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So Bevell says...


May 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Well according to Millen neither Lockette or Kearse did their jobs on that play as well. Blame all 3. Kearse was supposed to run a rub route and didn't get the clear, Lockette used poor technique to sell the fake, and Wilson didn't get the ball to the best location.

You nailed the play here whiz...what I saw was a Wilson ball that lead the receiver instead of being placed where only his guy could catch it.

The rest is history.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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How is anybody justifying that pass? Hell, sports reporters, ex NFL players, coaches, and even Seahawk players agree it was a shitty call. Thats what it was, an absolute shit call. The only thing worse then that playcall are the couple of people agreeing with it.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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How is anybody justifying that pass? Hell, sports reporters, ex NFL players, coaches, and even Seahawk players agree it was a shitty call. Thats what it was, an absolute shit call. The only thing worse then that playcall are the couple of people agreeing with it.

Ok, so who are those people agreeing with it? Would love to talk to them about it.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You seem to have no problem with it from what I've bee reading.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You seem to have no problem with it from what I've bee reading.

Well I've asked those who are unwilling to take my word for it that I think it wasn't the right call to show me where I've suggested it was right, or in any way was in favor of it, and no one has responded yet with a quote of mine. I wonder why...

It seems to be easier for some of you to just lash out and bash on everyone today.

Sucks to lose, but it happens. Put the blame where it should be and move on. Give credit where it is due and be classy in defeat.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I don't think anybody here is bashing the Patriots and not being classy in that respect, but since when is it a crime to criticize your own team? We're just calling it like it is.

Ok, you might not agree with the call, but your the one that keeps repeating Carroll as to why he decided to run the play with the formations and the DB's and so forth. You know what, there is no defense for that call. It was wrong no matter how Carroll wants to paint the picture. It would be different if it was only us casual fans screaming about it, but everybody that is anybody in the NFL or reporting the sport is doing the same thing.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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but since when is it a crime to criticize your own team? We're just calling it like it is.

And yet it's a crime for me to do the same thing right? All I'm doing is correcting over reactions and putting it all in proper context.

Seattle isn't your repeat champions and there are a few people you can blame for that. Carroll, Wilson, Lockette, Kearse, Bevell, and even a lack of our signature shut down defense in the 4th quarter. All are valid. Why is it so wrong for me to bring up those others? Why will NO ONE up here accept that Wilson fucked up? Say what you will about that play call, but Wilson blew it. Just a fact. Given that call throwing it away was probably his best option and then you take your 2 stabs at it with Lynch and see what happens.

But outside of blaming everyone, give credit to an undrafted free agent rookie DB that made one hell of a play when it mattered and tip your hat to them. Do that THEN say what you want about who you are pissed at for the outcome. Just not seeing much of that other part. It's as absent as criticism for Carroll and Wilson.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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And yet it's a crime for me to do the same thing right? All I'm doing is correcting over reactions and putting it all in proper context.

Seattle isn't your repeat champions and there are a few people you can blame for that. Carroll, Wilson, Lockette, Kearse, Bevell, and even a lack of our signature shut down defense in the 4th quarter. All are valid. Why is it so wrong for me to bring up those others? Why will NO ONE up here accept that Wilson fucked up? Say what you will about that play call, but Wilson blew it. Just a fact. Given that call throwing it away was probably his best option and then you take your 2 stabs at it with Lynch and see what happens.

But outside of blaming everyone, give credit to an undrafted free agent rookie DB that made one hell of a play when it mattered and tip your hat to them. Do that THEN say what you want about who you are pissed at for the outcome. Just not seeing much of that other part. It's as absent as criticism for Carroll and Wilson.

You're the guy calling people idiots, saying they know nothing about football, how your going to put a dunce cap on their avatar's. So don't pretend like you're some kind of victim here because you're the one that started tossing around the insults first.


Human NFL Almanac and College Football Insider
Nov 24, 2014
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I say Bevell gets fired by the end of this week.

As much as fans desperately want that, you guys need to understand that's not going to happen.

Not only does Pete not have the balls to fire Bevell, but he already has to re-do his defense.

Pete has gone out of his way to take the fall for Bevell and has also stated that he's a "huge part of our future", so it is what it is.

Pete now has a couple big red marks on his resume with respect to blowing title games based on horrific offensive play calling, so it's on him 100% since he refuses to make a change.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Boogie, go calm down man. Really. Walk back away from the edge of the cliff and take at least 20 deep breaths. Try some meditation if you need to.

You are mixing up things. They went with 11 personnel and apparently intended to run out of that formation, but the Pats went to a goal line 3 DB formation so their book said to change to a passing play. It's really that simple.

I say they shouldn't have dicked around with 11 personnel. Go with full goal line to begin with. Go 22 or even 23. That would have been the better situation.

Who is that on? Pete Carroll. 110%

I agree they should have come out in the goal line formation from the start, but they should have just said screw what the book says just because of the Pats formation and handed the ball off. If unsuccessful, call a TO and set up with the correct personal.


9er hater
Jul 11, 2013
Behind you
Hoopla Cash
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With the beast in the backfield that was the stupidest call of all time...pass on the 1 ft line? with 20 seconds left? and the number one running back in the NFC? wow! I'd be sick today if I were a Seahawks fan. Your team gave the cheaters the game plain and simple. The Cheatriots did not win that game the Seahawks lost it.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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And yet it's a crime for me to do the same thing right? All I'm doing is correcting over reactions and putting it all in proper context.

Lol, correcting over reactions? Are you patting yourself on the back after each attempt? I don't think its an over reaction when people get pissed because our boneheaded coaching staff threw away a superbowl victory. Nobody else on this planet would have run that play.

Seattle isn't your repeat champions and there are a few people you can blame for that. Carroll, Wilson, Lockette, Kearse, Bevell, and even a lack of our signature shut down defense in the 4th quarter. All are valid. Why is it so wrong for me to bring up those others? Why will NO ONE up here accept that Wilson fucked up? Say what you will about that play call, but Wilson blew it. Just a fact. Given that call throwing it away was probably his best option and then you take your 2 stabs at it with Lynch and see what happens.

Wilson ran the play the idiots on the sideline sent him. Not a great pass by any means, but Lockette needs to fight for the ball a little more then nilch. The rookie made a great play, but still. As for fucking up, why didn't we take the stabs with Lynch first? Oh I forgot, brainiac Bevell and Carroll were setting up 3rd and 4th down. Brilliant.

But outside of blaming everyone, give credit to an undrafted free agent rookie DB that made one hell of a play when it mattered and tip your hat to them. Do that THEN say what you want about who you are pissed at for the outcome. Just not seeing much of that other part. It's as absent as criticism for Carroll and Wilson.

My hat is off to the rookie. Great play. A great play that should have never even have happened.