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The ACC Thread


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Apr 16, 2013
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Hoopla Cash
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No. I meant you guys are good at recruiting.

Oops sorry.

Good recruiting will only take you so far, you still need a coach who can teach the players. Something UVA has not had in about 13 years now, since the fans all ran Welsh out for only winning 7 games a year. Ask any true UVA fan and they would be glad to have Welsh and his 7 wins back about now.


Go Home Run Heels!
Apr 16, 2013
Marietta, GA
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Oops sorry.

Good recruiting will only take you so far, you still need a coach who can teach the players. Something UVA has not had in about 13 years now, since the fans all ran Welsh out for only winning 7 games a year. Ask any true UVA fan and they would be glad to have Welsh and his 7 wins back about now.

Join the club. Jimbo Fisher, Dabo Sweeney and Frank Beamer are good coaches. But nobody in the ACC has a comparable HC to Urban Meyer, Nick Saban, etc. Until the ACC teams start getting the very best coaches out there we will continue to screw our talented kids over with bad coaching.


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Apr 16, 2013
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Hoopla Cash
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Join the club. Jimbo Fisher, Dabo Sweeney and Frank Beamer are good coaches. But nobody in the ACC has a comparable HC to Urban Meyer, Nick Saban, etc. Until the ACC teams start getting the very best coaches out there we will continue to screw our talented kids over with bad coaching.

Big difference between good coaches and what UVA has had.

Groh who was bringing in LBs that had to go to a junior college for a year because he said someone stole his SATs (Ahmad Brooks who also IMO was the dirtiest player to ever attend UVA) and also refused to recruit in the SE part of the state because he said the players there were not of good eneough quality. Even though Beamer was competing for top 15 seasons with those players. Thirdly having his friends upgrade players once they signed with UVA to make it seem like our recruiting class was better then it was.

London won a Natty at Richmond with another coaches players and look at that school now because he left it empty. Then his recruiting style is to walk into a school in Hampton Roads and tell the AA kids to do their duty and play for a AA coach instead of a white one.

I will always be a fan of UVA but alittle down about the football team the past few years.


Go Home Run Heels!
Apr 16, 2013
Marietta, GA
Hoopla Cash
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Big difference between good coaches and what UVA has had.

Groh who was bringing in LBs that had to go to a junior college for a year because he said someone stole his SATs (Ahmad Brooks who also IMO was the dirtiest player to ever attend UVA) and also refused to recruit in the SE part of the state because he said the players there were not of good eneough quality. Even though Beamer was competing for top 15 seasons with those players. Thirdly having his friends upgrade players once they signed with UVA to make it seem like our recruiting class was better then it was.

London won a Natty at Richmond with another coaches players and look at that school now because he left it empty. Then his recruiting style is to walk into a school in Hampton Roads and tell the AA kids to do their duty and play for a AA coach instead of a white one.

I will always be a fan of UVA but alittle down about the football team the past few years.

Big schools with big budgets like UVA, UNC and Maryland have no excuse for mediocrity. We're just not spending our money wisely, to say the least. We hire these former MAC and assistant coaches and it is no wonder our teams don't perform up to their talent levels.


Go Home Run Heels!
Apr 16, 2013
Marietta, GA
Hoopla Cash
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You lost a ton with Butch fucking Davus and a higher payroll the Browns!

Yeah, we did. Butch pulled an "SEC" but he got caught. If he had gotten away with all that stuff he pulled, we might have had a championship team in Chapel Hill. Our defense was stellar until the NCAAIC wrecked it.

Oh well, you pay the price of foolishness, retool and drive on.


Not Banned
Aug 2, 2011
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Do I need to defend the Hokies in here? I kind of hate the whole conference pride crap and don't want to read the last 5 pages.

I don't care for conference pride either, I do feel like individual teams in the ACC are overrated because of the perception of the conference though


Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I was in the army for 7 years. It took me several years to NOT cuss like a sailor and drink like a fish after I got out. It was tough but with God's guidance I was able to do it.

I have been out for 20 years. I still cuss like I was in. Probably because I work with a bunch of ex military guys(Navy and Army). The drinking has been toned down for years except on special occasions.


Go Home Run Heels!
Apr 16, 2013
Marietta, GA
Hoopla Cash
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I don't care for conference pride either, I do feel like individual teams in the ACC are overrated because of the perception of the conference though

I feel as though the general perception of the conference is wrong strong.

We have very good talented players, as the NFL stats show we do. But when your coaching sucks, those players do not even come close to realizing their potential until they get into the NFL where they get coached up like they should have been in college.

I feel as though our conference as a whole "sucks" only because our coaching sucks. And the trend will continue until we wise up and start getting the best coaches in the country in the ACC.


Not Banned
Aug 2, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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I feel as though the general perception of the conference is wrong strong.

We have very good talented players, as the NFL stats show we do. But when your coaching sucks, those players do not even come close to realizing their potential until they get into the NFL where they get coached up like they should have been in college.

I feel as though our conference as a whole "sucks" only because our coaching sucks. And the trend will continue until we wise up and start getting the best coaches in the country in the ACC.

I meant that I think individual ACC teams are underrated because of the perception of the conference. But yeah, I think the SEC coaching is a big reason for their success in bowl games. Better coaches are going to do better when they have longer to prepare.

I'm not sure how the ACC can get better coaches if you don't like that they get coaches from smaller conferences. Coaches have to climb the coaching tree somehow.


Go Home Run Heels!
Apr 16, 2013
Marietta, GA
Hoopla Cash
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I meant that I think individual ACC teams are underrated because of the perception of the conference. But yeah, I think the SEC coaching is a big reason for their success in bowl games. Better coaches are going to do better when they have longer to prepare.

