fuck down and know your place in history.. Cleveland is a laughing stock. Understand that. Be humble.




Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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Stanford didn't have a great football history prior to Harbaugh. Harbaugh has a very brash personality as it relates to management and players. Guess what? In college, you're only there for 3-4 years. Players want to win and get developed for the next level.

Yeah, Harbaugh's 0-1 against Urban Meyer. You do realize that he had to take over for a corch in Brady Hoke right? You think he had that team stacked and developed for Harbaugh?

Look at where the 49ers are now. Management pushed Harbaugh out and for what? They're now a disaster.

Very laughable.
just saying - harbaugh gets a lot of credit and hype for not winning much and jumping around.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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just saying - harbaugh gets a lot of credit and hype for not winning much and jumping around.

And Urban got 'sick' when Teebo left cause he knew he was in for a tough few + years.

Both are great at what they do, but don't act like Urban is any better of a coach or a person.


Well Liked Member
May 6, 2013
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Whoa .... MiamiVice (thought it was something related to Detroit -- seems odd) ... you think you can out-post Wiggy ???? He is a lawyer ... he is just getting warmed up.
posts don't matter when they are coming from a fan that hasn't seen a banner being hung in
just saying - harbaugh gets a lot of credit and hype for not winning much and jumping around.
not winning much? really? you might want to look at his record as a head coach.


Well Liked Member
May 6, 2013
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Cleveland sports fans do this all the time.. run their mouths.. talk about how good they are.. then their team loses and they crawl in a hole. There wasn't a Cavs fan to be found after Lebron left.. they cried on national tv and burned his jersey and then stopped being a Cavs fan.... now that he is back they are running their mouths again.. even though he hasn't won shit.

The Indians haven't won shit since the 1940's.... The Browns are the Browns.

But you sure do hear those clowns in Cleveland chirp.

Homeboy is busy talking about Ohio States wins in the past versus Michigan.. but he doesn't want to respect the titles every other team has won in every other sport since a Cleveland team has won... Hmmm.. Maybe I can buy him some DVD's of those victories against UM to hold him over until a team from Cleveland doesn't choke or poop the bed and actually win something.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
Key West, FL
Hoopla Cash
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posts don't matter when they are coming from a fan that hasn't seen a banner being hung in

not winning much? really? you might want to look at his record as a head coach.

70% winning percentage in college football.

69% in the NFL that includes 3 straight NFC conference title game appearances, and 1 super bowl appearance.

Yeah, that Harbaugh guy doesn't win for shit.