I will take a blank canvas over a bunch of core players that can't shoot.
Yeah, I get that point, its a fair one.
There are pros and cons to both. One issue with a blank canvas is that making trades becomes very difficult, especially since the Heat won't have any attractive draft picks as long as LeBron stays in town. The advantage is you're not stuck with anyone you don't want.
The cavs roster is actually pretty flexible, IMO. They're losing their worst two salaries in Deng and Hawes to free agency next week. They're only big salary is Varejao and he's a servicable, tradable player (especially since he's only got 1 more year on the book.... he's an attractive expiring contract). They have several young guys who other teams would love to get. They do have a couple of duds... but those guys aren't making anything so who cares.
Now... the one point I will agree with is that thus far the Cavs have shown a complete inability to make good moves... even when they've found themselves in great positions.