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OT: Winter Is Coming | Game of Thrones Discussion Thread


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Maybe we have not seen the last of him but man was Jaqen H'ghar underwhelming. When we first met him he was a fascinating character and I thought for sure their would be a big pay off when we saw him again. He really didn't do much of anything once he met up with Arya again.

Wildfire seems almost too obvious as the secret, I'm hoping it's something else.


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Maybe we have not seen the last of him but man was Jaqen H'ghar underwhelming. When we first met him he was a fascinating character and I thought for sure their would be a big pay off when we saw him again. He really didn't do much of anything once he met up with Arya again.

Wildfire seems almost too obvious as the secret, I'm hoping it's something else.

I don't think we've seen the last of Jaqen, and the reveal as to who the FM are working for in the GOT (themselves) will be interesting.


Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
Apr 20, 2010
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Maybe we have not seen the last of him but man was Jaqen H'ghar underwhelming. When we first met him he was a fascinating character and I thought for sure their would be a big pay off when we saw him again. He really didn't do much of anything once he met up with Arya again.

Wildfire seems almost too obvious as the secret, I'm hoping it's something else.

I dont think we have ... I get the feel he likes Aryas spunk and feistiness ? maybe he employs her on a contract basis :thumb:


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on the bold and on bgdaves spoiler lame lame lame take:

looks like the writers are leaving it up to us to fill in the blanks lol ... not gonna spoiler it because its just assumptions

the waif was a machine and could kill at will and was supposed to kill Arya without suffering ... but I guess we have to assume that she stabbed Arya strategically not hitting any vital organs so she wouldnt die and would instead suffer ... something alot of viewers surmised :noidea:

Yep, just like Rorge and some of the other sociopaths GRRM likes to populate the stories with, the Waif has been stewing in her Arya hate for a while now, and decides to make it last. Make her suffer.

Still requires a lot of SOD, but so do most of the action shows/movies ever made.

I'm betting after the reaction though, the director wishes he had Arya deflect the strikes into her hip or thigh or something.


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I dont think we have ... I get the feel he likes Aryas spunk and feistiness ? maybe he employs her on a contract basis :thumb:

My take has always been that from the moment he gave her the coin the 'plan' was to see if a Princess of Winterfell could be made to be a FM. If it works it gives them pretty incredible access to the corridors of power in Westeros.


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
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Any thoughts on this week's Battle of the Bastards(TM)?

"Snow" has to win, right, right? But does it have to be this week, in this battle?

And why haven't we seen Rickon since he was sold down the river by the Umbers?

Maybe I have been watching to much WWE, but I am thinking the early battle looks bad for the good guyx, Wun Wun probably doesn't make it, and at the last moment the calvary rides in headed up by Littlefinger to save the day.

And I still think Sansa is given the hono(u)r of cutting off Ramsay's head, but with those guns she is packing, it ends up being a scratch on the back of his neck. Then she says "feed him to his damn dogs". Fade to black.
I would be OK with something like this.


Have her take a few hacks with a sword at his head and not able to finish the job. Then have Rickon finish it, or have her change her attention to his "other head".


Unreliable Narrator.
Apr 21, 2010
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And I still think Sansa is given the hono(u)r of cutting off Ramsay's head, but with those guns she is packing, it ends up being a scratch on the back of his neck. Then she says "feed him to his damn dogs". Fade to black.

Maybe Jon's "dog" gets a chance to feed. Its about time a direwolf had a victory.

I dont think we have ... I get the feel he likes Aryas spunk and feistiness ? maybe he employs her on a contract basis :thumb:

Good point. Maybe he cannot afford to give her health insurance or a retirement fund so maybe he offers her part time work.


Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
Apr 20, 2010
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Good point. Maybe he cannot afford to give her health insurance or a retirement fund so maybe he offers her part time work.

naw i dont think its like that at all ... I think he is a good employer (although the whole ripping off faces and displaying them is a tad boorish) ... its just that Arya has the makings of a top flight employee yet has other career ambitions that he cant help her with at present ... keep her on staff part time IF SHE WANTS IT ... see where it goes :nod:


Unreliable Narrator.
Apr 21, 2010
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Refresh my memory if I am wrong, but aren't direwolves supposed to be fierce? Have any of them in the show done anything good?

I guess Sansa's nipped Joffrey, that was kind of cool.

Bloody Brian Burke

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Refresh my memory if I am wrong, but aren't direwolves supposed to be fierce? Have any of them in the show done anything good?

I guess Sansa's nipped Joffrey, that was kind of cool.
All that did was fuck every single fucking thing up.

Direwolves have done more to fuck over the Starks than the god damn Boltons and Freys! Say no to direwolves, say yes to flaying.


Grumpy Old Man
Jul 10, 2014
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Refresh my memory if I am wrong, but aren't direwolves supposed to be fierce? Have any of them in the show done anything good?

I guess Sansa's nipped Joffrey, that was kind of cool.

It is all in the names the silly Stark children gave their pets.

Sansa named her direwolf "Lady". Need I say more?
Bran - Summer.
Rickon - Shaggy Dog (Dog? Really? You pussified him early, this one is on you Rickon)
Robb - Grey Wind.

