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Those Cheating Ravens!


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Nov 19, 2014
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Looks like it for the monetary fine if that is a fact....But severity of the violation goes beyond that, so while the fine may call for the same, the severity of an in game violation that can produce an unfair advantage, is much more severe than an OTA 5 min drill with no contact....A lot of difference between the 2....
Only similarity is, if they break the rules and get caught, they pay for it....The End :nod:
Keep walking that company line OS. Our little white lie wasn't as bad as their's:salute:


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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So what happened, again?


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That's my point. You're making it for me.

Any play that wasn't going to be a Beast Mode run, you needed to make them THINK it was.

Hence why I criticized them for the lack of playaction.

Heh, holy hell again.


THE SEAHAWKS, R-E-A-C-T-I-N-G to that, called a slant to take advantage of the formation.

The entire PATS defence with the exception of Browner and Butler, thought it was a handoff to Lynch.

Since Butler IMMEDIATELY jumped the 3 step drop slant pass, who the fvck was going to be fooled by 'play action' that wasn't already fooled? They were going to double fool those guys? So what?

Butler and Browner saw something, took a chance, shat their pants, and Butler became a hero.

They could just have easily been the goats (kind with horns, not the GREATEST type)


Boomer Sooner
Jul 5, 2013
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I don't know about you guys but the world was a better place when these fuckers hit each other from May to December


It's my Country, Flag, Bible, Gun. Don't try it !
Nov 30, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Keep walking that company line OS. Our little white lie wasn't as bad as their's:salute:

Well, no surprise that you can't deal with honesty and accountability, excuses are for pansies....Or should I say Patsies ??????
108b5b79-5fbc-4302-8c28-6cbe27e4a063_zpsoflwsdka.jpg :dhd:


It's my Country, Flag, Bible, Gun. Don't try it !
Nov 30, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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A db running a wr over while the ball is in the air is PI every time.

That the NFL won't admit this is a travesty.
I thought Butler got there before the ball but it was close enough to be debatable....But who was that being held by 39 ???


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Apr 23, 2013
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Pre-snap Butler was off the line right where RW wanted him. I still don't know how he made this play so quickly. Either great coaching or huge risk by MB in case receiver broke outside to the corner...or most likely both...

Agenda. Great play no PI at all

I've watched the replay who knows how many times and my opinion hasn't and will never change. It was a bang bang play and I give Butler major props for reading the play correctly. Tough loss but hell of a game.


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Jul 9, 2013
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Panic??? What thread are you reading? I see some pretty rational discussion...well, other than the Pats fans of course who want to compare 5 minutes of rookie practice in May to cheating in a Playoff game...

What we have now done jarntt, solely because of this cheating scandal is introduce the notion that the severity of the act is mitigated by its impact upon the game. Hmmm, beyond yet more Pats points scored in that AFCCG after reinflating the balls, I've asked this question without any answer. Pats fans asked after the news broke, why didn't the refs noice the difference? Well, they only pick up the ball. My question is, if this was some ongoing practice of the Pats, why didn't actual players who recovered fumbles and made interceptions notice? Surely they clutch the ball firmly and have experience with NFL footballs. Multiple players never even noticed? The impact of a pound of air pressure has been off the Hoolpla table....until now apparently. Gee, this might also put filming signals (made out in the wide open in front of thousands) from the wrong location on the table too. What happened to cheating is cheating?

Funny how all of the stories that say the NFL believes the Ravens were aware begin with "Per ESPNs Adam Schefter". Homeboy just likes to stir the pot and make everyone get up in arms over nothing. Who is his NFL team? Hmmm...
They admitted they broke the rules and will be punished accordingly. When punished accordingly, they aren't going to sue over it and start a big lawsuit over how they were victimized or whine and cry like little bitches.
Really not a big deal...
5 minutes of a no-contact drill in pads... WOW! What an "edge" they are trying to get on the competition. :crazy:


Looks like it for the monetary fine if that is a fact....But severity of the violation goes beyond that, so while the fine may call for the same, the severity of an in game violation that can produce an unfair advantage, is much more severe than an OTA 5 min drill with no contact....A lot of difference between the 2....
Only similarity is, if they break the rules and get caught, they pay for it....The End :nod:

Oh hey, it's the old degree of impact upon the game slant. Lets talk about a pound if air pressure and standing in the wrong spot.

