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RG3 3rd best QB in NFC East


We Dem Boyz!
Jul 7, 2013
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Exactly the response I expected. But once again you evade answering the questions at hand. I will give you Dez and maybe Claiborn. But Romo, Ware and Witten are a bit long in the tooth. Your o-line was the worst in the division if not the entire NFC. And your defense was so stellar that Jerry fired the DC and you are switching schemes. Thats called dysfunction. And for the record, I think you would give your left nut for a RB who could be half as good as Morris. :suds:

Last year was a fluke, I see you conviently didn't mention the 6 starters who were injured for the year on D, not to mention Ware was playing with one shoulder, it is what is. This is a new year and the season will tell the story. I feel good about my Boyz. BTW while u @ it you can give me Lee, Carter, Carr....


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Jul 4, 2013
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Last year was a fluke, I see you conviently didn't mention the 6 starters who were injured for the year on D, not to mention Ware was playing with one shoulder, it is what is. This is a new year and the season will tell the story. I feel good about my Boyz. BTW while u @ it you can give me Lee, Carter, Carr....

Excuses, Excuses. We started the year with our projected starter at FS suspended for the season, and our projected starter at SS injured. We lost a starting OLB and starting DE by week two. Our starting QB AND RB were both rookies. Our #1 WR missed six games.

Guess what.. we still swept Dallas and won the division. and considering the fact that you have claimed for years that backups in Dallas would start in Washington, Im not accepting the injury excuse. Especially since our #1 WR was injured most of the year as well as our starting ILB.

Sorry no dice. Wanna barrow a beer bottle to throw at the Romo fathead now?? :laugh3:


We Dem Boyz!
Jul 7, 2013
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All old news, you are only good as your last game, and last I checked only the Ravens won there last game. Can't wait to see how you jokers spin it when the Skids sink back to the bottom where they are accustomed to. BTW I am a Crown man, no beer bottles on this end you can save them bottles for when the season start and that gimmick offense & suspect secondary get EXPOSED! :suds:


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Jul 4, 2013
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All old news, you are only good as your last game, and last I checked only the Ravens won there last game. Can't wait to see how you jokers spin it when the Skids sink back to the bottom where they are accustomed to. BTW I am a Crown man, no beer bottles on this end you can save them bottles for when the season start and that gimmick offense & suspect secondary get EXPOSED! :suds:

So I will ask you another honest question you wont answer. If you are only as good as your last game...

1. Why do you constantly bring up Dallas's record from seasons 7-10 years ago over the Redskins?

2. considering the Skins beat Dallas in the last two head to head games, wouldn't that make us better than Dallas by your logic??

Just curious. Start spinning. :whistle:


We Dem Boyz!
Jul 7, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Young lad it is imperative to know your history, because it tends to repeat itself hint, hint:nod:


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Jul 4, 2013
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Young lad it is imperative to know your history, because it tends to repeat itself hint, hint:nod:

Nice spin grasshopper. But if this is correct. Shouldn't we expect Dallas to do what they usually do. Win the preseason Super Bowl only to fizzle out to average when the games matter. And recent history had Dallas looking up at the Skins. So I'll take that.

Just keep spinning, just keep spinning!!!! :L


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Jul 6, 2013
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You can have the Dallas roster over the Redskins roster. Nobody here wants it.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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But what does being a top 10 quarterback done for Romo? He puts up pretty numbers between September and November. However, come December and "crunch" time, Romo has shown historically to crack under pressure. Has he or has he not?
When his career is over and no championships, much less a signature victory, to show for all those pretty useless numbers, he'll be in categorized in the same group as Tarkenton, Jurgensen, Unitas, Anderson, Moon, Marino, Fouts, White. Correction!! I'm giving Romo too much credit. These guys made it at least to conference championship games.

umm unitas won 3 world titles . the greatest game ever played ring a bell ? as a qb romo isnt in marino's class or jurgy's or fouts or tarkenton or moon . he certainly is in white class


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Jul 6, 2013
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It' s about DAMN time, I am not impressed, the Boyz have won like 22 out of the last 30, in all honesty is hasn't been much of a rivalry, I'm just saying :noidea:

happens almost every time the teams play with something on the line. You can cling to 22 out of the last 30 when both teams haven't been all that great for the majority of that span. You seriously going to boast when a big chunk of that comes when one team was 5-11 for three straight years and another was 6-10, 7-9 and 8-8? Wow... THAT REALLY MATTERS!!!

But you side step that last year, your team was playing for a playoff spot and was beaten, embarrassed really.

