Haters gonna hate
Did anyone notice how Iupati dominated against Green Bay?
I don't know how you're going to replace that. He's head & shoulders better than anyone in the 2014 draft. It's not even close.
I think maybe tagging Crabby when he becomes a FA might be a good idea. Gives the team 1 more year to find a gem WR in the draft. I don't want to sign him long term. Unless you're a WR like Fitz or Megatron, long-term contract for upper-echelon WRs tend to become albatrosses. It usually doesn't work out.
I do agree and think we will tag Crabtree. Believe me id love to keep iupati but I feel the need for a WR will be more important. How many years can we keep talking about the WR position? The track record hasn't been very good lately and it would be nice to stick with a known like Crabtree. This could all change of course if he's asking for outrageous money.
I just think we could grab a better center and let a guy like iupati go. Staley, Davis and Boone are already making this line strong.
Who knows maybe we figure out a way to keep both though. I can dream right.