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Stafford the stud!


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
Almost Paradise
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Hey Dr. Eviler, lets play ping-pong and try to hit the ball with our paddles while we jump around like a little ballerina! :laugh3:

I kinda want him to make me a " candlelight" dinner, to be honest. God damn do I ever think Im funny.

Dr. Evil-er

Mayhew for President 2016
Apr 18, 2013
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Note to self.......start hating micro and Lionstop.


Half Woke Member
Jul 3, 2013
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If Stafford was on any one of those teams, people would still be talking about playoffs and SB contenders. They would definitely consider Stafford elite also. So how is it that he's not considered elite by some? Its because he plays for the Lions. I remember having the same argument about CJ and Fitz. So many said that Fitz was better, yet Calvin proved to be unstoppable.

The one playoff game the Lions did play, Stafford was phenomenal but the defense couldn't hold up. He'll get some more shots at it.

He's not considered elite YET and it's not because he doesn't play for "one of those teams". It's because the guys leading those teams have been performing at a high level for years. This is Rodgers 6th season in a row of stellar play and he's the "rookie" of the bunch. You don't get consideration for that category until you have a much longer track record of excellence than Stafford has. The word loses its meaning when everyone who has a good year or 2 is suddenly "elite".


Sep 6, 2010
Madison, MS
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1. Can someone please tell me how in the hell Joe Namath and Terry Bradshaw are in the HOF?
2. Eli Manning was never elite. But he has two SuperBowl rings. See bullet point #1 and his famous brother as the reasons he'll probably end up in the HOF one day.
3. What in the hell is candy crush and that idiotic looking moving?
4. Archie Manning wasnt that good, Oliver Luck was even worse, how did they produce three #1 overall draft choice kids?
5. Matt Stafford is at the top of the very good category of NFL QB's, but not elite. At least not yet. He will be, but not yet. There I fucking said it.
6. Principal is WMU1979 and WMU1979 is Principal. They are both assholes
7. I cooked a hotdog over a candle last night because I was too stupid to remember that I own a fucking grill.
8. I hate my job
9. I want to know how Swarm is adjusting to twin babies
10. Is the Upper Peninsula still consider part of the US or has it officially broken off into the seperate colony of BFE.
11. The Boston Red Sox won the World Series and now I hate baseball even more than I did before. Televised bar darts is more entertaining.
12. There is about 10 lbs of candy in my house now and my wife bought full size candy bars to give out last night and since my entire subdivison lost power in the middle of trick or treating we've got about 80 of those left as well. I have no will power so I will probably eat most of them, gain 30 lbs, and require dentures as all my teeth rot away.
13. I hate the fucking bye week.
14. The Chiefs arent that good. Have they beat anyone with a winning record? NO.
15. I might have to put up a X-mas tree this weekend because I'll be watching a bunch of games I truly dont care about.
16. Holy shit, I just realized there was a football game on last night. No kidding. Completely forgot. Wouldnt have matter anyway because I had no power. Who won? Who played?
17. How did this thread generate 249 posts? (as of the time I am typing this)
18. I've never watched Scarface and have no intention of it.
19. Mico spent the summer feeling sorry for himself and his golf game so I played almost no golf (and I dont care because I suck)
20. Nobody in this group is any good at Whirlyball. I dont think we drank enough before playing last time.
21. Why do the Vikings helmets look like they've been sanded with dry wet/dry sandpaper?
22. The Jags have really cool uniforms and a god awful football team.
23. I want to punch Pete Carroll so fucking hard he chokes on the god damn gum he chomps on like a horse.
24. Have you ever passed a car whose driver who is picking the shit out of his nose as you drive by?
25. 19 statements later and Principal and WMU1979 are even bigger assholes now.
26. I'm aiming for 30 of these stupid statements
27. Is Pizza Hut better or worse than Domino's? How about Little Caesar's? Hungry Howie's? Am I the only one who refuses to eat Papa John's because Peyton Manning endorses them?
28. I am embarrassed for Wes Welker. Old Spice has made him look to be even more of a douchebag than he is when he cries for a PI call on any incompletion.
29. Only one more to go.
30. Calvin Johnson will finish 2nd in the MVP voting. Peyton Manning will finish first in MVP voting and first in most unattractive forehead with massive helmet indentation.
31. Just for good measure......What is up with JJ Watt and that damn bloody nose? Find a helmet that fits asshole. You dont look tougher with a bloody face. You look almost as stupid as KVB in his red contacts.

Nice. I gotta come to the NFL boards more often.

Nevertheless, College Football rules.


New Member
Aug 6, 2013
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This question should be applied to Stafford: Has he consistently improved over the course of his career as a player and a leader?
You're fooling yourself if you say yes. (see 2012)


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We're entering November in the driver's seat for a playoff spot, and if it wasn't for Manning we'd be discussing Stafford as a front-runner for league MVP this season.
This is one end of the spectrum and Ron Jaworski ranking Stafford #11 in the league overall is another.


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Aug 6, 2013
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However...on the other hand, he got experience of a comeback victory against Cleveland that was his greatest moment up until this past Sunday. He also still got valuable game time experience before exiting with those injuries and being given that "glass" description(which obviously isn't true, just some bad luck and big hits).
First of all, I vote for the Cleveland game as his greatest moment...pretty much equal but doing it with a dislocated shoulder trumps the Cowboy game.

As far as bad luck and big hits...check this out from PFF...if this does not improve he may have his ass handed to him again.



Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
South Bend, IN
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You're fooling yourself if you say yes. (see 2012)

Hahaha. You actually don't think he's improved as a player or leader? And here I thought u were just a simple idiot. Now I know you're a fucking idiot.


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But he clearly plays better when it's loose and off the cuff.
If you listened to the Mic'd Up, Linehan tells Stafford, "Any first down is good. As long as it moves the chains." Well I hear you that you cannot play 60 minutes like that but I for one have been hoping to see that on one of our 16 1st possessions of the game that we will have. I think Staff could go empty backfield/ no huddle and make it 7-0 with 13:30 to play in the 1st quarter every game.


New Member
Aug 6, 2013
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Hahaha. You actually don't think he's improved as a player or leader? And here I thought u were just a simple idiot. Now I know you're a fucking idiot.
Reading Comprehension must be your category for receiving Special Education services. He said:

Originally Posted by lionstop1
This question should be applied to Stafford: Has he consistently improved over the course of his career as a player and a leader?

As he was leading us to a 4-12 season his IMPROVEMENT that year never crossed my mind.


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
South Bend, IN
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Reading Comprehension must be your category for receiving Special Education services. He said:

Originally Posted by lionstop1
This question should be applied to Stafford: Has he consistently improved over the course of his career as a player and a leader?

As he was leading us to a 4-12 season his IMPROVEMENT that year never crossed my mind.

My reading comprehension is just fine asshat. You claim he hasn't consistently improved. Well he has improved consistently from his rookie year. He has consistently improved as much as some would like, but he has improved. I can see why they kicked you out of the school system and shipped your punk ass off to Thailand where u can ruin their futures.


New Member
Aug 6, 2013
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You claim he hasn't consistently improved. Well he has improved consistently from his rookie year. He has consistently improved as much as some would like, but he has improved.
Well you are wrong. He did not improve from 2011 to 2012. He took a step backwards for whatever reasons legitimate or not he flat out did not improve in 2012. Live with it.


Green St. Elite
Hoopla Pickems Staff
Apr 17, 2013
South Bend, IN
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You just supported my perspective as you tried to trash me.

I wasn't supporting anything. I was merely saying he's an idiot. He isn't on any end of the spectrum as his opinion means little.