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Jul 18, 2013
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You typed that with out hesitation. Knowing that our Not so Liberal president has embarked on a plan to fire up the largest construction project in our nations history and he just HAPPENED to make his money in construction.

So yes lets do follow the money. :suds:

Agree. Follow the money. I want corruption in Washington gone.


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Agree. Follow the money. I want corruption in Washington gone.

If not for corruption and kick backs, would any one REALLY want to be a senator, congressman or President?? The few that are actually in it for the best interests of the people actually tend to be liberals by the way. :D


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If not for corruption and kick backs, would any one REALLY want to be a senator, congressman or President?? The few that are actually in it for the best interests of the people actually tend to be liberals by the way. :D

Like who? Rand Paul and Mike Lee seem up and up. Or my girl Mia Love?


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Like who? Rand Paul and Mike Lee seem up and up. Or my girl Mia Love?

I would actually say the most up and up politician over the last 15 years would be Bernie.... but I also think he leaned a little too far left.

BUt I can honestly say, I dont think there was a single person in the GOP, or the DNC aside from Bernie over the last 25 years who got into public service to be a servant of the people. Money, Power, a place in history about sums up WHY these people do what they do.


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Yeah...so why be a socialist?

I think that it might be instructive to understand the difference between being socialist and incorporating socialistic ideas into a democratic society. Right now the military, fire, police, and others are all socialistic organizations. I don't see a rush to destroy any of them from the masters of this system or their followers, Do you?

There's a game being played on the people of this country and it begins with putting people to sleep. They go to church, wave flags, proudly wear and display an "R" or "D" to denote party affiliation. In fact, they would rather argue among themselves over all sorts of issues that have nothing at all to do with the thieves picking their pockets, stealing their rights and enriching themselves. They buy into the notion that someday I too will be that rich guy, or anesthetize themselves with substance or distraction. All the while, failing to not only vote but engage in a practice that both keeps them from running for office, or assuring that those who represent them are held accountable.

Sorry about the rant, but shit needed to be said.


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Follow the money. Big business money greatly favors liberals.

BS....wake the fuck up and realize that in politics, there are no permanent enemies, and no permanent friends, just permanent interests.

The ONLY interest in big business...is....wait for it.....BIG BUSINESS!

Corporate millionaires and billionaires give less than a fuck who or what party keeps them on track. The game is separating people like you ("R's") from people who wear (D's"). Trust me, you'll feel so much better declaring your independence from all of that shit. IT BLINDS!!
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I would actually say the most up and up politician over the last 15 years would be Bernie.... but I also think he leaned a little too far left.

BUt I can honestly say, I dont think there was a single person in the GOP, or the DNC aside from Bernie over the last 25 years who got into public service to be a servant of the people. Money, Power, a place in history about sums up WHY these people do what they do.

Bernie is as corrupt as anybody IMO. That is why he didn’t kick and scream after being robbed of the democratic nomination. I do not believe in coincidence. That 600k summer home from a guy complaining the poor have nothing is fishy. Then there were accusations against his wife in the loan fraud case.


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I think that it might be instructive to understand the difference between being socialist and incorporating socialistic ideas into a democratic society. Right now the military, fire, police, and others are all socialistic organizations. I don't see a rush to destroy any of them from the masters of this system or their followers, Do you?

There's a game being played on the people of this country and it begins with putting people to sleep. They go to church, wave flags, proudly wear and display an "R" or "D" to denote party affiliation. In fact, they would rather argue among themselves over all sorts of issues that have nothing at all to do with the thieves picking their pockets, stealing their rights and enriching themselves. They buy into the notion that someday I too will be that rich guy, or anesthetize themselves with substance or distraction. All the while, failing to not only vote but engage in a practice that both keeps them from running for office, or assuring that those who represent them are held accountable.

Sorry about the rant, but shit needed to be said.

Military, fire, and police are actual services we pay for. I do understand what you are saying.

I am a conservative. I am registered as a Republican so I can have a say who is the nominee opposite the democratic candidate. A third party does nothing but hurt republicans, and considering I am totally opposite liberalism, I won’t support an actual third party.


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BS....wake the fuck up and realize that in politics, there are no permanent enemies, and no permanent friends, just permanent interests.

The ONLY interest in big business...is....wait for it.....BIG BUSINESS!

Corporate millionaires and billionaires give less than a fuck who or what party keeps them on track. The game is separating people like you ("R's") from people who wear (D's"). Trust me, you'll feel so much better declaring your independence from all of that shit. IT BLINDS!!

Exactly...and the people most corrupt are liberals. That is why big business backs them. That is why Hollywood rapists back them. Keep thinking liberalism is anything more than a power play...IT BLINDS.


