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Texas & Georgia Tech to B1G rumors


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The revenue from the B1G TV deal is supposed to be in the $40m per school region by 2017 and in the mid 30s for 2014-2015. Keep in mind, that's w/o adding UT and whomever else (I'd love to see both UT and OU). So, one could reasonably assume that the addition of UT plus school X would boost TV revenue further, into the $45-50m range. So, by joining, UT would actually make more.

"Supposed to be". Once that actually happens, then I'll believe it. Until then, it's all speculation. We shall see.


Crusader for Truthiness
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Don't lose any sleep. Texas is happier than a pig in shit controlling the strings of the Big XII.

If there's any substace here, it's what further consessions is Texas looking to get from it's peasants now?

More games on the LHN if I had to guess.


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Don't lose any sleep. Texas is happier than a pig in shit controlling the strings of the Big XII.

If there's any substace here, it's what further consessions is Texas looking to get from it's peasants now?

I will say this, I would love to see Texas join the B1G just so we can watch the massive meltdown from the Corn Hole fan base as they have to endure daddy being back :laugh3:


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More games on the LHN if I had to guess.

If the game is Tier 3 and Texas is the home team, then Texas can do whatever they want with that game. But just how many conference games will be Tier 3? Maybe one a year (KU) that's it.


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It does in some cases. Mizzou's rivalries are all but dead. The big Neb-OU rivalry died when the B12 was formed, and you can make the case for several other rivalries dieing out due to expansion. It also creates new rivalries though and if schools really want to preserve a rivalry game, they can play OOC (see FSU-UF, Clem-SC, etc etc). It would certainly kill regional rivalries if you left your conference though. A&M's rivalries with TTU and OU are things of the past, but they get to pick up and develop new rivalries. Its not all bad.

on the flip side the most recent round of conference realignment revived some historic rivalries as well



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Thought crossed my mind too on Nebraska,that would be epic. Imagine the meeting to vote on inviting Texas...wow :laugh3:

couldnt be worse than the ACC discussions when they had to decide on uconn or louisville

or the aggie meeting room when they were discussing the possibilities of having to be in a conference with the cali-4


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If the game is Tier 3 and Texas is the home team, then Texas can do whatever they want with that game. But just how many conference games will be Tier 3? Maybe one a year (KU) that's it.

The LHN conference game will probably alternate between KU and ISU.

... and really, what's the big deal with these games being on the LHN? If a big OOC game is on LHN, the opposing team will still be able for it to be on a network. When the Mississippi game was on LHN this season, it was available in Mississippi on one of the regional ESPNs.
I imagine the same thing happening with some of the big OOC games. Those games would be available on those schools conference/school networks.


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Thought crossed my mind too on Nebraska,that would be epic. Imagine the meeting to vote on inviting Texas...wow :laugh3:

The vote would be 13-1 with NU voting no, just like it always was in the Big 12. The meltdown would be of epic proportions and would look like this: :bawling::gaah::doh::wtf2:


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The LHN conference game will probably alternate between KU and ISU.

... and really, what's the big deal with these games being on the LHN? If a big OOC game is on LHN, the opposing team will still be able for it to be on a network. When the Mississippi game was on LHN this season, it was available in Mississippi on one of the regional ESPNs.
I imagine the same thing happening with some of the big OOC games. Those games would be available on those schools conference/school networks.

this may be a bit of a shock to you.......

but not everyone in the b12 has a love affair with texas.

would you really think a ku fan would enjoy watching a ku game with a Longhorn logo on the screen? of course not. comments like these are why so many of the b12 fanbases get fed up with it

that and the limited exposure that comes with a LHN game. just ask ole miss how it feels to get your tv market projections cut by 2/3 because espn needs to save a dying network


Crusader for Truthiness
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The vote would be 13-1 with NU voting no, just like it always was in the Big 12. The meltdown would be of epic proportions and would look like this: :bawling::gaah::doh::wtf2:

Meh, I bet they wouldn't mind it much. The B1G is a lot less "Us vs Them" the way Neb and UT were in the B12. Besides, I'm sure Nebraska would enjoy more access to their TX recruiting grounds.


