Well-Known Member
The low enrollment compared to other universities
Good point here. I didn't even think of this.
The low enrollment compared to other universities
Before the kickoff, the stadium is electric. When the team takes the field I get goose bumps even when I am in my home. From the time the team comes out of the tunnel to the kickoff, I'm adrenalized and twitchy. Then, more often than not, I see a Fighting Irish team come out playing flat. When the team starts slow, it takes away some of the crowd's enthusiasm.
I'm not arguing with the assessment that ND's fans are not all they can be, just saying the team doesn't seem to capitalize on its home field advantage.
I thought the crowd was great during the OK game. We were pretty loud in critical situations. It's certainly improved in recent years.
ND stadium also just isn't a large stadium anymore. Most major college football programs have at least 90k+ seats...
There are 10 college stadiums with capacity in excess of 90,000. (according to yahoo sports). ND ranks 17th.
My last statement on this subject. Been to alot of campus and staduims and non of them come close to game day at Notre Dame including all the pre game traditions. I going to repeat nothing is better than being in southbend on any given Saturday when the Irish are playing football!
Guys, seemed to me we actually had a home field advantage last night. USC had many false was really loud. I think it is because it is an under the lights game. That is my opinion and I'm sticking with it. It was too late for the old timers and the serious football fans had more time to drink and get crazy.
It was definitely a loud stadium, but the mix of young and old seemed about the same as always. There was also a lot more time to drink, so that may have had something to do with it, but I think the main thing was that we were playing SC.
Were you at the game?
Yes. It was great.
Always a great weekend when we beat the Trojans