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Rondo suspended for gay slurs to gay ref


Nov 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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And that's his right to do so....but also leads back to my point that people are going to discuss it & have strong opinions once it's out there.

Ok... I haven't heard Kennedy complain about any of that have you?

Bottom line... the NBA isn't going to allow any of its players to scream those words in front of their fans whether they're directing it at a gay person or a straight person.

I'm wondering who are you frustrated with? The NBA for suspending Rondo? Kennedy for stating that he's gay?

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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And to answer your question I did choose to be straight. I feel it was a choice because I had options. In the case of being bi-racial or any race for that matter- there are no options to choose.

But I want to say something else in response to your other post. Why did he feel the need to respond to Rondo's stupidity with whether or not he is gay? Did Rondo literally ask him if he is or not? The reason I'm asking is because without that response it becomes just another instance where a player gets out of hand and name calls.

A similar situation that stands out in particular is when Kobe did it a couple years back. He was fined but I don't recall whether or not that ref felt the need to actually address the comment by revealing his preference publically.


This different from Kobe or Noah.

1. Because the guy in question is gay.

2. Because this is a new day and in the Post-Sterling days ot the NBA this is not tolerable.

3. Because of the context of his statement.

He didn't make an offhanded comment. He stated it like it's a fact.

In the game officials’ report used as part of the NBA's investigation – which includes details provided to Yahoo Sports from National Basketball Referee's Association general counsel Lee Seham – Kennedy and fellow referee Ben Taylor described Rondo's post-ejection diatribe as including the statements: Yo"u're a mother------- faggot. … You're a f------ faggot, Billy."

Seham reported that a third official, Bennie Adams, outside of hearing distance, "affirmed that Rondo aggressively pursued referee Bill Kennedy and had to be restrained by teammates and escorted off the floor by Sacramento team security."

I said he was stupid because he did not man up.

If he didn't think he did anything wrong, why lie about it?

During the league's investigation, Rondo denied he made the comments. After a Rondo spokesperson declined comment about the matter when reached by Yahoo Sports earlier Monday, Rondo admitted late Monday afternoon on Twitter he had made the slur, saying his actions "were out of frustration and emotion." Kings officials condemned Rondo's comments toward Kennedy.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
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Ok... I haven't heard Kennedy complain about any of that have you?

Bottom line... the NBA isn't going to allow any of its players to scream those words in front of their fans whether they're directing it at a gay person or a straight person.

I'm wondering who are you frustrated with? The NBA for suspending Rondo? Kennedy for stating that he's gay?
No, no I think you've misunderstood. It could also be I haven't expressed my point in the right way. I am not frustrated at anyone. As I've mentioned before, I have no problem with people that are gay or lesbian or anything else. I have gay immediate family members. I wish them all well, and believe they should have all the same rights as everyone else.

But I see the situation as this: Now that gays & lesbians have really branched out and are more accepted than in the past they've become hyper sensitive to a word or words that people have been using for decades. I don't think it's something they should have to answer to one way or the other. Honestly, I don't even think someone being gay or lesbian should be "news" either. That is their personal preference and good for them for being able to make that choice.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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No, no I think you've misunderstood. It could also be I haven't expressed my point in the right way. I am not frustrated at anyone. As I've mentioned before, I have no problem with people that are gay or lesbian or anything else. I have gay immediate family members. I wish them all well, and believe they should have all the same rights as everyone else.

But I see the situation as this: Now that gays & lesbians have really branched out and are more accepted than in the past they've become hyper sensitive to a word or words that people have been using for decades. I don't think it's something they should have to answer to one way or the other. Honestly, I don't even think someone being gay or lesbian should be "news" either. That is their personal preference and good for them for being able to make that choice.

This is what I thought you meant.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
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This different from Kobe or Noah.

1. Because the guy in question is gay.

2. Because this is a new day and in the Post-Sterling days ot the NBA this is not tolerable.

3. Because of the context of his statement.

He didn't make an offhanded comment. He stated it like it's a fact.