If you had to face Lady Grey Wind and her Shaggy Dog in the Summer, would YOU be scared?

The children doomed them.

And look who is left. Ghost and Nymeria (fierce female warrior from days gone by). Those two will be there for the duration, just because their owners gave them proper names.


A useful idiot.
Apr 19, 2010
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Maybe we have not seen the last of him but man was Jaqen H'ghar underwhelming. When we first met him he was a fascinating character and I thought for sure their would be a big pay off when we saw him again. He really didn't do much of anything once he met up with Arya again.

Wildfire seems almost too obvious as the secret, I'm hoping it's something else.

Yeah, I was just thinking today that the entire Bravos storyline for Arya was pretty ho hum. With the hound it was interesting, there was character development, and some comic relief. But I'm glad we're done with the many-faced god BS for now at least.


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Any thoughts on this week's Battle of the Bastards(TM)?

"Snow" has to win, right, right? But does it have to be this week, in this battle?

And why haven't we seen Rickon since he was sold down the river by the Umbers?

Maybe I have been watching to much WWE, but I am thinking the early battle looks bad for the good guyx, Wun Wun probably doesn't make it, and at the last moment the calvary rides in headed up by Littlefinger to save the day.

And I still think Sansa is given the hono(u)r of cutting off Ramsay's head, but with those guns she is packing, it ends up being a scratch on the back of his neck. Then she says "feed him to his damn dogs". Fade to black.

Pretty sure Jon will win. Ramsay will probably die. I wouldn't mind if they kept him alive as a prisoner for a bit but I can't imagine why they would. I like that character as a villain and it might be interesting to see him in a scenario where he is not in control. If he does die I think Ghost will devour him but a human character will play a part in it as well. I don't think Sansa will be involved because I don't think she'll be near the action.

Jon's definitely going to need some reinforcements to win and I'm sure they'll arrive just in time. Littlefinger and the knights of the Vale seem like the obvious choice. But what if Jamie sends some troops north to help out Brienne? Either his own and/or the Tully men that surrendered. Pretty sure the alliance between the Lannisters and Boltons has been over for a while and I doubt Jamie cares too much as to who holds Winterfell. Sending his own men seems extremely unlikely though, but perhaps part of the deal he made with Edmure was that his men would go North.

Looks like we're finally going to see Davos swing a sword. They teased us with it earlier in the season but then it never happened. He said that he's not very good with a sword so I'm guessing he's either terrible or surprises us and is a total badass. Pretty sure he won't be average. I think before the battle he's going to find out what happened to Shireen. But will he get a chance to tell Jon before the battle or not? And if not, will he die in battle?

I'll be interested to see whose bodies those are burning on the crosses that we've seen in the trailers. I think they were flayed before being burned which the Boltons do to their victims while they are still alive so I don't think one of them will be Osha. I wonder if they could be Brienne and Poderick. Perhaps they get captured on their way back North? Littlefinger and Robin Arryn? Or maybe it's some of Ramsay's own men that fuck up somehow?


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'Battle of the Bastards': "Terms of surrender are rejected and accepted."

Hmmm I wonder if episode 9 won't be exclusively the battle for Winterfell and if the terms of surrender that are accepted refer to Mereen. Maybe once the slavers have to choose between surrendering or being fried by dragons they'll surrender and forfeit what's left of their ships.


Grumpy Old Man
Jul 10, 2014
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Hmmm I wonder if episode 9 won't be exclusively the battle for Winterfell and if the terms of surrender that are accepted refer to Mereen. Maybe once the slavers have to choose between surrendering or being fried by dragons they'll surrender and forfeit what's left of their ships.

Hope you are right. GoT loves misdirection.


Militant Pacifist
Apr 21, 2010
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I agree with the criticism of the Arya storyline. If getting stabbed had been part of an intentional trap that Arya laid, ending with her appearing injured and luring the waif into a blind battle, fan-f'ing-tastic. But the way it played out, it makes Arya just look stupid (for not anticipating an attack and just walking the streets in plain view) and lucky (that the Waif didn't find her sooner, and that she was able to run away while injured). Also makes the writers look cheap, because her healing on such short notice is simply unbelievable.

A rare instance of real poor writing by the team.

Bloody Brian Burke

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Jon's definitely going to need some reinforcements to win and I'm sure they'll arrive just in time. Littlefinger and the knights of the Vale seem like the obvious choice. But what if Jamie sends some troops north to help out Brienne? Either his own and/or the Tully men that surrendered. Pretty sure the alliance between the Lannisters and Boltons has been over for a while and I doubt Jamie cares too much as to who holds Winterfell. Sending his own men seems extremely unlikely though, but perhaps part of the deal he made with Edmure was that his men would go North.
Cersei still thinks Sansa killed her son. As long as that endures, Jamie would be betraying the love of his life by helping Sansa take Winterfell. Never happening.

There is the question of the Tully men though, but I think they're more likely to just get gobbled into the Lannister army and head for King's Landing to take on the dirty zealots.