Well, you know sometimes a person throws shit up in the air and hope it sticks, but I don't hate LeBron. He is one of the best players in the NBA and certainly the best since Kareem and Magic - but I don't gauge greatness by stats only, because stats only does not always give a person a complete picture. I don't gauge a person by greatness by championships alone either because that does not give a complete picture by itself either.
If LeBron comes to Los Angeles this year, I do believe the Lakers will be contenders and possibly win - Winning is good - I would love to beat Boston to a title and even that score to 17-17.T
That being said, I think the stats combined with # of championships is what tells the picture and that combination is why Tim Duncan with average stats ends up in the discussion - Took less money and worked closely with the Spurs to bring in players that would take them back to the finals. Accepted a lessor role to lengthen his career. Outstanding leadership that brought him back to the finals time after time. Athletic wise - LeBron is once in a generation, but mentally - Tim Duncan did all of the things to have one hell of a career and in the terms of greatness was better then Kobe. LeBron has not done all of the things like Tim Duncan. So while I do understand what the player fans that support LeBron are saying - I respectfully do not agree with them that LeBron is the best ever. The best ever cannot be measured by stats game states alone. Championships, awards, leadhership, and etc also count
You know I really wanna disagree w/ you only for the sake of an argument.