Well, no surprise that you can't deal with honesty and accountability, excuses are for pansies....Or should I say Patsies ??????
View attachment 119516 :dhd:




Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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What we have now done jarntt, solely because of this cheating scandal is introduce the notion that the severity of the act is mitigated by its impact upon the game. Hmmm, beyond yet more Pats points scored in that AFCCG after reinflating the balls, I've asked this question without any answer. Pats fans asked after the news broke, why didn't the refs noice the difference? Well, they only pick up the ball. My question is, if this was some ongoing practice of the Pats, why didn't actual players who recovered fumbles and made interceptions notice? Surely they clutch the ball firmly and have experience with NFL footballs. Multiple players never even noticed? The impact of a pound of air pressure has been off the Hoolpla table....until now apparently. Gee, this might also put filming signals (made out in the wide open in front of thousands) from the wrong location on the table too. What happened to cheating is cheating?


Oh hey, it's the old degree of impact upon the game slant. Lets talk about a pound if air pressure and standing in the wrong spot.


First off I still see no panic so I don't know what the heck you are trying to say

Second, of course the severity of the act is based on many, many factors and of course the impact of the game is one of them. Are you actually trying to state otherwise? Dear Lord say that ain't so. Now you sound like Rock. The simple fact is no two acts are the same. What Brady did isn't the same as what Some player using stickem did and it sure as Hell isnt the same as a 5 minute practice in pads with a handful of players who may ever be on an NFL team in May.

As far as refs noticing the balls I don't know. I said from day one I don't think it gave him a big edge, but maybe the refs did a lot of Patriot games and the deflated balls felt "normal" to them because of it:noidea:


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2013
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First off I still see no panic so I don't know what the heck you are trying to say

Second, of course the severity of the act is based on many, many factors and of course the impact of the game is one of them. Are you actually trying to state otherwise? Dear Lord say that ain't so. Now you sound like Rock. The simple fact is no two acts are the same. What Brady did isn't the same as what Some player using stickem did and it sure as Hell isnt the same as a 5 minute practice in pads with a handful of players who may ever be on an NFL team in May.

As far as refs noticing the balls I don't know. I said from day one I don't think it gave him a big edge, but maybe the refs did a lot of Patriot games and the deflated balls felt "normal" to them because of it:noidea:

The impact upon the game has never been accepted when it's the Patriot's transgressions but now, that's all changed. You've been caught in a complete double standard and now you're wise-assing your way out of it. Answer the actual question I posed. Why didn't dozens of intercepting and fumble recovering players never notice the air pressure? I won't hold my breath waiting for an answer because there's only one answer and none of you haters will utter it. The small amount of air let out of the balls had little to no impact at all.

PANIC!!! at the hoop :pound:


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
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The impact upon the game has never been accepted when it's the Patriot's transgressions but now, that's all changed. You've been caught in a complete double standard and now you're wise-assing your way out of it. Answer the actual question I posed. Why didn't dozens of intercepting and fumble recovering players never notice the air pressure? I won't hold my breath waiting for an answer because there's only one answer and none of you haters will utter it. The small amount of air let out of the balls had little to no impact at all.

PANIC!!! at the hoop :pound:
What your ignoring is the Pats history of cheating. If the Ravens had been caught as much as the Pats this thread would have blown up. The only reason fans pile on the Pats is them, they brought it on themself and the denials from the fans fan the flames.
You'd have to be naive to think ever team isn't breaking a rule or two, others just don't get cache what seems yearly.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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What your ignoring is the Pats history of cheating. If the Ravens had been caught as much as the Pats this thread would have blown up. The only reason fans pile on the Pats is them, they brought it on themself and the denials from the fans fan the flames.
You'd have to be naive to think ever team isn't breaking a rule or two, others just don't get cache what seems yearly.


