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Ray Rice super thread.


Giant Member
Jul 23, 2013
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Yeah entirely unfair,LOL

I wouldn't say it's unfair, but it is bullshit. This video didn't show anything that wasn't known when he levied the two game ban. He got (rightfully) skewered for taking domestic abuse so lightly, so now he swings 180 degrees and bans Rice indefinitely for the exact same incident even though he just came out and said it was a six game ban for a first offense.

So what's the rule, Roger?


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Apr 24, 2013
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Goodell is really an empty suit that's a symptom of this sport's problem. It is the culture of the NFL to never make the welfare and consideration of players a priority before profits. Tagliabue would have handled it the same way. Removing Goodell in and of itself isn't good enough.


Half Woke Member
Jul 3, 2013
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What's with you guys who keep saying everyone knew what happened before today ? No we didn't. We don't know whether the NFL & Ravens knew or not but that will come out eventually. The cops definitely knew. But Rice never admitted he did anything specific. There are several scenarios that could have played out in the elevator that would put Rice in a much better light.... until we saw what he actually did today. How many of you guys are just pissed at a woman for screwing you over somehow ? Just admit it. Let it out. It will make you feel better.


"Duff Man…Oh Yeah!"
Aug 10, 2010
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I'm going to add a different perspective here.

I'm also a Broncos fan and a girl. I am in no way, shape or form defending Ray Rice hitting his girl or knocking her out. I don't condone men hitting women period. I hate that shit more than anything.

But....I think Ray Rice got screwed on this deal.

The NFL and Goodell KNEW that he knocked her out, that he dragged her out of the elevator. Knowing that...Goodell gave him a 2 game suspension.

Then after all public outrage, and sources close to him, his friends, and other executives and owners, tell him he drops the ball, he implements a new policy, admits he got it wrong, and that next time he will get it right and so now the new policy is 1st offense, 2nd offense lifetime ban.

But now everyone sees the video, all of a sudden Ray Rice is cut from the team, contract terminated and he's suspended indefinitely?

Goodell is a hypocrite piece of shit. I don't care what anyone says.

If you levy punishment, you STICK TO IT and be a man of your word.

Yeah, I agreed that initially 2 games was pathetic...but at the time the policy was not in effect.

You don't levy punishment, then 2 months later turn around and say oh yeah by the way, that's not enough, now you're suspended and then your team cuts you and terminates your contract.

Goodell is a liar, a cheat and has no honor. He's making Ray Rice pay worse for his (Goodell's) own mistake and that's just BULLSHIT!

In the justice system a Judge can't sentence someone, then 2 months later when they're serving their sentence, drag them back into court and say, yeah, I didn't think the original sentence was enough, I'm tacking on some more.

This is ABUSE OF POWER. This is all Goodell trying to save his own image and not lose the respect of his supporters. He's a coward and this is entirely unfair to Ray Rice.

This was pretty much my thoughts after reading of the suspension and then seeing the video.

Everyone knew he knocked his fiancé out. And the punishment is a two game suspension. Stupid. Now we see the punch, and all of a sudden the powers that be are horrified? I guess I am in the minority in that the new video didn't shock me. The video was pretty much what a expected happened inside the elevator.

Perhaps "unfair to Rice" is a bit strong. The guy is finally getting the heavy hit he should have gotten after the first video surfaced. What he did was ugly and disgusting. I just don't understand going from two games to banned.


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What's with you guys who keep saying everyone knew what happened before today ? No we didn't. We don't know whether the NFL & Ravens knew or not but that will come out eventually. The cops definitely knew. But Rice never admitted he did anything specific. There are several scenarios that could have played out in the elevator that would put Rice in a much better light.... until we saw what he actually did today. How many of you guys are just pissed at a woman for screwing you over somehow ? Just admit it. Let it out. It will make you feel better.

the nfl and ravens should know. if tmz could get this tape obviously the nfl could have too.


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Aug 18, 2014
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I'd have a real problem being a fan if he was on my team. It was worse than I thought and she still married him??? I guess sometimes you get what you ask for?

I'm not a Ravens fan, but what do the fans have to 'apologize' for?


Aug 12, 2012
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What's with you guys who keep saying everyone knew what happened before today ? No we didn't. We don't know whether the NFL & Ravens knew or not but that will come out eventually. The cops definitely knew. But Rice never admitted he did anything specific. There are several scenarios that could have played out in the elevator that would put Rice in a much better light.... until we saw what he actually did today. How many of you guys are just pissed at a woman for screwing you over somehow ? Just admit it. Let it out. It will make you feel better.

