Vince tweeted from a concert and his seats were in the nosebleed. He's going to be relying on free meals in Austin soon. It's pretty pathetic how far he dropped so fast.
According to ESPN's Ed Werder, free agent JaMarcus Russell believes he'll soon work out for the Ravens.
Russell reportedly made the disclosure at last Friday's Bears tryout. As was the case with Chicago, we doubt Russell would be working out for the Ravens with an eye toward a contract, but instead an addition to their emergency list. Getting workouts is just the first step in Russell's long-shot comeback bid. Source: Ed Werder on Twitter
A recent photo posted by TEST performance academy shows free agent JaMarcus Russell has indeed shed a large amount of weight since beginning his comeback attempt in the late winter.
The picture is accessible at the below link. Russell was said to have begun his comeback in the 310-315 pound range. During his June 7 workout at the Bears' facility, Russell reportedly weighed in at 267. In the below photo, he looks even slimmer than that. We suspect Russell's chances of being signed by an NFL team before or during training camp are slightly better than 50:50. Source: USA Today