Sad. You seem delusional.


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Jul 4, 2013
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happens almost every time the teams play with something on the line. You can cling to 22 out of the last 30 when both teams haven't been all that great for the majority of that span. You seriously going to boast when a big chunk of that comes when one team was 5-11 for three straight years and another was 6-10, 7-9 and 8-8? Wow... THAT REALLY MATTERS!!!

But you side step that last year, your team was playing for a playoff spot and was beaten, embarrassed really.

Sad. You seem delusional.

Be nice. He knows Dallas is in win now mode AGAIN. He also knows the last thing he wanted to see in DC was a QB of RG3's caliber. As much as they will cling to hope, new defense, Romo at QB And their best defensive player aging spells another average year for Dallas. So his biggest hope is that the Eagles don't over take them this year. :lol:


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Jul 6, 2013
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Time to go to Home Depot. Dallas is going to need a new window soon.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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happens almost every time the teams play with something on the line. You can cling to 22 out of the last 30 when both teams haven't been all that great for the majority of that span. You seriously going to boast when a big chunk of that comes when one team was 5-11 for three straight years and another was 6-10, 7-9 and 8-8? Wow... THAT REALLY MATTERS!!!

But you side step that last year, your team was playing for a playoff spot and was beaten, embarrassed really.

Sad. You seem delusional.

that is my feeling as well . most of those games in the early 60's were between 2 cellar dwellars with a combined 3 or 4 wins between them . in the 70's in was a lot of splitting . in the 80's the skins got the best of it and for the next 20 dallas did .

but what the dallas fans cant grasp is who cares if you won a bunch of exhibition games ? what happened when games mattered ? 0-2 in the NFC championship games i can only think of 2 games dallas won witha playoff spot on the line the longley game and the staubach game with riggo . we have last year and the 35-7 game . and a few more i cant place . oh the novak game is one

but see last season no one was interested in history now were they eastbay ? well now the most recent history is this . you were swept and you lost to us with a playoff game on the line

and the last thing is we can beat you with cousins as well . :10:

as for trolling i dont mind this bantor . what i hate is ruining good threads with drivel just to be a nuisance


We Dem Boyz!
Jul 7, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I just love when catfish fans start smelling themselves, will make it all the sweeter when yall are brought back down to earth. or shall I say down to the bottom of the sea. :L. One decent season does all of a sudden make you a Shark :laugh3: BTW what do you have to show for the sweep, a one and done home playoff lose, once again not impressed, a broke clock is right twice a day, catch my drift?:lame:

#Reality Check
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ESPN Cast Off
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Ding, ding, ding, ding. Class is now over. Eastboy, you unfortunately didn't do well and will most likely need another session. You're gonna have to come up with some new schtick, the old ones just don't carry water anymore. I'm sure shark will gladly offer you a refresher course in the very near future. In the meantime, I suggest you go on home with your tail between your legs to lick your wounds and figure out why and how you got so abused today.......and to figure out some answers to some of the honest questions that shark asked of you that you very conveniently avoided.


We Dem Boyz!
Jul 7, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Ding, ding, ding, ding. Class is now over. Eastboy, you unfortunately didn't do well and will most likely need another session. You're gonna have to come up with some new schtick, the old ones just don't carry water anymore. I'm sure shark will gladly offer you a refresher course in the very near future. In the meantime, I suggest you go on home with your tail between your legs to lick your wounds and figure out why and how you got so abused today.......and to figure out some answers to some of the honest questions that shark asked of you that you very conveniently avoided.

A catfish doesn't become a shark over night, oh the irony :laugh3:

You can put your skirt and pom poms down now, joy boy:lame:

# Give me a C, give me A, Give me T, Give me a......:L
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ESPN Cast Off
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Just as I suspected. You can't fix stupid.


We Dem Boyz!
Jul 7, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Just as I suspected. You can't fix stupid.

Did your mommy ever teach you to stay in a child place, and NEVER to jump in grown folks conversations?

Youngsters today..:doh:


ESPN Cast Off
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You're slipping, catfish, if thats all you got. You really need to take some time off and genuflect on your lot in life.


We Dem Boyz!
Jul 7, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You're slipping, catfish, if thats all you got. You really need to take some time off and genuflect on your lot in life.

Yet you bite my Avatar :lame:, mines is still better than yours...:nod:

#Copy Cat


Boomer Sooner
Jul 5, 2013
Central PA
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I don't think so eastbay. In your avatar that play was a completed pass for about a 6 yard gain and in JY's photo that play was a failure.