Suppose you give us the complete and seemingly endless or at least yearly list of offenses by the Pats. I have
1) Spygate
2) Deflategate

But first, we must acknowledge that the air pressure was never a significant advantage OR admit that all cheating is significant including the Raven's.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
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Suppose you give us the complete and seemingly endless or at least yearly list of offenses by the Pats. I have
1) Spygate
2) Deflategate

But first, we must acknowledge that the air pressure was never a significant advantage OR admit that all cheating is significant including the Raven's.

OK then it only seems yearly do to the level of cheating. On Spygate, I'm pretty sure ALL teams were sent letters from the league to cease BB and the Pats basically said fuck you and continued doing it. Again look at your team as to why we all pile on. Sorry Homer, this is the Pats fault. Look at NO and Bounty Gate, the league told all teams to stop the practice but they continued on, and the league hit them with an anvil.
Ohe and no I won't acknowledge the air gave no advantage off of two quarters.


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OK then it only seems yearly do to the level of cheating. On Spygate, I'm pretty sure ALL teams were sent letters from the league to cease BB and the Pats basically said fuck you and continued doing it. Again look at your team as to why we all pile on. Sorry Homer, this is the Pats fault. Look at NO and Bounty Gate, the league told all teams to stop the practice but they continued on, and the league hit them with an anvil.
Ohe and no I won't acknowledge the air gave no advantage off of two quarters.

It seems like much more than it is, because:

A. All the Patriots do is deny, deny, deny (which drags everything out) and

B. They are arrogant little shits while doing so

C. Apply A and B to 95% of their fans


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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OK then it only seems yearly do to the level of cheating. On Spygate, I'm pretty sure ALL teams were sent letters from the league to cease BB and the Pats basically said fuck you and continued doing it. Again look at your team as to why we all pile on. Sorry Homer, this is the Pats fault. Look at NO and Bounty Gate, the league told all teams to stop the practice but they continued on, and the league hit them with an anvil.
Ohe and no I won't acknowledge the air gave no advantage off of two quarters.

1) So you misspoke.
2) How about my questioning of why none of the dozens of players to take the ball from the Pats never noticed the difference in air pressure.

See, this whole the-Ravens-cheating-wasn't-significant has opened up a lot of doors.

Why, after being stopped from filming in the wide open in front of everybody, didn't the Pat's win/loss record drop off?

So many questions to panic about.

It seems like much more than it is, because:

A. All the Patriots do is deny, deny, deny (which drags everything out) and

B. They are arrogant little shits while doing so

C. Apply A and B to 95% of their fans

Ok, so it only "seems" like more yet you guys state it as fact that it is actually more. We're really getting somewhere here.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
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1) So you misspoke.
2) How about my questioning of why none of the dozens of players to take the ball from the Pats never noticed the difference in air pressure.

See, this whole the-Ravens-cheating-wasn't-significant has opened up a lot of doors.

Why, after being stopped from filming in the wide open in front of everybody, didn't the Pat's win/loss record drop off?

So many questions to panic about.

Ok, so it only "seems" like more yet you guys state it as fact that it is actually more. We're really getting somewhere here.
You are a prime example of the Pat fan in denial. Think about it this way, if your child does something wrong, gets caught, owns up and stops doing it, his punishment would be over, if he gives the the middle finger, and gets caught the punishment would be much stiffer. The Pats continue to give the middle finger and homers like you continue to deny. It's been a big ass merry-go-round with the Pats and their homer fans.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I'm anything but a homer. I never denied any transgressions by the Pats. It's my applying an accurate scope to it that you're struggling with.

You want it both ways but your double standard doesn't hold water.

NO drop off in win/losses after Spygate. No drop off in wins after re-inflating the balls. That means that the transgressions weren't terribly impactful.

Nor do I believe that what the Ravens did had much impact. I'm just chuckling over you guys mixing up your words. Yes, Brady had the balls deflated. $25,000.00 equipment fine. Ya wanna double it 'cause of spygate, fine. Then $50,000.00. What was dished out was over the top.