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tOfficial NFC East Thread v. 1.0


Resident Fake Asian!
May 12, 2013
In the PacificNorthwest
Hoopla Cash
$ 3.54
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MMM sounds tasty, Sonny will give you his address so McNabb can send him some. I hear ya about Sapp, that is one fucker I can't stomache. If he was the broadcaster for NE, I would watch games on mute. Is it true what Cali said about Mcnabb and Doobster?. Sonny doesn"t want McNabb following Robin Williams footsteps. Mcnabb comprehend?

Doobster is my little buddy, but no I'm not partaking in Doob's other activity, Little secret, Cali is just a little mad at me since I didn't call her back after hanging out with her friday night during my drunk post....


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,569.00
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Thanx for the dual llamas. But as we both saw Cali Mallett played like crapollo and Garopollo played well

Truth. Don't think showcasing mallett worked in the Pats favor. But hey, it didn't work for us the last 3 games with Cousins either. Best thing for a back up QB...don't get on the field and you'll always be a fan favorite...except if you're lucky enough to have an elite QB on your team...

Doobster is my little buddy, but no I'm not partaking in Doob's other activity, Little secret, Cali is just a little mad at me since I didn't call her back after hanging out with her friday night during my drunk post....

You did pick up the habit of speaking in third person from him tho...

Indeed I am....!?€#^}*\?|# you!!!!!!!
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Resident Fake Asian!
May 12, 2013
In the PacificNorthwest
Hoopla Cash
$ 3.54
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You did pick up the habit of speaking in third person from him tho...

Indeed I am....!?€#^}*\?|# you!!!!!!!

We had a great evening, and I'm very sorry for laughing and falling on the floor and laughing even louder when you whispered in my ear, " McNabb my Skins are gonna shock the world." It was the Eagle fan in me that took over, I mean when you said your Skins were gonna sweep my Eagles, well just hearing it and seeing the Skins past history, I couldn't refrain myself....


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,569.00
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We had a great evening, and I'm very sorry for laughing and falling on the floor and laughing even louder when you whispered in my ear, " McNabb my Skins are gonna shock the world." It was the Eagle fan in me that took over, I mean when you said your Skins were gonna sweep my Eagles, well just hearing it and seeing the Skins past history, I couldn't refrain myself....

I so hate to remind you...but I will...of the look on your face when I 'horned' you in response...it was priceless...:pound:


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Dec 8th, In Philly Hawks fans, before the playoffs, lets see where your boys in neon green are at since they have the task of playing the hardest schedule.....

Nice "jimmy" play Wiz, :pound:

Oh I know Seattle has a tough road to even make the playoffs and you don't see me running around saying they are a lock for anything. I just love people who talk about being the best when it's based on things that happened when cell phones came in a backpack.

If your Eagles don't win that division I see no NFCE representative in the NFCCG yet again. Philly is the only team with the tools on both sides to be dangerous in the playoffs IMO. Just not sure if they will bring them all together or not.


Resident Fake Asian!
May 12, 2013
In the PacificNorthwest
Hoopla Cash
$ 3.54
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If your Eagles don't win that division I see no NFCE representative in the NFCCG yet again. Philly is the only team with the tools on both sides to be dangerous in the playoffs


Put it this way, if the Eagles don't get a serious deep push into the playoff's Chip might be sent back to Eugene in a box, cut up into small pieces.


Resident Fake Asian!
May 12, 2013
In the PacificNorthwest
Hoopla Cash
$ 3.54
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I so hate to remind you...but I will...of the look on your face when I 'horned' you in response...it was priceless...:pound:

Now come on, you didn't give any response, ( well I mean other then the shoe you threw at my head while you yelled "get out!")

It's ok, I made you a cassette, It's got Van Halen's song, " Dream another Dream" over and over again, so you can listen to it all day long...


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 40,000.79
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Doobster is my little buddy, but no I'm not partaking in Doob's other activity, Little secret, Cali is just a little mad at me since I didn't call her back after hanging out with her friday night during my drunk post....

Oh is that right nothing worse than an e-woman scorned


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,569.00
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Now come on, you didn't give any response, ( well I mean other then the shoe you threw at my head while you yelled "get out!")

It's ok, I made you a cassette, It's got Van Halen's song, " Dream another Dream" over and over again, so you can listen to it all day long...

Don't even bother recycling that tape back to me. You KNOW what I'm talking about...the one that I GAVE you about your delusional expectations for the 2014 eagles season. You can keep it. Cuz it will soothe you as you cry big tears into that ratty little 'nest' you abide in.

