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Seahawk fans oh Seahawk fans, where art thou Seahawk fans?


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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He isnt the DC. Hard to do that.

Heh. Holy hell.


See that thing on his head? No, not his glasses, the other thing? Radical new invention. Maybe you haven't heard of them yet.

So long as you're not playing Belichek in NE (zing!) those work great.

You can INSTANTLY talk to anyone else wearing one.

Amazing eh?


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2014
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The tech is SO amazing, you don't even have to be in the same stadium!

With this OTHER new amazing intervention, the one you're using right now to communicate with, you can ALSO


communicate by voice to other people instantly in other countries even! Even continents!!!


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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The Panthers DC went rogue?

Lol @ this ignorance.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2014
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lol @purguy12 totally Owning this thread.

You do have one fan though purguy. I'll give you that.

And he's got mad stacks o'cheddah!

It would help with the flights from NJ to SF.

Those are expensive.

You guys could hold hands. I think they'll even let you spoon in first class.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2014
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Very articulate as usual.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,044.06
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Waffler. Pick one.

Or here's an idea, quit being sloppy with your language.

Going to answer my question about the Panther's 'window' yet?

(of course you're not)
Panthers win
Waffler. Pick one.

Or here's an idea, quit being sloppy with your language.

Going to answer my question about the Panther's 'window' yet?

(of course you're not)
Their window is open. They finally broke through. Difference between the 2 one went backwards(seattle) and the other went forward(carolina). Common sense. I know u have trouble with that. No big deal. U will learn.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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LOL they have nothing to say except for garbage. Its ok man things will get better. If you cant stand the truth get the hell out of here. See yeah

Look seattle fans need to learn how to be realistic fans. Most are homers and cant stand the truth. At least I know our fan knows our team sucks. if Seattle had a year like the 49ers they would make excuses and say injuries or some other bull crap but they would still think they were good. I can see it now. There #1 comeback would be that they wont the last game of the year. LOL ......... wit a min they used that this year to when they beat a Arizona team that didbnt really care. They thought they were going to super bowl after that win. LOL

note* (this is not for all seattle fans just the ones that jump in and have no clue whats going on. Example:WizardHawk.)
Talk about being lost and confused. :lol:

You got your ass handed to you yesterday and are back for more today. At least you are providing some comedy relief for the folks up here.

I predicted before the season started that they would lose in the playoffs. It's on the record. I also put a bracket in just before the wildcard round in the bracket thread. I had NE v Cardinals in the SB. So tell us more cool stories about people blowing games out of proportion. It just keeps making you look worse and worse. Read the Seahawks board. I didn't put much into the week 17 win other than they were healthy coming out of it. It's right there for all to see.

This poor guy sees himself like this:

The rest of the world sees him and his lil handicapped friend like this:

I mean this guy actually says his team is still relevant and then says Seahawk fans are delusional. :pound: Can't make this shit up.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,044.06
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Talk about being lost and confused. :lol:

You got your ass handed to you yesterday and are back for more today. At least you are providing some comedy relief for the folks up here.

I predicted before the season started that they would lose in the playoffs. It's on the record. I also put a bracket in just before the wildcard round in the bracket thread. I had NE v Cardinals in the SB. So tell us more cool stories about people blowing games out of proportion. It just keeps making you look worse and worse. Read the Seahawks board. I didn't put much into the week 17 win other than they were healthy coming out of it. It's right there for all to see.

This poor guy sees himself like this:
View attachment 78765

The rest of the world sees him and his lil handicapped friend like this:
View attachment 78766

I mean this guy actually says his team is still relevant and then says Seahawk fans are delusional. :pound: Can't make this shit up.
Oh crap the guy is having another breakdown and he is posting selfies. Its ok little guy. Hang in there.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Some guys never learn. And thank god for it. It's way more amusing when they think their winning. Everyone needs a rube to pick on. This guy is ours I guess.

It's ok poor guy, maybe your arms and legs will grow back. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
Mill Creek, WA
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Heh. Holy hell.

View attachment 78748

See that thing on his head? No, not his glasses, the other thing? Radical new invention. Maybe you haven't heard of them yet.

So long as you're not playing Belichek in NE (zing!) those work great.

You can INSTANTLY talk to anyone else wearing one.

Amazing eh?

