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Seahawk fans oh Seahawk fans, where art thou Seahawk fans?


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Apr 23, 2013
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No doubt. Some ignoramus puts up a thread expecting Seahawk fans to run for cover after a playoff loss and here we are in droves. Now the thread has multi morphed and will be at 19 pages in a moment.
We are truly despised and envied.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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But we are all just blind homers that only started following football like 3 years ago or something and all of us were convinced the Seahawks were going to win the SB again this year. They couldn't lose!

Make Your Own Playoff Bracket

Yeah, I was a week off. @HaroldSeattle would be shocked to hear that I was blind and didn't think Seattle could lose. :lol: But true haters never let the facts get in their way. Onward they will go to claim victory. Funny stuff.


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I will say, if I'm a Seahawks fan I want someone on this board to make a premature taunting thread during every single playoff game because they always seem to turn it around once that happens. They didn't complete the comeback this year but came pretty damn close.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
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@purguy12 still dealing out the ass whoopin's. Got em on full tilt with nowhere to go.
I know I got 4 crying now. Crazy how sensitive they are. I will give them credit at least they protect each other even when they are dead wrong. Its funny stuff.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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I know I got 4 crying now. Crazy how sensitive they are. I will give them credit at least they protect each other even when they are dead wrong. Its funny stuff.
:lol: says the clown that has had everything he's posted proven wrong. :L
At least you brightened our day and we all thank you for that. Seeing people who have it far worse than us does put things in perspective. So your drivel wasn't a complete waste.



Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,044.06
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So Seattle can't win because they paid Wilson a bunch of money, but Carolina is on the rise? :L
You do know Cam makes more than Russell right? :lol:

I swear this is way too easy. This dipshit doesn't know the first thing about pro football. :pound:

Must really suck to follow a team so bad that your only chance at fun is dreaming of your rivals losing.

No one knows what next season will bring, but one thing's for dead sure. Seahawks will do better than that dumpster fire to our south. No doubt about that. And that just flat out kills you a little inside every time it's mentioned.

Poor guy.
Wrong again, This is funny stuff. Just stop man its getting really sad.

Quarterback Contracts and Salaries | Over The Cap

Also i didn't say that was the only reason. just one of them. Cant pay everyone. Just in case you didn't know the NFL has a Cap.

Nope doesn't kill me because I'm the one that stated it. I know my team is rebuilding. So u saying it doesn't change anything.

feel bad for this Poor guy.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
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Lordy, I did not realize there are this many jealous fans out there.
Hawks rock!
trust me no one is jealous of the Hawks. its not like you guys are the pats. U won 1 super bowl. congrats and u have been good for 3 years. :clap: My team went through that. Yes we didn't win a super bowl but we made a nice run. My team is rebuilding just like your team will be rebuilding soon. It all goes in circles only difference my team has won more overall. :first:


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Wrong again, This is funny stuff. Just stop man its getting really sad.

Quarterback Contracts and Salaries | Over The Cap

Also i didn't say that was the only reason. just one of them. Cant pay everyone. Just in case you didn't know the NFL has a Cap.

Nope doesn't kill me because I'm the one that stated it. I know my team is rebuilding. So u saying it doesn't change anything.

feel bad for this Poor guy.
Jesus, are you really that dumb? :L
Read a little closer there jr. Cam is clocking over 100m. Wilson? Not so much. :lol: :pound: :lol:

Man, you have your case of the ass REALLY REALLY badly. I do feel so sorry for you though. Someday big boy football might return the bay area. Going to take a lot more than Chip Kelly to get you there, but the good news is he can't really make them any worse than they are right now so there's room for hope!



Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,044.06
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uhsplit I actually don't mind seattle its just some of these clueless fans(wizard hawk and some others) that make seattle fan base look bad. They are true blind homers and can't see what reality really is. It happens. I been trying to help this guy out but he is a lost cause.

As a seattle fan u should be happy to see wilson take that next step he just needs to carry that over to the post season now. your biggest issue is how will u improve that Oline with no cap space. U have a lot of money locked up between 4-5 guys. U will lose some guys this year, last year u lost your DC. U guys took a couple steps back and the window of being Elite might be gone for now but it can open back up.

see u guys next year. I can't wait for the new season. My team finally hired a HC. Tomsula was a joke. Chip is Boom or Bust for us.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
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Jesus, are you really that dumb? :L
Read a little closer there jr. Cam is clocking over 100m. Wilson? Not so much. :lol: :pound: :lol:

Man, you have your case of the ass REALLY REALLY badly. I do feel so sorry for you though. Someday big boy football might return the bay area. Going to take a lot more than Chip Kelly to get you there, but the good news is he can't really make them any worse than they are right now so there's room for hope!

Who cares about the total. We are talking salary cap and wilson makes more money per year ……damn u are dumb. now its not much more but I just wanted to prove you wrong again. Nice try jr. :pound:


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,044.06
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Jesus, are you really that dumb? :L
Read a little closer there jr. Cam is clocking over 100m. Wilson? Not so much. :lol: :pound: :lol:

Man, you have your case of the ass REALLY REALLY badly. I do feel so sorry for you though. Someday big boy football might return the bay area. Going to take a lot more than Chip Kelly to get you there, but the good news is he can't really make them any worse than they are right now so there's room for hope!

Hey we agree on something, Chip can't make us worse. We had Tomsula. Things are looking up for the 49ers.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2014
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Panthers win

Their window is open. They finally broke through. Difference between the 2 one went backwards(seattle) and the other went forward(carolina). Common sense. I know u have trouble with that. No big deal. U will learn.

Heh. So in other words, no you won't answer the actual question I asked you.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
Who cares about the total. We are talking salary cap and wilson makes more money per year ……damn u are dumb. now its not much more but I just wanted to prove you wrong again. Nice try jr. :pound:
How much did both earn in 2015? :whistle:
How much will both earn in 2016? :L

And yet one can't move up because of his pay and the other can.

Wake up man, you got spanked yet again. It's just embarrassing.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
Fav. Team #1
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Heh. So in other words, no you won't answer the actual question I asked you.
He can't. Every team has to pay their players and does so from the same cap space as every other team. Great teams know how to work those numbers out, while bad teams end up with a lot of dead money. Even his team had more dead money this year than Seattle did.

Further, Seattle built their run off great free agent pickups, but mostly catching lightning in a bottle with their draft picks. Even last year's draft had at least one rising star, if not a few. He doesn't predict anything. He's just a typical hater spewing what he hopes to come true so he can feel better about his miserable life.

Poor guy 12. :tsk:


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Wrong again, This is funny stuff. Just stop man its getting really sad.

Quarterback Contracts and Salaries | Over The Cap

Also i didn't say that was the only reason. just one of them. Cant pay everyone. Just in case you didn't know the NFL has a Cap.

Nope doesn't kill me because I'm the one that stated it. I know my team is rebuilding. So u saying it doesn't change anything.

feel bad for this Poor guy.

Yep and as I pointed out to you in my earlier question, it ain't just Cam that the Panthers have to pay. Norman is due his max contract.

SO BY YOUR REASONING, their window has to be closing.

They can't pay ALL THOSE GUYS!!!

Just be consistent.

Heh. I keeel me.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,044.06
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Heh. So in other words, no you won't answer the actual question I asked you.
If that didn't answer your question then I can't help you. It was clear as hell.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
New Jersey
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,044.06
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How much did both earn in 2015? :whistle:
How much will both earn in 2016? :L

And yet one can't move up because of his pay and the other can.

Wake up man, you got spanked yet again. It's just embarrassing.
i forgot u don't look at facts u like to make stuff up. My bad. I forgot.