Bloody Brian Burke
#1 CFL Fan!
Also not welcome at a Torts event. You can guess why.Where's Bleeding Gums Murphy and his 27 minute rendition of the "Stars and Stripes" when you need him?
/Sorry Seth Jones, it's gonna be a long few years.
Also not welcome at a Torts event. You can guess why.Where's Bleeding Gums Murphy and his 27 minute rendition of the "Stars and Stripes" when you need him?
It would be great if nobody on the bench stood and the starters took a knee on the ice.
Also, call me petty if you will, but I have real difficulty getting behind the brainchild of one Gary Bettman, part of me hope this flops (I hear ticket sales aren't all that great) and the final is Team Sweden versus Team Europe.
Also, while I'm in old man crankypants mode, those WHC commercials where Hughson says "Once and for all, we'll find out who owns hockey" really bug me. Nobody owns hockey, it's a game that has been contested for over 100 years and more and more countries have discovered this great game in the last 50 years or so. Just a dumb way to promote this event, but that's Rogers Sportsnet for you.
Oh, this is an "anti-Bettman" message board?
Guess I get to be the voice of reason...
To be fair, Bettman has grown the game and I'm sure the owners love how much money he has put in their pockets. I just don't like three work stoppages during his tenure as commissioner and all signs pointing to #4 in a few years.
The Fehr led stoppage was entirely on the players. That was the most moronic display from a Union I've ever seen.
If everyone involved is in it for the money, is there a chance there will be no bodychecking?
Seems like a muiti-week ASG, with better unis. And some pseudo, kinda national pride.
If you are Sid, do you really want Letang hitting Geno?
Also not welcome at a Torts event. You can guess why.
/Sorry Seth Jones, it's gonna be a long few years.
It would be great if nobody on the bench stood and the starters took a knee on the ice. Would Torts even stick around to finish the game? How amazing would it be if Torts quit Team USA after one "friendly"?
If Bettman wants some publicity for this thing, well, Kaepernick's jerseys are the top sellers on right now. Can't argue with what works.
Also not welcome at a Torts event. You can guess why.
/Sorry Seth Jones, it's gonna be a long few years.
Oh, this is an "anti-Bettman" message board?
Guess I get to be the voice of reason...
Very good. It is always better to hear different perspectives.![]()
Did/do you used to post on HFB, BGD?
Sorry, I am not great with acronyms
If I did, it would have been as BGDave with my ubiquitous beagle pic
Hockeys future boards.
Name and Nashville affiliation seem familiar