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What do the Lakers do now?


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tough choice on byron. I'm not so sure your best chance at top free agents is with him at coach. but all these other teams are already in the hiring phase not the deciding on firing phase as the lakers are. signs unfortunately seem to point to him being retained.


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The front office will explore all options available this summer. Whether it be continuing a youth movement with the draft pick, pursuing the top free agents, or splashy trades, no stone will be left unturned.

If the rumored motive is true, we're screwed as franchise. Jeanie pushing for Byron to sandbag her brother so she can fire him and hire Phil is some straight bullshit. Not only is her talent evaluation poor, that kind of petty and irrational decision making is the same stuff you see from franchises with terrible owners like the Kings or Dolan with Knicks (who for once has left his FO alone with Phil there but still). You don't want that kind of bullshit anywhere


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Apr 17, 2013
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If the rumored motive is true, we're screwed as franchise. Jeanie pushing for Byron to sandbag her brother so she can fire him and hire Phil is some straight bullshit. Not only is her talent evaluation poor, that kind of petty and irrational decision making is the same stuff you see from franchises with terrible owners like the Kings or Dolan with Knicks (who for once has left his FO alone with Phil there but still). You don't want that kind of bullshit anywhere

I'm not buying into any of those rumors just yet. "Phil wants out of New York." "He's engaged to Jeanie." "He and Jim never got along" "Jim's entering year 3 of his self imposed 3 year deadline" all seems like low hanging fruit.

That kind of conspiracy theory doesn't seem like how she has been viewed and/or conducted business. I suppose it's possible that it's true, but we also see all kinds of crazy theories pop up this time of year.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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If the rumored motive is true, we're screwed as franchise. Jeanie pushing for Byron to sandbag her brother so she can fire him and hire Phil is some straight bullshit. Not only is her talent evaluation poor, that kind of petty and irrational decision making is the same stuff you see from franchises with terrible owners like the Kings or Dolan with Knicks (who for once has left his FO alone with Phil there but still). You don't want that kind of bullshit anywhere

I would think Jeannie would be above such shenanigans, however, we all know how pissed she was when Jim hired D'Antonio over Jackson.


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... Jeanie pushing for Byron to sandbag her brother so she can fire him and hire Phil is some straight bullshit. Not only is her talent evaluation poor, that kind of petty and irrational decision making is the same stuff you see from franchises with terrible owners like the Kings or Dolan with Knicks (who for once has left his FO alone with Phil there but still). You don't want that kind of bullshit anywhere

How do you know that Jeanie's talent evaluation is poor ? (or are you just guessing ... making stuff up?)

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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I'm not buying into any of those rumors just yet. "Phil wants out of New York." "He's engaged to Jeanie." "He and Jim never got along" "Jim's entering year 3 of his self imposed 3 year deadline" all seems like low hanging fruit.

That kind of conspiracy theory doesn't seem like how she has been viewed and/or conducted business. I suppose it's possible that it's true, but we also see all kinds of crazy theories pop up this time of year.

As you know I never did buy his self imposed deadline and as part owner he would still be stuck being part of the decisions any way so may as well stay put which I think he will. He has done what he was supposed to do and what he could. He tried to put together a winning team for Kobe, they gave Kobe a nice send off and milked the farewell tour to make the team money and we now see a good team looming in the near future. That team will not be ready to contend by next year but they will be good enough to run into the playoffs with some improvements. That's about as good as you could have gotten any way - If you remember right now is the classic reason Jerry Buss traded Shaq and kept Kobe - He didn't want to wait until both were to old to start the rebuilding

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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I don't think I even want Phil Jackson back - I have concerns about him having the energy to return. I would rather have a combination of Brian Shaw and Kurt Rambis with Phil as a consultant


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I would think Jeannie would be above such shenanigans, however, we all know how pissed she was when Jim hired D'Antonio over Jackson.

Yeah, she is/was. But she shouldn't be since Dr. Buss was fully on board with it. That's like the last thing Dr. Buss did before he got too sick; he was against hiring Phil because he wanted FO control.

How do you know that Jeanie's talent evaluation is poor ? (or are you just guessing ... making stuff up?)

Considering she's lobbying for Byron Scott (a terrible coach) and wants to hire her bae (who is making a nice mess of himself in NY), its fair to say she's got a questionable eye.


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Apr 18, 2013
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What do the Lakers do now? Take turns with Iggy of course.


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I don't think I even want Phil Jackson back - I have concerns about him having the energy to return. I would rather have a combination of Brian Shaw and Kurt Rambis with Phil as a consultant

Yeah I think Phil is well past being done. I haven't heard of him even getting close to helping in a coaching role in NY. He's been retired for 5 years and is in his 70's. I just don't see that being remotely an option.