Kyrie Hater
Most of these guys move around at the end of their careers because the team they were with was moving in a different direction that didn't include them... so most of them decided to take less for a final year to see if they could help someone win a title. Granted this is baseball, but look at Poojols. He wanted too much money, so the cards told him to pack his shit and hit the road. This is what used to happen to the elite once they got to too old. MJ also didn't ask to bring elite talent into the mix. He had Pippen, but Pippen wasn't really and elite player. He just played well with Jordan.
You are way off. Pippen was one of the 30 best players of all time and an MVP level player in his own right. There are maybe 3 players in the league today with resumes comparable to or better than Pippen's, and LeBron is one of them.
For the record, LeBron going to Cleveland would be a huge mistake. Like others have said, they lack chemistry, and while I think that Blatt may be a very good coach, their roster is a horrible fit for LeBron's skills.
He does best with shooters around him capable of spreading the floor and Cleveland's best players aside from Irving are not very good perimeter shooters.