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Exactly...and the people most corrupt are liberals. That is why big business backs them. That is why Hollywood rapists back them. Keep thinking liberalism is anything more than a power play...IT BLINDS.

Jul 8, 2013
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Exactly...and the people most corrupt are liberals. That is why big business backs them. That is why Hollywood rapists back them. Keep thinking liberalism is anything more than a power play...IT BLINDS.

So Corporate millionaires have no interest in backing the Republican party and their Congress who is hellbent on lowering Corporate taxes, at the detriment of the lower class and half of the middle class?

It's astounding that you would assert that liberals are the most corrupt when the GOP has had 8 years to create a Great Healthcare plan, but when time comes to show their hand... their plan is incomplete, it is estimated to drop millions from coverage, and GOP Senators admit across the board they haven't actually read the plan.


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So Corporate millionaires have no interest in backing the Republican party and their Congress who is hellbent on lowering Corporate taxes, at the detriment of the lower class and half of the middle class?

It's astounding that you would assert that liberals are the most corrupt when the GOP has had 8 years to create a Great Healthcare plan, but when time comes to show their hand... their plan is incomplete, it is estimated to drop millions from coverage, and GOP Senators admit across the board they haven't actually read the plan.

Lowering the corporate tax rate is just common sense. In no way does lowering the corporate rate hurt the middle class. Explain to me how that actually hurts the middle class.

The GOP would ideally like to get the hell out of the way in health care. They don’t feel like they can. Eight years of democratic control and having the ACA forced down our throats. You do realize the Democrats voted for the ACA without reading it right? As for dropping millions from coverage, that is exactly what the ACA did. People were forced off their plans, then forced to sign up for more expensive plans that were worse for them. Now, it did extend Medicaid to some but we can debate if that is actually “fair.”


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Lowering the corporate tax rate is just common sense. In no way does lowering the corporate rate hurt the middle class. Explain to me how that actually hurts the middle class.

If you lower the amount of taxes paid by one group, then that tax money has to come from some where. If the top 3% and corporations pay less taxes.. where exactly do you think they are going to make up that short fall from? UNless you really believe that they are going to lower TAXES and LOWER SPENDING at the same time?? Remember the Wall baby :yes:


US ARMY retired /mod.
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this all depends on what kind of govt involvement in your life do you want . the idea is to lower corporate taxes encourage investment in the US , get that GDP at 4% . doing that cuts the deficit immensely

the problem in the past is cutting bloated govt spending.

people below 24000 grand a year dont pay federal income tax anyway

the top 1% pay 70 % of the tax

i am a less govt person because govt involvement means govt intrusion

we can find money to pay for walls because mexico will pay for it :D


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we can find money to pay for walls because mexico will pay for it :D

I was able to get my Jamaican neighbor to help me BUILD the wall between us, but i had to pay for the materials and ended up feeding him in the process.

Not sure if thats what we are shooting for though. :D
Jul 8, 2013
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Lowering the corporate tax rate is just common sense. In no way does lowering the corporate rate hurt the middle class. Explain to me how that actually hurts the middle class.

The GOP would ideally like to get the hell out of the way in health care. They don’t feel like they can. Eight years of democratic control and having the ACA forced down our throats. You do realize the Democrats voted for the ACA without reading it right? As for dropping millions from coverage, that is exactly what the ACA did. People were forced off their plans, then forced to sign up for more expensive plans that were worse for them. Now, it did extend Medicaid to some but we can debate if that is actually “fair.”

Lowering the corporate tax rate is not a bad idea, but why should they go from 35% tax bracket down to 20%? The world average for Corporate tax rates is ~25% for example.
That is a lot of tax savings one year to the next.

Should we assume the average citizen is to enjoy such tax breaks, in fact so called "massive tax breaks." No, we will not. Half of the middle class will enjoy an estimated tax break of $800. While the other half, those who have children for example, will actually pay more in taxes next year.

Fiscal hawks and the CBO claim that this Tax plan, not to mention the new AHCA plan, both add to our deficit. They do not reduce our deficit.

Corporations have a ton of influence that they use to tailor laws to their likings. Our Watchdog agencies that are lessened in their abilityies by lobbyists to the point I no longer think they have the best interests of the people at heart. Citizens United is a POS. Religious establishments are edging towards wielding their influence, which further decreases the individuals power over their government. They already enjoy the best lawyers, and tax-free havens to pass to evade paying as much taxes as possible.

