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What do the Lakers do now?


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Jul 17, 2014
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Agree with much of this. I agree that Durant isn't likely coming to the Lakers, but they will do their absolute best to convince him to come. I'm sure they will throw their hat in the Lebron ring, but I doubt anyone believes he'll leave Cleveland. So it'll be more of a "We have to offer him because it's Lebron and we can't tell our fans we didn't try" type offer. Every single person in the Lakers FO would probably faint if he actually said yes.

The draft will likely shape what FA's the Lakers target. For example, they have the cap space for 2 max deals. If they land one of the top 2 picks and get Simmons or Ingram, then I think it might make more sense to throw big money at a center like Whiteside or Horford and then use some of the rest of the cap space to give the bench a serious upgrade.

It would give them a starting lineup of:

PG - Russell
SG - Clarkson
SF - Simmons or Ingram
PF - Randle
C - Whiteside or Horford

That, with an upgraded bench, may not be a playoff team immediately, but they could grow into a real nice team that might even grow into a contender down the road. Especially with the right coach.
what are your feelings on DeRozan?

I gotta say- it would be tempting to put that guy in at SG for the next 5+ years. On the other hand you will probably have to pay him about 25 million a year. On the other hand- thats simply going to be the going rate for a younger type quasi- all star.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Of course there's the possibility that a couple teams move up in the draft & then the Lakers worst nightmare would happen. They lose their 1st round pick to Philly. We'll know more after the lottery.
56% chance the Lakers keep the pick. I would not go as far to say its a "worst nightmare" because they have to have been preparing for it since it is a substantial chance at 44%--- luckily for them the odds are in their favor. Will be very interesting to see on lotto night.


Apr 20, 2010
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56% chance the Lakers keep the pick. I would not go as far to say its a "worst nightmare" because they have to have been preparing for it since it is a substantial chance at 44%--- luckily for them the odds are in their favor. Will be very interesting to see on lotto night.

The problem is it's not as easy for the Lakers to attract UFA's as it once was. They need all the high end young talent they can get right now.


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Jul 17, 2014
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The problem is it's not as easy for the Lakers to attract UFA's as it once was. They need all the high end young talent they can get right now.
oh yah i agree...this isnt the 70's where you had to be in a big city. Thats overtly clear from the last couple offseasons- i dont think any Lakers fans would deny that at this point right?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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what are your feelings on DeRozan?

I gotta say- it would be tempting to put that guy in at SG for the next 5+ years. On the other hand you will probably have to pay him about 25 million a year. On the other hand- thats simply going to be the going rate for a younger type quasi- all star.

Hard to say. I like him (he's a Trojan after all), but Clarkson is the 2 guard and I like him as well. DeRozan is the more proven player and I agree, plugging him at the 2 for 5+ years wouldn't suck. Seems redundant though unless he or Clarkson could play the 3 or the Lakers traded Clarkson for another asset.


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Jul 17, 2014
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The problem is it's not as easy for the Lakers to attract UFA's as it once was. They need all the high end young talent they can get right now.
DaBolts--- -question is----

if they offered the Kings the #2 pick, Randle, and some cap filler like Lou Williams for Cousins- what do you say? ;)


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Jul 17, 2014
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Hard to say. I like him (he's a Trojan after all), but Clarkson is the 2 guard and I like him as well. DeRozan is the more proven player and I agree, plugging him at the 2 for 5+ years wouldn't suck. Seems redundant though unless he or Clarkson could play the 3 or the Lakers traded Clarkson for another asset.
here is the deal with Clarkson.....it behooves the Lakers to use their cap room this offseason in relation to him.

Clarkson's cap hold is very small. Its much smaller than what his market value would be- which is typical for an overacheiving late round pick.

So- the strategy here is this--- you dont make a decision on Clarkson early in free agency- or maybe you do and you just have this plan---- he is sitting there at like - something like only 3-5 million as a cap hold...very neglible...obviously he will get more on the open market...something probably like Shumpert i would say around 8-12 million a year.

SO- what you do is- you use up ALL your cap space if your the Lakers--- only 3-4 million is used on Clarkson for his cap hold....once you are done with all your business- you use your Bird Rights to sign Clarkson to a long term deal. This type of scenario does not present itself often- but when it does if you can take advantage its a nice little cap maneuver. The player has to have a low cap hold- and young players- especially 2nd rounders coming off their rookie deals- have that low cap hold- thus Clarkson offers some value cap wise.


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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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Will what Russell did hurt the Lakers in Free Agency?
if they lose their pick i think it has the potential to....since than Russell will be looked at as their biggest and most likely significant asset and teammate of a potential FA...if they get their pick and its gonna be ingram or simmons i think it becomes less of a concern. Just my opinion.


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Jul 17, 2014
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If I were Sacramento I'd say yes. The problem is I doubt the Lakers would offer that much for Cousins.
i dunno...i personalyl think the Lakers would think about that long and hard....

the Celtics are going to be in on Cousins too and have the Brooklyn pick and a lot of assets to dangle.....


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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here is the deal with Clarkson.....it behooves the Lakers to use their cap room this offseason in relation to him.

Clarkson's cap hold is very small. Its much smaller than what his market value would be- which is typical for an overacheiving late round pick.

So- the strategy here is this--- you dont make a decision on Clarkson early in free agency- or maybe you do and you just have this plan---- he is sitting there at like - something like only 3-5 million as a cap hold...very neglible...obviously he will get more on the open market...something probably like Shumpert i would say around 8-12 million a year.