Please, just stop it....
my laughing is getting people to look over my cubicle wall to see what I'm doing :suds:


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Panthers win

Their window is open. They finally broke through. Difference between the 2 one went backwards(seattle) and the other went forward(carolina). Common sense. I know u have trouble with that. No big deal. U will learn.

So if you finish worse then your previous season your window= closed? I guess unless the Pats repeat their window is closed to based on that logic.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
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Some guys never learn. And thank god for it. It's way more amusing when they think their winning. Everyone needs a rube to pick on. This guy is ours I guess.

It's ok poor guy, maybe your arms and legs will grow back. :lol:
Wizard I hope u get surgery for that. That isnt a good selfie to post man. Hurry up and get a doctor to look at that.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
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So if you finish worse then your previous season your window= closed? I guess unless the Pats repeat their window is closed to based on that logic.
This is why seattle fans are clueless. No your window is closing because you took a major step back and you paid your QB a lot of money, have no cap space, and you will lose some key players.

How do you plan to fix your Oline? Through the draft right, well that will take time.

Wouldnt shock me if seattle went 9-7 or worse next year.

Seattle went from being Top dog to above avg team. Thats a sound of a window closing. Just like Denver's window is closing. Payton's last song here. Pats window will be closing when we know Brady is fading. Brady still is the #1 QB in the league.

Arizona opened their window last year. Carolina is on the rise.

See a window can close and open quick in the NFL. 49ers window was wide open and then is closed real quick. It happens. Once you guys stop being Blind homers u will understand. Ravens Window closed quick. won the super bowl and never been the same. Once they paid Flacco all that money.

Its like teaching 2nd graders math here. 2+2=4


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,044.06
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So if you finish worse then your previous season your window= closed? I guess unless the Pats repeat their window is closed to based on that logic.
no it all depends. In this case yes. Seattle had the same team and didnt look great this year and lost in the 2nd rd. U have all your money tied up and the only way u will improve is through the draft.

its not like you guys had an ok season or bad season because of injuries or some other crap. U had the same team. If anything u were suppose to be better because of Graham. It didnt work out.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,044.06
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Some guys never learn. And thank god for it. It's way more amusing when they think their winning. Everyone needs a rube to pick on. This guy is ours I guess.

It's ok poor guy, maybe your arms and legs will grow back. :lol:
U got smacked and im LMAO. This is great. Poor guy, I do feel for you. I actually feel really bad. I didnt know you were in that bad of shape with those selfie pics. I wish you luck and hope you get better. I would of took it a little easier on you.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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This is why seattle fans are clueless. No your window is closing because you took a major step back and you paid your QB a lot of money, have no cap space, and you will lose some key players.

How do you plan to fix your Oline? Through the draft right, well that will take time.

Wouldnt shock me if seattle went 9-7 or worse next year.

Seattle went from being Top dog to above avg team. Thats a sound of a window closing. Just like Denver's window is closing. Payton's last song here. Pats window will be closing when we know Brady is fading. Brady still is the #1 QB in the league.

Arizona opened their window last year. Carolina is on the rise.

See a window can close and open quick in the NFL. 49ers window was wide open and then is closed real quick. It happens. Once you guys stop being Blind homers u will understand. Ravens Window closed quick. won the super bowl and never been the same. Once they paid Flacco all that money.

Its like teaching 2nd graders math here. 2+2=4
So Seattle can't win because they paid Wilson a bunch of money, but Carolina is on the rise? :L
You do know Cam makes more than Russell right? :lol:

I swear this is way too easy. This dipshit doesn't know the first thing about pro football. :pound:

Must really suck to follow a team so bad that your only chance at fun is dreaming of your rivals losing.

No one knows what next season will bring, but one thing's for dead sure. Seahawks will do better than that dumpster fire to our south. No doubt about that. And that just flat out kills you a little inside every time it's mentioned.

Poor guy.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
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Lordy, I did not realize there are this many jealous fans out there.
Hawks rock!


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Lordy, I did not realize there are this many jealous fans out there.
Hawks rock!
Remember, we all asked for this a few years ago. You know, the fans now claiming Carolina isn't getting any respect will be the same ones surprised when all the jealous haters come out of the woodwork if they take that next step. It's the price of being relevant.

It is kind of fun isn't it?