Let me guess, until you see video proving otherwise you will still believe OJ is innocent...


Aug 12, 2012
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Um...OJ was innocent.:noidea:

Not sure if you are being sarcastic or really don't know the difference between being found not guilty and being innocent...:scratch: hmm.. Well played


R.I.P. Bob Saget
Apr 28, 2013
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"I don't think it's appropriate to replay the video on television" - Chris Canty

Right after the Sportscenter cold opening with the video showing. Get a fucking clue ESPN. Guess they gotta show something when they're not replaying Kevin Ward getting run over for the billionth time.


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Aug 23, 2014
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I do not agree with people saying a guy like Rice does not deserve a second chance. He should go to jail and when he gets out should apply for reinstatement.

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
Sep 12, 2013
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I hate that this video was released. Tmz has no soul and i don't consider it news, I consider it trash. However, the videos popular reaction is to be disgusted. We already knew he knocked his fiancé out. What did you expect it to look like? I have had no desire to watch it, but I must thank espn for shoving it in my face on sportscenter. A big fuck you to espn.


Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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I hate that this video was released. Tmz has no soul and i don't consider it news, I consider it trash. However, the videos popular reaction is to be disgusted. We already knew he knocked his fiancé out. What did you expect it to look like? I have had no desire to watch it, but I must thank espn for shoving it in my face on sportscenter. A big fuck you to espn.

What times are you living in? Any video of any celebrity, knocking out a girl, will be released.


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Jul 22, 2014
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the nfl and ravens should know. if tmz could get this tape obviously the nfl could have too.
....it sounds like the NFL ''didn't'' wanna see the vid......kinda reminds me of sgt. Shultz = ''I see-n-know nuthink''.


Hard Member!
Jun 24, 2014
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....it sounds like the NFL ''didn't'' wanna see the vid......kinda reminds me of sgt. Shultz = ''I see-n-know nuthink''.

worked for him..won't work for Goofdell. If it is in fact proven that he had seen the video before the lame 2 game suspension, his bosses (the owners) should fire him immediately. A stain on Goofdell is a stain on the owners.


Roid Raging
Apr 25, 2013
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I'm going to add a different perspective here.

I'm also a Broncos fan and a girl. I am in no way, shape or form defending Ray Rice hitting his girl or knocking her out. I don't condone men hitting women period. I hate that shit more than anything.

But....I think Ray Rice got screwed on this deal.

The NFL and Goodell KNEW that he knocked her out, that he dragged her out of the elevator. Knowing that...Goodell gave him a 2 game suspension.

Then after all public outrage, and sources close to him, his friends, and other executives and owners, tell him he drops the ball, he implements a new policy, admits he got it wrong, and that next time he will get it right and so now the new policy is 1st offense, 2nd offense lifetime ban.

But now everyone sees the video, all of a sudden Ray Rice is cut from the team, contract terminated and he's suspended indefinitely?

Goodell is a hypocrite piece of shit. I don't care what anyone says.

If you levy punishment, you STICK TO IT and be a man of your word.

Yeah, I agreed that initially 2 games was pathetic...but at the time the policy was not in effect.

You don't levy punishment, then 2 months later turn around and say oh yeah by the way, that's not enough, now you're suspended and then your team cuts you and terminates your contract.

Goodell is a liar, a cheat and has no honor. He's making Ray Rice pay worse for his (Goodell's) own mistake and that's just BULLSHIT!

In the justice system a Judge can't sentence someone, then 2 months later when they're serving their sentence, drag them back into court and say, yeah, I didn't think the original sentence was enough, I'm tacking on some more.

This is ABUSE OF POWER. This is all Goodell trying to save his own image and not lose the respect of his supporters. He's a coward and this is entirely unfair to Ray Rice.

Once again ....

and this is a FACT!

Ray Rice did not get the hammer yesterday because Goodell saw this video.

Ray Rice got the hammer yesterday because WE saw this video.


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Aug 14, 2013
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I wouldn't say it's unfair, but it is bullshit. This video didn't show anything that wasn't known when he levied the two game ban. He got (rightfully) skewered for taking domestic abuse so lightly, so now he swings 180 degrees and bans Rice indefinitely for the exact same incident even though he just came out and said it was a six game ban for a first offense.

So what's the rule, Roger?

What's bullshit is that he wasn't banned and cut immediately. That's what is bullshit. I feel nothing for Ray Rice, I hope he's waking up to a cold lonely world this morning. There is nothing unfair happening to him right now. he's deserved it all along.