Jam the ACA down your throats? I highly disbelief this. When the ACA was passed, there were hundreds of bi-partisan meetings to amend the ACA into it's final form. How many times did the GOP meet with Democrats? 0. Did you not hear news of the town halls across this county and how people were erupting at the fact that the GOP was trying to take away our Health insurance? (A plan who's origins were created by a Conservative - Mitt Romney)

Health for profit is a complete sham. At a time where 70% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, allowing further power go to the private market...who's main interest is showing their investors increased year over year profits is morally and economically bad. The cost of entry into this market is already extremely prohibitive, makes it incredibly difficult for newcomers to compete.

The ACA does not control the overpriced costs that Insurance companies push onto hospitals. See Chargemaster on Google. What happens is that people can't afford to pay these costs, and then they just don't pay their bills, and then these bills get pushed onto the rest of us. Awesome. Thanks OBAMA?
A couple of things that would help this, would be to cover more people that already can't afford these costs through Medicaid and Medicaid Expansion. But we all know that Republicans are against that and Democrats are for that.

Lastly, Insurance premiums were skyrocketing way before the ACA was passed. There is no evidence that the ACA impacted this in a negative fashion. But what it did do, is grant people reprieve if they had a pre-existing conditions, and it net-increased the number of Americans who had healthcare.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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Lowering the corporate tax rate is not a bad idea, but why should they go from 35% tax bracket down to 20%? The world average for Corporate tax rates is ~25% for example.
That is a lot of tax savings one year to the next.

Should we assume the average citizen is to enjoy such tax breaks, in fact so called "massive tax breaks." No, we will not. Half of the middle class will enjoy an estimated tax break of $800. While the other half, those who have children for example, will actually pay more in taxes next year.

Fiscal hawks and the CBO claim that this Tax plan, not to mention the new AHCA plan, both add to our deficit. They do not reduce our deficit.

Corporations have a ton of influence that they use to tailor laws to their likings. Our Watchdog agencies that are lessened in their abilityies by lobbyists to the point I no longer think they have the best interests of the people at heart. Citizens United is a POS. Religious establishments are edging towards wielding their influence, which further decreases the individuals power over their government. They already enjoy the best lawyers, and tax-free havens to pass to evade paying as much taxes as possible.

Jam the ACA down your throats? I highly disbelief this. When the ACA was passed, there were hundreds of bi-partisan meetings to amend the ACA into it's final form. How many times did the GOP meet with Democrats? 0. Did you not hear news of the town halls across this county and how people were erupting at the fact that the GOP was trying to take away our Health insurance? (A plan who's origins were created by a Conservative - Mitt Romney)

Health for profit is a complete sham. At a time where 70% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, allowing further power go to the private market...who's main interest is showing their investors increased year over year profits is morally and economically bad. The cost of entry into this market is already extremely prohibitive, makes it incredibly difficult for newcomers to compete.

let me clue you in , most of the world lives paycheck to paycheck , and your memory of obama care is way off . no republican proposals were accepted at all . they voted on it without reading the complete bill

we now know either the ACA was designed to fail in order to usher in a single payer system or what conservatives said all along about the bill were in fact true

the reason our tax rate should be lower then other countries is that companies will come here

and i dont know where you have been but Trump was elected to do away with ACA because most people dont want it and the premiums are outlandish and it was done by design or by incompetence

The ACA does not control the overpriced costs that Insurance companies push onto hospitals. See Chargemaster on Google. What happens is that people can't afford to pay these costs, and then they just don't pay their bills, and then these bills get pushed onto the rest of us. Awesome. Thanks OBAMA?
A couple of things that would help this, would be to cover more people that already can't afford these costs through Medicaid and Medicaid Expansion. But we all know that Republicans are against that and Democrats are for that.

Lastly, Insurance premiums were skyrocketing way before the ACA was passed. There is no evidence that the ACA impacted this in a negative fashion. But what it did do, is grant people reprieve if they had a pre-existing conditions, and it net-increased the number of Americans who had healthcare.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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Jul 18, 2013
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If you lower the amount of taxes paid by one group, then that tax money has to come from some where. If the top 3% and corporations pay less taxes.. where exactly do you think they are going to make up that short fall from? UNless you really believe that they are going to lower TAXES and LOWER SPENDING at the same time?? Remember the Wall baby :yes:

Actually that money doesn’t need to be paid by another group. Ideally, we spend smarter. Also, the idea is if we lower the corporate rate, corporations will invest more money. If we allow corporations to repatriate their money, then more money is put into the economy. If more money is put into the economy, we make more money and more workers become employed.

Now you mention the top three percent pay less taxes...that isn’t what the conversation was about.

The wall pays for itself if done correctly.
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