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this may be a bit of a shock to you.......

but not everyone in the b12 has a love affair with texas.

would you really think a ku fan would enjoy watching a ku game with a Longhorn logo on the screen? of course not. comments like these are why so many of the b12 fanbases get fed up with it

that and the limited exposure that comes with a LHN game. just ask ole miss how it feels to get your tv market projections cut by 2/3 because espn needs to save a dying network

Once again, go and research what Tier 3 means. And if you noticed, you're the only one who thinks the LHN is a dying network. Before we had the LHN, our Tier 3 games were on PPV. I asked my Ole Miss friends what they thought about the game and they loved watching Ole Miss get the win over Texas. Again, facts not opinions....


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The vote would be 13-1 with NU voting no, just like it always was in the Big 12. The meltdown would be of epic proportions and would look like this: :bawling::gaah::doh::wtf2:

sorry im not seeing it. texas is a big add and increase's the revenue for each school. UNL has traditionally recruited texas and they have been struggling with texas recruiting since the b10 move. if anything the recruiting aspect/foothold in texas aspect of it and i think they would actually be one of the biggest proponents of this sorta move.

now sure they didnt get along with texas in the b12 because texas is the big dog there. but the b10 has 3 other big dogs in psu, um, & osu who wont let texas dick around and with them in place im sure UNL will be pretty comfortable with the concept of texas in the b10

historically speaking, psu was one of the hardest schools to deal with. had they joined the BE they would of given texas a run for their money as biggest asshole's. but the second they joined the b10 those attitudes stopped because osu & um were able to keep them in their place. and i see the exact same thing happening to texas


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Once again, go and research what Tier 3 means. And if you noticed, you're the only one who thinks the LHN is a dying network. Before we had the LHN, our Tier 3 games were on PPV. I asked my Ole Miss friends what they thought about the game and they loved watching Ole Miss get the win over Texas. Again, facts not opinions....

if not for the LHN it would of been on espn or espn2 and a lot more people could of seen it.


The Original Husker+ Fan
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Meh, I bet they wouldn't mind it much. The B1G is a lot less "Us vs Them" the way Neb and UT were in the B12. Besides, I'm sure Nebraska would enjoy more access to their TX recruiting grounds.

Yeah, it's not really a big deal to most of us. Bring 'em on. What ever makes the conference better. The recruiting is a plus tho.


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if not for the LHN it would of been on espn or espn2 and a lot more people could of seen it.

But you seem to be the only person who is bothered and hurt by this. If there was a public outrage across the country from CFB fans who couldn't watch the Ole Miss/Texas game, then I can understand where you are coming from. But it's just you, dude.....


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this may be a bit of a shock to you.......

but not everyone in the b12 has a love affair with texas.

would you really think a ku fan would enjoy watching a ku game with a Longhorn logo on the screen? of course not. comments like these are why so many of the b12 fanbases get fed up with it

that and the limited exposure that comes with a LHN game. just ask ole miss how it feels to get your tv market projections cut by 2/3 because espn needs to save a dying network

Nothing you can write can shock me. You don't seem to understand who really watches Ole' Miss's games, there really isn't that much demand.

IIRC the away team does not normally share in the TV revenue, just like gate proceeds. By having an away game on the LHN and the right to broadcast the game on their own Tier 3 platform the away team gets TV revenue.


Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
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Any concession of future TV money is flat illegal anyway and could be defeated in court according to most lawyers that I have talked to.
Then the lawyers you are talking to aren't very smart. Assigning rights to intellectual property happens all the time, and it is about as rock solid a legal concept as there is. This is especially true where we are talking sophisticated parties, represented by legal counsel, who voluntarily chose to enter the GOR.

Take it out of the context of college football TV rights and think entertainers. This is a simplistic view, but will suffice to prove the point ... when a group signs with a recording label, they assign the rights to the material (typically a number of albums, publishing rights, etc.) to the record label. Do you realize how many artists have tried to get out of their contracts that assigned the rights of their music to the labels? Very few have won, and when they did it was very special circumstances, normally involving fraud.

There is a reason the ACC went from a $50 million exit fee (which is a contract concept called liquidated damages, which is often times avoided), to a Grant of Rights (GOR) of their media. Anyone who says otherwise is ignorant beyond belief.