Oh is that right nothing worse than an e-woman scorned

Just couldn't restrain yourself Sonny, eh? Don't worry I won't reveal all those damning emails I've got on you.:pound:


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,569.00
Fav. Team #1
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Oh I know Seattle has a tough road to even make the playoffs and you don't see me running around saying they are a lock for anything. I just love people who talk about being the best when it's based on things that happened when cell phones came in a backpack.

If your Eagles don't win that division I see no NFCE representative in the NFCCG yet again. Philly is the only team with the tools on both sides to be dangerous in the playoffs IMO. Just not sure if they will bring them all together or not.

You'll be eating crow by seasons end, seachicken. Just wait til my team wipes the floor up with ya...:dhd:


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 40,000.79
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Don't even bother recycling that tape back to me. You KNOW what I'm talking about...the one that I GAVE you about your delusional expectations for the 2014 eagles season. You can keep it. Cuz it will soothe you as you cry big tears into that ratty little 'nest' you abide in.

Just couldn't restrain yourself Sonny, eh? Don't worry I won't reveal all those damning emails I've got on you.:pound:[/QUOTE]

Listen I was drunk and I swear I didnt know it was a man till the morning. I didnt realize only man had adam's apples, now I know


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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You'll be eating crow by seasons end, seachicken. Just wait til my team wipes the floor up with ya...:dhd:

So you will measure your season based on how they do against Seattle, not how far they go in the playoffs.

And some up here want to talk about this being the top division in the NFC? :L :tsk:

I don't care how Seattle does against specific teams. The playoffs are all that matters.



Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,569.00
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Listen I was drunk and I swear I didnt know it was a man till the morning. I didnt realize only man had adam's apples, now I know

:omg: what are you talking about? I have NEVER met you in person!!! Guess the saying 'buyer beware' definitely applies with your latest hook up with a person of questionable repute. I suggest you reduce your drinking immediately...:nod:


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,569.00
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So you will measure your season based on how they do against Seattle, not how far they go in the playoffs.

And some up here want to talk about this being the top division in the NFC? :L :tsk:

I don't care how Seattle does against specific teams. The playoffs are all that matters.


:L at you. Who said anything about y'all being the redskins benchmark for a successful season???? :scratch:

That remains, as it has always been...an appearance in the big dance, followed by a 4th SB ring....

A bit full of yourself with last years glory????? Lmao!!!!! :pound:


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 40,000.79
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:omg: what are you talking about? I have NEVER met you in person!!! Guess the saying 'buyer beware' definitely applies with your latest hook up with a person of questionable repute. I suggest you reduce your drinking immediately...:nod:

funny but thats the same thing my AA sponsor told me. I told him that I don't drink anymore, or any less.

Sonny's bad, I thought Cali had some incriminating emails from my chat with the supposed woman I shared with you. Harry should have at least shaved his legs, not cool


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
Fav. Team #1
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:L at you. Who said anything about y'all being the redskins benchmark for a successful season???? :scratch:

That remains, as it has always been...an appearance in the big dance, followed by a 4th SB ring....

A bit full of yourself with last years glory????? Lmao!!!!! :pound:

Well what were you responding to? :whistle:

Keep the dream alive as long as you can, but I wouldn't look too far down that schedule. Start with winning either of your first two games and see what happens from there. That's right, Johnny football is going to put his stamp on that HORRIBLE turf your team plays on.


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,569.00
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Well what were you responding to? :whistle:

Keep the dream alive as long as you can, but I wouldn't look too far down that schedule. Start with winning either of your first two games and see what happens from there. That's right, Johnny football is going to put his stamp on that HORRIBLE turf your team plays on.

I was simply stating that I will feel great pleasure in stomping some wee hawkies this season...nothing more, nothing less. :noidea:

And the field..plz. We hogs don't worry about shit like that, we revel in mud.

But don't worry, when y'all come to visit our 'frightening' house, it will be too early in the year, for y'all to have to fear our scary field. There will be no excuses. For either of our teams. May the better team prove it...:suds:


Burgundy & Gold Forevah
Aug 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 4,569.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
funny but thats the same thing my AA sponsor told me. I told him that I don't drink anymore, or any less.

Sonny's bad, the supposed woman I shared with you.

:omg: more delusions!!!!! Now we are sharing? Call your sponsor ASAP!!! I fear for your mental health.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 40,000.79
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:omg: more delusions!!!!! Now we are sharing? Call your sponsor ASAP!!! I fear for your mental health.

Ok its Face and not Harry in drag, didn't really want to air my dirty laundry here.And I meant sharing emails but cool with sharing the other way. My sponsor told me to call him when I am somewhat coherent. Whats talking about he ???