In the game officials’ report used as part of the NBA's investigation – which includes details provided to Yahoo Sports from National Basketball Referee's Association general counsel Lee Seham – Kennedy and fellow referee Ben Taylor described Rondo's post-ejection diatribe as including the statements: Yo"u're a mother------- faggot. … You're a f------ faggot, Billy."

Seham reported that a third official, Bennie Adams, outside of hearing distance, "affirmed that Rondo aggressively pursued referee Bill Kennedy and had to be restrained by teammates and escorted off the floor by Sacramento team security."

I said he was stupid because he did not man up.

If he didn't think he did anything wrong, why lie about it?

During the league's investigation, Rondo denied he made the comments. After a Rondo spokesperson declined comment about the matter when reached by Yahoo Sports earlier Monday, Rondo admitted late Monday afternoon on Twitter he had made the slur, saying his actions "were out of frustration and emotion." Kings officials condemned Rondo's comments toward Kennedy.
Do I agree he was stupid for lying about it? Yes of course. I even think he's an idiot for letting his emotions get the best of him & calling him names. But, I still don't see how this situation is different. If he didn't publically admit he was gay until after the fact then how does that make this situation different than Kobe's or Noah's?
I mean how many times do we hear people call another person that word without really knowing- or caring- if it is true? With as many people there are today being gay if using that word you're bound to find that it's true in some cases.


Depressed Sports Fan
Jul 21, 2013
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I would guess that comments like this have been used before out of frustration during games, whether it be MLB, NFL, NBA, etc. The reason this is being brought up more is because the person he said it to is gay and came out soon after this happened. If he said it because he knew the ref was gay instead of just saying some bad stuff because he was heated about the ejection, then it's worse. Even if he makes an apology to everyone and a personal apology to the ref, it doesn't mean a lot because a fair amount of "public apologies" are just fake and a way to calm down the situation(and even if it is a true apology and he means it, nobody can know that for sure but Rondo). There should be a problem with players calling refs f-ing retarded too and I'm sure that's been used before.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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Do I agree he was stupid for lying about it? Yes of course. I even think he's an idiot for letting his emotions get the best of him & calling him names. But, I still don't see how this situation is different. If he didn't publically admit he was gay until after the fact then how does that make this situation different than Kobe's or Noah's?
I mean how many times do we hear people call another person that word without really knowing- or caring- if it is true? With as many people there are today being gay if using that word you're bound to find that it's true in some cases.

My opinion is it's different because it is true.

Rondo knowing beforehand is debatable.

But, somebody knew.

His friends.

His family.

His significant other.

Sure, he could have said nothing.

But, he shouldn't have to lie about who he is if someone actually asked him that question.

With all the articles on the incident, I'm willing to bet someone did.

Do you think Charlie Sheen admitted to having HIV because he wanted to make a statement?

No, he did it because he was hours away from being outed.

That is sometimes the case...


Depressed Sports Fan
Jul 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Do I agree he was stupid for lying about it? Yes of course. I even think he's an idiot for letting his emotions get the best of him & calling him names. But, I still don't see how this situation is different. If he didn't publically admit he was gay until after the fact then how does that make this situation different than Kobe's or Noah's?
I mean how many times do we hear people call another person that word without really knowing- or caring- if it is true? With as many people there are today being gay if using that word you're bound to find that it's true in some cases.
The only way it'd be different(besides the ref coming out) is if Rondo KNEW he was gay and it was a personal attack like that.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
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My opinion is it's different because it is true.

Rondo knowing beforehand is debatable.

But, somebody knew.

His friends.

His family.

His significant other.

Sure, he could have said nothing.

But, he shouldn't have to lie about who he is if someone actually asked him that question.

With all the articles on the incident, I'm willing to bet someone did.

Do you think Charlie Sheen admitted to having HIV because he wanted to make a statement?

No, he did it because he was hours away from being outed.

That is sometimes the case...
I hear ya. Let me ask you this. If he had decided to not address this publically and reveal his preference do you think it would still be a spectacle or just been over with in a day or two like the other noted instances?