I'm not sure how the ACC can get better coaches if you don't like that they get coaches from smaller conferences. Coaches have to climb the coaching tree somehow.

If you look at the most successful programs out there like Alabama, LSU, Ohio State, etc., they don't take former NIU or Navy coaches. They go after proven, veteran coaches that will draw the five star players like crap draws flies.

Urban Meyer and Nick Saban will never coach in the ACC simply because our schools will never offer them the kind of salary needed to get them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2013
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Hoopla Cash
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If you look at the most successful programs out there like Alabama, LSU, Ohio State, etc., they don't take former NIU or Navy coaches. They go after proven, veteran coaches that will draw the five star players like crap draws flies.

Urban Meyer and Nick Saban will never coach in the ACC simply because our schools will never offer them the kind of salary needed to get them.

If you look at the 4 best coaches in the ACC the last 20 years, 3 were long term coaches and the 4th used UNC as a stepping stone.
B Bowden
Mack Brown

The ACC needs to find some young coaches that will stick around for a # of years.


Go Home Run Heels!
Apr 16, 2013
Marietta, GA
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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If you look at the 4 best coaches in the ACC the last 20 years, 3 were long term coaches and the 4th used UNC as a stepping stone.
B Bowden
Mack Brown

The ACC needs to find some young coaches that will stick around for a # of years.

Nope. They need to land a Nick Saban, give him a shitload of money and a long term contract so he won't want to go anywhere else.

Since the ACC doesn't pay as well as other schools do, these good young coaches you speak of will continue to depart for better pastures for more $$$$$.

If you want our coaches not to continue to go elsewhere, you have to give them a reason not to: $$$$$. We're not doing that and that is our problem. I'm just surprised Beamer hasn't left for more $$$$$.

Give Fisher some time. When his contract is up, if FSU doesn't offer him a shitload of $$$$ to stay, he'll go to tOSU, Alabama or USC or to a school that will.


Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Nope. They need to land a Nick Saban, give him a shitload of money and a long term contract so he won't want to go anywhere else.

Since the ACC doesn't pay as well as other schools do, these good young coaches you speak of will continue to depart for better pastures for more $$$$$.

If you want our coaches not to continue to go elsewhere, you have to give them a reason not to: $$$$$. We're not doing that and that is our problem. I'm just surprised Beamer hasn't left for more $$$$$.

Give Fisher some time. When his contract is up, if FSU doesn't offer him a shitload of $$$$ to stay, he'll go to tOSU, Alabama or USC or to a school that will.

Fisher is not leaving anytime soon. They are completing the Indoor Practice Facility that he has begged for since he came to FSU. He will be around for a while. His agent asked for another extension after the Orange Bowl and the University said no. Not because he is not worth a raise or anything else, but because that is not normal protocol after signing an extension in 2011. Fisher said he was fine with that. Plus Fisher is making 2.75 Million per year through 2016. If he decides to leave before that he will have to reimburse FSU 2 million. Fisher is the highest paid HC in the state of FL. Even more than Muschamp at UF. Fisher is also the highest paid HC in the ACC. He will be staying put at least until 2016 and if not even longer because how much he likes the town, university, and so on. But money does always make decisions more difficult, but I see him staying put.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2013
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Hoopla Cash
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Nope. They need to land a Nick Saban, give him a shitload of money and a long term contract so he won't want to go anywhere else.

Since the ACC doesn't pay as well as other schools do, these good young coaches you speak of will continue to depart for better pastures for more $$$$$.

If you want our coaches not to continue to go elsewhere, you have to give them a reason not to: $$$$$. We're not doing that and that is our problem. I'm just surprised Beamer hasn't left for more $$$$$.

Give Fisher some time. When his contract is up, if FSU doesn't offer him a shitload of $$$$ to stay, he'll go to tOSU, Alabama or USC or to a school that will.

I despise the $$ side of sports. IMO it is what has ruined so much of the sporting world, but that is an old argument. Agree to disagree on the why to get coaches.


10 inch Member
May 2, 2013
Boise, ID
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I totally disagree! Made my money 15 years ago in the mall retail food industry. At the point of selling had 104 stores and over1600 employees. Whether the pool you are trying to hire from is minimum wage, mid managment or CFB coaches, there are only three types of candidate....

1. Proven Winners - Could never afford the been there done that guy/gal.
2. Potential Winners - The guy/gal that has a great work ethic, set of moral values, loyalty through opportunity, success record to the point just below where you want to hire and the drive you need to advance your mission to the next level.
3. Losers - Seemed at times to gather them like flies to a shit wagon.

CFB coaches are for whatever reason treated like Fortune 500 CEOs. No matter the results you've generated (even multiple jobs with shitty investor returns) you are viewed as an initial asset, just because you've held that position in the past. All the great coaches started somewhere. The issue isn't soley $$$$, it is identifying loyal potential winners.


Not Banned
Aug 2, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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If you look at the most successful programs out there like Alabama, LSU, Ohio State, etc., they don't take former NIU or Navy coaches. They go after proven, veteran coaches that will draw the five star players like crap draws flies.

Urban Meyer and Nick Saban will never coach in the ACC simply because our schools will never offer them the kind of salary needed to get them.

Not only because of the salary, but they're not leaving a proven program for the ACC. Ohio state, Michigan, Alabama, the sec can get proven coaches because they have a better job, at a more historic program, than the acc. State, Duke, and Carolina made good coaching hires. I can't imagine Carolina being able to get some proven coach no matter how much they spent.