Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
Jaqen H'ghar ... When we first met him he was a fascinating character
id say he still is ...
Jaqen H'ghar ... When we first met him he was a fascinating character
Maybe the Tarly's??
Not necessarily.Pop Tarly is supposed to be some badass general, and when Sam returned home I thought "what a nice setup for Sam to help out his BFF Jon by encouraging Dad to send armed assistance".
But then ole Sam blew that one up when he walked out with daddy's fighting stick.
Not necessarily.
(not my theory, I read this here on the hoop somewhere)...
He stole the sword, which pissed off good ol' Pop. Pop sends his troop after Sam, who is b-lining it north. Sam (and co.) arrive at Winterfell in time to see the Bastards facing off, he tries to assist, then the Tarlys arrive (chasing Sam).
Lots of holes with this theory (why send a sizable army after a single "man"; how could said army keep pace with a said single "man"; why would the Tarly's assist in a fight between Northern families; etc). And I would prefer to have Pop see Sam end a WW with the sword as he catches him instead of getting involved with the Bastards.
That would require the fall of the Wall, and I think that will be it's own episode (either this season - doubtful, or next season - more likely)I think you identified all the holes. Hey, we can all have theories but I don't see that one playing out either.
Some are speculating that the WW will show up in the middle of battle and force a hasty truce between Snow and Bolton. But I can't see that one either.
Maybe I have been watching to much WWE, but I am thinking the early battle looks bad for the good guyx, Wun Wun probably doesn't make it, and at the last moment the calvary rides in headed up by Littlefinger to save the day.
And I still think Sansa is given the hono(u)r of cutting off Ramsay's head, but with those guns she is packing, it ends up being a scratch on the back of his neck. Then she says "feed him to his damn dogs". Fade to black.
I think it's been a really solid season, my favorite so far.That battle was like Braveheart, Lord of the Rings, and Saving Private Ryan all mashed together. Maybe even a little bit of Star Wars in there towards the end with Jon.
I thought the episode was really well done, even if it was a bit predictable in a lot of ways. Next week's episode looks like it will also be really good.
I don't get these slave masters - they know Khaleesi has dragons, they know she's smart politically, and they know that she's spent the last 3 seasons (however long that time is in Throneland) killing slavers. So knowing all of that, they say "eh, let's attack with an armada made of wood and threaten her and hope for the best"?
And then, as if to ignore the fact that this is like the 400th time these peckerheads have reneged on a deal, Khaleesi goes ape, pulls out Dragon Force One, burns a boat, kills two of the head masters and then...cuts another deal? THEY HAVE A 100% RECORD OF NOT HONOURING THEIR DEALS, DINGBAT! What the fuck is their incentive to honour this one?
The battle was awesome, but like eloco said where did the Berlin Body Wall come from? And how did it end up being placed perfectly to accommodate the pikemen's formation? Was there a bulldozer just moving the bodies as they dropped to keep the battlefield body-free? Dozens of horses clashed with each other all over the place, there were other horses running around smashing into men on the ground and killing them (a couple of times saving Jon's life in a timely manner), how did the wall happen? I call shenanigans.
It's just such a gamble. Like, there were still two damn dragons locked up under the pyramid (who, btw, seemed to not have any issue escaping at the perfect momentI was wondering about that as well. Maybe they knew she was missing and thought they could take it back over before she came back?She did only come back after the attack was underway, after all.
Really enjoyed the episode, it was one of the most beautifully shot GOT episodes we've seen. I tend to like the 'whole episode is a battle' episodes a little less, but this one was really nicely done. And it brought two big storylines to a conclusion - khaleesi finally defeating the slave masters of her part of the world and the Starks regaining the North. Both of those were many seasons in the making, so it was a very satisfying conclusion.
Aside... what was with the giant pile of bodies that was like 8 feet high. After people started getting killed, did the soldiers all run to a body to battle on top of... and then this continued and continued? "Pile of bodies - visit for the loose footing, stay for the risk of getting shanked in the leg!"
Did the open field's janitorial staff arrive early and start cleaning up the bodies with an excavator before it was over (and they never captured it on camera)?