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
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The only way it'd be different(besides the ref coming out) is if Rondo KNEW he was gay and it was a personal attack like that.
I agree. But we (the public) didn't know whether it was true or not until he told us so.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
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Lol..what does a rainbow mean?
I'm hoping a good thing. I also thought it was fitting, given the conversation. :suds:

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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I hear ya. Let me ask you this. If he had decided to not address this publically and reveal his preference do you think it would still be a spectacle or just been over with in a day or two like the other noted instances?


I don't think he's the story.

Well, maybe indirectly.

The story is Rondo is a mental midget.

You have to remember that this happened almost 2 weeks ago.

It gained new life once Rondo's imflammatory statements were revealed.The fact that the guy is indeed gay is just fuel for the fire.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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I hear ya. Let me ask you this. If he had decided to not address this publically and reveal his preference do you think it would still be a spectacle or just been over with in a day or two like the other noted instances?

Good question. I think it's not at the level it is right now, but still a spectacle because it involved Rondo, who has a history of being somewhat of a jerk in general.

The NBA is at an all time high in popularity and I think that is a reflection of the superstars in today's NBA. They're genuinely nice guys, who avoid trouble. It makes the product the NBA puts out more relate-able. With the social media boom, everything is put under a microscope.

The NBA had to take action because as someone mentioned previously, you cannot have players cursing extreme profanities. The NBA was also put in a tough spot because they were trying not to out Kennedy, while still making it known that Rondo's behavior was unacceptable.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Good question. I think it's not at the level it is right now, but still a spectacle because it involved Rondo, who has a history of being somewhat of a jerk in general.

The NBA is at an all time high in popularity and I think that is a reflection of the superstars in today's NBA. They're genuinely nice guys, who avoid trouble. It makes the product the NBA puts out more relate-able. With the social media boom, everything is put under a microscope.

The NBA had to take action because as someone mentioned previously, you cannot have players cursing extreme profanities. The NBA was also put in a tough spot because they were trying not to out Kennedy, while still making it known that Rondo's behavior was unacceptable.

This exactly.


Depressed Sports Fan
Jul 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I agree. But we (the public) didn't know whether it was true or not until he told us so.
True, this might not be the first time he was called what Rondo called him. He just decided at this point he wanted to come out with it, for what reason I'm not sure. If he didn't come out, Rondo still probably would have been suspended but there wouldn't be as much anger about it because stuff like this happens.


Go Pats!
Aug 1, 2014
Cape Cod
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I just want to throw this out there. It was awhile ago when he was a celtic that I thought , wow this kid is an idiot. He got into a couple of scrapes in clubs in town for no real reason other than he was an ass.
Multi million dollar player with a fifty cent brain.


GSAD - formally known as LAD
Jul 1, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Good question. I think it's not at the level it is right now, but still a spectacle because it involved Rondo, who has a history of being somewhat of a jerk in general.

The NBA is at an all time high in popularity and I think that is a reflection of the superstars in today's NBA. They're genuinely nice guys, who avoid trouble. It makes the product the NBA puts out more relate-able. With the social media boom, everything is put under a microscope.

The NBA had to take action because as someone mentioned previously, you cannot have players cursing extreme profanities. The NBA was also put in a tough spot because they were trying not to out Kennedy, while still making it known that Rondo's behavior was unacceptable.
I agree.
I have another thought. I wonder how much of the frustration these players have pent up is due to the lack of a check & balance system in terms of the officiating. Let me elaborate.

A lot of times we see the refs make a call that have an instant impact on the game at hand and also could result in further disciplinary action from the league. Such as technical & flagrant fouls & the fines that accompany them. Now, in the case where the league reviews those calls and finds grounds to recind them, there is no adverse action in relation to the refs. A good example of this is when the refs called a flagrant 1 on Klay (who had the ball and was making a move to the basket) and inadvertly hit the defender in the face with his elbow as he tried to run around him. Initially that was called a personal foul then after a few more minutes decided to review the play and call it a flagrant. Clearly the replay showed there was no intent or excessive contact other than him making his move to the basket.

I think those are the kind of things that eventually drive some players (albeit the mental midget ones- we all have a pretty good idea who they are) to react agressively towards the refs. Let me be clear, while I'm suggesting this is a reason I don't think it's ok for the players to lash out- only that I understand how the frustration can build up.