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"• Teams with metallic-toned pants -- the 49ers, Saints, Cowboys, etc. -- now look a bit more subdued, because Nike's lightweight pants fabric has a more matte-ish finish." - From
Jed York @JedYork New Nike uniforms look great. Very light, great material for the players. Can't to see what else they do. I know Nike is not done yet
Jed York @JedYork en Can't wait to see what they do next
These will be available for sale on April 15
Except on Justin Smith. The Larry the Cable Guy of the NFL.i'd like to see longer sleeves, but whatever.
Wow, I can't wait for the draft and then OTAs. This obsession with new unis is a bit too 'alternative lifestyle' for me. There are 2 things I care about with unis: 1) I don't have to look at any 300+ lb. lineman's naked @$$, and 2) I can easily differentiate the two teams on the field. The rest of it I'll leave to the fashionistas and Project Runway.
Except on Justin Smith. The Larry the Cable Guy of the NFL.
Re: that jersey, I can hear Ahmad Brooks saying to himself "it's worth 44 million to wear this thing...I think..."
i dunno
the pro combats don't look THAT bad (as long as they stay away from the goofy oregon type shit)
and from what i understand the nike unis are much higher quality than the reebok ones....with more R&D and modern design put into them
When I saw these, I immediately thought Chargers or Vikings, not Seahawks.
ya well i don't have arms like justin smith
I'm almost positive but the jerseys they will roll out in stores for fans will have the traditional sleeve length. It's that way in a couple of the videos I've seen at least.