SO- what you do is- you use up ALL your cap space if your the Lakers--- only 3-4 million is used on Clarkson for his cap hold....once you are done with all your business- you use your Bird Rights to sign Clarkson to a long term deal. This type of scenario does not present itself often- but when it does if you can take advantage its a nice little cap maneuver. The player has to have a low cap hold- and young players- especially 2nd rounders coming off their rookie deals- have that low cap hold- thus Clarkson offers some value cap wise.

I like this idea.


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Oct 22, 2014
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Have a couple good drafts and sign a couple decent free agents


Apr 20, 2010
Lost in the ABYSS that is Islanders Hockey.
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i dunno...i personalyl think the Lakers would think about that long and hard....

the Celtics are going to be in on Cousins too and have the Brooklyn pick and a lot of assets to dangle.....

The Celtics could outbid just about everybody for the player they want in a trade. They have a lot of assets to dangle. So if Boston is interested in Cousins it just depends on what Boston is willing to give up to get him.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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Will what Russell did hurt the Lakers in Free Agency?

I think the Lakers may have to answer some questions. Since the story broke, Russell has done and said all of the right things and pretty much everyone has said that he seemed genuine with his apology. It's pretty well died down since then as well. Although, it could come up again in the off-season as things sometimes do.

Prospective FA's might want to meet him to try and get their own sense of who he is as a person and potential teammate. End of the day though, they only need to be able to trust him on the basketball court. So, if an FA wants to come to the Lakers, I don't see Russell being a reason they wouldn't.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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Here is what I would do if I'm the Lakers:

You really need 2 more years of development from Russell and Randle to prove they are the cornerstones that they can potentially be. You'll be adding likely the #2 pick(likely Ingram), who won't be able to produce at the highest level yet.

I know this won't be sexy, but here's what I would do:

Sign Joakim Noah to a 2 Year 20M deal.
Sign Luol Deng to a 2 Year 22M deal.

Help facilitate a sign and trade for Clarkson to get an additional pick.

The biggest need for these guys is veteran leadership. Russell and Randle are so young, but very talented. Add to that another top pick, and the Lakers could have a good core. What they need are guys who can show them what kind of work ethic it takes to be a professional. They need guys who can show them what it takes to become a winner. Both Noah and Deng can do that.

Keeping both on a high value, but low year deal is essential here. It will tie up cap space for the team but keep options flexible in case other big name trade partners become available.

You let Randle, Russell, Ingram (likely), grow for the next 2 season and let Noah and Deng show them how to compete. After their 2 seasons are up, Cousins is a free agent and max him. He'll be 27 at the time.

If they develop properly, you will be able to build a legit roster ready to compete in 2 years.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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The thing the Lakers should do is keep their pick this year unless it falls below the top three and select either Simmons or Ingram. Then go after Whiteside.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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If I were Sacramento I'd say yes. The problem is I doubt the Lakers would offer that much for Cousins.

Hard to say. Cousins, when his head is straight, is a potential game changer and arguably the best big in the league. In that respect, he's easily worth that.

The problem is, when his head isn't straight, he can destroy a team from the inside. That makes him not worth anywhere near that much.

I guess the Lakers, or any team looking to trade for him, would have to decide if they think he's really a cancer or just needs a change of scenery.


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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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Here is what I would do if I'm the Lakers:

You really need 2 more years of development from Russell and Randle to prove they are the cornerstones that they can potentially be. You'll be adding likely the #2 pick(likely Ingram), who won't be able to produce at the highest level yet.

I know this won't be sexy, but here's what I would do:

Sign Joakim Noah to a 2 Year 20M deal.
Sign Luol Deng to a 2 Year 22M deal.

Help facilitate a sign and trade for Clarkson to get an additional pick.

The biggest need for these guys is veteran leadership. Russell and Randle are so young, but very talented. Add to that another top pick, and the Lakers could have a good core. What they need are guys who can show them what kind of work ethic it takes to be a professional. They need guys who can show them what it takes to become a winner. Both Noah and Deng can do that.

Keeping both on a high value, but low year deal is essential here. It will tie up cap space for the team but keep options flexible in case other big name trade partners become available.

You let Randle, Russell, Ingram (likely), grow for the next 2 season and let Noah and Deng show them how to compete. After their 2 seasons are up, Cousins is a free agent and max him. He'll be 27 at the time.

If they develop properly, you will be able to build a legit roster ready to compete in 2 years.
i like this idea a lot-- ESPECIALLY for one reason.

typically during a rebuild i am against signing vets as good as noah or deng- because they improve your record enough where you will no longer be picking at or near the top of the lotto----- but because the Lakers - if they keep their pick this year- would still owe 1st rounders to both Philly and Orlando this would work beautifully. Defense first team players like Noah and Deng- even if their skills have shrunk fairly considerably- would be great role models - and at the SF and C position- not exactly easy pieces to find...not only that- but imagine pairing those 2 - Noah and Deng- while hiring Thibs and havin those 2 guys essnetially be assistant coaches to help institute Thibs defense....now you might be really rolling.

at the end of that 2 years thsoe guys come off the books- the young guys are primed- and you have cap space- cap space you would HAVE to use- or lose once the young guys are ready for their extensions.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I know this won't be sexy, but here's what I would do:

Sign Joakim Noah to a 2 Year 20M deal.
Sign Luol Deng to a 2 Year 22M deal.

I love me some Joakim Noah, but he's injured too much lately. I do like Deng and I don't think Miami has the cap space to keep him and sign Whiteside to the huge raise he's going to get.

It might be worth taking a chance on Noah on a 2 year deal since it's not likely the Lakers can improve enough to get to the finals in 2 years any way. He definitely could teach them about professionalism and hustle.